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- Eva Thulin
Eva Thulin
Human GeographyAbout Eva Thulin
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Research areas
· Digitalization and everyday life
· Time-geography as theory and method
· Young people and mobile digital media
· Evolution and everyday life implications of telework
· Older people’s everyday time-use
· Sustainable accessibility and the compact city
· Internet use and migration
Thulin is currently involved in four research projects:
- Accelerating work from home. A study of teleworkers’ everyday time use, time pressure and well-being during the pandemic, funded by Forte (project leader, Eva Thulin)
- Telework, the pandemic and the energy-efficient city – transformative opportunities, challenges and tensions, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency (Project leader, Eva Thulin)
- Ageing times. Understanding generational changes in elderly’s use of time and space with implications for health and wellbeing, funded by Forte (Project leader, Bertil Vilhelmson)
- Understanding the compact city from a gender perspective, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency (Project leader, Ana Gil Solá)
Teaching areas
· Sustainable mobility
· Time-geography
· Qualitative method and analysis
· History of thoughts in Human geography
Themes of togetherness. Examining space sharing sociality among older
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson, Erik Elldér
Presentation at the NASSW/FORSA 2024 Conference, Gothenburg, June 17-19, 2024 - 2024 -
Understanding the Hybridization of Everyday Activities from a Time-Geographic
Chunjiang Li, Eva Thulin, Yanwei Chai
Annals of the American Association of Geographers - 2024 -
Incitament för hemarbete kan bidra till ett mer energieffektivt
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Fem perspektiv på stadens omställning. - 2024 -
Is a car necessary for active aging? Relationships between aging, car use, and time spent on activities that sustain health and
Erik Elldér, Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives - 2023 -
Changes in Everyday Internet Use and Home Activity During and After Pandemic-Related Lockdowns: A Case Study in Shuangjing Subdistrict,
C. J. Li, Eva Thulin, Y. W. Chai
Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie - 2023 -
Telework after confinement: Interrogating the spatiotemporalities of home-based work
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson, Louise Brundin
Journal of Transport Geography - 2023 -
Närhetens roll för människors livsprojekt och jämställda vardagsliv i
Ana Gil Sola, Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Louise Brundin
Rättvist resande?: Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen - 2023 -
Tid tillsammans. En studie av den vardagliga tillsammansamvarons former och betydelser för ett aktivt
Eva Thulin
Tidsgeografiska dagarna 2023, Växjö 11-12 maj - 2023 -
Sustained Work from Home Post-Pandemic? A Swedish
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Louise Brundin
Findings - 2023 -
Time change in the distribution of physical activity and its correlates among retired older Swedish adults: a repeated cross-sectional study from a national
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Erik Elldér
BMC Public Health - 2022 -
Changes in outdoor physical activities among older people in Sweden: Exploring generational shifts in time spent in natural
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien - 2022 -
Is ageing becoming more active? Exploring cohort-wise changes in everyday time use among the older population in
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Erik Elldér
European Journal of Ageing - 2022 -
Nya livsmönster i pandemins kölvatten? Om distansarbetets betydelse för vardagsliv och
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Forskarkonferens Storstad och periferi efter pandemin, 10–12 oktober 2022, Högbo Bruk, Sverige - 2022 -
Pacesetters in contemporary telework: How smartphones and mediated presence reshape the time–space rhythms of daily
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
New technology, work and employment - 2022 -
Fading togetherness? Exploring generational changes in shared time use among the older population in
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson, Erik Elldér
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics - 2022 -
Is ageing becoming more active? Cohort-wise changes in everyday time use among the older population in
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Erik Elldér
Presentation at International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) 43rd Annual Conference, Barcelona, 26-29 Oct. 2021 - 2021 -
Absent Friends? Smartphones, Mediated Presence, and the Recoupling of Online Social Contact in Everyday
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson, Tim Schwanen
Annals of the American Association of Geographers - 2020 -
Tillgänglighet på hållbara villkor. Mot en ökad närhet i
Ana Gil Sola, Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Kollektiva resor. Utmaningar för socialt hållbar tillgänglighet. Henriksson M och Lindkvist C (red) - 2020 -
Ungdomar, smartphones och det sociala livets omvandling, Betydelsen av medierade möten, rytmer, restriktioner och
Eva Thulin
Tidsgeografiska dagarna, 9-10 maj, 2019, Göteborg - 2019 -
New Telework, Time Pressure, and Time Use Control in Everyday
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson, Martina Johansson
Sustainability - 2019 -
More at home, more alone? Youth, digital media and the everyday use of time and
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Geoforum - 2019 -
Bringing the background to the fore. Time-geography and the study of mobile ICTs in everyday
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
In: K Ellegård (Ed) Time Geography in the Global Context. An Anthology. - 2019 -
Accessibility strategies beyond the private car: A study of voluntarily carless families with young children in
Ellen Lagrell, Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Journal of Transport Geography - 2018 -
Always on my mind: How smartphones are transforming social contact among young
Eva Thulin
Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research - 2018 -
Everyday life changes in times of digitalization. Examining the daily activity patterns of young people in
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Paper presented at 40th International Association for Time Use Research Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24-26 October 2018 - 2018 -
What did we do when the Internet wasn’t around? Variation in free-time activities among three young-adult cohorts from 1990/1991, 2000/2001, and
Bertil Vilhelmson, Erik Elldér, Eva Thulin
New Media and Society - 2018 -
Where does time spent on the internet come from? Tracing the influence of information and communications technology use on daily
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Erik Elldér
Information, Communication and Society - 2017 -
Unga, digitala media och vardagslivet: Flöden i bakgrunden, prioriteringar i
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Presentation vid Tidsgeografiska dagarna, Örebro universitet, 28-30 sept 2017 - 2017 -
Does online co-presence increase spatial flexibility? On social media and young people’s migration
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
CyberGeo: European Journal of Geography - 2017 -
Environment as a Multifaceted Migration Motive: Meanings and Interpretations Among a Group of Young Adults in
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Population, Space and Place - 2016 -
The internet and desire to move: the role of virtual practices in the inspiration phase of
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie - 2016 -
Changes in young people’s use of time and space due to increased virtual
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson, Erik Elldér
2nd International Time-Geography Conference, Linköping, September 21-24, 2016 - 2016 -
Who and where are the flexible workers? Exploring the current diffusion of telework in
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
New technology, work and employment - 2016 -
Virtual practices and migration plans: a qualitative study of urban young
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Population, Space and Place - 2014 -
The Internet and the migration process: the role of virtual practices in the pre-migrant
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
IGU Regional Conference, Kraków, Poland, 18-22 August 2014 - 2014 -
Combining mobile and stationary ICT use - Implications for everyday
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
The International Time-Geography Days 2014, May 14-16, Linköping - 2014 -
Does the Internet encourage people to move? Investigating Swedish young adults’ internal migration experiences and
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Geoforum - 2013 -
The virtualization of urban young people's mobility practices: A time-geographic
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography - 2012 -
Social relations, the Internet and decisions to
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Paper pres. at The 32nd International Geographical Congress, Köln 26-28 Aug. 2012 - 2012 -
Does the Internet encourage people to move? An exploratory study of Swedish young adult´s migration experiences and
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Paper to 5th ICT Expert Group Meeting, 30 Nov - 2 Dec 2011, Berlin - 2011 -
ICTs and Activities on the Move? People’s Use of Time While Traveling by Public
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Daniel Fahlén
Engineering Earth. The Impacts of Megaengineering Projects. Stanley D. Brunn (ed.) - 2011 -
The Internet, mobile phones and the geographies of everyday
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
YMER 2010 - 2010 -
Vad gör man när man reser? En undersökning av resenärers användning av restiden i regional
Daniel Fahlén, Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
2010 -
Vad gör man när man reser? Hur människor använder sin restid i regional
Daniel Fahlén, Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Transportforum, 13-14 januari 2010, Linköping - 2010 -
Vardagslivets virtualisering. Resultat från en panelstudie av internetanvändningens omfattning och konsekvenser bland
Eva Thulin
2009 -
Rörlighetsstrategier i
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Svensk Geografisk Årsbok 2009, Årgång 85 - 2009 -
Virtuell kontakt vs fysiskt resande. Vad händer när IT-användningen
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Transportforum, 9 Januari 2009, Linköping - 2009 -
Mobile phones: Transforming the everyday social communication practice of urban
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
In S. Campbell & R. Ling (Eds.) The reconstruction of space and time. Mobile communication practises - 2009 -
Activities on the move? People´s use of time while travelling by public
Daniel Fahlén, Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Change - Society, Environment and Science in Transition. Nordic Geographers Meeting, 8-11 June, Turku, Finland. Turku University Department of Geography Publications - 2009 -
Rörlighetens tid. Vinnova
Den användbara restiden. Utgångspunkter för en studie av restidens förändrade användning och betydelse i människors
Virtual mobility, time use and the place of the
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Journal of Economic and Social Geography, TESG - 2008 -
Aspects of Corporeal, Virtual and Media Mobility Development in
Lotta Frändberg, Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin, Kristina Lindström
Cosmobilities workshop: The future of Cosmobilities Network, 12-14 march 2008, Holbaek, Denmark - 2008 -
Mobiles everywhere: Youth, the mobile phone, and changes in everyday
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Young : Nordic Journal of Youth Research - 2007 -
Mobiles all around: Changes in everyday communication practice of urban
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Paper to 2nd Nordic Geographers Meeting. Bergen, Norway, 15-17 June, 2007 - 2007 -
ICT, proximity and the place of home: a time use
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Paper to the Fifth Proximity Conference: Proximity between interactions and institutions, Bordeaux, France, 28-30 June, 2006 - 2006 -
Rörlighetens omvandling: Svenska ungdomars resor och virtuella
Lotta Frändberg, Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Framtider - 2006 -
Virtual mobility and processes of displacement:Young peopleâ??s changing use of ICT, time, and
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Netcom - 2006 -
Time for mobility.Outlines on an
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Paper to the Inaugaral Nordic Geographers Meeting. May 10-14, 2005, Lund, Sweden. - 2005 -
Rörlighetens omvandling. Om resor och virtuell kommunikation - mönster, drivkrafter,
Lotta Frändberg, Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
2005 -
Virtual mobility of urban youth. ICT-based communication in
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. - 2005 -
Virtual mobility and people´s use of time and place. Developments in
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Paper to the 30th Congess of the International Geographical Union, Aug. 2004, Glasgow - 2004 -
Integrated Mobility
Lotta Frändberg, Kristina Lindström, Lisette Petersson, Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
Poster at the International Geographical Union’s congress, Glasgow 15-20 August 2004 - 2004 -
Ungdomars virtuella rörlighet. Användningen av dator, internet och mobiltelefon i ett geografiskt
Eva Thulin
2004 -
ICT-based activities among young people - user strategies in time and
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Paper to the Digital Communities Conference 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-18, 2003 - 2003 -
Eva Thulin
Framsteget - 2003 -
Ungdomars användning av dator, internet och mobiltelefon - Konsekvenser för vardagslivets geografiska
Eva Thulin
2002 -
Is regular work at fixed places fading away? The development of ICT-based and travel-based modes of work in
Bertil Vilhelmson, Eva Thulin
Environment and Planning - 2001 -
ICT, work-related activities and
Eva Thulin, Bertil Vilhelmson
NETCOM, Networks and Communication Studies - 2000