University of Gothenburg
Brain AI

About Martyna Galazka

Martyna A. Galazka is currently a Senior Lecturer at Gothenburg University, at the Department of Applied Information Technology, with an emphasis on studying human cognition in the increasing digitalizing world.  She defended her thesis examining infant understanding of interactive behaviour in 2017, earning a doctorate in Psychology from Uppsala University. Since her doctorate, Martyna has worked as a researcher and then post-doctor at the Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, focusing on neurodevelopmental disorders. She secured grant funding for work on physiological aspects of eye contact in children with autism and related disorders.


Research interests

 Martyna’s research primarily explores complex cognitive processes with a special focus on social perception and communication challenges in developmental conditions. Her publications cover a range of topics from early cognitive development in infants to the physiological responses in autistic individuals during social interactions. Martyna’s research interest center on uncovering patterns in gaze and face perception that inform broader clinical and educational strategies. Her studies on Williams syndrome and autism spectrum disorder investigate how social feedback, eye gaze and interactive behavior contribute to learning and emotional understanding. Further, her work includes innovative methodological contributions in eye-tracking and psychophysiological measurements to better understand cognitive processing of social cues in children with specific neurodevelopmental profiles.


  • Rikbankens Jubileumfond


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