
Stellan Petersson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Swedish, multilingualism, language technology
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Stellan Petersson

I am a senior lecturer in Swedish language at the Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology (since 2021). I mainly teach rhetoric, semantics and discourse analysis, in freestanding courses and in teacher education.

My research focus is semantics and context dependence, in particular in relation to theories about communication in philosophy and cognitive science. I received my PhD (in theoretical philosophy) in 2019. The doctoral dissertation concerns truth-conditional pragmatics and indexicalism in the philosophy of language. In the dissertation, (formal) semantic analyses of context-dependent aspects of e.g. noun phrases and adjective phrases are developed. Ongoing work in this area concerns tense and aspect in Swedish and other languages.

A part of my research lies within the field of lexicography. I have, in this work, focused on emotive meaning and controversial words, i.e. words that tend to provoke discussion and debate. For more information about research on lexicography and lexicology and the department, click on this link.

Since 2021, I am the department’s environment and sustainability representative, and an environment auditor at the Faculty of Humanities.