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- Ylva Wallinder
Ylva Wallinder
Senior Lecturer
Department of Sociology and Work ScienceAbout Ylva Wallinder
Ylva obtained her PhD in Sociology at the University of Gothenburg. Her field of research focus on labour market issues, related to welfare, lifelong learning and social mobility.
Current research
Ylva defended her thesis in November 2018.
The studies presented in the thesis examine perceived labour market opportu-nities and conditions for labour market mobility for European employees. The European labour market strategy has created an opportunity-oriented employability-logic that emphasises individual characteristics and individual responsibility for employment. Within this logic, individuals are active job seekers and should continuously develop their employability skills, a one-dimensional focus on employability. In contrast, the thesis argues that the current employability discourse fails to account for two further relevant and interdependent dimensions of employability, namely the institutional context and the local recognition of employees’ resources at the workplace. Thus, individual characteristics, institutional conditions and local recognition for resources are vital for employment. The institutional context influences individuals’ access to education and employment, as well as employers’ mode of recruiting employees. The resources held by individuals are also relational in the sense that they are influenced by everyday practices of recognition and workplace situations.
The theoretical argument of the thesis is that labour market opportunities are primarily socially framed, which challenge the current European opportunity-oriented policy approach. The process of social framing is a consequence of the dominant institutional conditions and the local social settings which provide or limit access to important labour market resources. As such, the thesis acknowledges that employability requires recognition of individuals’ resources, and that this recognition is context-dependent.
Teaching experience
Teaching Quantitative methodology (including Bachelor and Masters level) and Theory of Science from spring 2013. Introductory course to Sociology from autumn 2015, Research Ethics and Research Design from autumn 2016, Department of Sociology and Work Science. Secon cycle sociology-cources from spring 2017. Course administrator 2016-2017 (L3K50G/LGK50G, Theory of Science for teachers and theory of Professions, for Pre-school teachers and high school teachers).
Supervising Bachelor and Master theses since 2014, in Sociology, Work Science, Human Resource Management and European Studies. Supervising both Quantitative and Qualitative methods.
Vilka är vi och vart är vi på väg? En betraktelse över Svenska sociologförbundet och dess medlemmar i en nordisk
Ylva Wallinder, Andreas Henriksson
Sociologisk forskning - 2024 -
Urban Gardens as Meeting Places: Experiences from Bucharest, Budapest, Göteborg and
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Ylva Wallinder, Kerstin Jacobsson
Urban Gardens as Meeting Places in Göteborg, Budapest and Bucharest: Building Collaborative Capacity for Sustainability in Different Socio-economic Contexts - 2024 -
Urban gardens as inclusive green living rooms? Gardening activities in Gothenburg, across and within social
Ylva Wallinder
Journal of Organizational Ethnography - 2024 -
Coming ’home’ in times of uncertainty: �Return experiences and constructions of home among Swedish mobile
Oksana Shmulyar Green, Maja Cederberg, Ylva Wallinder
Conference programme - 2024 -
Bo Bengtsson och Martin Grander, Bostadsfrågan som politik och intressekamp. Egalité
Ylva Wallinder
Sociologisk Forskning 61(2) - 2024 -
A commodification of urban greening projects: Urban gardening in Gothenburg as a cooperative practice or a risky and individualized
Ylva Wallinder
Nordic Sociological Association conference (NSA 2024), 14-16 August, Norrköping, Sweden. - 2024 -
Stadsodling som
Kerstin Jacobsson, Ylva Wallinder
Paper presenterat vid Sociologidagarna, Göteborg, 13-15 mars 2024 - 2024 -
A journey into the new employment service landscape of responsibilisation: Towards de-personalisation of the caseworker-jobseeker
Mattias Bengtsson, Kerstin Jacobsson, Ylva Wallinder
International Journal of Social Welfare - 2024 -
Assembling social conditions of sustainability through urban gardening: policy, infrastructure
and social
Agnes Gagyi, Ioana Florea, Kerstin Jacobsson, Ylva Wallinder
International online workshop, 19-20 June 2023, University of Gothenburg, Sweden - 2023 -
The (Un)sustainability of Urban Gardens. Short-term Engagement and Exclusion in Swedish Greening
Ylva Wallinder, María Florencia Langa
Assembling social conditions of sustainability through urban gardening: policy, infrastructure and social dynamics International online workshop, 19-20 June 2023, University of Gothenburg, Sweden - 2023 -
Enacting Tacit
Kerstin Jacobsson, Ylva Wallinder
Paper presented at the conference on Civil Society Studies 2023, Stockholm 19-20 April - 2023 -
Otherness in the Workplace among Highly Skilled Labour Migrants: Swedes in Germany and the
Ylva Wallinder
Work, Employment and Society - 2022 -
A Culture of Cloning in Swedish Associationism? Conditions for Organizational Harmony and Rhythm in Urban Gardening
Kerstin Jacobsson, Ylva Wallinder
38th EGOS Colloquium. Sub-theme 03: Cords and Discords in Civil Society. July 7-9, 2022, Vienna - 2022 -
When the Client Becomes Her Own Caseworker: Dislocation of Responsibility through Digital Self-Support in the Swedish Public Employment
Ylva Wallinder, Ida Seing
Sozialer Fortschritt - 2022 -
Growing in Gothenburg. Urban gardening activities across and within social and ethnic
Ylva Wallinder
Sociologidagarna 2022: Bortom krisen. Arbetsgrupp Urbansociologi. Uppsala 16-18 mars 2022 - 2022 -
Perceived employability among foreign-born employees, before and during
Ylva Wallinder
Economic and Industrial Democracy - 2021 -
Prefabricerade modulhus eller arkitektritade lösvirkeshus? Skilda handläggarideal inom Arbetsförmedlingen och
Katarina Hollertz, Ylva Wallinder, Kerstin Jacobsson
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv - 2021 -
When the Client becomes her own Caseworker: Dislocation of Responsibility through Digital Self-support in the Swedish Public Employment
Ylva Wallinder
Paper presented at the 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association - Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures. RN Work, Employment and Industrial Relations, August 31 – September 3, Barcelona, Spain (online conference). - 2021 -
Street-level bureaucrats under
Kerstin Jacobsson, Ylva Wallinder, Ida Seing
Journal of Professions and Organization - 2020 -
Könsskillnader i arbetsskadeersättning i branscher och
Lotta Dellve, Ylva Wallinder
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv - 2020 -
Varieties of Professionalism: A Comparative Study of Workplace Cultures and Professional Role Identities in Two Welfare State
Kerstin Jacobsson, Ylva Wallinder, Ida Seing
14th Conference of the European Sociological Association - Europe and Beyond, 20-23 augusti, Manchester - 2019 -
Imagined independence among highly skilled Swedish labour
Ylva Wallinder
Sociologisk forskning - 2019 -
Imagined Independence. Institutional Conditions and Individual Opportunities in European Labour
Ylva Wallinder
2018 -
Imagined independence among Swedish highly skilled labour
Ylva Wallinder
13th Conference of the European Sociological Association - "(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities". Athens: 29 august - 01 september 2017 - 2017 -
Perceived employability in difficult economic times. The significance of education systems and labour market
Tomas Berglund, Ylva Wallinder
European Societies: The Official Journal of the European Sociological Association - 2015