Staff working at the ÄKTA workstation at MPE
Staff working at the ÄKTA workstation at MPE.
Photo: Charbel Sader

Core Facilities are available during COVID-19


At Core Facilities we are following the recommendations of the Swedish authorities and using the guidelines of the University of Gothenburg in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our facilities are available

Our aim is to keep the facilities as available as possible for current users so that you can conduct your research. This also applies for the  autumn semester 2020, in accordance with the principal's decisions.

Please check with each facility manager for their specific guidelines. You can also find information below. We urge staff and users to carry out their work so that it will be in line with current decisions on national and university level.


The Biobank services are still available. We also will prioritize applications linked to covid-19 and offer prioritized sample collecting. Find more information in Swedish.


All the Bioinformatics research support is still available but have shifted to 100% online. You can for example still participate in drop-ins and receive project support via Zoom.

CCI: Centre for Cellular Imaging

The CCI facility is still available, but with new routines to reduce risk of spreading infection. CCI offers short notice access to light and electron microscopes for research on SARS-CoV-2.


The EBM facility is operating normally and at full capacity. Access is limited to EBM staff and scientists who are confirmed members of EBM research groups The EBM gym is closed.


Due to Covid-19 and other circumstances, the Centre for Medical Genomics (previously Genomics Core) has limited resources.

MPE: Mammalian Protein Expression

The MPE research support is still available, and we are open for research support. Please contact us via e-mail, phone or digital meetings.


The Proteomics research support is still available. We are open for research support and are analyzing samples as usual. Please contact us via e-mail before submitting samples. Customer meetings are limited and are mostly held virtually.


Links for more information

Gothenburg University:

Remote study and remote work during spring 2021

The University and the COVID-19 situation

The GU information is updated continuously, in English with a slight delay.

The Swedish Public Health Agency: Information and public recommendations

The Swedish government: Offical information from the government

Västra Götaland Region:, regionala råd
1177 Västra Götaland coronavirus

Krisinformation: Official crisis information in Sweden