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- Katarina Hollertz
Katarina Hollertz
Senior Lecturer
Department of Social WorkAbout Katarina Hollertz
I am a social worker and associate professor in social work. I have an MA in comparative European social studies from the University of North London. 2010 PhD in social work at Lund University in 2010. My main research areas concern the organization of social work, activation issues, care for the elderly and educational issues linked to social work.
Ongoing research project
2024-2027 Work ability - a study of organizations' boundaries and case managers' assessments, FORTE-funded project, about work ability assessments within the Swedish welfare state. John Brauer, Örebro University, is the main applicant. Also participating is Lisa Wallander, Lund University.
2021-2024 Moral stress and moral agency in Swedish elderly care. The starting point for the project is that elderly care's challenging working conditions and ethical dilemmas in the work create a breeding ground for moral stress among employees. The project will provide more knowledge about how moral agency can be promoted and contribute to increased quality in elderly care. The project is carried out in collaboration with three professional groups within elderly care in three municipalities, local politicians and trade unions. Funder: FORTE (within the framework of applied welfare research). Project manager: Sara Hultqivst, employees Katarina Hollertz and Magdalena Elmersjö. https://omsorgochmoral.blogg.lu.se
Completed research projects
2019-2022 Pathways to employment. FORTE-funded project, led by Professor Mikaela Starke. Co-worker Tina Olsson and Katarina Hollertz. Every year, thousands of people in Sweden participate in labor market interventions. Interventions for people who are long-term unemployed are aimed, among other things, at young people, individuals with disabilities, migrants and the elderly without higher education. There are a variety of initiatives provided by various businesses that aim to support people who are out of work.
The studies also show that there are interventions that are more or less effective.
The overall aim of the study is to understand how different interventions work in practice, how they are implemented and what consequences they have for the participants.
2018 Local labor market policy with a focus on autonomy and participation: A user perspective on the gradual job and knowledge lift. The project is financed by the City of Gothenburg. Collaborator in the project: Sara Hultqvist.
2015-2018 The audit culture and the administrator: A study of the Employment Service and the Social Insurance Agency. Research project funded by the Riksbank's anniversary fund to study governance processes within government agencies in the light of a changing welfare state. The project is led by Professor Kerstin Jacobsson. More information about the project
2012-2015: Localise (Local worlds of social cohesion), an EU-funded research project involving six European countries (Poland, France, Italy, UK, Germany and Sweden). The study examined local variations and strategies in working with people who are far from the labor market. Project manager Professor Martin Heidenriech. http://www.localise-research.eu/
2004-2010: Municipal organization of interventions for young unemployed benefit recipients, 1993-2005 (dissertation project).
I have extensive experience in at different levels, in Swedish and English. Among other things, I have been the course manager/responsible for courses in social work at community level, international field placements, practice and professionalization in social work etc.
I collaborate with actors outside the academy in teaching and research. In 2024, I have an assignment within the framework of the Research School for Professionals in Social Services to strengthen the conditions for collaboration between social services and academia. https://forskarskolanfys.se
Supervision of doctoral students:
- Lisa Wallin (assistant supervisor) (2022-ff)
Opponent in final seminars:
- Olof Wiedel, University West (work-integrated learning)
Member of the doctoral grading committee:
- Olof Wiedel, "To create goals and meaning in vacuumland" University West (work-integrated learning), september 15, 2023
- Helena Håkansson, "Time for trust", GU (Sociology and work science), may 24, 2024.
Organization of conferences:
- FORSA/NASSW, Social Work as Emancipatory Practice, Creating Pathways towards Social Justice Gothenburg June 17th-19th 2024 (Coordinating together with Zulmir Becevic)
- Sociatjänstforum, Social services in change, Gothenburg 18-19 August 2022, Gothenburg (member of organizing commitee)
- Sociatjänstforum, The new social services law - where are we and where are we going?, 21-22 November 2024, Gothenburg (member of organizing commitee)
Teoretiska begrepp som språkliga verktyg för empowerment i en
Sara Hultqvist, Katarina Hollertz
Mångfaldens möten: Interkulturalitet, utbildning och lärande - 2024 -
Art, research, and moral agency in Swedish
Katarina Hollertz, Magdalena Elmersjö , Sara Hultqvist, Anna Maria Joakimsdottir Hutri
FORSA/NASSW 2024 conference: Social Work as Emancipatory Practice Creating Pathways towards Social Justice - 2024 -
”The morning café” – social work signature pedagogy in the digital age. A tool for enhanced student participation and
Anna Bengtsson Ryan, Katarina Hollertz, Jörgen Lundälv
13th European Conference for Social Work Research, April 17-19, 2024. Vilnius, Lithuania. - 2024 -
Katarina Hollertz
Metaphors we supervise by (eds: Olof Hallonsten, Anna Jonsson, Jens Rennstam, Nadja Sörgärde) - 2024 -
A room for trust, comfort, and togetherness
Lessons learned from focus groups in digital rooms in a research project on Swedish eldercare during
Magdalena Elmersjö, Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist
NaPSA (Nationellt papersymposium i socialt arbete) - 2024 -
Vem ropar för
Anna Maria Joakimsdottir Hutri , Katarina Hollertz, Magdalena Elmersjö, Sara Hultqvist
Göteborg, GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, 20240311 - 2024 -
Jakten på adekvat kunskap. Chefers
Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist
2024 -
Learning a shared language - theoretical concepts as tools for enhanced well-being in social work
S. Hultqvist, Katarina Hollertz
Nordic Social Work Research - 2023 -
Advancing Social Intervention Research Through Program Theory
Tina M. Olsson, Sabina Kapetanovic, Katarina Hollertz, Mikaela Starke, Therése Skoog
Research on social work practice - 2023 -
Theoretical underpinnings of active labour market programmes implemented by municipal and non-governmental organisations in
Mikaela Starke, Katarina Hollertz
European Journal of Social Work - 2023 -
Learning a shared language – theoretical concepts as tools for enhanced well-being in social work
Sara Hultqvist, Katarina Hollertz
Nordic Social Work Research - 2023 -
Regeringen raserar folkbildningen när färre kan utbildas till
Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist, Magdalena Elmersjö
Alltinget - 2023 -
Barnbarns uppfattningar om ålderdom och hur det påverkar deras förväntningar på svensk
Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist , Magdalena Elmersjö
NaPSA 2023, Nationell paper-konferens i socialt arbete, Stockholm, mars 22-23, 2023. - 2023 -
Is there a shared social work signature pedagogy cross nationally? Using a case study methodology to explore signature pedagogy in England, Israel, Finland, Spain and
M. Wallengren-Lynch, H. L. Chen, H. Muurinen, E. Segev, Katarina Hollertz, Anna Bengtsson Ryan, R. Thomas, M. B. Carrasco
European Journal of Social Work - 2022 -
Delaktighet i forskningsprocessen - PAR i en samtida
Katarina Hollertz, Magdalena Elmersjö, Sara Hultqvist, Evelina Hoffmann
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift - 2022 -
Höj ersättningarna för sjuka och arbetslösa för att motverka
Jayeon Lindellee, Sara Hultqvist, Erika Werner, Jenny Johansson, Lupita Svensson, Hanna Egard, Marie Flinkfeldt, Katarina Hollertz, Anett Schenk
Göteborgs-Posten 13 sep - 2022 -
Hearing the voices of the young. Dilemmas in research on
Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist
Social Work, Social Welfare, Unemployment and Vulnerability Among Youth - 2022 -
Obegripligt att undersköterskor nekas att
Sara Hultqvist, Magdalena Elmersjö, Katarina Hollertz
Dagens medicin 4 aug - 2022 -
Äldreomsorgen, där alla måste
Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist, Magdalena Elmersjö
ST-tidningen - 2022 -
Moral Stress and Moral Agency in Swedish
Magdalena Elmersjö, Sara Hultqvist, Katarina Hollertz
Social Science Protocols - 2022 -
Commitment and control: Teamwork as management tool in a welfare state
Kerstin Jacobsson, Katarina Hollertz
Sociologisk forskning - 2021 -
Individual need and societal claims: Challenging the understanding of universalism versus selectivism in social
Sara Hultqvist, Katarina Hollertz
Social Policy & Administration - 2021 -
Från analog till digital undervisning under pandemin. Same same but
Katarina Hollertz, Ann Simmeborn Fleischer, Anna Bengtsson Ryan
Vad är bra utbildning vid det postpandemiska universitetet? Högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg (HKG 2021) - 2021 -
Normativ impregnering som informell styrning: Exemplet
Kerstin Jacobsson, Katarina Hollertz
Välfärdens aktörer: Utmaningar för människor, professioner och organisationer - 2021 -
Att utmana det akademiska kunskapsmonopolet – erfarenheter av brukardeltagare
Lotta Bergström, Lasse Fryk, Katarina Hollertz, Anna Bengtsson Ryan, Michael Lynch
Dahlstedt, Magnus, Gruber, Sabine, Herz, Marcus och Lalander, Philip (2021). Socialt arbete - rörelser, motstånd, förändring. Studentlitteratur - 2021 -
Samverkan och bruten sekretess- etiska dilemman i en villkorad
Katarina Hollertz, Tina M. Olsson, Mikaela Starke
Perspektiv på samverkan om utmaningar och möjligheter i välfärdens praktik - 2021 -
Moraliskt systemfel att utbilda men inte
Sara Hultqvist, Katarina Hollertz, Magdalena Elmersjö
Äldre i Centrum - 2021 -
Prefabricerade modulhus eller arkitektritade lösvirkeshus? Skilda handläggarideal inom Arbetsförmedlingen och
Katarina Hollertz, Ylva Wallinder, Kerstin Jacobsson
Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv - 2021 -
”Det är klart de vet vad uppgivenhet betyder”: Kommunikation och språk i vård- och omsorgsutbildning på
Sara Hultqvist, Katarina Hollertz
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2021 -
Från studenter till spirande opinionsbildare. Artikel (Röster om Socialpolitik). Tidskriften Socialpolitik, Nr 1, mars 2021,
Jörgen Lundälv, Anna Bengtsson Ryan, Katarina Hollertz
Tidskriften Socialpolitik - 2021 -
Pathways to Employment: Study Protocol for a Theory-Based Non-Randomized Controlled Trial of Active Labor Market Programs Designed to Move the Long-Term Unemployed Closer to the Labor
Tina M. Olsson, Katarina Hollertz, Mikaela Starke
Social Science Protocols - 2020 -
Följsamhet som styrningsideal på Försäkringskassan - ett hot mot
Kerstin Jacobsson, Ida Seing, Katarina Hollertz
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift - 2019 -
Applying a ‘signature pedagogy’ in the teaching of critical social work theory and
Michael Lynch, Anna Bengtsson Ryan, Katarina Hollertz
Social Work Education - 2019 -
Pathways to the labormarket – for long-term unemployed persons with intellectual and developmental
Mikaela Starke, Katarina Hollertz, Tina M. Olsson
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, vol. 63, issue 7 Special Issue Future4All - 2019 -
Aktivering och socialbidrag - utveckling, praktik och resultat, i Hjort, T. (red.) Det yttersta
Håkan Johansson, Katarina Hollertz
Det yttersta skyddsnätet - 2019 -
The Role of Teamwork in a Welfare State Bureaucracy: Performativity, Commitment and Control in the Swedish Social Insurance
Kerstin Jacobsson, Katarina Hollertz
Paper at the 3d conference on Street-level Research, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, June 11-13 2019 - 2019 -
Lokal arbetsmarknadspolitik med fokus på autonomi och delaktighet : Ett brukarperspektiv på Det stegvisa jobb- och
Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist
2019 -
Nordisk socialpolitik har
Matilda Wrede-Jäntti, Torbjörn Hjort, Tapio Salonen, Liv Johanne Solheim, Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist, Jörgen Lundälv
Hufvudstadsbladet - 2018 -
Vitalisering av samtal bådar gott för socialpolitikens framtid. Insändare. Hufvudstadsbladet.
Matilda Wrede-Jäntti, Torbjörn Hjort, Tapio Salonen, Liv Johanne Solheim, Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist, Jörgen Lundälv
Hufvudstadsbladet - 2018 -
Fler politiker måste ta plats i det demokratiska samtalet. Replik i tidningen Dagens Samhälle.
Torbjörn Hjort, Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist, Jörgen Lundälv, Tapio Salonen, Liv Johanne Solheim, Matilda Wrede-Jäntti
Tidningen Dagens Samhälle - 2018 -
Socialpolitik är inte altruism i Norden
Torbjörn Hjort, Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist, Jörgen Lundälv, Tapio Salonen, Liv Johanne Solheim, Matilda Wrede-Jäntti
Dagens Samhälle - 2018 -
Organizational governance of activation policy: Transparency as an organizational ideal in a Swedish welfare
Katarina Hollertz, Kerstin Jacobsson, Ida Seing
International Social Security Review - 2018 -
Local worlds of activation: the diverse pathways of three Swedish
Kerstin Jacobsson, Katarina Hollertz, Christina Garsten
Nordic Social Work Research - 2017 -
Den transparenta organisationen. Handläggaren och visibilitetskulturen i
Katarina Hollertz, Kerstin Jacobsson, Ida Seing
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift - 2017 -
Teaching Students Critical Social Work By Way of a ”Signiture Pedagogy”: An Analysis of Student Evaluations of a Social Work Course. Oral presentation at the Social Work Education in Europe: Challenging Boundaries – Promoting a Sustainable
Michael Lynch, Katarina Hollertz, Anna Bengtsson Ryan, Jörgen Lundälv
Social Work Education in Europe: Challenging Boundaries – Promoting a Sustainable Future. European Conference June 26-29, Paris, France, Decartes University, UNAFORIS, EASSW – European Association of Schools of Social Work. - 2017 -
Integrated and Individualized Services: Paradoxes in the Implementation of Labour Market Policies in
Katarina Hollertz
Integrating Social and Employment Policies in Europe Active Inclusion and Challenges for Local Welfare Governance / edited by Martin Heidenreich, Deborah Rice - 2016 -
Social Work Practice on a Community Level - Preparing Social Work Students to Become Active Agents in the Building of Sustainable
Anna Bengtsson Ryan, Zulmir Becevic, Ann Simmeborn Fleisher, Lasse Fryk, Lars Lilled, Jörgen Lundälv, Michael Lynch, Katarina Hollertz, Susanne Fransson, Maria Wallin, Charlotta Thodelius
Oral presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work Education and Social Development 2016, June 27-30 2016, Coex, Seoul, Korea - 2016 -
Paradoxes in Swedish activation
Katarina Hollertz
Nordic workshop "Reconstructing Welfare and Frontline Practices for Young Unemployed People - The Swedish Case". Malmö Högskola - 2016 -
Managerial ideas and caseworkers responses. Consequences of NPM on emotions, professional identities and subjectivity of caseworkers in welfare
Gunilla Bergström, Katarina Hollertz
CfP Symposium “State, Work and Affects” in Vienna (28-29 January 2016) - 2016 -
Moderatstyrd chatfunktion som verktyg för att öka interaktionen mellan lärare och studenter i storföreläsningar. Pedagogiskt upplägg, etiska aspekter och praktisk tillämpning. Föredrag vid Högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg (HKG 2015), Göteborgs universitet den 22 oktober
Jörgen Lundälv, Katarina Hollertz
Moderatstyrd chatfunktion som verktyg för att öka interaktionen mellan lärare och studenter i storföreläsningar. Pedagogiskt upplägg, etiska aspekter och praktisk tillämpning. Föredrag vid Högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg (HKG 2015), Göteborgs universitet den 22 oktober 2015. - 2015 -
Unga arbetslösa - om en förgivettagen
Katarina Hollertz
Människobehandlande organisationer. Villkor för ledning, styrning och professionellt välfärdsarbete - 2015 -
The individualisation of interventions - Sweden country
Katarina Hollertz
2014 -
The local governance of social
Katarina Hollertz
2014 -
Local governance of social cohesion -
Katarina Hollertz
2013 -
Local worlds of
Christina Garsten, Katarina Hollertz, Kerstin Jacobsson
Paper presented at the Espanet conference, Poznan, 5-7 September 2013. - 2013 -
Moral Stress and Moral Agency in Swedish
Magdalena Elmersjö, Katarina Hollertz, Sara Hultqvist
Social Science Protocols - 2002