Climate Change and Migration: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
7,5 ECTS
Course leaders: Professor Anders Burman, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg and Dr. Andréas Litsegård, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg
Duration: 29 April – 31 May.
Location: Online and one on-campus week in Gothenburg, 27–31 May
Language: English
Study pace: 100%
Course Description
This course addresses the complex relationship between migration and climate change and provides interdisciplinary analytical tools for understanding the multicausality of migration. Being based in the social scientific field, it will also involve climate science perspectives. The course discusses various methodological approaches, both qualitative and quantitative, to study the complexities of social, political and ecological drivers behind migration, their interactions and variations across regions and scales of governance. Drawing on the most recent theoretical advances and a broad variety of empirical studies from different world regions, the course develops a critical engagement with different frameworks for exploring the climate migration nexus. The course also dwells on issues of climate and mobility justice from a North-South perspective and explores the state of the current global policy development in the field. Important international actors such as the UN and the EU will be analysed and problematized in terms of the ability to provide viable support and protection for climate migrants.
Course Lecturers
Deliang Cheng, Professor of Physical meteorology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Dr. Julia Curio, climatologist, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Dr. Fanny Thornton, legal scholar, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Dr. Haodong Qi, economic demographer, University of Malmö
Mathias Czaika, Professor of Migration and Integration, Danube University
Karsten Paerregaard, Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Gothenburg
Course Syllabus
Access the course syllabus via this link
How to Apply
Deadline for applications: 18 March 2024
A few limited travel grants will be available for applicants from the global South. Please indicate in your application if you are interested in such a grant, with a brief motivation.
Contact the course directors:
Andréas Litsegård, andreas.litsegard@globalstudies.gu.se
Anders Burman, anders.burman@globalstudies.gu.se
Contact the departmental administrator:
Gunilla Blomqvist Sköldberg; gunilla.blomqvist@globalstudies.gu.se
About the Graduate School in Migration and Integration
- Our Graduate School courses are offered to PhD students.
- 5 weeks of full-time work for 7,5 ECTS. One intensive week at REMESO, Campus Norrköping, Linköping University or at SOCAV & CGM, University of Gothenburg.
- All courses are taught in English.
- Courses are usually examined by a paper assignment.
- Accommodation is provided for free to all PhD students who are admitted to our courses.