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- Robin Andersson Malmros
Robin Andersson Malmros
Vice Director
SegerstedtinstitutetAbout Robin Andersson Malmros
Ph.D. in Public Administration, Deputy Director of the Segerstedt Institute & University Lecturer at the Academy of Police Work, University of Borås
Research Interests:
- Prevention of terrorism, violent extremism, and radicalization
- Antisemitism and prevention of antisemitism
- Organization, management, and neoinstitutional theory
- Collaboration as a phenomenon and process
Ongoing Research Projects:
- Policing radicalization. Principal Investigator. Funded by Forte. SEK 2.7 million, 2024-2026. In Sweden, there is a lack of research on how police employees understand radicalization as a phenomenon and how they work with the assessment and handling of potentially radicalized individuals. Against this background, this study will explore the following questions: How do police employees describe radicalization as a phenomenon and what knowledge sources do their understanding rely on? What processes, tools, and methods are used in connection with assessment work and handling of suspected radicalized individuals, and how do police employees perceive their suitability and effectiveness?
- Pedagogical Experiences of and Strategies for Handling Antisemitism in Schools. Funded by the Swedish Research Council. SEK 6 million, 2024-2027. The project investigates how school staff (administration, student health, teachers) and students talk about and express their understanding and experiences of antisemitism. The purpose is also to contribute knowledge to develop pedagogical strategies aimed at handling and countering antisemitism and promoting trustful relationships between students and the surrounding society by studying how school staff and students talk about and express experiences of how antisemitism is addressed.
Previous Research Projects:
- Antisemitism in Sweden after October 7. Project Leader. Funded by the Ministry of Education, Segerstedt Institute, and the Swedish Research Council. SEK 2 million, 2024. This study constituted the first empirical research study on how antisemitism has been experienced by and affected Jews in Sweden and manifested in traditional media, social media, and other societal arenas since Hamas's terror attack on October 7, 2023, and the subsequent war in Gaza.
- Nordic Multiagency Approaches to Handling Extremism: Policies, Perceptions, and Practices. Funded by Nordforsk. SEK 10 million, 2018-2021. The project is led by Tore Bjørgo, Oslo University. The project studies collaborative work in combating violent extremism in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.
- Pan-Nordic and Transnational Dimensions of Nordic Right-Wing Extremism. Project Leader. Funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. SEK 1.5 million, 2019-2022. The project highlights historical and contemporary research on the transnational organization of violent right-wing extremism.
- Mapping Municipal Action Plans to Counter Violent Extremism. Funded by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. SEK 150,000, 2016-2017. The study analyzes 127 municipal action plans against violent extremism.
The Segerstedt Institute
I work as the Deputy Director at the Segerstedt Institute - a national resource center aimed at disseminating knowledge and methods to prevent joining violent environments and organizations (www.segerstedtinstitutet.gu.se). In addition to research, I support the director in organizing the institute's activities.
University Lecturer at the Academy of Police Work, University of Borås
I teach and examine students in criminology, international police work, and scientific studies. I also lead the course "Radicalization and Society's Countermeasures" (7.5 credits). The course is commissioned by the Swedish Police Authority, and the students are police and security police employees working with terrorism, extremism, or radicalization.
Antisemitism i Sverige efter den 7 oktober: Upplevelser och
Antisemitism in Sweden after October 7: Experiences and
Antisemitism and Civic Orientation for Newcomers: Perceptions, Experiences and
Robin Andersson Malmros, Christer Mattsson, Roger Säljö
Antisemitism in Sweden after October 7: Experiences and Consequences - 2024 -
What has law got to do with it? Information sharing in the Nordic
Robin Andersson Malmros
Violent Extremism: A Nordic Outlook - 2024 -
"Being a Risk" or "Being at Risk": Factors Shaping Negotiation of Concerns of Radicalization within Multiagency Collaboration in the Nordic
T. W. Christ, L. Lindekilde, Jennie Sivenbring, T. Bjorgo, I. M. Gjelsvik, R. Solhjell, H. Haugstvedt, Robin Andersson Malmros, M. Kangasniem, H. Kallio
Democracy & Security - 2024 -
Multi-agency approaches to countering
Robin Andersson Malmros, Jennie Sivenbring
The Routledge Handbook on Radicalisation and Countering Radicalisation - 2023 -
Local rationalizations of radicalization: an analysis of Danish and Swedish municipal
Robin Andersson, Jennie Sivenbring
Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Barbara Gruber (eds.), Vulnerability: Governing the social through security politics - 2023 -
The good, the bad, and the ugly – Involving civil society organizations in Nordic policy for preventing
Jennie Sivenbring, Robin Andersson
Journal of Civil Society - 2023 -
Trust in interagency collaboration: The role of institutional logics and hybrid
Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup, Lasse Lindekilde, Anna Maria Fjellman, Tore Bjorgo, Randi Solhjell, Håvard Haugstvedt, Jennie Sivenbring, Robin Andersson, Mari Kangasniemi, Tanja Moilanen, Ingvild Magnæs, Tina Wilchen Christensen, Christer Mattsson
Journal of Professions and Organization - 2023 -
Public Perceptions of CVE Policies and Attitudes Towards Reporting Concerns of Radicalization in the Nordic
Christian Noer, Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup, Lasse Lindekilde, Anna Maria Fjellman, Tore Bjorgo, Randi Solhjell, Håvard Haugstedt, Yngve Carlsson , Jennie Sivenbring, Robin Andersson, Mari Kangasniemi, Tanja Moilanen, Hanna Kallio, ingvild Magnes, Tina Wilchen Christensen, Christer Mattsson
2023 -
Municipal Policy Responses to Violent Extremism: An Institutional Theory
Robin Andersson Malmros
Nordic Journal of Social Research - 2023 -
Nordic Approaches to Multiagency Collaboration against Violent Extremism: Policies, Perceptions and Practices. Findings from the HEX-NA
Robin Andersson Malmros, Tore Björgo
Stockholm Criminology Symposium - 2023 -
"When neo-Nazis march on Norwegian streets, you hear a lot of Swedish": Pan-Nordic and transnational dimensions of right-wing
Robin Andersson, Christer Mattsson, Jennie Sivenbring, Tommi Kotonen, Hélene Lööw, Claus Bundgård Christensen, Terje Emberland, Nicola Karcher, Leena Malkki, Anders Ravik Jupskås, Venla Ritola, Daniel Sallamaa, Oula Silvennoinen
2023 -
Translating Grand Challenges into Municipal Organizing – Prevention of Terrorism, Extremism, and Radicalization in
Robin Andersson
2022 -
Prevention of terrorism, extremism and radicalisation in Sweden: a sociological institutional perspective on development and
Robin Andersson
European Security - 2022 -
Trust across institutional logics? Perceptions of countering violent extremism and interagency collaboration among social workers, teachers and police in the Nordic
Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup, Lasse Lindekilde, Anna Maria Fjellman, Tore Bjørgo, Randi Solhjell, Håvard Haugstvedt, Jennie Sivenbring, Robin Andersson, Mari Kangasniemi, Tanja Moilanen, Ingvild Magnæs, Tina Wilchen Christensen, Christer Mattsson
Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism 2022, 19-21 sep, in Gothenburg, Sweden. - 2022 -
Translating Ideas into Actions: Analyzing Local Strategic Work to Counter Violent
Robin Andersson
Democracy and Security - 2021 -
Collaboration in Hybrid Spaces: The Case of Nordic Efforts to Counter Violent
Jennie Sivenbring, Robin Andersson
Journal for Deradicalization - 2021 -
Comments on "Comparative analysis of P/CVE policies and
Robin Andersson
PARTICIPATION Workshop - Where is the research on extremism and radicalisation going? - 2021 -
Mixing Logics: Multiagency Approaches for Countering Violent
Robin Andersson, Jennie Sivenbring
European Workshop in International Studies - 2021 -
From Idea to Policy: Scandinavian Municipalities Translating
Robin Andersson
Journal for Deradicalization - 2019 -
Mixing Logics. Multiagency Approaches for Countering Violent
Managing Grand Challenges: The Case of Scandinavian Municipalities Preventing Radicalization to
Robin Andersson
New Internationalism Workshop at Uppsala University - 2019 -
IS-barnen är barn - inte
Robin Andersson, Thomas Johansson, Christer Matsson, Jennie Sivenbring
Göteborgs-Posten - 2019 -
Mixing Logics – Multiagency approaches for countering violent
Robin Andersson, Jennie Sivenbring
Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism 2019 Expanding the Field: New Inter-disciplinary Perspectives and Questions in Aarhus - 2019 -
From 9/11 To Dorotea: A Story Of How The War On Terror Ended Up In A Rural Municipality In The North Of
Robin Andersson
European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference 2019 in Manchester - 2019 -
Så kan barnen tas emot på bästa
Robin Andersson, Jennie Sivenbring
SVT Opinion - 2019 -
Organizing to Prevent: Scandinavian Municipalities' Managing the Grand Challenge of
Robin Andersson
Nordic conference on violent extremism: Theory and Practice, 29-30 November, Oslo - 2018 -
Materializing Radicalization: Scandinavian Municipalities' Translations of an Ambiguous
Robin Andersson
Nordic conference on violent extremism: Theory and Practice, 29-30 November, Oslo - 2018 -
Möjligheter och utmaningar: Segerstedtinstitutet om civilsamhällets roll i arbetet mot våldsbejakande
Robin Andersson
Alsander A. (red.) Tillsammans för tillit och demokrati : civilsamhällets handbok för arbete mot våldsbejakande extremism - 2017 -
Kommunernas arbete mot våldsbejakande
Robin Andersson, Christer Mattsson
Mänsklig Säkerhet - 2017 -
Märklig och otydlig kritik av vår
Robin Andersson, Christer Mattsson
Dagens Samhälle - 2017 -
Våldsbejakande extremism är inget
Robin Andersson, Christer Mattsson
Dagens Nyheter - 2017 -
Största utmaningen nu är konkret
Robin Andersson, Christer Mattsson
Dagens Samhälle - 2017 -
Från ord till handlingsplan: En rapport om kommunala handlingsplaner mot våldsbejakande
Samverkan i demokratins försvar - En studie av den offentliga sektorn, civilsamhället och arbetet mot våldsbejakande
Robin Andersson