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- Hans Ekbrand
Hans Ekbrand
Senior Lecturer
Department of Sociology and Work ScienceAbout Hans Ekbrand
Presentation HANS EKBRAND: Since defending my doctoral thesis Separations and men's violence against women in 2006, I have divided my time into research, teaching and the development of administrative systems for internal use, with my main focus on research.
Specialist Fields My main research interest is various aspects of violence and experiences of violence. Families as sites where care, support and violence are exchanged in complex relations are also recurrent themes in my research.
I have studied criminal behaviour in terms of property crimes, i.e. burglary and arson, from the perspective of repeat victimisation as well as from the perspective of finding determinant factors for offenders. Quantitative methods predominate, but I have also conducted a number of qualitative studies.
Current research What explains the behaviour of young arsonists in setting fires? This is one of the problems for which I have principal responsibility in a research project including several researchers that combines qualitative and quantitative data from several types of sources. This ongoing project is headed by Professor Sven-Åke Lindgren. In my most recently completed research project I used Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory to explore the field of publicly financed activities targeted at young people's leisure (2009).
Teaching and tutoring I teach social psychology and, occasionally, statistical analysis. As a tutor, I am chiefly engaged in subjects such as men's violence against women and other gender issues.
Miscellaneous Academic assignments: second opponent for Kjersti Alsaker’s doctoral thesis, Quality of life among women who have experienced intimate partner violence. A one year follow-up study among women at Norwegian women’s shelters, University of Bergen, Norway (2008).
Other assignments: reported on the selection of students for higher education in arts subjects (2006). Reported on the possibilities for gender research to reanalyse existing datasets/register data (2008). Development of administrative systems for internal use (ongoing, department of Sociology and department of Business Administration)
Networking: I am currently a member of a new, interdisciplinary network of researchers at GU within the field of violence. I was previously one the initiators of a similar network within the social sciences at GU. Selected publications
The field of publicly financed activities targeted at young people's leisure, report 2009:2 in fritidsledarskolornas rapportserie.
”Financial and Practical Kin Support in Sweden: Normative Guidelines and Practice” (2008) Journal of Comparative Family Studies, nr 39. (Tillsammans med Ulla Björnberg)
Separations and men's violence against women (2006) doctoral thesis
”An introduction to correspondence analysis” (2006) in Vardagslivets korrespondenser: Om arbete, boende och konsten att veta. En bok tillägnad Tiiu Soidre, Research report no. 138, Department of sociology, University of Gothenburg.
Work environment trajectories and consequences for trends for sickness absence and occupational
Lotta Dellve, Linda Corin, Hans Ekbrand, Gunnel Hensing
Scrutinising Polarisation: Patterns and Consequences of Occupational Transformation in the Swedish Labour Market - 2024 -
TYSTNAD OM PROBLEM PÅ ARBETSPLATSEN. I: Tystnadskultur?. Red: Dellve &
Lotta Dellve, Kristina Hermansson, Hans Ekbrand, Erica Nordlander
Förvaltningshögskolans rapporter, nr 167 - 2024 -
How Do Employees Feel About Their Meetings? Tentative results from a representative survey on virtual, hybrid and in-person meetings in
Christoph Haug, Hans Ekbrand
FALF conference "Sustainable HRM and Working-life Practices", 17-19 June 2024 in Gothenburg - 2024 -
Predictors of Employee Satisfaction with Meetings at Swedish Workplaces: Preliminary Findings from a Representative
Christoph Haug, Hans Ekbrand
Sociologidagarna 2024, 13-15 March 2024 in Gothenburg - 2024 -
Kvinnors trygghet 2021 (Version 1) [Data
Hans Ekbrand, Sofia Strid, Jenny Westerstrand
Svensk nationell datatjänst (SND) - 2024 -
Men's economic abuse towards women in Sweden: Findings from a national
Linnéa Bruno, Sofia Strid, Hans Ekbrand
Violence against Women - 2024 -
Del 2. Tystnad om problem på
Lotta Dellve, Kristina Hermansson, Erica Nordlander, Hans Ekbrand, C Hellström
Tystnadskultur? Två studier av Göteborgs stads organisation. Rapport 167. ISSN 1401-7199 - 2024 -
Mäns våld mot kvinnor i det jämställda Sverige: Resultat från en
Sofia Strid, Hans Ekbrand, Jenny Westerstrand, Astrid Carsbring
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning - 2023 -
Is Democracy Associated with Reduction of Poverty, Child Mortality and Child Deprivation in Low-income
Björn Halleröd, Hans Ekbrand
Child Indicators Research - 2023 -
Local Conditions for Anti-immigrant Violence: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of Asylum Housing Attacks in
Anton Törnberg, Mattias Wahlström, M. Lundstedt, Hans Ekbrand
Terrorism and Political Violence - 2023 -
Dynamics of violent and dehumanizing rhetoric in far-right social
Mattias Wahlström, Anton Törnberg, Hans Ekbrand
New Media & Society - 2021 -
#Metoo. En kamp för socialt erkännande och
Emma Engdahl, Maria Nyman, Hans Ekbrand
Sociologisk forskning - 2021 -
Sex differences in dementia: On the potentially mediating effects of educational attainment and experiences of psychological
Caroline Hasselgren, Hans Ekbrand, Björn Halleröd, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Anna Zettergren, Lena Johansson, Ingmar Skoog, Lotta Dellve
Scientific program, NKG 25 Nordic Gerontology Congress - 2021 -
Sex differences in dementia: on the potentially mediating effects of educational attainment and experiences of psychological
Caroline Hasselgren, Hans Ekbrand, Björn Halleröd, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Anna Zettergren, Lena Johansson, Ingmar Skoog, Lotta Dellve
BMC Psychiatry - 2020 -
Fall-related injuries for three ages groups – Analysis of Swedish registry data
Hans Ekbrand, Robert Ekman, Charlotta Thodelius, Michael Möller
Journal of Safety Research - 2020 -
Promotion of racist and anti-immigrant violence on social
Mattias Wahlström, Anton Törnberg, Hans Ekbrand
Research on Racism and Discrimination: Where Are We and Where Are We Heading? A Digital Conference Organized by the Swedish Research Council 15 October 2020 - 2020 -
Local conditions and national context for anti-immigrant arson attacks: the case of Sweden in the
Anton Törnberg, Mattias Wahlström, Hans Ekbrand, Måns Lundstedt
ECPR - 2020 -
How experience affects assessment – a longitudinal study of assessment of university students’
Maria Jansson, Jan Carle, Andreas Gunnarsson, Hans Ekbrand
Studies in Higher Education - 2019 -
The influence of maternal agency on severe child undernutrition in conflict-ridden Nigeria: Modeling heterogeneous treatment effects with machine
Nadine Kraamwinkel, Hans Ekbrand, Stefania Davia, Adel Daoud
PLoS ONE - 2019 -
APOE ε4 and the long arm of social inequity: estimated effects of socio-economic status and sex on the timing of dementia
Caroline Hasselgren, Hans Ekbrand, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Anna Zettergren, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Björn Halleröd
Ageing & Society - 2019 -
Dynamics of violent and dehumanizing rhetoric in radical right social
Mattias Wahlström, Anton Törnberg, Hans Ekbrand
14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Manchester, United Kingdom, 20 – 23 August 2019 - 2019 -
Skador och riskgrupper i hem- och boendemiljöer: populärvetenskaplig
Jörgen Lundälv, Inga Malmqvist, Charlotta Thodelius, Hans Ekbrand, Björn Andersson, Robert Ekman
2019 -
Gender and Socioeconomic Differences in Dementia: On the Potentially Mediating Effect of General Psychological
Caroline Hasselgren, Hans Ekbrand, Björn Halleröd, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Ingmar Skoog, Lotta Dellve
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress (IAGG-ER) 2019 - 2019 -
Socioeconomic status, gender and dementia: The influence of work environment exposures and their interactions with APOE
Caroline Hasselgren, Lotta Dellve, Hans Ekbrand, Anna Zettergren, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Björn Halleröd
SSM - population health - 2018 -
Job environment exposures and dementia risk in late life – do they moderate the effect of APOE
Caroline Hasselgren, Lotta Dellve, Hans Ekbrand, Anna Zettergren, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Björn Halleröd
24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology. Oslo, Norway: 2-4 May 2018 - 2018 -
Socioeconomic status, gender and dementia: The influence of work environment exposures and their interactions with genetic risk factor APOE
Caroline Hasselgren, Lotta Dellve, Hans Ekbrand, Anna Zettergren, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Björn Halleröd
BSA 50th Anniversary Medical Sociology Annual Conference. Glasgow Caledonian University, 12-14 September 2018. - 2018 -
“A beating is the only language they understand”: Dynamics of violent rhetoric in radical right social
Mattias Wahlström, Anton Törnberg, Hans Ekbrand
C-REX Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism, 29-30 November, Oslo - 2018 -
The more gender equity, the less child poverty? A multilevel analysis of malnutrition and health deprivation in 49 low- and middle-income
Hans Ekbrand, Björn Halleröd
World Development - 2018 -
Injury events sustained in residential environments: age and physical disability as explanatory factors for differences in injury patterns in
Charlotta Thodelius, Robert Ekman, Jörgen Lundälv, Hans Ekbrand
Housing and Society - 2017 -
Flashback för
Sara Uhnoo, Hans Ekbrand
Mallén, A. (red), Kriminologiska metoder och internet - 2017 -
Inter-state differences in caste-specific risks for child deprivation in
Hans Ekbrand, S. Nandy
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice - 2017 -
Injury events in residential areas - risk groups and etiological factors for falling, cutting and
Hans Ekbrand, Robert Ekman, Charlotta Thodelius, Jörgen Lundälv, Björn Andersson, Inga Malmqvist
Injury Prevention - Safety 2016 World Conference 18-21 September 2016 in Tampere, Finland. - 2016 -
Genes and the long arm of social inequality: Effects of
socioeconomic status and sex on the timing of dementia
Caroline Hasselgren, Hans Ekbrand, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Anna Zettergren, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Björn Halleröd
18TH EPA SECTION MEETING IN EPIDEMIOLOGY & SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY: Social Psychiatry and Epidemiology in a changing world - 2016 -
The rise and fall of injury prevention programs in
Hans Ekbrand, Robert Ekman, Charlotta Thodelius, Jörgen Lundälv, Björn Andersson, Inga Malmqvist
Oral presentation at the 2ned Nordic Meeting, Society for Risk Analysis Europe, in Gothenburg 14-15 november, 2016. - 2016 -
In-work poverty and labour market trajectories: Poverty risks among the working population in 22 European
Björn Halleröd, Hans Ekbrand, Mattias Bengtsson
Journal of European Social Policy - 2015 -
Juvenile firesetting in
Hans Ekbrand, Sara Uhnoo
Journal of Youth Studies - 2015 -
Juvenile school firesetting in Sweden: causes and
Sara Uhnoo, Sofia Persson, Hans Ekbrand, Sven-Åke Lindgren
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention - 2015 -
Injury events in residential environment for individuals with disabilities, multiple disabilities and longterm illness in the County of Värmland, Sweden – a 2year
Jörgen Lundälv, Charlotta Thodelius, Hans Ekbrand, Björn Andersson, Robert Ekman, Inga Malmqvist
Paper presentation and Oral presentation at the Nordic Network on Disability Research, NNDR 13th Research Conference, Bergen, Norway, May 6-8 2015 - 2015 -
Riskgruppsanalys och fallstudier av olika skadehändelser i hem- och
Inga Malmqvist, Jörgen Lundälv, Charlotta Thodelius, Hans Ekbrand, Björn Andersson, Robert Ekman
Föredrag vid årsmöte i Föreningen Handikappforskning Väst (HafV) den 25 februari 2015, Psykologiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet. - 2015 -
Riskgrupper och skadehändelser i hem- och boendemiljöer - utsatthet och
Inga Malmqvist, Jörgen Lundälv, Björn Andersson, Robert Ekman, Hans Ekbrand
URBSEC-konferens 2014 - Urban Safety and Societal Security Research Center. 4 juni 2014, Göteborg - 2014 -
In-Work Poverty and Labour Market Trajectories: Poverty Risks among the Working Population in 22 European
Björn Halleröd, Hans Ekbrand
Swedish ESPAnet Annual Meeting, Stockholm 17-18 November 2014 - 2014 -
Religion and intra-household education gender gap: Are some religions worse than
Björn Halleröd, Hans Ekbrand
MACHEquity Annula Meeting, Bangalore, September 10-12 2014 - 2014 -
The more gender equality, the less child poverty? A Multilevel analysis of 49 low- and middle income
Björn Halleröd, Hans Ekbrand
MACHEquity Annula Meeting, Bangalore, September 10-12 2014 - 2014 -
Barn/ungdomar som anlägger brand – orsaker och
Sven-Åke Lindgren, Micael Björk, Hans Ekbrand, Sofia Persson, Sara Uhnoo
2013 -
Utvärdering av kommuners arbete mot anlagda
Sofia Persson, Sara Uhnoo, Hans Ekbrand, Thodelius Charlotta, Sven-Åke Lindgren
2013 -
Negotiating gender equality, atypical work hours and caring responsibilities. The case of
Sofia Björk, Ulla Björnberg, Hans Ekbrand
Work and Care under Pressure. Care Arrangements across Europe - 2013 -
Organiseringen av offentligt finansierade verksamheter riktade mot ungdomars fria
Hans Ekbrand
2009 -
Caring time, working time and time for oneself: How men and women working atypical hours and caring for elderly relatives negotiate their time and
Sofia Engström, Hans Ekbrand
Nya perspektiv på Kön och arbete, Stockholm 20 mars 2009 - 2009 -
Definitional processes and negotiations in family elderly
Sofia Engström, Hans Ekbrand
European Sociological Association Conferance, Lisbon, 090902-05 - 2009 -
Intergenerational soidarity and social structures. Class, Ethnicity and Social
Ulla Björnberg, Hans Ekbrand
Families, ageing and Social Policy: Generational Solidarity in European Welfare States - 2008 -
Configuration of family committments. Patterns of support within
Ulla Björnberg, Hans Ekbrand
Beyond the Nuclear *Family: Families in a Configurational perspectrive - 2008 -
Intergenerational solidarity and social structures in Sweden: class, ethnicity and gender in public and private support
Ulla Björnberg, Hans Ekbrand
Families, Ageing and Social Policy - 2008 -
Configuration of Family Commitments: Patterns of Support Within
Ulla Björnberg, Hans Ekbrand
Beyond the Nuclear Family: Families in a Configurational Perspective - 2008 -
Financial and Practical Kin Support in Sweden: Normative Guidelines and
Ulla Björnberg, Hans Ekbrand
Journal of Comparative Family Studies - 2008 -
Separationer och mäns våld mot
Hans Ekbrand
2006 -
En introduktion till
Hans Ekbrand
Vardagslivets korrespondenser, Tomas Berglund & Hilda Lennartsson (red) Utgiven i Forskningsrapportserien Sociologiska institutionen nr 138 - 2006 -
Inte en gång till. Utvärdering av brottsförebyggande arbete med inriktning mot upprepad
Hans Ekbrand
2005 -
Subjektivitet och mäns våld mot kvinnor: en läsning av Eva Lundgren och Henrietta
Hans Ekbrand
Nätverket - 2005 -
Mäns våld mot kvinnor i samband med
Hans Ekbrand
Kön och våld i Norden, Rapport från en konferens i Køge, Danmark 23-24 november 2001 - 2002 -
En kunskapens
Hans Ekbrand
Kritisk Utbildningstidskrift (KRUT) - 2001 -
Vändningar i betygsdebatten - En bakgrund till dagens
Hans Ekbrand
Kritisk Utbildningstidskrift (KRUT) - 1999