Child and Youth Studies
Child and Youth Studies is a third-cycle subject dealing with the living conditions, learning, development and socialisation of children and youth from a multidisciplinary perspective. Research areas concern the everyday life, and formal and informal learning environments of children and youth, and the research focuses on issues in the borderland between education, play, leisure and family life.
Entry requirements
The requirements for admission to third-cycle courses and study programmes are that the applicant meets the general and specific entry requirements and is considered in other respects to have the ability required to benefit from the course or study programme.
General entry requirements
A person meets the general entry requirements if he or she has been awarded a second-cycle qualification, or has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle.
Specific entry requirements
One of the following alternatives is required for specific entry requirements:
A) Second-cycle teaching qualification, or alternatively teaching qualification and independent project (degree project) comprising at least 15 higher education credits awarded in the second-cycle.
B) Course requirements of at least 90 higher education credits in a social, educational or behavioural science field of study, with relevance to child and youth studies, are required for the specific entry requirements, of which at least 30 higher education credits awarded in the second-cycle, including an independent project (degree project) comprising at least 15 higher education credits.
Eligible applicants include those who have acquired substantively equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
General syllabus
The general syllabus regulates third-cycle studies in the subject in question. The following sections are included in the syllabus:
- Title of qualification and teaching and research duties
- Aims of the study programme
- Entry requirements
- Admission, selection and assessment criteria
- Programme disposition and content
- Supervision
- Individual study plan
- Transitional provisions