University of Gothenburg


Here you will find our publications in English. Some are the result of our own initiatives, others are produced in cooperation with or at the request of other actors. For a full list of publications please go to our Swedish site.

Rethinking Institutional Responses to Gender-Based Violence in Academia as Forms of Care in the Nordic Context
(link to publication)

Authors: Angelica Simonsson, Nicole Ovesen, Finnborg Salome Steinþórsdóttir, Liisa Husu (2024)
Publisher: Open Gender Journal


Re-imagining Sexual Harassment – Perspectives from the Nordic Region
(Open Access on Bristol University Press digital)

Authors: Sumaya Jirde Ali, Silas Aliki, Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir, Elin Bjarnegård, Dolores Calvo, Paulina de los Reyes, Åsa Eldén, Anne Hellum, Anne Laure Humbert, Mads Ananda Lodahl, Silje Lundgren, Maja Lundqvist, Heta Mulari, Angelica Simonsson, Lea Skewes, Sigbjørn Skåden, Sofia Strid and Kajsa Widegren (2023)

Editors: Maja Lundqvist, Angelica Simonsson och Kajsa Widegren.

The book is available in bookstores and via the publisher Policy Press, an imprint of Bristol University Press, and OpenAcess.

Deliverable 3.2 Baseline document on current and future RFO preventive measures on GBV and SH (pdf)
Authors: Fredrik Bondestam, Maja Lundqvist, Susanna Young Håkansson
Publisher: GENDERACTIONplus
Pages: 42
Assessment framework to take stock, measure progresses, and identify strengths and weakness in organisational responses to gender-based violence along the 7Ps (pdf)
Authors: Sofia Strid, Fredrik Bondestam, Anne Laure Humbert, Charoula Tzanakou, Lut Mergaert
Publisher: UniSAFE
Pages: 40
“He went back into the closet”: Older LGBTI people´s interactions with health and social care in the Nordic countries (pdf)
Authors: Janne Bromseth, Anna Siverskog (2023)
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
Pages: 155
Accessible online version:
D2.1 Inclusive gender+ equality policy and practice in sport higher education institutions (pdf)
Authors: Karin Grahn, Suzanne Lundvall, Angelica Simonsson, Sofia Strid, Nathalie Wuiame (2023)
Publisher: SUPPORTER
Pages: 63
Young men's mental ill-health in the Nordics (pdf)
Young men's mental ill-health in the Nordics
Author: Eva Randell
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
Accessible online version:
Benchmarking report on GBV and SH targeting national authorities and RFOs (pdf)
Authors: Fredrik Bondestam, Maja Lundqvist, Susanna Young Håkansson (2023)
Publisher: GENDERACTIONplus
Pages: 209
Gender perspective on green jobs in the Nordic region (pdf)
Author: Jimmy Sand (2023)
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
Pages: 25
Accessible online version:
Ten years of cooperation through the Nordic Gender Equality Fund (pdf)
Author: NIKK (2023)
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
Pages: 35
Accessible online version:
Career paths and working conditions for gender studies PhD graduates and gender researchers (pdf)
Authors: Widegren, Kajsa and Young Håkansson, Susanna (2023)
Publisher: Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research
Pages: 67


"Gender, cognitive closeness and situated assessments in academic recruitment" 
(link to publication)
Access to the article is provided by Gothenburg university library digital services. 

Authors: Widegren, Kajsa and Young Håkansson, Susanna (2022)
Publisher: European Journal of Higher Education


"Moving beyond bureaucratic grey zones. Managing sexual harassment in Indian higher education"
(link to publication)
Access to the article is provided by Gothenburg university library digital services. 

Authors: Anamika Sinha and Fredrik Bondestam (2021)
Publisher: Higher Education 


“Some Things Stick" Secondary Traumatization Among Police Officers and Medical Personnel Meeting With Raped Women 
(link to GUP, Gothenburg University Library)

Authors: Lisa Rudolfsson and Enkela Sinani (2021)
Publisher: Traumatology, Advanced online publication, 1-10

Hate crimes targeting LGBTI people in the Nordic countries: A survey of strategies, methods and initiatives (pdf)
Authors: NIKK (2021)
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
Pages: 51
Accessible version of the report:
Gender and Sustainability: An International Research Review (pdf)
Authors: Widegren, Kajsa and Sand, Jimmy (2021)
Pages: 40
A Sustainability Approach To Horizon Europe Cluster 1: Health (pdf)
Author: Young Håkansson, Susanna (2021)
Pages: 7
A sustainability approach to Horizon Europe Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society (pdf)
Author: Young Håkansson, Susanna (2021)
Pages: 7
A Sustainability Approach To Horizon Europe Cluster 3: Civil Security For Society (pdf)
Author: Young Håkansson, Susanna (2021)
Pages: 7
A Sustainability Approach To Horizon Europe Cluster 4 AND 5: Digital, Industry And Space And Cluster 5: Climate, Energy And Mobility (pdf)
Author: Young Håkansson, Susanna (2021)
Pages: 6
A Sustainability Approach to Horizon Europe Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture And Environment (pdf)
Author: Young Håkansson, Susanna (2021)
Pages: 7
‘The right man in the right place’ – the consequences of gender-coding of place and occupation in collaboration processes (pdf)
Authors: Grip, Lena and Jansson, Ulrika (2021)
Publisher: European Journal of Women’s Studies
Pages: 16
Report on policy development in research and innovation (Policy Benchmark) (pdf)
Authors: Sand, Jimmy (2021)
Pages: 5
Health, well-being and life conditions of young LGBTI persons in the Nordic countries (pdf)
Authors: Siverskog, Anna and Måwe, Ida (2021)
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
Pages: 78
Accessible online version:
"At Least I Tried”: Swedish Police Officers’ Experiences of Meeting with Women Who Were Raped (pdf)
Author: Rudolfsson, Lisa (2021)
Publisher: Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology
Pages: 12
The Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation: Results from a global survey on research funding organisations (pdf)
Authors: Young Håkansson, Susanna and Sand, Jimmy (2021)
Publisher: Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, Gothenburg University
Pages: 59
Sexual and gender harassment in Swedish workplaces: A prospective cohort study on implications for long-term sickness absence (pdf)
Authors: Blindow, Katarina, Bondestam, Fredrik, Johansson, Gun, Bodin, Theo, Westerlund, Hugo and Nyberg, Anna (2021)
Publisher: Scandinavian Journal of Work, environment & Health
Pages: 9
Gender equality effects of Covid-19 (pdf)
Author: Young Håkansson, Susanna (2021)
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
Pages: 23