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Publications from CeMEB members
Thematic Issues
Special issue "Marine evolutionary biology" in Evolutionary Applications is edited by members of CeMEB steering committe. "We wanted to show that the field of marine evolutionary biology, which was considered just a special case of general evolutionary biology until 10-15 years ago, has matured and is now an important, developing, field of its own.", says Pierre De Wit from the commtte.
Theme issue "Genomic architecture of supergenes: causes and evolutionary consequences" contains a total of fifteen articles. Among the authors are CeMEB members Emma Berdan, Roger Butlin, Anja Westram, Kerstin Johannesson, and Rui Faria. The Issue is compiled and edited by Emma L. Berdan, Thomas Flatt, Genevieve M. Kozak, Katie E. Lotterhos and Ben Wielstra.
The Theme Issue "Species' ranges in the face of changing environments", initiated at the CeMEB webinar last year, is now published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. The two volumes are guest edited by Marina Rafajlovic, Roger Butlin, Jake Alexander and Kerstin Johannesson, and several CeMEB members have contributed with articles.
Scientific publications
Boyner, M., Ivarsson, E., Hansen, A., Lundén, A., Ibrahim, O., Söderlund, R., Cervin, G., Pavia, H., & Wattrang, E. (2025). Effects of a laminarin-rich algal extract on caecal microbiota composition, leukocyte counts, parasite specific immune responses and growth rate during Eimeria tenella infection of broiler chickens. Veterinary Parasitology, 110377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetpar.2024.110377
Chevrier, T., Cowart, D. A., Nieblas, A.-E., Charrier, G., Bernard, S., Evano, H., Brisset, B., Chanut, J., & Bonhommeau, S. (2024). Population structure of the swordfish, Xiphias gladius, across the Indian Ocean using next-generation sequencing. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsae179. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsae179
Dang, X., Zhang, Y., Dupont, S., Gaitán-Espitia, J. D., He, Y. Q., Wang, H. H., Ellis, R. P., Guo, X., Parker, L., Zhang, R.-C., Chung, S. C., Yu, Z., & Thiyagarajan, V. (2024). Low pH Means More Female Offspring: A Multigenerational Plasticity in the Sex Ratio of Marine Bivalves. Environmental Science & Technology. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.4c07808
De Bonville, J., Andreassen, A. H., Cowan, Z. L., Silva-Garay, L., Leeuwis, R. H., Åsheim, E. R., Speers-Roesch, B., Raby, G. D., Binning, S. A., & Jutfelt, F. (2025). Dynamics of thermal tolerance plasticity across fish species and life stages. Journal of Thermal Biology, 104024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2024.104024
Faust, E., Rigby, K., Olsson, A., Alenius, B., Moksnes, P.-O., & Jahnke, M. (2025). Empowering Regional Conservation: Genetic Diversity Assessments as a Tool for Eelgrass Management. Molecular Ecology, e17656. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.17656
Goodall, J., Pettersson, M.E., Bergström, U., Cocco, A., Delling, B., Heimbrand, Y., Karlsson, O. M., Larsson, J., Waldetoft, H., Wallberg, A., Wennerström, L., Andersson, L. (2024). Evolution of fast-growing piscivorous herring in the young Baltic Sea. Nature Communications, 15(1), 10707. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-55216-8
Herlemann, D. P., Delgado, L. F., Riedinger, D. J., Fernández-Juárez, V., Andersson, A. F., Pansch, C., Riemann, Lasse, Bengtsson, Mia M., Gyraitė, G., Kataržytė, M., Kisand, V., Kube, S., Martin, G., Piwosz, K., Rakowski, M., Labrenz, M. (2025). Low impact of Zostera marina meadows on sediment and water microbiota under brackish conditions. Environmental Microbiome, 20(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40793-024-00662-6
Leidenberger, S., Wiese, V., Schaumann, F., Pleiss, F., Langen, K., & Bourlat, S. J. (2025). Freshwater mollusc community screening-Classical and eDNA monitoring methods to detect rare, indicator and invasive species. Science of the Total Environment, 958, 177763. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177763
Matsuura, T., Okamoto, Y., Matsumoto, M., Kiyomizu, T., Kumpitsch, L., Kume, A., & Hanba, Y. T. (2025). The impact of air pollution control measures and the COVID-19 pandemic on photosynthesis in urban trees. Scientific Reports, 15(1), 1453. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-85080-x
Newton, J., Widdicombe, S., Isensee, K., Dupont, S., Flickinger, S., Grabb, K., Keister, E.F., Schoo, K., Kenworthy, A., & Valauri-Orton A. (2025). Ocean Acidification Capacity Is Needed at All Levels to Develop a Multistakeholder Ocean Acidification Action Platform. Oceanography. https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2025.101
Perini, S., Johannesson, K., Butlin, R. K., & Westram, A. M. (2025). Short INDELs and SNPs as markers of evolutionary processes in hybrid zones. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, voaf002. https://doi.org/10.1093/jeb/voaf002
Sala, S., Rengefors, K., Kiventerä, J., Patanen, M., Gefors, L., Werdinius, C., Winge, S., Broberg, K., Kalbfleisch, S., & Clauss, K. S. (2024). Applications of X-ray fluorescence microscopy with synchrotron radiation: from biology to materials science. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 112491. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.112491
Steinhagen, S., Johansson, I., Specht, J., Enge, S., Larsson, K., Undeland, I., & Toth, G. B. (2025). Unlocking economic potential of the Ulva crop for low salinity environments: exploring the effect of salinity gradients on the performance and valuable compounds of Baltic Sea strains. Botanica Marina, (0). https://doi.org/10.1515/bot-2024-0079
Trigo, J. P., Steinhagen, S., Stedt, K., Krona, A., Verhagen, S., Pavia, H., Abdollahi, M., & Undeland, I. (2025). A new method for protein extraction from sea lettuce (Ulva fenestrata) via surfactants and alkaline aqueous solutions. Food Chemistry, 464, 141839. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.141839
Abrahamsson, K., Damm, E., Björk, G., Bunse, C., Sellmaier, S., Broström, G., ... & Pourdanandeh, M. Methane plume detection after the 2022 Nord Stream pipeline explosion in the Baltic Sea. Scientific Reports.
Abalde, S. and Jondelius, U. A Phylogenomic Backbone for Acoelomorpha Inferred from Transcriptomic Data. Systematic Biology.
Åsheim, E. R., Andreassen, A. H., Morgan, R., Silvestre, M., & Jutfelt, F. Acute warming tolerance (CTmax) in zebrafish (Danio rerio) appears unaffected by changes in water salinity. PeerJ.
Baaz, M., Cardilin, T., Lundh, T., and Jirstrand, M. Probabilistic analysis of tumor growth inhibition models to Support trial design. Journal of Theoretical Biology.
Barcelona, A., Serra, T., Colomer, J., & Infantes, E. Shrimp habitat selection dependence on flow within Zostera marina canopies. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
Beckmann, L. M., Vincent, B. A., De León, A., Masterman, J., Lau, E. S., & Haddock, S. H. Fluorescence patterns and diversity of hydrozoans from Bocas del Toro, Panama. Ciencias Marinas.
Bentley, B. P., Cheng, B. S., Brennan, R. S., Swenson, J. D., Adkins, J. L., Villeneuve, A. R., & Komoroske, L. M. Successful Invasion Into New Environments Without Evidence of Rapid Adaptation by a Predatory Marine Gastropod. Molecular Ecology.
Bernal‐Durán, V., Donoso, D., Piñones, A., Jonsson, P.R., Benestan, L., Landaeta, M.F., Naretto, J., Gerard, K., Haye, P.A., Gonzalez‐Wevar, C. and Poulin, E. Combining population genomics and biophysical modelling to assess connectivity patterns in an Antarctic fish. Molecular Ecology.
Blom, E. L., Dekhla, I. K., Bertram, M. G., Manera, J. L. Kvarnemo, C., & Svensson, O. Anthropogenic noise disrupts early-life development in a fish with paternal care. Science of The Total Environment.
Bozzuto, C., Schmidt-Posthaus, H., Adrian-Kalchhauser, I., and Pisano, S. R. R. Towards an eco-epidemiological framework for managing freshwater crayfish communities confronted with crayfish plague. Journal of Freshwater Ecology.
Butlin, R. Keeping the door ajar: when is a little gene flow a good thing?. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
Butlin, R. Perspectives on speciation. Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society.
Butlin, R. K., & Faria, R. Local adaptation and reproductive isolation: when does speciation start?. Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society.
Cao, S., Dicksved, J., Lundh, T., Vidakovic, A., Norouzitallab, P., & Huyben, D. A meta‐analysis revealing the technical, environmental, and host‐associated factors that shape the gut microbiota of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout. Reviews in Aquaculture.
Carroll, D., Infantes, E., Pagan, E. V., & Harding, K. C. Approaching a population‐level assessment of body size in pinnipeds using drones, an early warning of environmental degradation. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
Cecchetto, M., Dettai, A., Gallut, C., Obst, M., Kuklinski, P., Balazy, P., Chelchowski, M., Małachowicz, M., Poćwierz-Kotus, A., Zbawicka, M. and Reiss, H. Seasonality of primary production explains the richness of pioneering benthic communities. Nature Communications.
Chen, C. Y., Magnusson, K., Pfeiffer, R., Dupont, S., & Granberg, M. Exhaust Gas Cleaning System Effluents from Ships Impair Fertilization and Larval Development in the Green Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus Droebachiensis at Very Low Concentrations. Available at SSRN 5015537.
Chopin, T., Costa-Pierce, B. A., Troell, M., Hurd, C. L., Costello, M. J., Backman, S., Buschmann, A.H., Cuhel, R., Duarte, C.M., Gröndahl, F., Heasman, K., Haroun, R.J., Johansen, J., Jueterbock, A., Lench, M., Lindell, S., Pavia, H., Ricart, A.M., Sundell, K.S. & Yarish, C. Deep-ocean seaweed dumping for carbon sequestration: Questionable, risky, and not the best use of valuable biomass. One Earth.
Cossa, D., Infantes, E. & Dupont, S. Hidden cost of pH variability in seagrass beds on marine calcifiers under ocean acidification. Science of The Total Environent.
Coubris, C., Duchatelet, L., Dupont, S., & Mallefet, J. A brittle star is born: Ontogeny of luminous capabilities in Amphiura filiformis. Plos one.
Cowan, Z.-L., Green, L., Clark, T. D., Blewett, T. A., De Bonville, J., Gagnon, T., Hoots, E., Kuchenmüller, L., Leeuwis, R. H. J., Navajas Acedo, J., Rowsey, L. E., Scheuffele, H., Skeeles, M. R., Silva-Garay, L., Jutfelt, F., & Binning, S. A. Global change and premature hatching of aquatic embryos. Global Change Biology.
da Fonseca RR, Campos PF, Rey-Iglesia A, Barroso GV, Bergeron LA, Nande M, Tuya F, Abidli S, Pérez M, Riveiro I, Carrera P, Jurado-Ruzafa A, G Santamaria TG, Faria R, Machado AM, Fonseca MM, Froufe E, C Castro LF. Population genomics reveals the underlying structure of the small pelagic European sardine and suggests low connectivity within Macaronesia. genes.
Daraghmeh, N. ARMS-MBON 18S rRNA and COI gene metabarcoding: scanning for non-indigenous species. protocols.io.
Dashtarzhaneh, M. K., Bernal, V. V., & Khodadadi, F. Functional roles of polyphenol oxidases in plants and fungi. In Laccase and Polyphenol Oxidase. Academic Press.
Delshad, B., Ljunggren, M., Zhou, X. W., Theorell-Haglöw, J., Janson, C., Zou, D., Hedner, J., Grote, L., Blomberg, A., Franklin, K., Sahlin, C., Malinovschi, A., & Lindberg, E. Obstructive sleep apnoea and lung function, and their association with nocturnal hypoxemia: results from the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioimage Study (SCAPIS)–a cross-sectional study. BMJ open.
Dopman, E. B., Shaw, K. L., Servedio, M. R., Butlin, R. K., & Smadja, C. M. Coupling of barriers to gene exchange: causes and consequences. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology.
Duchatelet, L., & Dupont, S. Marine eukaryote bioluminescence: a review of species and their functional biology. Marine Life Science & Technology.
Duvane, J. A., & Dupont, S. Drivers of biological response to fluctuating seawater ph conditions in sea urchin echinus esculentus larvae. Science of The Total Environment.
Edworthy, C., James, N. C., Potts, W. M., Duncan, M. I., & Dupont, S. Temperate coastal fish shows resilience to extreme low pH in early larval stages. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.
Ekström, M., Andersson, A., Papadopoulus, S., Kipper, T., Pedersen, B., Kricka, O., Sobrino, P., Runold, M., Palm, A., Blomberg, A., Hamed, R., Lindberg, E., Zingmark, H., Lagerstedt, M., Sundberg, B., Thabet, G., Hadziosmanovic, N., Janson, C., Mcdonald, C., Currow, D., & Sundh, J. Long-term oxygen therapy 24 or 15 hours/day and outcomes: a multicenter, registry-based, randomized, clinical trial. European Respiratory Journal.
Eliasson, E., Sun, L., Cervin, G., Pavia, H., Tällberg, G., Ellström, P., & Ivarsson, E. No colonization resistance to Campylobacter jejuni in broilers fed brown algal extract-supplemented diets. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Fawthrop, R., Cerca, J., Pacheco, G., Sætre, G. P., Scordato, E. S., Ravinet, M., & Rowe, M. Understanding human-commensalism through an ecological and evolutionary framework. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
Fernández-Juárez, V., Riedinger, D.J., Gusmao, J.B., Delgado-Zambrano, L.F., Coll-García, G., Papazachariou, V., Herlemann, D.P., Pansch, C., Andersson, A.F., Labrenz, M. and Riemann, L. Temperature, sediment resuspension, and salinity drive the prevalence of Vibrio vulnificus in the coastal Baltic Sea. mBio.
Garcia Castillo, D., Barton, N., Faria, R., Larsson, J., Stankowski, S., Butlin, R., Johannesson, K. and Westram, A.M. Predicting rapid adaptation in time from adaptation in space: a 30-year field experiment in marine snails. Science Advances.
Gollnisch, R., Ahrén, D., & Rengefors, K. Single-cell genomics of a bloom-forming phytoplankton species reveals population genetic structure across continents. The ISME Journal.
Gómez, M., Muñoz, P., Moroni, M., Mieres, M., Bernal, V., Rosenfeld, C., ... & Hermosilla, C. Paraparesis due to angio-neurotropic Gurltia paralysans in a domestic cat (Felis catus) and retrospective study on feline gurltiosis cases in South America. frontiers in Veterinary Science.
Gonzalez, K., Daraghmeh, N., Lozano-Cortés, D., Benzoni, F., Berumen, M.L. and Carvalho, S. Differential spatio-temporal responses of Red Sea coral reef benthic communities to a mass bleaching event. Scientific Reports.
González-Delgado, S., Pérez-Portela, R., Ortega-Martínez, O., Alfonso, B., Pereyra, R. T., & Hernández, J. C. Genomic signals of adaptation to a natural CO2 gradient over a striking microgeographic scale. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Green, L., Griful-Dones, M. and Kvarnemo, C. Reproductive dysfunction in seawater provides an environmental barrier to the range expansion of the invasive Neogobius melanostomus into the North Sea. Biological Invasions.
Gusmao, J. B., Rühmkorff, S., Kraufvelin, L., Meysick, L., & Pansch, C. The interplay of co-occurring ecosystem engineers shapes the structure of benthic communities–a mesocosm experiment. Frontiers in Marine Science.
Gustafsson, M., Strand, Å., Laugen, A. T., Albretsen, J., André, C., Broström, G., ... & De Wit, P. Unlocking the secret life of blue mussels: Exploring connectivity in the Skagerrak through biophysical modeling and population genomics. Evolutionary Applications.
Gyraite G, Kataržytė M, Bučas M, Kalvaitienė G, Kube S, Herlemann DPR, Pansch C, Andersson AF, Pitkanen T, Hokajärvi AM, Annus-Urmet A, Hauk G, Hippelein M, Lastauskienė E, Labrenz M. Epidemiological and environmental occurrence of the “big-four” Vibrio species: A Baltic Sea retrospective, 1994 – 2021. Eurosurveillance.
Hamrefors, V., Blomberg, A., Persson, L., Sköld, M., Toren, K., Wollmer, P., & Malinovschi, A. Determinants of isolated reduction of diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide. European Respiratory Journal.
Hartman, K. L., Chen, I., van der Harst, P. A., Moura, A. E., Jahnke, M., Pilot, M., ... & Hoelzel, A. R. Kinship study reveals stable non-kin-based associations in a medium-sized delphinid. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
Hauri, C., Irving, B., Dupont, S., Pagés, R., Hauser, D. D., & Danielson, S. L. Insights into carbonate environmental conditions in the Chukchi Sea. Biogeosciences.
Hauri, C., Pagès, R., Hedstrom, K., Doney, S. C., Dupont, S., Ferriss, B., & Stuecker, M. F. More Than Marine Heatwaves: A New Regime of Heat, Acidity, and Low Oxygen Compound Extreme Events in the Gulf of Alaska. AGU Advances.
Henderson A.L., Karthikraj R., Berdan E.L., Sui S.H., Kannan K., Colaiácovo M.P. Exposure to benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) leads to increased double-strand break formation and germline dysfunction in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Genetics.
Hu, M.Y., Bassarab, T.M., Chang, W.W., Tetzlaff, S.L., Strohbach, F., Dupont, S. and Stumpp, M. Calcification in sea urchin larvae is associated with low metabolic costs. Journal of Experimental Biology.
Ito, M., Guy-Haim, T., Sawall, Y., Franz, M., Buchholz, B., Hansen, T., Neitzel, P., Pansch, C., Steinhoff, T., Wahl, M., Weinberger, F., Scotti, M. Responses at various levels of ecological hierarchy indicate acclimation to sequential sublethal heatwaves in a temperate benthic ecosystem. Philosophical Transactions B.
James, P., Evensen, T., & Kinnby, A. Seasonal Variation in the Element Composition of Dried, Powdered Green Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) from Northern Norway. Sustainability.
Johannesson, K. Climate Change and Baltic Sea Genetic Diversity. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science.
Johannesson, K., Faria, R., Le Moan, A., Rafajlović, M., Westram, A. M., Butlin, R. K., & Stankowski, S. Diverse pathways to speciation revealed by marine snails. Trends in Genetics.
Juanola, M. V. L., Steinhagen, S., Pavia, H., & Undeland, I. Brining as an effective method to stabilise sea lettuce (Ulva fenestrata)-impact on colour, texture, chemical characteristics and microbial dynamics. Algal Research.
Kazanavičiūtė, E., Dickey, J. W., Soto, I., Haubrock, P. J., Kouba, A., Brennan, R. S., ... & Briski, E. Seasonal changes in biodiversity of native and non-native amphipod taxa under diverse environmental contexts. Marine Biology.
Lamare, M., Byrne, M., Danis, B., Deaker, D., Di Luccio, M., Dupont, S., Foo, S. A., Jowett, T., Karelitz, S., Sewell, M. A., Thomas, L. J., & Agüera, A. Antarctic cushion star Odontaster validus larval performance is negatively impacted by long-term parental acclimation to elevated temperature. Science of The Total Environment.
Le Moan, A., Stankowski, S., Rafajlović, M., Ortega-Martinez, O., Faria, R., Butlin, R. K., & Johannesson, K. Coupling of twelve putative chromosomal inversions maintains a strong barrier to gene flow between snail ecotypes. Evolution Letters.
Lifjeld, J. T., Cramer, E. R., Leder, E. H., & Voje, K. L. Sperm as a speciation phenotype in promiscuous songbirds. Evolution.
Lowell, A., Hill, C. E., Dupont, S., Infantes, E., Ramesh, K., Peterson, B., ... & Cox, T. E. Low pH enhances germination of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) seeds despite ubiquitous presence of Phytophthora gemini. Aquatic Botany.
Lu, D.S., Peris, D., Sønstebø, J.H., James, T.Y., Rieseberg, L.H., Maurice, S., Kauserud, H., Ravinet, M. and Skrede, I. Reticulate evolution and rapid development of reproductive barriers upon secondary contact in a forest fungus. Current Biology.
Ma, X., Vanneste, S., Chang, J., Ambrosino, L., Barry, K., Bayer, T., ... Olsen, J.L. & Van de Peer, Y. Seagrass genomes reveal ancient polyploidy and adaptations to the marine environment. nature plants.
Macher, J.-N., Martínez, A., Çakir, S., Cholley, P.-E., Christoforou, E., Curini Galletti, M., van Galen, L., García-Cobo, M., Jondelius, U., de Jong, D., Leasi, F., Lemke, M., Rubio Lopez, I., Sánchez, N., Sørensen, M. V., Todaro, M. A., Renema, W., & Fontaneto, D. Enhancing metabarcoding efficiency and ecological insights through integrated taxonomy and DNA reference barcoding: A case study on beach meiofauna. Molecular Ecology Resources.
Mtwana Nordlund, L, Unsworth, R. K. F., Wallner-Hahn, S., Ratnarajah, L., Beca-Carretero, P., Boikova, ..., Jahnke, M., ..., & Wilkes, R. One hundred priority questions for advancing seagrass conservation in Europe. Plants, People, Planet.
Nhi, N.H.Y., Lan, T.T., Baruah, K., Lundh, T. and Kiessling, A. Gradual Replacement of Soybean Meal with Brewer’s Yeast in Fingerling Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Diet, Resulting in a Polynomial Growth Pattern, Independent of Whether Reared in a Biofloc or Clear-Water System. Aquaculture Journal.
Norderhaug, K. M., Knutsen, H., Filbee-Dexter, K., Sodeland, M., Jorde, P. E., Wernberg, T., Oomen, R., & Moland, E. The International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List does not account for intraspecific diversity. ICES Journal of Marine Science
Ory, N. C., Gröger, J. P., Lehmann, A., Mittermayer, F., Neuheimer, A. B., & Clemmesen, C. Early arrival of spring‐spawning Atlantic herring Clupea harengus at their spawning ground in the Kiel Fjord, western Baltic, relates to increasing winter seawater temperature. Journal of Fish Biology.
Parey, E., Ortega-Martinez, O., Delroisse, J., Piovani, L., Czarkwiani, A., Dylus, D., ..., Dupont, S., ..., Johannesson, K., ..., & Ferdinand Marlétaz. The brittle star genome illuminates the genetic basis of animal appendage regeneration. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Pärssinen, V., Simmons, L. W., & Kvarnemo, C. Mating competition among females: testing the distinction between natural and sexual selection in an insect. Royal Society Open Science
Pernet, F., Dupont, S., Gattuso, J. P., Metian, M., & Gazeau, F. Cracking the myth: Bivalve farming is not a CO2 sink. Reviews in Aquaculture.
Rabow, S., Johansson, E., Carlsson, P., and Rengefors, K. Unexpected shift from cyanobacterial to dinoflagellate dominance due to a summer drought. Harmful Algae.
Rauf Dahlstedt, S., Trigo, J., Stedt, K., Underland, I., Pavia, H., & Sandvik, P. Tasting seaweed: A scoping review of methodologies used in sensory evaluation of seaweeds. In EUROSENSE 2024: A Sense of Global Culture, 11th Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Dublin, Ireland, 8-11 September, 2024.
Reeve, J., Ghane, A., Barry, P., Balmori-de la Puente, A., Butlin, R.K., Choo, L.Q., Pajot, B., Le Moan, A., Garcia Castillo, D., Peris Tamayo, A.M., Kingston, S., Leder, E., Stankowski, S. A standard pipeline for processing short-read sequencing data from Littorina saxatilis. protocols.io.
Rengefors, K., Annenkova, N., Wallenius, J., Svensson, M., Kremp, A., & Ahrén, D. Population genomic analyses reveal that salinity and geographic isolation drive diversification in a free-living protist. Scientific Reports
Rieder, J., Jemmi, E., Hunter, M. E., & Adrian‐Kalchhauser, I. A Guide to Environmental DNA Extractions for Non‐Molecular Trained Biologists, Ecologists, and Conservation Scientists. Environmental DNA.
Riedinger, D. J., Fernández-Juárez, V., Delgado, L. F., Sperlea, T., Hassenrück, C., Herlemann, D. P., Pansch, C., ... & Labrenz, M. Control of Vibrio vulnificus proliferation in the Baltic Sea through eutrophication and algal bloom management. Communications Earth & Environment.
Ringbom, H., Hellström, M., Pansch, C., Tynkkynen, N., Törnroos, A. The anatomy of complex marine problems: a case study on decision-making on archipelagic aquaculture. In: Understanding environmental change. Edited by Editors: Tynkkynen N, Jetoo S, Kouri J, Laine S and Törnroos A. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ritchie, M. G., & Butlin, R. K. Genetic Coupling of Mate Recognition Systems in the Genomic Era. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology.
Shang, Y., Chang, X., Khan, F. U., Dupont, S., Hu, M., & Wang, Y. Sex-specific trade-off under marine heat wave and food limitation: Insights from bioenergetic and intestinal microbiome in mussels. Aquaculture.
Singh, A., Vidakovic, A., Hjertner, B., Krikigianni, E., Karnaouri, A., Christakopoulos,P., Rova, U., Dicksved, J., Baruah, K., and Lundh, T. Effects of dietary supplementation of lignocellulose-derived cello-oligosaccharides on growth performance, antioxidant capacity, immune response, and intestinal microbiota in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture.
Škaloud, P., Jadrná, I., Dvořák, P., Škvorová, Z., Pusztai, M., Čertnerová, D., ... & Rengefors, K. Rapid diversification of a free-living protist is driven by adaptation to climate and habitat. Current Biology.
Stankowski, S., Z. B. Zagrodzka, M. D. Garlovsky, A. Pal, D. Shipilina, D. G. Castillo, H. Lifchitz, A. Le Moan, E. Leder, J. Reeve, K. Johannesson, A. M. Westram, and R. K. Butlin. The genetic basis of a recent transition to live-bearing in marine snails. Science.
Steinhagen, S., Stedt, K., Trigo, J. P., Undeland, I., & Pavia, H. A step towards closing the food-waste gap in novel protein sources: Post-harvest protein boost of the seaweed crop Ulva by herring production tub water. Future Foods.
Stenow, R., Robertson, E.K., Kourtchenko, O., Whitehouse, M.J., Pinder, M.I., Benvenuto, G., Töpel, M., Godhe, A. and Ploug, H. Resting cells of Skeletonema marinoi assimilate organic compounds and respire by dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in dark, anoxic conditions. Environmental Microbiology.
Sun, L., Eriksson, T., Andersson, R., Cervin, G., Pavia, H., Dicksved, J., & Ivarsson, E. In vitro fermentation of substrates from Saccharina latissima by broiler chicken’s caecal microbiota. Animal Feed Science and Technology.
Sundberg, P., Axberg, A., Daragmeh, N., Wengström, N., and Panova, M. Monitoring of Endangered Freshwater Mussels in Sweden Using Digital PCR. Environmental DNA.
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Jahnke M, Jonsson PR. (2022) Biophysical models of dispersal contribute to seascape genetic analyses. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society B 377: 20210024. doi:10.1098/rstb.2021.0024. One contribution of 11 to a theme issue ‘Species’ ranges in the face of changing environments (part I)'.
Jahnke M, Moknes PO, Le-Moan A, Martens GA, Jonsson PR. (2022) Seascape genomics identify adaptive barriers correlated to tidal amplitude in the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Molecular Ecology, doi:10.1111/mec.16371.
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Faria R, Johannesson K, Stankowski S. Speciation in marine environments: Diving under the surface. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2021, 34 (1): 1-3. doi:10.1111/jeb.13756
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Galindo J, Carvalho J, Sotelo G, Duvetorp M, Costa D, Kemppainen P, Panova M, Kaliontzopoulou A, Johannesson K, Faria R. Genetic and morphological divergence between Littorina fabalis ecotypes in Northern Europe. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2021, 34 (1): 97-113. doi:10.1111/jeb.13705
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Koch EL, Morales H, Larsson J, Westram AM, Faria R, Lemmon AR, Lemmon EM, Johannesson K, Butlin RK. 2021. Genetic variation for adaptive traits is associated with polymorphic inversions in Littorina saxatilis. Evolution Letters 5:196-213.
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Nunez JCB, Rong S, Ferranti DA, Damian-Serrano A, Neil KB, Glenner H, Elyanow RG, Brown BRP, Alm Rosenblad M, Blomberg A, Johannesson K, Rand DM. From tides to nucleotides: Genomic signatures of adaptation to environmental heterogeneity in barnacles. Molecular Ecology, 2021 May 6. doi: 10.1111/mec.15949. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33960035.
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Härnström K, Karunasagar I, Godhe A. (2009) Phytoplankton species assemblages and their relationship to hydrographic factors—a study at the old port in Mangalore, coastal Arabian Sea. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 38(2): 224-235.
Jagers P, Harding KC . (2009) Viability of small populations experiencing recurring catastrophes. Mathematical Population Studies, 16(3):177-198(22).
Johannesson K. (2009) Inverting the null-hypothesis of speciation: a marine snail perspective. Evolutionary Ecology, 23 (1): 5-16.
Jonsson PR, Pavia H, Toth G. (2009) Formation of harmful algal blooms cannot be explained by allelopathic interactions. Proceeding of National Academy of Science 106:11177-11182.
Kemppainen P, Panova M, Hollander J, Johannesson K. (2009) Complete lack of mitochondrial divergence between two species of NE Atlantic marine intertidal gastropods. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Vol 22(10), 2000-2011.
Krantz M, Ahmadpour D, Ottosson L-G, Warringer J, Nordlander B, Blomberg A, Hohmann S, Kitano H.(2009) Robustness and fragility in the yeast High Osmolarity signal transduction pathway. Molecular Systems Biology, 5:281
Kohler A, Böcker U, Sørhus I, Warringer J, Blomberg A, Omholt SW, Martens, H. (2009) Reducing inter-replicate variation in FTIR spectrosocopy by extended multiplicative signal correction (EMSC). Applied Spectroscopy, 63:296
Liti G, Carter DM, Moses AM, Warringer J, Parts L, James SA, Davey RP, Roberts IN, Burt A, Koufopanou V, Tsai IJ, Bergman CM, Bensasson D, O'Kelly MJT, van Oudenaarden A, Barton DBH, Bailes E, Nguyen AN, Jones M, Quail MA, Goodhead A, Sims S, Smith F, Blomberg A, Durbin R, Louis EJ. Population genomics of domestic and wild yeasts. Nature (2009) 458: 337-341
Logg K, Bodvard K, Blomberg A, Käll, M. (2009) Investigations on light induced stress in fluorescence microscopy using nuclear localization of the transcription factor Msn2p as reporter. FEMS Yeast Research, 9:875
Melzner F, Gutowska MA, Langenbuch M, Dupont S, Lucassen M, Thorndyke MC, Bleich M, Pörtner HO. (2009) Physiological basis for high CO2 tolerance in marine ectothermic animals: pre-adaptation through lifestyle and ontogeny? Biogeosciences, 6, 2313-2331.
Mertens, K.N., [..Godhe A...] et al. (2009) Lingulodinium machaerophorum process length variation in surface sediments. Marine Micropaleontology, 70: 54-69.
Nilsson Sköld, H., Obst, M., Sköld, M. & Åkesson, B. (2009). Stem cells in asexual reproduction of marine invertebrates. Chapter 5. In Stem Cells In Marine Animals Eds: B. Rinkevich, V Matranga. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany. p. 105-138. Invited review.
Nyqvist A, André C, Gullstrom M, Baden SP, Aberg P. (2009) Dynamics of Seagrass Meadows on the Swedish Skagerrak Coast. AMBIO, 38 (2): 85-88
Olsson KH, Kvarnemo C, Svensson O. (2009). Relative costs of courtship behaviours in nest-building sand gobies. Animal Behaviour 77:541-546.
Partridge C, Ahnesjö I, Kvarnemo C, Mobley KB, Berglund A, Jones AG. (2009). The effect of perceived female parasite load on postcopulatory male choice in a sex-role-reversed pipefish. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 345-454. doi: 10.1007/s00265-008-0668-3
Pereyra RT, Bergstrom L, Kautsky L, Johannesson, K. (2009) Rapid speciation in a newly opened postglacial marine environment, the Baltic Sea. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9:70.
Ring A-K, Knutsen H, Fiani D, Hoelzel AR, André C. (2009) Development of ten microsatellite loci in the ling (Molva molva). Molecular Ecology Resources, 9:1401-1403.
Sadedin S, Hollander J, Panova M, Johannesson K, Gavrilets S. (2009) Case studies and mathematical models of ecological speciation. 3: Ecotype formation in a Swedish snail. Molecular Ecology, 18, 4006-4023.
Serrão, EA, Havenhand JN (2009) Fertilization strategies In: M.Wahl (ed) Marine Hard Bottom Communities. Springer, Heidelberg. p 149-164.
Sundh H, Olsen RE, Fridell F, Koestan G, Evensen Ø, Glette J, Taranger GL, Myklebust R, Sundell K.(2009) The effect of hyperoxygenation and reduced flow in freshwater and subsequent IPN virus challenge in seawater, on the intestinal barrier integrity in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Journal of Fish Disease. 32:687-698.
Svensson JR, Lindegarth M, Pavia H. (2009) Equal rates of disturbance cause different patterns of diversity. Ecology, 90(2): 496-505.
Svensson CJ, Pavia H, Aberg P. (2009) Robustness in life history of the brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum(Fucales, Phaeophyceae) across large scales: effects of spatially and temporally induced variability on population growth. Marine Biology, 156 (6): 1139-1148.
Taylor R, Abrahamsson K, Godhe A, Wängberg S-Å. (2009) Seasonal variability in polyunsaturated aldehyde production potential between strains of Skeletonema marinoi (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 45: 46-53.
Ungfors A, McKeown NJ, Shaw PW, André C. (2009) Lack of spatial genetic variation in the edible crab (Cancer pagurus) in the Kattegat-Skagerrak area. ICES Journal of Marine Research, 66: 462-469.
Wilson KH. (2009) The genome sequence of the protostome Daphnia pulex encodes respective orthologues of a neurotrophin, a Trk and a p75NTR: evolution of neurotrophin signaling components and related proteins in the bilateria. BMC Evolutionary Biology, Oct 6;9:243.
Wood HL, Spicer JI & Widdicombe S. The influence of hypercapnia and the infaunal brittlestar Amphiura filiformis on sediment nutrient flux – will ocean acidification affect nutrient exchange? Biogeosciences (2009) 6: 2015-2024
Yilmaz A, [..Dupont S...] et al. (2009) Impacts of acidification on biological, chemical and physical systems in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. In Briand F (ed) N° 36 in CIESM Workshop Monographs. CIESM, Monaco. pp. 5-19.
Åberg P, Svensson CJ, Caswell H, Pavia H. (2009) Environment-specific elasticity and sensitivity analysis of the stochastic growth rate. Ecological Modelling 220: 605-610
Ahnesjö I, Forsgren E, Kvarnemo C. (2008). Variation in sexual selection in fishes. In: Fish Behaviour (Eds Magnhagen, C, Braithwaite, VA, Forsgren, E & BG Kapoor). Enfield, NH: Science Publishers Inc. doi:10.1201/b10757-11
Aspengren S, Hedberg D, Sköld HN & Wallin M. (2008). New insights into melanosome transport in vertebrate pigment cells. International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology, 272:245-302. Invited review.
Bergkvist J, Selander E, Pavia H. (2008) Induction of toxin production in dinoflagellates: the grazer makes a difference. Oecologia doi: 10.1007/s00442-008-0981-6
Dupont S, Havenhand J, Thorndyke W, Peck L, Thorndyke MC. (2008) Near-future level of CO2-driven ocean acidification radically affects larval survival and development in the brittlestar Ophiothrix fragilis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 373: 285-294.
Godhe A, Asplund M, Härnström K, Saravanan V, Tyagi A, Karunasagar I. (2008) Quantifying diatom and dinoflagellate biomass in coastal marine sea water samples by real-time PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74(23): 7174-7182.
Havenhand JN, Buttler FR, Thorndyke MC, Williamson JE. (2008) Near-future levels of ocean acidification reduce fertilization success in a sea urchin. Current Biology, 18 (15): R651-R652.
Holm K, Dupont S, Sköld H, Stenius A, Thorndyke M, Henroth B. (2008) Induced cell proliferation in putative haematopoietic tissues of the sea star, Asterias rubens (L.) Journal of Experimental Biology, 211: 2551-2558.
Johannesson K, Havenhand JN, Jonsson PR, Lindegarth M, Sundin A, Hollander J. (2008). Male discrimination of female mucous trails permits assortative mating in marine snail species. Evolution, 62 (12): 3178-3184. PubMed
Lissåker M, Svensson O. (2008) Cannibalize or care? The role of perceived paternity in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62:1467-1475.
Mäkinen T, Panova M, Appelqvist C, Tatarenko A, Johannesson K, André C. 2008. Genetic differentiation on multiple spatial scales in an ecotype-forming marine snail with limited dispersal: Littorina saxatilis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 94: 31-40
Nylund GM, Cervin C, Persson F, Hermansson M, Steinberg PD, Pavia H. (2008) Seaweed defence against bacteria: a poly-brominated 2-heptanone from the red alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera inhibits bacterial colonization. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 369: 39-50.
Olsen RE, Sundell K, Ringø E, Myklebust R, Hemre G-I, Hansen T, Karlsen Ø. (2008) The acute stress response in fed and food deprived Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L.. Aquaculture 280:232-241.
Oweson C, Sköld H, Pinsino A, Matranga V, Hernroth B. (2008). Manganese effects on the haematopoiesis ofAsterias rubens. Aquatic toxicology 89: 75-81
Panova M, Mäkinen T, Fokin M, André C, Johannesson K. Microsatellite cross-species amplification in the genus Littorina and detection of null alleles in Littorina saxatilis. Journal of Molluscan Studies. (2008) 74: 111–117.
Roy M, Harding KC and Holt RD. (2008) Generalizing Levins metapopulation model in explicit space: models of intermediate complexity. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 255(1): 152-161. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2008.07.022
Selander E, Cervin G, Pavia H. (2008) The effect of nitrate and phosphate on grazer induced paralytic shellfish toxin formation in Alexandrium minutum. Limnology and Oceanography, 53:523-530
Sköld HN, Svensson A, Amundsen, T, Mayer I, Bjelvenmark J, Forsgren E. (2008). Hormonal regulation of female nuptial coloration in a fish. Hormones and Behaviour 54: 549-556.
Styan CA, Kupriyanova E, Havenhand JN. (2008) Strong barriers to cross-fertilization between populations of a polychaete species are unlikely to have arisen through gametic compatibility arms-races. Evolution, 62: 3041-3055.
Sundell K, Power D. (2008) Special Issue: Functional Genomics in Sustainable Aquaculture Introduction. Reviews in Fisheries Science 16:1-2.
Wood HL, Spicer JI, Widdicombe S. Ocean acidification may increase calcification - but at a cost. Proceedings of Royal Society B. (2008) 275, 1767-1773.

Doctoral & Licentiate theses
The application of environmental DNA (eDNA) methods for the monitoring and detection of aquatic microorganisms in aquaculture. Jessica Rieder, Department of Biology, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern, Switzerland. 2023-10-13
Survivors of the Sea: Investigating the genomics and survival strategies of the diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Matthew Pinder, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-8069-399-8 (print). 2023-09-14.
Evolutionary and Ecological Effects of Metal Pollution on Coastal Diatoms. Björn Andersson, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-8069-025-6. 2022-11-24
- Modelling the Evolution of Species’ Ranges. Martin Eriksson, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-8009-977-6. 2022-10-14
- Crossing barriers: Genetic consequences of translocating wild cleaner fish for aquaculture. Ellika Faust, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN: 978-91-8009-693-5. 2022-05-20
- Habitat-Forming Seaweeds in a Changing Climate. Alexandra Kinnby, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN: 978-91-8009-360-6. 2021-06-09
- Reproductive isolation at contact zones. Samuel Perini, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN: 978-91-8009-210-4. 2021-02-26
- Connectivity and evolution of fishes in the Southern Ocean – from species to populations. Henrik Christiansen, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Genomics, KU Leuven, Belgium. 2020-04-28
- Reproductive traits in euryhaline gobies - insights into physiology, adaptations and biological invasions. Leon Green Ekelin, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7833-842-9
- Calcium transport in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas - in a changing environment. Kirsikka Sillanpää, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN: 978-91-7833-650-0
- Molecular biology of barnacle Balanus improvisus settlement.
Anna Abramova, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN: 978-91-7833-615-9
- Non-indigenous species in Northern Europe and the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River: the importance of geographic origin.
Isabel Casties, Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
- Bivalves in the face of ocean acidification
Alexander Ventura, Department of Biological and Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg. ISBN: 978-91-88509-17-8
- Effects of ocean acidification on the transcriptome of larval Atlantic cod and impacts of parental acclimation
Felix Mittermayer, Christian-Albrecht-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
- Genetic aspects of environmental disturbances in marine ecosystems: Studies of the blue mussel in Baltic Sea region
Josefine Larsson, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Södertörn University. ISBN 978-91-88663-24-5 (digital)
- Seagrass Wasting Disease: Impact of abiotic factors and chemical defense.
Stina Jakobsson, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg. ISBN 978-91-629-0373-2 (pdf)
- Phenotypic and Genotypic Responses in the Planktonic Diatom Skeletonema marinoi - Effects of Natural Processes and Anthropogenic Stressors.
Susanna Gross, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg. ISBN 978-978-91-629-0325-1
- Tracking Microbial Growth and Evolution at High throughput
Martin Zackrisson
University of Gothenburg, Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology
- Genetic structuring in natural populations - the influence of life history strategies and asymmetric migration
Lisa Sundqvist
University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences
- Dispersal of Microalgae- the role of Biological and Physical Barriers
Josefin Sefbom
University of Gothenburg, Department of Marine Sciences
- Patterns of evolution in a young species, the Baltic seaweed Fucus radicans
Angelica Ardehed
University of Gothenburg, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Shipworm ecology in Swedish waters
Christin Appelqvist
University of Gothenburg, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Climate Change and the Norway lobster -Effects of Multiple Stressors on Early Development
Hannah Styf
University of Gothenburg, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Genetic variation in natural populations: a modeller's perspective
Marina Rafajlovic
University of Gothenburg, Department of Physics
- Phenotypic Plasticity and Adaptation Potential to Salinity in Early Life Stages of the Tunicate, Ciona intestinalisspB
Elin Renborg
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- From geography to genes: evolutionary perspectives on salinity tolerance in the brackish water barnacle Balanus improvises
Anna-Lisa Wrange
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Trans-life Cycle Impacts of Ocean Acidification on the Green Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
Narimane Dorey
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Adaptation to the Baltic Sea – the case of isopod genus Idotea
Sonja Leidenberger
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Evolution of the brown algae Fucus radicans and F. vesiculosus in the Baltic Sea
Daniel Johansson
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Mate choice and its evolutionary consequences in intertidal snails (Littorina spp.)
Sara Hintz Saltin
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Conservation Genetics of Lophelia pertusa
Mikael Dahl
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Seaweed Invasions and Novel Chemical Defences
Swantje Enge
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Paternal care and brood reduction in a pipefish
Gry Sagebakken
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Egg size evolution and paternal care in pipefishes.
Inês Braga Gonçalves
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology
- The evolution of flat periwinkles Littorina fabalis and L.obtusata emphasizing mitochondrial introgression and restriced recombination.
Kemppainen, Petri
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Marine Ecology
- Genetic identification of corkwing wrasse cleaner fish escaping from Norwegian aquaculture. ISBN: 978-91-7833-935-8
Ellika Faust
University of Gothenburg, Dept Marine Sciences
- Effects of environmental stressors on a habitat forming macroalga over evolutionary and ecological time scales
Alexandra Kinnby
University of Gothenburg, Dept Marine Sciences
- Sperm adaptations in euryhaline gobies
Leon Green Ekelin
University of Gothenburg, Dept Biological and Environmental Sciences
- Genetic variation in structured populations
Marina Rafajlovic
University of Gothenburg, Department of Physics
- Complex male mate choice in marine snails (Littorina)
Hintz Saltin, Sara
University of Gothenburg, Faculty of Science, Department of Marine Ecology

Bergström U,…[Green L,]…et al. ICES. 2022. Workshop on Stickleback and Round Goby in the Baltic Sea (WKSTARGATE). ICES Scientific Reports. 4:77. 56 pp. doi:10.17895/ices.pub.21345291
Sundberg P, Axberg A, Daraghmeh N, Panova M, Obst M. (2022) Genetic methods in environmental monitoring: Early detection and monitoring of non-indigenous species based on DNA. Report 2022:4, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. ISBN: 978-91-89329-32-4
Boyd PW, Collins S, Dupont S, Fabricius K, Gattuso J-P, Havenhand J, Hutchins DA, McGraw CM, Riebesell U, Vichi M, Biswas H, Ciotti A, Dillingham P, Gao K, Gehlen M, Hurd CL, Kurihawa H, Navarro J, Nilsson GE, Passow U, Portner H-O. (2019). SCOR WG149 Handbook to support the SCOR Best Practice Guide for ‘Multiple Drivers’ Marine Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.25959/5c92fdf0d3c7a
Wallhead PJ, Chen W, Falkenberg L, Norling M, Bellerby R, Dupont S, Fagerli C, Dale T, Hancke K & Christie H, 2018. Urchin harvesting and kelp regrowth in northern Norway under ocean acidification and warming. In: AMAP Assessment 2018: Arctic Ocean Acidification. pp. 79-90 Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Tromsø, Norway.
BONUS-BAMBI - Management recommendations, November 2017
REPORT – Symposium ”Art of Publishing”, 2015
Take-home-message from ”Art of Publishing” symposium: how to publish rapidly and efficiently, limit stress and deal with carrier issues, by Sylvie Tesson. 9 pp.
The Significance and Management of Natural Carbon Stores in the Open Ocean. Laffoley, D., Baxter, J. M., Thevenon, F. and Oliver, J. (editors). 2014. Full report. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 124 pp. Sam Dupont is one of the authors.
An Updated Synthesis of the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biodiversity. (2014). (Eds. S. Hennige, J.M. Roberts and P. Williamson). Montreal, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Technical Series No. 75, 99 pages. Jon Havenhand and Sam Dupont were lead authors in this report.
Report on marine species: The response and potential adaptation of marine species to CO2 exposure associated with different potential CO2 leakage scenarios. ECO2 Deliverable, D4.2 . UNSPECIFIED. Morgan E, Hauton C, Schade H, Melzner F, Guilini K, Vanreusel A, Meyer S, Ramette A, Dupont S, Widdicombe S. (2014)
AMAP Assessment 2013: Arctic Ocean Acidification. AMAP, Oslo. 2013. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. viii + 99 pp.
Brander K, Havenhand J. 2012. Impacts of Climate Change, Including Acidification, on Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries. In: Reckermann M., Brander K., MacKenzie B. R. & Omstedt A. (Eds.), Climate impacts on the Baltic Sea: from science to policy, 2012, pp 129-160. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Lindberg P, Svensson O (2012). Elfiske i Västra Götalands län år 2011. Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götalands län. Löpnr 2012:26. 265 pp.
Bridging the gap between ocean acidification impacts and economic valuation. Conclusions and recommendations for decision makers. Report from the International Workshop, 16-18 November 2010, IAEA, Monaco. The Monaco Environment and Economics Group, 2011, 8 pp. Sam Dupont is one of the contributors. Fauville G, Hodin J, Dupont S, Miller P, Haws J, Thorndyke M, Epel D. Virtual Ocean Acidification Laboratory as an Efficient Educational Tool to Address Climate Change Issues. In: Leal Filho W. (Ed.) The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change, 2011, 825-836. Springer Verlag.
Lindberg P, Svensson O, Nöbelin F (2011). Fiskbestånden i Roxen och Glan. Länsstyrelsen i Östergötlands län. Löpnr 2011:15. 44 pp.
Havenhand J, Dupont S, Quinn J. Chapter 4 Designing ocean acidification experiments to maximise inference(PDF) Riebesell U., Fabry V. J., Hansson L. & Gattuso J.-P. (Eds.), 2010. Guide to best practices for ocean acidification research and data reporting, 260 p. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Pörtner HO, Dupont S, Melzner F, Storch D, Thorndyke M. Chapter 10 Studies of metabolic rate and other characters across life stages (PDF). Riebesell U., Fabry V. J., Hansson L. & Gattuso J.-P. (Eds.), 2010. Guide to best practices for ocean acidification research and data reporting, 260 p. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Widdicombe S, Dupont S, Thorndyke M. Chapter 7 Laboratory experiments and benthic mesocosm studies(PDF) Riebesell U., Fabry V. J., Hansson L. & Gattuso J.-P. (Eds.), 2010. Guide to best practices for ocean acidification research and data reporting, 260 p. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Fauville G, Hodin J, Dupont S, Miller P, Haws J, Thorndyke M, Epel D. (2009) Virtual ocean acidification laboratory as an efficient educational tool to address climate change issues. Climate 2009/KLIMA 2009.
Howard W, Havenhand JN, Parker L, Raftos D, Ross P, Williamson J, Matear R. (2009) A marine climate change impacts and adaptation report card for Australia. CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
Prunet, P. McAndrew, B. ; Didcock, C. Sundell K. Power DM. et al. (2009) Genomic in fish and shellfish: From research to aquaculture. AQUAGENOME N°044481. Final report. pp. 52
Prunet, P. Figueras, A. Sundell, K. et al. (2009) A white paper on genomics in European Aquaculture Research. EU FP7
Andersson P, Håkansson B, Håkansson J, Sahlsten E, Havenhand J, Thorndyke M & Dupont S (2008) Marine acidification – On effects and monitoring of marine acidification in the seas surrounding Sweden. SMHI report, Oceanografi 82. 62 pages.
Havenhand JN, Thorndyke MC, Dupont S (2008) Försurning av haven. In: Viklund (ed) Havet 2008. Naturvårdsverket. p 29-32.
Sundell K., Power DM, Prunet P and Figueras A. (2008) Integrated knowledge on functional genomics in sustainable aquaculture. AQUAFUNC N°022685. Final report. pp. 285
Svedäng H, Andre C. 2008. Observations on migratory behaviour of Atlantic cod strongly support natal homing. In: Spatial structure of cod populations: What are the implications for the assessment and management of cod stocks? A Mini-Symposium 22-23 May, 2007 The Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Belfast, United Kingdom. Edited by: Walter Crozier, Mike Heath, David Righton.

Popular science
- Evolution i raketfart förvånar: "Hoppingivande". (English version: Evolution at rocket speed: "Hopeful"). Kerstin Johansson. Deep Sea Reporter. October 2024.
- These snails give live birth, and it’s the babies that may do the labor. Interview with Kerstin Johannesson, Science News. January 2024.
- Om biologisk mångfald och evolution, Kerstin Johannesson mfl, Kungliga Vetenskapsakademiens populärvetenskapliga skriftserie "Vetenskapen säger". Maj 2023.
- Torsk som torsk vid västkusten? Simon Henriksson & Carl André. Havsutsikt 2/2022.
- Torskens superkraft - anpassningsbarhet, Simon Henriksson. Havsutsikt 2/2022
- Supergener visar hur arter bildas, Kerstin Johannesson och Susanne Liljenström, Forskning och Framsteg, 2020:4 , 37-41.
- A snail´s tale of the origin of species. See how natural selection can make snails on the shore very different when faced with crab predation compared to strong waves. However, is this enough to make them separate species? Animated film by researchers at the universites of Sheffield and Gothenburg.
- Genetisk mångfald - variation som gör skillnad. Johannesson K. & Liljenström S. Havsutsikt 2/2017.
- Evolution - the origin and development of life
All living things, millions of species of plants and animals as well as humans, have a common origin. Since the first sign of life 3.8 billion years ago, constant change and development have occurred, what we call evolution.
Meet three prominent evolutionary scientists at Uppsala University: Per Ahlberg, Hans Ellegren and Lynn Kamerlin, and Kerstin Johannesson at the University of Gothenburg.
The film was produced by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, 2017-03-29 - I am the Ocean - arts and sciences to move from ocean literacy to passion for the ocean, by Sam Dupont. The outreach activities within CeCAR during 2017 and 2018 will focus on ocean acidification, marine environment and Co2 emissions. The observed changes in the ocean is a symptom of something bigger: the combination of local and global anthropogenic changes. These will have consequenses on humans and there is a need for increased ocean literacy.
- Sea snails & prawns on the front line of ocean acidification, Stephen Gillman. Horizon, The EU Research & Innovation Magazine. Anna-Sara Krång's research on how ocean acidification affects the immune system in Norwegian lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, is one of the highlighted projects in the article. Anna-Sara Krång is project leader for CruCSChange, an EU-funded project aimed at understanding the combined impacts of climate change on marine organisms, such as the effect of ocean acidification and pollution on crustaceans.
- Framtidens miljöövervakning tar hjälp av DNA-analys, Liljenström S. Extrakt, aktuell forskning för ett hållbart samhälle. Formas. (2014) Anna Godhe's research and her search for a molecular tool tracing adaptation in diatoms to eutrophication through history is presented in the popular science magazine Extrakt from Formas.
- Så ska livet under ytan få bästa skydd, Liljenström S. Extrakt, aktuell forskning för ett hållbart samhälle. Formas. (2014)
Per Jonsson's research on larval dispersal and the design of marine reserve networks in Sweden is presented in the popular science magazine Extrakt from Formas.
- CeMEB in Progress – Highlights in midterm from the Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology, CeMEB. Susanne Liljenström et al. A publication, aimed for a nonspecialist audience, presents research and results and gives an introduction to the CeMEB world. (2013) 26 pp.
CeMEB in Progress
- Goda idéer for en bättre värld. De kungliga stiftelserna. Ny manet ho mot västkustens ekosystem, s 2-3. Presentation av Lene Friis Möllers forskning.
- Den bortglömda mångfalden. Johannesson K. Havsutsikt 2/2011
- Ta fisken och miljön i samma båt. Johannesson K. Framtider (Institutet för framtidsstudier, Stockholm) (2011).
- Environment: Earth's acid test. Nature News. Published online 9 March 2011 | Nature 471, 154-156 (2011). doi:10.1038/471154a
Bevara bjälklagsarterna - nödvändiga recept för hållbara ekosystem. Johannesson K. Biodiversa (Svenska Artdatabanken) (2010).
- Guide to best practices for ocean acidification research and data reporting. 2010, 260 p. Riebesell U., Fabry V. J., Hansson L. & Gattuso J.-P. (Eds.) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
- Rödslistor och ekosystemansats - en svårlöst ekvation. Johannesson K. Kapitel i antologin: Naturvård bortom 2009. (red LJ Lundgren). Kassandra, 2009.
- Sex hos djur, Kvarnemo, C. In: Djuren och människan - Om den moderna biologin och dess världsbild. (Ed LJ Erkell). Studentlitteratur, Lund.2009
- Fina fisken: fisken och forskaren snackar färg. Nilsson Sköld H. 2009. Havsutsikt 2: 10-11
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