University of Gothenburg
Migrant workers in strawberry field.
Photo: Tim Mossholder, Unsplash


The aim of this graduate school is to provide PhD students with advanced teaching, research training and networking opportunities. It aspires to create a unique intellectual milieu for PhD students who write their dissertations on migration and integration. On this page, you find information on all courses offered.

General course information

All courses are taught in English and count for 7,5 ECTS, or five weeks of full-time study. The course model is structured according to the following principle: students spend the first two weeks at their home institutions reading and preparing for the third week which will be spent in Gothenburg or Norrköping in Sweden. During this third, intensive course week students and teachers have scheduled activities all day and some scheduled evening events. Weeks four and five students spend at their home institutions writing their exam papers. Attending PhD students will be offered accommodation and there will be a period of application to courses ahead of time.

The course examination consists of an individually authored paper that receives feedback from the course teachers. Students are encouraged to adapt their exam papers to the journal article format if suitable. Some courses will also require students to make oral presentations modelled on those given at international conferences. The examination serves the twofold purpose of monitoring accomplished learning outcomes while at the same time assisting students in preparing for a research career.

Upcoming courses

Autumn 2024

Migration and Intersectional Perspectives

Course leaders: Oksana Shmulyar Gréen and Katarzyna Wojnicka

Duration: 1 October – 1 November 2024

Location: Hybrid with on campus week in Gothenburg: 14 –18 October 2024

Accommodation in Gothenburg is covered for all PhD students who are admitted to the course.

Deadline: 7 August 2024

Mixed Methods in Ethnic and Migration Research

Course leader: Olav Nygård and Kristoffer Jutvik

Duration: 11 november–13 december

On campus week in Norrköping, 25-29 november.

Deadline: 11 October  2024

Dates to be decided

Previous courses

Climate Change and Migration: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Course leaders: Anders Burman and Andréas Litsegård

Duration: 29 April – 31 May. 

Location: Hybrid with on-campus week in Gothenburg, 27–31 May

Accommodation in Gothenburg is covered for all PhD students who are admitted to the course.

Deadline: 18 March 2024

Attributing Responsibility for Transnational Violations of Migrant Rights

Duration: 26 February – 29 March 2024
On-campus week in Gothenburg, 11-15 March 2024.
Accommodation in Gothenburg is covered for all doctoral students who are admitted to the course.

Deadline: 11 February 2024

Housing Segregation and the Challenge of Building Sustainable Migration Policies

Duration:  20 November – 22 December 2023.
On-campus week in Norrköping, 4 – 8 December 2023.
Accommodation in Norrköping is covered for all PhD students who are admitted to the course.

Deadline: 1 November 2023

Theories of Ethnicity, Nationalism and Racism: Historical and Contemporary Debates

Duration: 11 September – 12 October.
On-campus week in Norrköping, 25–29 September
Accommodation in Norrköping is covered for all PhD students who are admitted to the course.

Deadline: 1 August 2023