
Caroline Hasselgren Bune

Senior Lecturer

Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Caroline Hasselgren Bune

Background Since January 2020, Caroline works as a researcher and senior lecturer at the Dep. of sociology and work science and the interdisciplinary research center AgeCap - Centre for Aging & Health ( She is also the co-founder of the newly established network SAIN – SWEAH Alumni Interdisciplinary Network, which seeks to create a base for long-term and outstanding research on aging by facilitating interdisciplinary collaborations between junior researchers in the field. She defended her doctoral thesis, “Inequity in Mind. On the Social and Genetic Risk Factors of Dementia and Their Interactions” in the fall of 2019. In brief, the thesis sought to further explain the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias by studying the long-term impact of class- and gender-based inequities as well as the extent to which they potentially moderate genetic risk. Caroline also has a MA in sociology (2014) and a BA in human resource management and labour relations (2012).

Research interests • Living conditions and health in old age • Welfare and eldercare • Medical sociology • Social stratification and health inequity • Quantitative methods

Ongoing research projects

A matter of transition? Working life trajectories and retirement behavior in post-socialist contexts across Central and Eastern Europe (The Foundation for Baltic and Eastern European Studies, 2023-2025, PI)

Strategies for Improved Work Longevity from an Employer and Employee Perspective (FORTE, 2022-2027, project member)

Patterns of stress across the life course and their role in mental health and loneliness in older adults (FORTE, 2023-2026, project member)

Teaching Caroline mainly teaches courses that deal with research methodology and more specifically quantitative methodology/statistics.