
Maia Andreasson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Swedish, multilingualism, language technology
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Maia Andreasson

In my research, I have focused on word order and information structure, primarily in Swedish and Danish, and on Nordic dialect syntax. Today, I study object shift in child language in the project The development of object shift in North Germanic child language and I am working on developing a construction grammar model for sentences in the project Linguistic networks: Connecting constructions within and between languages.

In addition to teaching Swedish language and supervising students and doctoral students, I teach at all levels within the Teacher Education Program (secondary school and upper-secondary school, Swedish language) and also teach in-service education for practicing teachers. My focus in these courses is grammar and grammar didactics, but also language policy and linguistic accuracy. I publish teaching materials online under the names lagrammaire and lagrammaireochundervisningen. and I have co-authored the textbook Grammatikdidaktik– teori och praktik för svenskämnet with Anja Malmberg, GU.



The development of object shift in North Germanic child language

The project "The development of object shift in North Germanic children's language" studies how children acquire word order in North Germanic languages, with a focus on the order between objects and clause adverbials.

Project leader: Filippa Lindahl, Högskolan väst

Linguistic networks: Connecting constructions within and between languages

The project uses construction grammar (CxG) to develop a linguistic network that (a) accounts for Swedish grammatical constructions and (b) connects them to constructions in other languages.

Project website

Project leader: Benjamin Lyngfelt, GU


Object shift, antecedents and information dynamics in mainland Scandinavian languages

The project investigates information dynamical aspects on object placement in mainland Scandinavian languages, focusing on the underlying causes of pronominal object shift in Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian.

Estlandssvenskans språkstruktur

Project web page ESST, Estlandssvenskans språkstruktur

Project leader: Henrik Rosenkvist, GU