
Lena Martinsson


Gender and Culture studies unit
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 200
405 30 Göteborg

Head of Department

Department. of Cultural Sciences
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
412 55 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Lena Martinsson

I am head of Department of Cultural Sciences and professor of Gender Studies and associate professor of Ethnology.

I am currently working on three different research projects, all of which naturally reflect my research commitment. The oldest of the projects is TechnAct: Global Transformations (financed by VR) TecnAct is an interdisciplinary research environment that examines the relationship between digital technologies, civil society, and emerging communities in transnational spaces. In this project, I do research together with Mia Liinason (project manager), Onur Kiliç (both from Gender Studies, Lund University), Lisen Selander and Nadia Ruiz Bravo, (Informatics University of Gothenburg). Studying transnational movements related to gender, sexuality and racism is a research interest I have had for a long time. However, the digital context is new to me and both the environment and the research focus itself have undoubtedly enriched my research.

In the research environment Anti-genderism. Ideas, identity and political practices in the Nordic countries (financed by VR), I have the privilege of doing research together with Diana Mulinari (project leader), Cristian Norocel (both from Gender Studies, Lund University), Ulrika Dahl (Gender Studies, Uppsala University) and Anders Neergaard (REMESO, Linköping University ). Here, too, is my interest in political processes and movements related to gender, sexuality, nationalism and racism. Now, in our time, being able to focus on a movement that works against gender equality, feminism, and LGBTQI * rights, is of course different from studying movements that work for expanded democratic development.

Another field of research, in which I am very engaged, is about school and political subjectivity. Currently, I have the privilege of working with Eva Reimers (project leader), David Lifmark (both from Didactics and pedagogical profession University of Gothenburg) and Jeanette Sundhall (Gender Studies, University of Gothenburg) in the project School in Society - students, teachers and school leaders as political subjects.(financed by VR). We study how students and teachers are both depoliticized and politicized, become political subjects or are prevented from becoming so.