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- Angelika Kullberg
Angelika Kullberg
Unit for Subject Matter Education with specialization in Mathematic EducationAbout Angelika Kullberg
Keywordsclassroom research, learning study, mathematics, learning, variation theory
Förskoleklasselevers användning av
Camilla Björklund, Jessica Elofsson, Angelika Kullberg, Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Ulla Runesson Kempe, Maria Alkhede
Forskning om undervisning och lärande - 2024 -
Improvements in learning addition and subtraction when using a structural approach in first
Angelika Kullberg, Camilla Björklund, Ulla Runesson, Irma Brkovic, Maria Nord, Tuula Maunula
Educational Studies in Mathematics - 2024 -
Different learning opportunities from teaching the same lesson plan about subtraction in first
Maria Nord, Angelika Kullberg
Implementing a 21st century competency-based curriculum through lesson study : teacher learning about cross-curricular and online pedagogy, Eds. Eric C.K. Cheng and Bruce Lander - 2024 -
What matters in teaching for students' learning opportunities of subtraction in the 1-20 number
Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Maria Nord, Angelika Kullberg
Planning and analyzing teaching. Using the variation theory of
Angelika Kullberg, Åke Ingerman, Ference Marton
2024 -
Prospective teachers’ learning from learning studies about early
Rimma Nyman, Pernilla Mårtensson, Angelika Kullberg
EARLI, SIG 9, Uppsala 2024 - 2024 -
Seeing number relations when solving a three-digit subtraction
Angelika Kullberg, Camilla Björklund, Ulla Runesson
Educational Studies in Mathematics - 2024 -
Mathematics education at preschool
Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Angelika Kullberg, Ineta Helmane, Xin Zhou
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, volume 1, pp 311-317 - 2024 -
Preschool class students’ discernment of number structure in a spatial
Camilla Björklund, Jessica Elofsson, Angelika Kullberg, Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Ulla Runesson Kempe, Maria Alkhede
In Häggström, J., Kilhamn, C., Mattsson, L., Palmér, H., Perez, M., Pettersson. K., Röj-Lindberg, A.-S. & Teledahl, A. (Eds.), Mediating mathematics. Proceedings of MADIF14 (pp. 85–96). - 2024 -
Bookreview: Doing research: a new researcher’s
Angelika Kullberg, Hanna Knutson
Research in Mathematics Education - 2024 -
Prospective teachers’ opportunities to develop PCK from participation in learning
Joakim Magnusson, Angelika Kullberg, Hanan Innabi, Lena Knutsson, von Otter Ann-Marie, Jan Landström
Educational Action Research - 2023 -
Critical aspects as a foundation for a teaching program for early arithmetic
Angelika Kullberg, Anna-Lena Ekdahl
Paper presented at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) biannual conference, Thessalonki, Greece, 22-19 August - 2023 -
Finger patterns as tool for learning the basic meaning of
Camilla Björklund, Angelika Kullberg
Special education in the early years : Perspectives on Policy and Practice in the Nordic Countries - 2022 -
Researching conditions of learning—Phenomenography and Variation
Angelika Kullberg, Åke Ingerman
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education - 2022 -
Teaching and learning addition and subtraction bridging through ten using a structural
Angelika Kullberg, Camilla Björklund, Maria Nord, Tuula Maunula, Ulla Runesson Kempe, Irma Brkovic
Fernández, C., Llinares, S., Gutiérrez, A., & Planas, N. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 83-90). Alicante, Spain: PME - 2022 -
Single unit counting - An impediment for arithmetic
Ulla Runesson, Camilla Björklund, Angelika Kullberg
Fernández, C., Llinares, S., Gutiérrez, A., & Planas, N. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 363-370). Alicante, Spain: PME - 2022 -
Preschoolers’ ways of experiencing
Camilla Björklund, Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Angelika Kullberg, Maria Reis
LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education - 2022 -
The use of variation theory in teacher conversations in a Subject Didactic Group in physical
Marlene Sjöberg, Angelika Kullberg
EARLI Sig 9, Stockholm 2022 - 2022 -
Kartläggning av matematikundervisning om tal i
Camilla Björklund, Jessica Elofsson, Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Angelika Kullberg, Maria Alkhede, Ulla Runesson Kempe
Rapport från projektet SATSA - 2022 -
What is to be learnt? Critical aspects of elementary arithmetic
Camilla Björklund, Ference Marton, Angelika Kullberg
Educational Studies in Mathematics - 2021 -
Learning study - undervisningsutvecklande
Angelika Kullberg
Vetenskapsteori och forskningsmetoder i utbildningsvetenskap - 2021 -
Teaching a structural approach as an outset for learning subtraction bridging through
Angelika Kullberg, Tuula Maunula, Ulla Runesson Kempe
Paper presented at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) conference, August 23-27 - 2021 -
Different opportunities to learn subtraction bridging through ten in grade
Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Maria Nord, Angelika Kullberg
Paper presented at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) conference, August 23-27 - 2021 -
Afforded and experienced
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson
Paper presented at the European association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG9 conference, February 10-11, online - 2021 -
On the relationship between Phenomenography and Variation theory, as exemplified by a study of young children's discernment of some critical aspects of the numbers
Ference Marton, Angelika Kullberg, Camilla Björklund
Keynote presented at the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG9 conference, February 10-11, online - 2021 -
Angelika Kullberg, Camilla Björklund, Reidar Mosvold
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk - Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education - 2021 -
Preschoolers’ different ways of structuring part-part-whole relations with finger patterns when solving an arithmetic
Angelika Kullberg, Camilla Björklund
ZDM - the International Journal on Mathematics Education - 2020 -
Research on Early Childhood Mathematics Teaching and
Camilla Björklund, Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Angelika Kullberg
ZDM - the International Journal on Mathematics Education - 2020 -
Teaching addition and subtraction as a part-whole relation in grade
Tuula Maunula, Angelika Kullberg
Paper presented at symposium at the World Association of Lesson Studies international (online) conference, 2 - 4 December 2020 - 2020 -
Understanding the relationship between length and area when changing the size of a two-dimensional geometric
Jenny Svantesson Wester, Angelika Kullberg
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk - Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education - 2020 -
Effects of learning addition and subtraction in preschool by making the first ten numbers and their relations visible with finger
Angelika Kullberg, Camilla Björklund, Irma Brkovic, Ulla Runesson Kempe
Educational Studies in Mathematics - 2020 -
Mechanisms enabling knowledge production in learning
Angelika Kullberg, Anna Vikström, Ulla Runesson
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies - 2019 -
Structuring versus counting: critical ways of using fingers in
Camilla Björklund, Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson Kempe
ZDM - Mathematics Education - 2019 -
Preschool children's understanding of numbers shown in a partitioning
Angelika Kullberg, Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Maria Reis, Camilla Björklund
Proceedings of the 43rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. M. Graven, H. Venkat, A. Essien & P. Vale (Eds.). (Vol. 4, p. 59) - 2019 -
Pre-service teachers’ learning of how to teach specific content in natural science/Mathematics after participating in a learning
Joakim Magnusson, Angelika Kullberg, Jan Landström, von Otter Ann-Marie, Lena Knutsson
Paper presented at the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) conference, September 2-4 - 2019 -
Effects of learning study in teacher education for prospective teachers in Mathematics and natural
Joakim Magnusson, Angelika Kullberg, Jan Landström, von Otter Ann-Marie, Lena Knutsson
Paper presented at the World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) conference, September 2-4 - 2019 -
Pre-service teachers’ learning of how to teach specific content in natural science/Mathematics after participating in a learning
Joakim Magnusson, Angelika Kullberg
Paper presented at the Biennal conference European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), August 12-16 - 2019 -
Learning study och variationsteori i
Joakim Magnusson, Lena Knutsson, Jan Landström, Ann-Marie Von Otter, Angelika Kullberg
Vetenskaplighet i högre utbildning. Erfarenheter från lärarutbildning. Franck, O. (red.) - 2019 -
Olika sätt att använda fingrarna i
Angelika Kullberg
Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten - 2019 -
Teaching finger patterns for arithmetic development to
Camilla Björklund, Maria Alkhede, Angelika Kullberg, Maria Reis, Ference Marton, Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Ulla Runesson
Proceedings of MADIF 11The eleventh research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Karlstad, January 23–24, 2018 - 2018 -
Systematic variation in examples in mathematics
Angelika Kullberg, Christina Skodras
Didactic classroom studies A potential research direction - 2018 -
Learning and teaching of arithmetic skills in early years - Research
Camilla Björklund, Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson Kempe, Maria Reis, Douglas Clements, Julie Sarama, Esther Levenson, Ruthi Barkai, Dina Tirosh, Pessia Tsamir, Michael Askew, Hamsa Venkat, Minna Hannula-Sormunen
In E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1)(pp. 125-155). Umeå, Sweden: PME. - 2018 -
Using fingers to discern the structure of part-whole relations of numbers in
Angelika Kullberg, Camilla Björklund, Irma Brkovic, Ulla Runesson
E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg & L. Sumpter (Eds.). Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 267-274) - 2018 -
Different learning possibilities in preschool mathematics from the same
Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Angelika Kullberg
Conference programme for the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, SIG 9 conference, Birmingham 16-18 sept. - 2018 -
Utveckling av barns lärande i matematik genom teoriimpregnerade aktiviteter i
Angelika Kullberg
Nationell konferens om den praktiknära skolforskningens teori och praktik, 24 maj, Stockholm - 2018 -
Critical ways of using fingers in arithmetic problem
Camilla Björklund, Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson Kempe, Hamsa Venkat
AERA annual meeting, 13-17 April, New York - 2018 -
A longitudinal lesson study approach to enhance 5-year-old children's learning of part-whole relationships of
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson
The World Association of Lesson Studies conference programme book, Nagoya, Japan, November24-26 - 2017 -
What is made possible to learn when using the variation theory of learning in teaching
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson, Ference Marton
ZDM - the International Journal on Mathematics Education - 2017 -
Utvärdering av undervisning - Vad gjordes möjligt att
Angelika Kullberg
Gästblogg Utbildningsradion, UR Lärlabbet student - 2017 -
Learning to know how many six are: a preschool intervention study about the relationship of
Camilla Björklund, Angelika Kullberg
Paper presented at 17th Biennial EARLI conference for research on learning and instruction, Tampere, Finland,27 aug-2 sept. - 2017 -
Learning to see numbers as parts and wholes in
Angelika Kullberg, Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Maria Reis
Paper presented at the 17th Biennial EALI conference for research on learning and instruction, Tampere, Finland, 27 aug-2 sept. - 2017 -
Fingrarnas betydelse för att urskilja de tio första talen som delar och helheter i
Angelika Kullberg
Program för nationell konferens i Pedagogiskt arbete - 2017 -
Learning to teach with variation. Experiences from Learning study in
Ulla Runesson, Angelika Kullberg
R. Huang & Y. Li. (Eds.).Teaching and learning mathematics through variation. Confucian heritage meets western theories - 2017 -
What is to be learned? Teachers’ collective inquiry into the object of
Angelika Kullberg, Pernilla Mårtensson, Ulla Runesson
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2016 -
Teaching one thing at a time or several things together? – Teachers changing their way of handling the object of learning by being engaged in a theory-based professional learning community in Mathematics and
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson, Ference Marton, Anna Vikström, Pernilla Nilsson, Pernilla Mårtensson, Johan Häggström
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice - 2016 -
Children's experience of part-part-whole relationships in
Anna-Lena Ekdahl, Angelika Kullberg, Maria Reis
EARLI special Interest Group 9, Phenomenography and variation theory biennal conference programme book - 2016 -
Variation within sets of
Angelika Kullberg
Paper presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME. Hamburg, 24-31 July - 2016 -
Vad lär sig lärare från lesson study och learning
Angelika Kullberg
Lesson study i en nordisk kontekst - 2016 -
Using variation theory in analysis of teaching and learning -
Angelika Kullberg
16th Biennial EARLI conference Programme book - 2015 -
Examples with variation – Teachers’ choice and use of mathematical
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson
16th Biennial EARLI conference Programme book - 2015 -
Teacher learning reflected in practice – a case study of six mathematics teachers’
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson
EARLI SIG 9 Phenomenograhy and variation theory biennial conference programme book - 2014 -
Different possibilities to learn from the same
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson, Pernilla Mårtensson
PNA - 2014 -
Möte med
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson
Matematikundervisning i praktiken. Nämnaren Tema 10 - 2014 -
Teachers' exploration and search for the external and internal horizon of the object of
Angelika Kullberg, Pernilla Mårtensson, Ulla Runesson
Responsible teaching and sustainable learning. 15th Biennal EARLI and JURE conference programme book - 2013 -
Using simultaneity, variation and invariance to handle the content: changes in teachers' teaching of the same topic in mathematics after participation in learning
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson
Lesson and learning study as teacher research. The World Association of Lesson studies international conference programme book - 2013 -
The same task? - different learning
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson, Pernilla Mårtensson
Task Design in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of ICMI Study 22. [Ed. Claire Margolinas] - 2013 -
Lesson and learning study as teacher research. The World Association of Lesson Studies International conference programme
Mona Holmqvist Olander, Cecilia Kullberg, Angelika Kullberg
2013 -
In what ways can lesson study in different cultural environments contribute to increase low-achieving students’ school
Mona Holmqvist Olander, Angelika Kullberg
European Association of Learning and Instruction, Invited Session, AERA, April 27 – May 1, 2013, San Francisco, USA. - 2013 -
Learning about the numerator and denominator in teacher-designed
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson
Mathematics Education Research Journal - 2013 -
Low-Achieving students' learning of the density of rational
Angelika Kullberg
American Educational Reserach Association Annual meeting, April 27- May 1, online proceedings - 2013 -
Can findings from learning studies be shared by
Angelika Kullberg
International Journal for Lesson and Learning studies - 2012 -
Exploring teachers' investigation of the object of learning: An analysis of a learning study about
Angelika Kullberg, Pernilla Mårtensson, Ulla Runesson
The World Association of Lesson studies international conference 2012 programme book - 2012 -
Exploring teachers' learning from three learning studies in
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson, Pernilla Mårtensson
The World Association of Lesson studies international conference Programme book - 2012 -
Learning study- en
Johan Häggström, Bergqvist Maria, Henrik Hansson, Angelika Kullberg, Joakim Magnusson
2012 -
Feedback opens and closes dimensions of
Angelika Kullberg
The EARLI SIG 9, Phenomenography and variation theory biennal conference proceedings, 27-28 August, Jönköping, Sweden - 2012 -
Students' open dimensions of
Angelika Kullberg
International Journal for Lesson and Learning studies - 2012 -
What is critical for pupils' learning of fractions and what does a critical feature
Angelika Kullberg
The World Association of Lesson studies international conference programme book, p. 155, Tokyo: WALS - 2011 -
Nycklar till elevernas
Angelika Kullberg
Jansson, B. (Red.). Utbildningsvetenskapens kärna - 2011 -
Vad lär eleverna och vad görs möjligt för dem att
Angelika Kullberg
Svensk Förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning medlemsblad - 2011 -
Voices on learning and instruction in
Jonas Emanuelsson, Laura Fainsilber, Johan Häggström, Angelika Kullberg, Berner Lindström, Madeleine Löwing
2011 -
Exploring students' learning of
Angelika Kullberg
B. Ubuz. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Ankara, Turkey: PME - 2011 -
A learning study of critical features for learning to add and subtract negative
Ulla Runesson, Angelika Kullberg, Tuula Maunula
B. Ubuz. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Phychology of Mathematics Education, Ankara, Turkey: PME - 2011 -
What does it take to learn negative
Angelika Kullberg
Voices on learning and instruction in mathematics - 2011 -
Sensitivity to student learning – a possible way of learning to enhance
Ulla Runesson, Angelika Kullberg, Tuula Maunula
Constructing knowledge for teaching secondary mathematics: Tasks to enhance prospective and practicing teacher learning - 2011 -
What is taught and what is learned. Professional insights gained and shared by teachers of
Angelika Kullberg
2010 -
Is knowledge gained by teachers from learning studies transferable to other
Angelika Kullberg
The world association of lesson studies international conference programme book - 2010 -
Learning from variation. Differences in learners’ ways of experiencing
Ulla Runesson, Angelika Kullberg
The Source book on Nordic Research in Mathematics Education - 2010 -
What is the next number after 0.97? Validating critical features for learning about the density of rational
Angelika Kullberg
The World Association of Lesson studies International conference Programme book, Hong Kong Institute of Education - 2009 -
Variation within, and covariation between
Angelika Kullberg, Anne Watson, John Mason
Proceedings of the 33rd conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics education - 2009 -
Elevers möjligheter att lära sig samma sak i olika
Angelika Kullberg
In U. Runesson. & K. Rönnerman. (Red.). Pedagogiskt arbete. Ett forskarutbildningsämne i utveckling på IPD. IPD-rapporter 2008:08. - 2008 -
Learning study. A possible way to learn about students’
Ulla Runesson, Angelika Kullberg, T Maunula
Paper presented at The European Conference on Educational Research. Gothenburg, Sweden, September 10-12, 2008 - 2008 -
Students opening up dimensions of variations for learning negative
Angelika Kullberg
The world association of lesson studies international conference 2007 programme book. - 2007 -
Möte med bokstäver i
Angelika Kullberg
Nämnaren - 2007 -
Different possibilities to learn infinity of decimal
Angelika Kullberg
In Woo, J.H., Lew,H.C., Park, K.S. & D.Y. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 31st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Seoul: PME. - 2007 -
Can lessons be
Angelika Kullberg
In Woo, J.H., Lew,H.C., Park, K.S. & D.Y. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 31st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Seoul:PME - 2007 -
Exploring teaching and learning of letters in algebra: A report from a Learning
Angelika Kullberg, Ulla Runesson
Novotná, J. [et al.] (eds). "Proceedings 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education" Prague, Czech Republic, July 16-21, 2006 - 2006 -
From learning study to design
Angelika Kullberg
Phenomenography and Variation theory: The ways forward. Earli SIG 9 Phenomenography and Variation theory biennal workshop. - 2006 -
Tal, delar och oändlighet. En studie om avgörande skillnader i undervisning och lärande om decimal
Angelika Kullberg
C-uppstas. Institutionen för Pedagogik och didaktik - 2004