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- Ana Gil Solá
Ana Gil Solá
Senior Lecturer
Human GeographyAbout Ana Gil Solá
My main area of research and teaching concerns social aspects related to people’s everyday life mobility and accessibility.
Apart from teaching (as a lecturer), during 2024-2025 I research within the project “Telework, the pandemic and the energy-efficient city – transformative opportunities, challenges and tensions”, funded by Swedish Energy Agency. The aim of the project is to increase knowledge about the opportunities and challenges of telework in a continued transition towards an ecologically and socially sustainable working and everyday life and for the advancement of 'dense' and energy-efficient cities and regions.
Recently completed research concerns how densification of urban areas affects people's gendered everyday lives. Our results show that both women and men appreciate and benefit from activities available in their local area. Nearby options are chosen mainly to save time and/or be able to walk or bike. Neighborhoods also contribute to the fulfilment of various overarching goals in everyday life (so-called life projects) by: making everyday life run smoothly; enabling independence in everyday mobility and activity; making people feel at home and rooted; allowing environmentally friendly living; and facilitating convenient recreation and exercise. Walking is an important part of the goals that the local area contributes to. Regarding gender, the study shows that even if both women and men appreciate and benefit from local opportunities, it is more crucial for women. This is related to the fact that they often have a greater caring responsibility and that they drive less often and walk more often.
Since 2018 I also coordinate the Network Socially Sustainable Transport Planning together with planners from The Gothenburg Region (GR). The network aims to increase understanding and knowledge exchange between planning and research.
I’ve also done research, and teach about, how social impact assessments (SIA) can be implemented within a Swedish planning context. In a research project that ended 2020 we followed the case of Metrobuss and their work with a SIA, as well as tested a method for developing knowledge within SIA focusing people’s everyday lives. Materials from this project was developed into a course for planners that was held for the first time in 2023. I was pedagogical expert in the development of the course, and teacher during the course.
On other web sites
Research areas
- People’s everyday life mobility and accessibility
- Gender and work travel/mobility
- Planning for sustainable accessibility
- Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in Swedish transport planning
Teaching areas
- Mobility and gender
- Sustainable accessibility, social exclusion and urban planning
- Planning for everyday life and social inclusion/gender equality
- Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
Närhetens roll för människors livsprojekt och jämställda vardagsliv i
Ana Gil Sola, Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Louise Brundin
Rättvist resande?: Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen - 2023 -
To choose, or not to choose, a nearby activity option: Understanding the gendered role of proximity in urban
Ana Gil Sola, Bertil Vilhelmson
Journal of Transport Geography - 2022 -
Normkritiska perspektiv: Tillämpningar inom samtida svensk
Car Use of the Carless in Sweden: Everyday Life Conditions for Reducing Car
Ellen Lagrell, Ana Gil Sola
Sustainability - 2021 -
Nätverket socialt hållbar transportplanering: Kunskapsutbyte och
Ana Gil Sola, Lisa Ström
Socialt hållbar transportplanering: Inspirationshandbok med exempel från forskning och praktik - 2021 -
GIS och kartor som underlag i sociala
Ana Gil Sola, Oskar Abrahamsson
Socialt hållbar transportplanering: Inspirationshandbok med exempel från forskning och praktik - 2021 -
Vardagskartor: Kunskapsunderlag med tidsgeografiskt
Ana Gil Sola, Lena Levin
Socialt hållbar transportplanering: Inspirationshandbok med exempel från forskning och praktik - 2021 -
Social hållbarhet i praktiken: Kartläggning av svenska SKB med fokus på
Lena Levin, Ana Gil Sola
Socialt hållbar transportplanering: Inspirationshandbok med exempel från forskning och praktik - 2021 -
Introduktion: Stöd och inspiration för nya vägar
Ana Gil Sola, Lena Levin
Socialt hållbar transportplanering: Inspirationshandbok med exempel från forskning och praktik - 2021 -
Socialt hållbar transportplanering: Inspirationshandbok med exempel från forskning och
Lena Levin, Ana Gil Sola
2021 -
Tillgänglighet på hållbara villkor. Mot en ökad närhet i
Ana Gil Sola, Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Kollektiva resor. Utmaningar för socialt hållbar tillgänglighet. Henriksson M och Lindkvist C (red) - 2020 -
Att förstå och undersöka hållbar
Negotiating proximity in sustainable urban planning: A Swedish
Ana Gil Sola, Bertil Vilhelmson
Sustainability - 2019 -
Understanding sustainable accessibility in urban planning: Themes of consensus, themes of
Ana Gil Sola, Bertil Vilhelmson, Anders Larsson
Journal of Transport Geography - 2018 -
Proximity changes to what and for whom? Investigating sustainable accessibility change in the Gothenburg city region
Erik Elldér, Anders Larsson, Ana Gil Sola, Bertil Vilhelmson
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation - 2018 -
Understanding sustainable accessibility in urban planning. Themes of consensus, themes of
Ana Gil Sola, Bertil Vilhelmson, Anders Larsson
7th Nordic Geographers Meeting, Stockholm, 18-21 June 2017 - 2017 -
Constructing work travel inequalities: The role of household gender
Ana Gil Sola
Journal of Transport Geography - 2016 -
Vägar till jämställdhet inom kommuners transportplanering - från forskningsresultat till praktiska
Ana Gil Sola
2014 -
Creating work trip differences between women and men: The role of gender contracts within the
Ana Gil Sola
Wome's Issues in Transportation, 14-16 april, Paris - 2014 -
På väg mot jämställda arbetsresor? : Vardagens mobilitet i förändring och
Ana Gil Sola
2013 -
Featured graphic: Spatial inequality and workplace accessibility: the case of a major hospital in Göteborg,
Erik Elldér, Ana Gil Sola, Anders Larsson
Environment and Planning A - 2012 -
Convergence or divergence? Changing gender differences in commuting in two Swedish urban
Ana Gil Sola, Bertil Vilhelmson
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography - 2012 -
Workplace accessibility and spatial inequality: The case of Östra Sjukhuset,
Erik Elldér, Ana Gil Sola, Anders Larsson
Nordic Geographers Meeting, 24-27 May 2011, Roskilde, Denmark - 2011 -
Regionförstoring innebär längre restider för både kvinnor och
Ana Gil Sola
Plan - 2010 -
Vägen till jobbet : Om kvinnors och mäns arbetsresor i
Ana Gil Sola
2009 -
Gender differences in commuting patterns and the enlargement of local labor markets in Sweden: Regional differences and changes over
Ana Gil Sola
Nordic Geographers Meeting, 8-11 june, 2009, Turku, Finland - 2009