About the Swedish Citizen Panel
The Swedish Citizen Panel is our main resource for collecting panel data. It is a highly effective and available infrastructure that allows researchers and organizations to direct research questions toward 75 000 active panel participants. On this page you will find information about how the Citizen Panel works and how you can be a part of it to contribute to research on Swedish society.
A research infrastructure since 2010
The Swedish Citizen Panel is a research infrastructure that aids researchers in Sweden and abroad in collecting research data. This is made possible by the thousands of Swedes that make up the panel, and their willingness to take part in digital surveys a few times each year.
The Swedish Citizen Panel was founded in 2010 at the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg. At the time of the first panel wave, the panel had about 9 000 registered participants. In 2016 the panel was relocated to the SOM Institute and panel data collection became a valuable addition to the annual paperback SOM surveys.
As a research infrastructure, the Swedish Citizen Panel offers a unique opportunity for researchers to customize their study designs. Web panel data collection allows for conducting experiments, following individuals over time or closely examine current events. Every survey is designed in collaboration with researchers at the SOM Institute.
Recently, the Swedish Citizen Panel has collected data for researchers from a vast number of Swedish universities as well as Stanford University, London School of Economics, McGill University in Canada, Universidad Autonoma in Barcelona and European University Institute in Florens. Wherever you are, feel free to contact us with your specific needs.
Panel participants
The participants in the Swedish Citizen Panel are mostly self-recruited, meaning that they themselves has taken the initiative to join the panel. However, a considerable part of the panel also consist of probability recruited participants. These participants have been recruited through a postal invitation and therefore to a greater extent represent the Swedish population, compared to the self-recruited sample of the panel.
One important goal for the Swedish Citizen Panel is to keep things interesting for the panel participants without putting too much strain on them. In line with this, each participant will be sent a survey only a couple of times each year and we aim to include questions that are both enjoyable to answer and offer some food for thought.
If you want to be a part of our growing community of panel participants, use this page to register your e-mail. Please note that registration and the surveys themselves are conducted in Swedish.