University of Gothenburg
Old-fashioned typewriter on a dark wood table.
Photo: Patrick Fore, Unsplash

Scientific journals

Researchers at the School of Global Studies are on the editorial teams of several scientific journals.

Security Dialogue

Maria Stern, professor in peace and development research, is editor for the journal Security Dialogue. The journal provides an outlet for new approaches and methodologies from disciplines such as international studies, gender studies, political sociology, political economy, geography, cultural studies, political theory, anthropology, development studies, postcolonial studies, and peace and conflict studies.

Critical Studies on Security

Swati Parashar, associate professor in peace and development research, is associate editor for the journal Critical Studies on Security. The journal publishes research into the practice and politics of security, discussing critical security studies, security politics and environmental security.

Nordic Journal of Human Rights

Johan Karlsson Schaffer, associate professor in political science, is editor of the journal Nordic Journal of Human Rights. The journal publishes international and cross-disciplinary academic critique and analysis in the field of human rights, with a focus on Nordic countries.

Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 

Florian Kühn, associate professor in international relations, is editor of Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. The journal publishes critical analysis of international intervention, focusing on interactions and practices that shape, influence and transform states and societies.

kritisk etnografi

Jörgen Hellman, professor in social anthropology, is editor-in-chief of kritisk etnografi - Swedish Journal of Anthropology.  The journal aims to promote critical ethnographic voices and perspectives on the contemporary global situation.

Frontiers in Political Science (Specialty Section on Peace and Democracy)

Kilian Spandler, researcher in international relations, is associate editor of Frontiers in Political Science (Specialty Section on Peace and Democracy). The journal focuses on enriching research on peace and democracy as well as the conditions and factors that enable or hinder advancements towards peaceful democratic societies and polities around the world.