Marine Citizen Science
Marine Citizen Science means that researchers and private individuals collaborate to develop new knowledge. At the University of Gothenburg, there are several projects where you can help researchers increase the knowledge of the sea.
Koster Seafloor Observatory
Koster Seafloor Observatory is a system that combines citizen science and machine learning for automated analysis of subsea movies. The system offers citizens to annotate movies and images, which are then used to train an object detection models. These models are able to identify biological objects and thereby extract high-quality ecological data from images and footage in a region of interest.
Algal Blooms Sweden
Algal Blooms Sweden is a marine Citizen Science project aiming at engaging the general public to help survey and, ultimately, forecast harmful algal blooms (HABs). The information provided in the form of reports is used in the development of an innovative AI-based prognosis tool for predicting these recurring events. E
Mapping of the algae maerl
Researchers from the University of Gothenburg and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences are trying to map the presence of maerl, free-living red calcareous algae, on Sweden's west coast and need help from the public. If you are out diving, using underwater video or otherwise encountering these unusual, ecologically important organisms, you can report it to them.