University of Gothenburg
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Working papers, reports and policy briefs

Find below a selection of working papers within the field of migration and integration published by researchers from different faculties and disciplines around the University of Gothenburg. We are currently working on updating this page.

Working papers


Johannesson, Livia, Lisa Borrelli, Daniel Hedlund, Annika Lindberg (2023). Border Bureaucracies: A Literature Review of Discretion in Migration Control. NCCR Working Papers.

Haliloglu Kahraman, Z. Ezgi (2023). Analyzing the Multidimensionality of Syrian Refugee Integration at the Urban Level Through Everyday Life Experiences and Perceptions. (SIPGI WP No.1)

Alkhatib, Walid and Kaitlin Cox (2023). The Impact of Institutions on Syrian Refugees in Jordan. (SIPGI WP No. 2)

Oguzhan Turkoglu (2023). Preferences for Refugee Settlements. (SIPGI WP No. 3)

Josepha Wessels (2023). But you do not 'look' Syrian?” Experiences of Syrians in urban areas of Sweden (SIPGI WP No. 4)

Reports and policy briefs

Gabriella Elgenius (2023). Civilsamhällets bidrag till integration i bostadsområden med socioekonomiska utmaningar. Delmi Policy Brief 2023:12.

Gabriella Elgenius, Ann Sofie Olsson & Arfi Yosuf (2023). Lokal mobilisering i bostadsområden med socioekonomiska utmaningar – läxhjälp, lokal samverkan och en modell förgräsrotsorganisering. Forskningsrapport i sociologi (Nr 149), Institutionen för Sociologi och Arbetsvetenskap.

Kristin Franke Björkman & Andrea Spehar. New in the City: How newly arrived refugees experience reception and integration in the City of Gothenburg, 2015-2017. ISBN: 978-91-639-9836-2

Oksana Shmulyar Gréen och Svitlana Odynets (2024). På flykt från Rysslands anfallskrig i det transnationella Europa. Mottagandet av skyddssökande från Ukraina i Sverige. Delmi Policy Brief 2024:7 Stockholm 2024 ISBN 978-91-89701-77-9

Simon Pemberton et al. (2023). Empowering cities of migration, new methods for citizen involvement and socio-spatial integration - Findings from the EMPOWER project. Reports in Sociology (Nr. 150), Institutionen för Sociologi och Arbetsvetenskap.

Sylwia Jedrzejewska & Andrea Spehar (2020). Challenges and Opportunities in Municipal Work Towards Long-Term Integration in The County of Västra Götaland. ISBN: 978-91-639-9838-6.