Meet the Directors
The Graduate School in Migration and Integration is run by the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO) at Linköping University (LiU) and the Department of Sociology and Work Science (SOCAV) at the University of Gothenburg (UGOT). At UGOT the school also benefits from close cooperation with the Centre on Global Migration (CGM), the Department of Law and the School of Global Studies.
Peo Hansen
Peo Hansen is Professor of Political Science at the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO) at Linköping University and Director of the Graduate School. He has been senior fellow at New York University’s Remarque Institute and visiting professor at the Max Planck Sciences Po Center in Paris. Peo Hansen’s research examines the historical and contemporary trajectory of European integration, and he has written extensively on the questions of migration, citizenship, nationalism, and identity. As part of an EU project he examines the economics of migration in the EU and Sweden. His research also examines colonialism’s role in the historical development of European integration and in the EU’s current geopolitics. His books include Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism (co-author Stefan Jonsson, Bloomsbury, 2014); A Modern Migration Theory: An Alternative Economic Approach to Failed EU Policy (Agenda Publishing, 2021); and Migrationsmyten: Sanningen om Flyktinginvandringen och välfärden – ett nytt ekonomiskt paradigm (Leopard, 2021).

Gabriella Elgenius
Gabriella Elgenius is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Work Science at GU and Co-Director of the Graduate School. She was a Marie Curie fellow at the LSE at the University of London and held a British Academy postdoc fellowship at the University of Oxford. Gabriella’s research is comparative, multi-cited and multi-method (including Citizen Research) in two fields of political sociology: civil society and integration in conditions of socio-economic vulnerability, and ethnic nationalism and radical right parties. Publications include work on civil society, diversity, socio-economic vulnerability (Voluntas 2023, IRIS 2023, Voluntary Sector Review 2022), nostalgia and ethnic nationalism of the radical right (Sociological Forum 2022; European Societies 2019), racialized logics (Ethnic & Racial Studies 2021) Brexit (British Journal of Sociology 2020), the polarizing landscape in Sweden (Sociologisk Forskning 2018), diaspora civil society (2017) and books on national symbolism and nation-building (with Peter Aronsson Routledge 2015, Palgrave 2011, Univ of London 2005). She is Associate Member at the University of Oxford and Fellow of the RSA.

Andrea Spehar
Andrea Spehar is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Department of Political Science and Director of the Centre on Global Migration (CGM) at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Andrea Spehar has a broad research interest is comparative public policy, particularly with regards to gender policy and migrant integration policy in the European context. Her work has appeared, among others, in the Journal of European Public Policy, Comparative European Politics, Citizenship Studies and International Feminist journal of Politics. She holds various board and committee positions including those at the Swedish Research Council and other research policy organizations.