Traditionally the research pursued at the Department has contained elements of critical theory and social criticism. In the last few years the social role of archaeology has become more important, in relation to both the historical perspective and cultural heritage management. Gender research also has an important role at the Department.
Collaboration with museums in the west of Sweden (especially the City Museum of Gothenburg and the county museums in Halmstad, Uddevalla, Vänersborg, and Skara) and with the Mölndal office of the Central Board of National Antiquities is of special importance. An annual symposium, where papers are presented about the activities of the previous year, is hosted by the Department for all the archaeologists in the region and has become a permanent fixture in January.
In the past few years we have collaborated with other departments in the development of several major research projects regionally, nationally, and internationally. Thanks to external financing of projects we have an active research team including many externally financed research positions. The AREA project (The Archives of European Archaeology), partly financed by the EU, is one example of our participation in strategic international research.