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- Lars Rasmusson
Lars Rasmusson
Avd-/Sektionschef, Inst
Odontology Section 1Professor/ Senior Dental Officer
Odontology Section 1-
Outcome of Orthognathic Surgery in Craniofacial Syndrome
Lars Rasmusson, Java Walladbegi, Sofia Rasmusson, Peter Tarnow, Lars Kölby, Henrik Lund, Anna Larsson
Clinics in Surgery - 2024 -
Quality of Life After Orthognathic Surgery in Swedish Patients: A Register-Based
Eric Johansson, Bodil Lund, Martin Bengtsson, Mikael Magnusson, Lars Rasmusson, Magnus Ahl, Bo Sunzel, Mats Sjostrom
Distribution of orthognathic surgery among the Swedish population: a retrospective register-based
G. Stalhand, A. Abdiu, Lars Rasmusson, J. Abtahi
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica - 2023 -
Starting a Swedish national quality registry for orthognathic surgery: a tool for auditing fundamentals of
M. Sjöström, B. Lund, B. Sunzel, M. Bengtsson, M. Magnusson, Lars Rasmusson
Bmc Oral Health - 2022 -
The effects of controlled nanotopography, machined topography and their combination on molecular activities, bone formation and biomechanical stability during
Dimitrios Karazisis, Lars Rasmusson, Sarunas Petronis, Anders Palmquist, Furqan A. Shah, Hossein Agheli, Lena Emanuelsson, Anna Johansson, Omar Omar, Peter Thomsen
Acta Biomaterialia - 2021 -
Intralesional corticosteroid injection for intraosseous mandibular langerhans cell histiocytosis: A report of two
C. Robertsson, J. A. Swartling, Lars Rasmusson, Carina Cardemil
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology - 2021 -
The epidemiology and management of ameloblastomas: A European multicenter
P. Boffano, F. Cavarra, G. Tricarico, L. Masu, M. Brucoli, M. Ruslin, T. Forouzanfar, A. Ridwan-Pramana, T. Rodriguez-Santamarta, M. R. Ranz, J. C. de Vicente, T. Starch-Jensen, P. Pechalova, N. Pavlov, I. Doykova, V. S. Konstantinovic, D. Jelovac, A. Barrabe, A. Louvrier, C. Meyer, T. Tamme, A. Andrianov, T. Dovsak, A. Birk, A. Hresko, Y. Chepurnyi, A. Kopchak, J. Snall, J. Hagstrom, Lars Rasmusson, V. Rocchetti
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery - 2021 -
Molecular Response to Nanopatterned Implants in the Human Jaw
Dimitrios Karazisis, O. Omar, S. Petronis, Peter Thomsen, Lars Rasmusson
Acs Biomaterials Science & Engineering - 2021 -
Nordic Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Ed.L
Lars Rasmusson
2021 -
Orthognathic surgery with 3D virtual surgical planning (chapter
Lars Rasmusson
Nordic Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - 2021 -
Maxillo-mandibular advancement in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome -
Lars Rasmusson
Nordic Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - 2021 -
Osseointegration (Chapter
Lars Rasmusson
Nordic Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - 2021 -
Orthognathic Surgery (Chapter
Lars Rasmusson, Hossein Kashani
Nordic Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - 2021 -
Infectious diseases in the sinuses (Chapter
Lars Rasmusson, Mats Wallström, Göran Kjeller
Nordic Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - 2021 -
Three-dimensional bioprinting using a coaxial needle with viscous inks in bone tissue engeneering - An in vitro
Java Walladbegi, C Schaefer, E Pernevik, Göran Kjeller, P Gatenholm, G K Sandor, Lars Rasmusson
Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery - 2020 -
A Prospective, Controlled, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Clinical Outcome of Implant Treatment in Women with Osteoporosis/Osteopenia: 5-Year
A. Temmerman, Lars Rasmusson, A. Kubler, A. Thor, J. Merheb, M. Quirynen
Journal of Dental Research - 2019 -
A comparison of cost-effectiveness of computer-assisted 2-and 3-dimensional planning techniques in orthognathic
M. Bengtsson, G. Wall, J. P. Becktor, Lars Rasmusson
British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - 2019 -
Outcome of photographic evaluation of facial appearance in orthognathic surgery: how does it correlate with planning of treatment and patient-reported
M. Bengtsson, A. Al-Ateyah, G. Wall, J. P. Becktor, Lars Rasmusson
British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - 2019 -
Treatment outcomes and patient-reported quality of life after orthognathic surgery with computer-assisted 2-or 3-dimensional planning: A randomized double-blind active-controlled clinical
M. Bengtsson, G. Wall, P. Larsson, J. P. Becktor, Lars Rasmusson
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2018 -
Autogena stamceller för benrekonstruktion av defekter i
Lars Rasmusson, Göran Kjeller, Ulf Nannmark, Christian Schaefer
Tandläkartidningen - 2018 -
Treatment outcome in orthognathic surgery - A prospective comparison of accuracy in computer assisted two and three-dimensional prediction
M. Bengtsson, G. Wall, P. Miranda-Burgos, Lars Rasmusson
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery - 2018 -
Treatment outcome in orthognathic surgery-A prospective randomized blinded case-controlled comparison of planning accuracy in computer-assisted two- and three-dimensional planning techniques (part
Martin Bengtsson, G. Wall, L. Greiff, Lars Rasmusson
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery - 2017 -
Sinus floor elevation procedures to enable implant placement and integration: techniques, biological aspects and clinical
Stefan Lundgren, Giovanni Cricchio, Mats Hallman, Måns Jungner, Lars Rasmusson, Lars Sennerby
Periodontology 2000 - 2017 -
Incidence and risk factors predisposing plate removal following orthognathic
Fredrik Widar, Maryam K. Afshari, Lars Rasmusson, Christer Dahlin, Hossein Kashani
Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology - 2017 -
An open, prospective, non-randomized, controlled, multicentre study to evaluate the clinical outcome of implant treatment in women over 60 years of age with osteoporosis/osteopenia: 1-year
Andy Temmerman, Lars Rasmusson, Alexander Kübler, Andreas Thor, Marc Quirynen
Clinical oral implants research - 2017 -
The influence of controlled surface nanotopography on the early biological events of
Dimitrios Karazisis, S. Petronis, Hossein Agheli, Lena Emanuelsson, Birgitta Norlindh, Anna Johansson, Lars Rasmusson, Peter Thomsen, Omar Omar
Acta Biomaterialia - 2017 -
Quality of life in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery - A two-centered Swedish
Ingrid Silva, Carina Cardemil, Hossein Kashani, F. Bazargani, Peter Tarnow, Lars Rasmusson, Felicia Suska
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery - 2016 -
Influence of Skeletal and Local Bone Density on Dental Implant Stability in Patients with
J. Merheb, A. Temmerman, Lars Rasmusson, A. Kubler, A. Thor, M. Quirynen
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research - 2016 -
Osteotomies in Orthognathic
Hossein Kashani, Lars Rasmusson
A Textbook of Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol. 3. Mohammad Hosein Kalantar Motamedi (red.) - 2016 -
Dentofaciala anomalier,
Lars Rasmusson
Internetmedicin - 2016 -
Immediate loading of implants in the edentulous mandible: a multicentre
Paulo Esteves Pinto Faria, Bárbara Masalskas, Anders Heyden, Lars Rasmusson, Luiz Antonio Salata
Oral and maxillofacial surgery - 2016 -
The effect of the prone sleeping position on obstructive sleep
Armin Bidarian-Moniri, Michael Nilsson, Lars Rasmusson, John Attia, Hasse Ejnell
Acta oto-laryngologica - 2015 -
Simultaneous or Delayed Placement of Surface Modified and Fluoridated Dental Implants into Autogenous Block Bone Grafts: A Histologic and Biomechanical Study in the
Amir Dasmah, Carl Rasmusson, Andreas Thor, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2015 -
Relation between Spongy Bone Density in the Maxilla and Skeletal Bone
J. Merheb, A. Temmerman, W. Coucke, Lars Rasmusson, A. Kübler, A. Thor, M. Quirynen
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research - 2015 -
Titanium Granules for Augmentation of the Maxillary Sinus - A Multicenter
S. P. Lyngstadaas, A. Verket, E. M. Pinholt, C. Mertens, H. R. Haanaes, G. Wall, Mats Wallström, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research - 2015 -
The effects of steroids in preventing facial oedema, pain, and neurosensory disturbances after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy: a randomized controlled
Fredrik Widar, Hossein Kashani, B Alsén, Christer Dahlin, Lars Rasmusson
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery - 2015 -
Bisphosphonate associated osteonecrosis of the jaw: An update on pathophysiology, risk factors and
Lars Rasmusson, Jahan Abtahi
International Journal of Dentistry - 2014 -
Integration of fluoridated implants in onlay autogenous bone grafts - An experimental study in the rabbit
Amir Dasmah, Hossein Kashani, Andreas Thor, Lars Rasmusson
Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery : official publication of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery - 2014 -
Marginal Bone-Level Alterations at Implants Installed in Block versus Particulate Onlay Bone Grafts Mixed with Platelet-Rich Plasma in Atrophic Maxilla. A Prospective 5-Year Follow-Up Study of 15
Amir Dasmah, Andreas Thor, Annika Ekestubbe, Lars Sennerby, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2013 -
Lars Sennerby, Torsten Jemt, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2013 -
Correlation of Platelet Growth Factor Release in Jawbone Defect Repair - A Study in the Dog
Andreas Thor, Jaan Hong, Göran Kjeller, Lars Sennerby, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2013 -
Stability after maxillary segmentation for correction of anterior open bite: A cohort study of 33
Ingrid Silva, Felicia Suska, Carina Cardemil, Lars Rasmusson
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery - 2013 -
Maxillary Sinus Augmentation with Porous Titanium Granules: A Microcomputed Tomography and Histologic Evaluation of Human Biopsy
A. Verket, S. P. Lyngstadaas, Lars Rasmusson, H. R. Haanaes, Mats Wallström, G. Wall, J. C. Wohlfahrt
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants - 2013 -
Early healing in alveolar sockets grafted with titanium granules. An experimental study in a dog
Thiago Arruda, Flávia Sukekava, André B de Souza, Lars Rasmusson, Maurício G Araújo
Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A - 2013 -
A Clinical and Histological Case Series Study on Calcium Sulfate for Maxillary Sinus Floor Augmentation and Delayed Placement of Dental
Amir Dasmah, Mats Hallman, Lars Sennerby, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2012 -
Pathophysiology and treatment options in obstructive sleep apnoea: A review of the
Lars Rasmusson, Lars Sennerby, Armin Bidarian-Moniri
International Journal of Clinical Medicine - 2012 -
In search of a consensus terminology in the field of platelet concentrates for surgical use: platelet-rich plasma (PRP), platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), fibrin gel polymerization and
David M Dohan Ehrenfest, Tomasz Bielecki, Allan Mishra, Piero Borzini, Francesco Inchingolo, Gilberto Sammartino, Lars Rasmusson, Peter A Evert
Current pharmaceutical biotechnology - 2012 -
Particulate vs. block bone grafts: Three-dimensional changes in graft volume after reconstruction of the atrophic maxilla, a 2-year radiographic
Amir Dasmah, Andreas Thor, Annika Ekestubbe, Lars Sennerby, Lars Rasmusson
Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery - 2012 -
A retrospective evaluation of iatrogenic dental root damage with predrilled vs drill-free bone anchor screws for intermaxillary
Fredrik Widar, Hossein Kashani, Sanjiv Kanagaraja, Christer Dahlin, Lars Rasmusson
Dental traumatology - 2012 -
Bone Response to Bone Substitute Materials: Morphology and Gene
Kazuyo Igawa, Felicia Suska, Maria Lennerås, Omar Omar, Lena Emanuelsson, Dimitrios Karazisis, Lars Rasmusson, Anders Palmquist, Peter Thomsen
9th World Biomaterials Congress June 1-5, 2012, Chengdu, China. - 2012 -
Stability Evaluation of Implants Integrated in Grafted and Nongrafted Maxillary Bone: A Clinical Study from Implant Placement to Abutment
Lars Rasmusson, Andreas Thor, Lars Sennerby
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2012 -
In Search of a Consensus Terminology in the Field of Platelet Concentrates for Surgical Use: Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF), Fibrin Gel Polymerization and
D. M. D. Ehrenfest, T. Bielecki, A. Mishra, P. Borzini, F. Inchingolo, G. Sammartino, Lars Rasmusson, P. A. Everts
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - 2012 -
Intramembraneous bone tissue responses to calcium sulfate: an experimental study in the rabbit
Amir Dasmah, Lars Sennerby, Lars Rasmusson, M Hallman
Clinical oral implants research - 2011 -
Local Sinus Lift for Single-Tooth Implant. I. Clinical and Radiographic
Karl-Erik Kahnberg, Mats Wallström, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2011 -
Implantalogy. In Oral and maxillofacial
Lars Rasmusson, Lars Sennerby
2010 -
Effects of early functional loading on maintenance of free autogenous bone graft and implant osseointegration: an experimental study in
Paulo E P Faria, A L Carvalho, Erica M de Torres, Lars Rasmusson, Luiz A Salata
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons - 2010 -
Titanium dioxide nanotubes enhance bone bonding in
LM Bjursten, Lars Rasmusson, Seunghan Oh, Garrett C Smith, Karla S Brammer, Sungho Jin
Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A - 2010 -
Donor site morbidity after bone harvesting from the
Lucy Weibull, Göran Widmark, Carl-Johan Ivanoff, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research - 2009 -
Classification of platelet concentrates: from pure platelet-rich plasma (P-PRP) to leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin
David Dohan Ehrenfest, Lars Rasmusson, Tomas Albrektsson
Trends in Biotechnology - 2009 -
Bone augmentation in the severely resorbed maxilla. In Jokstad A (ed) Osseointegration and dental
Lars Rasmusson
2009 -
Porous titanium granules used as osteoconductive material for sinus floor augmentation: a clinical pilot
Hans Bystedt, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2009 -
Early bone tissue responses to turned and oxidized implants in the rabbit
Patricia Miranda Burgos, Lars Rasmusson, Luiz Meirelles, Lars Sennerby
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research - 2008 -
Histomorphometric evaluation of bone grafts from patients treated with platelet-rich
Andreas Thor, Victoria Franke Stenport, Carina B. Johansson, Lars Rasmusson
International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - 2007 -
The role of whole blood in thrombin generation in contact with various titanium
Andreas Thor, Lars Rasmusson, Ann Wennerberg, Peter Thomsen, J. M. Hirsch, B. Nilsson, J. Hong
Biomaterials - 2007 -
Bone formation at the maxillary sinus floor following simultaneous elevation of the mucosal lining and implant instalation without graft material.An elevation of 20 patients treated 44 Astra Tech
Andreas Thor, Lars Sennerby, J. M. Hirsch, Lars Rasmusson
J Oral & Maxillofac Surg - 2007 -
Osseointegration of oxidized and turned implants in circumferential bone defects with and without adjunctive therapies: an experimental study on BMP-2 and autogenous bone graft in the dog
L.A. Salata, Patricia Miranda Burgos, Lars Rasmusson, A.B. Novaes, V. Papalexiou, Christer Dahlin, Lars Sennerby
Early bone formation in human bone grafts treated with platelet-rich plasma: preliminary histomorphometric
Andreas Thor, Victoria Franke Stenport, Carina B. Johansson, Lars Rasmusson
Ètuide de suivi clinique sur 10 ans dìmplants avec projetat de dioxide de
Lars Rasmusson, J Roos, Hans Bystedt
Implant - 2006 -
Implant integration in normal and grafted bone. In: Kahnberg K_E (ed). Bone Grafting Techniques for Maxillary
Lars Rasmusson
2005 -
Reconstruction of the severely resorbed maxilla with autogenous bone, platelet-rich plasma, and implants: 1-year results of a controlled prospective 5-year
Andreas Thor, Karin Wannfors, Lars Sennerby, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2005 -
Bone graft in a patient with systemic
Andreas Thor, Victoria Franke Stenport, Åsa Boström, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research - 2005 -
Neurosensory function of the inferior alveolar nerve after bilateral sagittal ramus osteotomy: a retrospective study of 68
S Nesari, Karl-Erik Kahnberg, Lars Rasmusson
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery - 2005 -
A 10-year follow-up study of titanium dioxide-blasted
Lars Rasmusson, Johan Roos, Hans Bystedt
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2005 -
Evaluation of hemorrhage depressors on blood loss during orthognathic surgery: a retrospective
Göran Zellin, Lars Rasmusson, Jan Pålsson, Karl-Erik Kahnberg
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons - 2004 -
Recent outcomes and perspectives of the application of bone morphogenetic proteins in implant
Luiz A Salata, Victoria Franke Stenport, Lars Rasmusson
Clinical implant dentistry and related research - 2002 -
The influence of simultaneous versus delayed placement on the stability of titanium implants in onlay bone grafts. A histologic and biomechanic study in the
Lars Rasmusson, N Meredith, I H Cho, Lars Sennerby
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery - 1999 -
Simultaneous or delayed placement of titanium implants in free autogenous iliac bone grafts. Histological analysis of the bone graft-titanium interface in 10 consecutive
S Lundgren, Lars Rasmusson, M Sjöström, Lars Sennerby
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery - 1999 -
Stability assessments and histology of titanium implants placed simultaneously with autogenous onlay bone in the rabbit
Lars Rasmusson, N Meredith, K E Kahnberg, Lars Sennerby
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery - 1998 -
Measurements of stability changes of titanium implants with exposed threads subjected to barrier membrane induced bone augmentation. An experimental study in the rabbit
Lars Rasmusson, N Meredith, Lars Sennerby
Clinical oral implants research - 1997 -
Morphological and dimensional changes after barrier removal in bone formed beyond the skeletal borders at titanium implants. A kinetic study in the rabbit
Lars Rasmusson, Lars Sennerby, Dan Lundgren, S Nyman
Clinical oral implants research - 1997