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- Ioana Florea
Ioana Florea
Affiliated Researcher
Department of Sociology and Work ScienceAbout Ioana Florea
Background Ioana Florea has a Masters degree in Anthropology and Community Development (2008) and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Bucharest (2011). Since 2017, she is Researcher at the Department of Sociology and Work Science at University of Gothenburg. She has taught seminars at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest; she also worked with the Department “Inequalities, Migrations and Territories” from the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology, University Institute of Lisbon (2010-2011).
Specialist Fields Ioana has been researching on socio-spatial dynamics in poor neighborhoods in Romanian cities, youth experiences of outdoor public spaces marked by post-socialist transformations (her PhD project), and spatial processes of social differentiation. Since 2006, she has been involved with several grassroots organizations from Bucharest working on social and environmental justice, and the right to the city. Thus, most of the research projects she has been part of had an action or educational dimension.
Current research "Housing, social mobilisations and urban governance in Central and Eastern Europe", funded by The Swedish Research Council FORMAS (contract 2016-00258_3). The project aims at critically investigating the nexus of urban governance, housing policy and housing protest in Bucharest, Budapest and Vilnius.
Research Areas Urban studies Social movements
Recent publications
Book chapters
2018, with Hannibal Rhoades, Possibilities and Pitfalls of Environmental Justice Action: Learning from Roşia Montană and Yaigojé Apaporis Anti-mining Struggles. In Apostolopoulou E. and Cortes-Vazquez J. (eds.) The Right to Nature. Social Movements, Environmental Justice and Neoliberal Natures. Routledge.
2017, To name or not to name. Contradictions in naming processes of one Bucharest district. In Harris R. and Vorms C. (eds.) What's in a Name?: Talking about Urban Peripheries. University of Toronto Press.
2016, with Dumitriu M., Living on the edge: the ambiguities of squatting and urban development in Bucharest. In Anders F. and Sedlmaier A. (eds.) Public Goods versus Economic Interests. Global Perspectives on the History of Squatting. Routledge.
2015, The Ups and Downs of a Symbolic City: The Architectural Heritage Protection Movement in Bucharest. In Jacobsson K. (ed.) Urban Grassroots Movements in Central and Eastern Europe. Ashgate.
Co-edited volume
2013, with Pereira I. and Nunes N, City in Movement. Activism, Social Participation and Urban Reinventions. Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Young Urban Researchers, vol. IV. University Institute of Lisbon.
A structural field of contention approach to urban
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Handbook on Urban Social Movements - 2024 -
A structural view on housing
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Radical Housing Journal - 2024 -
Assembling social conditions of sustainability through urban gardening: policy, infrastructure
and social
Agnes Gagyi, Ioana Florea, Kerstin Jacobsson, Ylva Wallinder
International online workshop, 19-20 June 2023, University of Gothenburg, Sweden - 2023 -
Commoning and social sustainability across time and space - lessons from terminated urban gardening projects in
Ioana Florea
International online workshop: Assembling social conditions of sustainability through urban gardening: policy, infrastructure and social dynamics - 2023 -
Contemporary Housing
Radical social innovations and the spatialities of grassroots activism: navigating pathways for tackling inequality and reinventing the
E. Apostolopoulou, D. Bormpoudakis, A. Chatzipavlidis, J. A. Cortes-Vazquez, Ioana Florea, M. Gearey, J. Levy, J. Loginova, J. Ordner, T. Partridge, A. Pizarro, H. Rhoades, K. Symons, C. Verissimo, N. Wahby
Journal of Political Ecology - 2022 -
Collective gardening projects in today’s Bucharest. What becomes of the social life of an urban form that
Ioana Florea
Conference "Seeing like a city/ seeing the city through", Berlin, October 2022 - 2022 -
Antagonisms and solidarities in housing movements in Bucharest and
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Urban Ethics. Conflicts Over the Good and Proper Life in Cities. Ege, M., Moser, J. (red.) - 2021 -
Urban struggles and theorising from Eastern European
Ana Vilenica, Ioana Florea, Veda Popovici, Zsuzsi Pósfai
Global Urbanism Knowledge, Power and the City - 2021 -
Invisible tensions: specifics of FX housing loans in Romania in the context of housing
Ioana Florea, Mihail Dumitriu
Thirty Years of Capitalist Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe: Inequalities and Social Resistance - 2021 -
Complicities, solidarities and everything in between. Art and Political Engagement in the Housing Movement in Bucharest and
Ioana Florea, Veda Popovici
Acasa in secolul
Ioana Florea
Secolul XXI. Istorie recenta si futurologie - 2021 -
A Structural Field of Contention Approach to Social
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Paper presented at the ESA online conference, September 4-7 2021. - 2021 -
Housing struggles in Romania and in Central Eastern
Ioana Florea, George Zamfir, Veda Popovici, Eniko Vincze, Michele Lancione, Erin McElroy
Radical Housing Journal - 2020 -
Housing struggles in Bucharest and Budapest: mapping urban civil society in terms of a field of
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Presentation at The XVI Polish Sociological Congress in Wroclaw - 2019 -
Jurnal din Vulturilor 50. Povestea unei lupte pentru dreptate
N Visan, C Vozian, V Popovici, I Vlad, M Lancione, Ioana Florea
2019 -
Mișcarea pentru locuire în contextul politicilor de
Ioana Florea
FEMINISME, edited by h.arta group - 2019 -
Ghid pentru prevenirea evacuărilor forțate și responsabilizarea autorităților publice în vederea alocării unei locuințe adecvate persoanelor
C Gheorghe, E Vincze, G Zamfir, Ioana Florea, I Vlad, M Dumitriu, S Vintila
2019 -
Raport asupra evacuărilor forțate din România petrecute în perioada 2008 -
G Zamfir, S Vintila, E Vincze, Ioana Florea, M Dumitriu, R Blaga, V Galbea
2019 -
Antagonism and Solidarity in Housing Movements in Bucharest and Budapest: A Field of Contention
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Urban Ethics: Conflicts Over the ‚Good’ and Proper Life in Cities, 17-19 January, Munich, Germany - 2018 -
Transformations of housing provision in Romania. Organizations of subtle
Ioana Florea, Mihail Dumitriu
Ephemera Conference 2018 - Post/social/isms, 24-25 May, Budapest - 2018 -
Possibilities and Pitfalls of Environmental Justice Action: Learning from Roşia Montană and Yaigojé Apaporis Anti-mining
Ioana Florea, Hannibal Rhoades
The Right to Nature. Social Movements, Environmental Justice and Neoliberal Natures, eds. E. Apostolopoulou, J. A. Cortes-Vazquez - 2018 -
A Field of Contention: Evidence from Housing Struggles in Bucharest and
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - 2018 -
Property and homeownership - research
Ioana Florea
Housing Justice in Eastern Europe - 2018 -
Transformations of housing provision in Romania: Organizations of subtle
Ioana Florea, Mihail Dumitriu
LeftEast - 2018 -
Gazeta de Arta
Ioana Florea
Gazeta de Arta Politica - 2017 -
To name or not to name. Contradictions in naming processes of one Bucharest
Ioana Florea
Harris R. & Vorms C. (eds) What's in a Name?: Talking about Urban Peripheries - 2017 -
(Un)making solidarities for housing rights in post-crisis
Ioana Florea
13th Conference of the European Sociological Association - "(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities". Athens: 29 august - 01 september - 2017