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- Johannes Lunneblad
Johannes Lunneblad
Department of Education, Communication and LearningAbout Johannes Lunneblad
Research interests Lunneblad's research focuses on examining how institutions such as schools, social services, and law enforcement delineate various social challenges and engage with youth in contexts characterized by social vulnerability and criminal involvement. Through prior investigations, Lunneblad has explored topics concerning migration and its intersections with education, particularly within preschool and school settings.
Teaching interests I lecture in various courses at both the basic and advanced levels on the topics of learning, culture, language and identity, and methodology with a focus on ethnography.
Keywords cultural studies, ideology, culture, language, identity, and ethnography
Do the “Right Thing” or the “Safe Thing”? Social Workers’ Dilemma When Supporting Youth in Local Communities Affected by
Johannes Lunneblad
Migrant Youth, Schooling and Identity Perspectives and Experiences from Northern Europe, Red. Nils Hammarén, Biörn Ivemark och Live Stretmo - 2024 -
Becoming a ‘youth at risk’: how professionals conceptualise risk among young people in disadvantaged urban areas in
Johannes Lunneblad, Jenny Bengtsson, Nils Hammarén
Critical and Radical Social Work - 2024 -
Mellan resignation och framtidstro. Livsvillkor och lärande hos förortens
Ove Sernhede, Nils Hammarén, Johannes Lunneblad, Sara Uhnoo, Majsa Allelin, Kristina Alstam, Helene Fransson, Marcus Herz, Jonas Lindbäck
2024 -
Ett demokratiskt och brottsförebyggande arbete
En studie om en kommuns insats riktad mot skolor i utsatta
Helene Fransson, Johannes Lunneblad
Utbildning och Demokrati - 2023 -
To ‘patch up’ or to ‘meet the needs’: navigating the politics and visions of ‘open school’ collaboration and equity work in urban areas in
Jenny Bengtsson, Johannes Lunneblad
Pedagogy, Culture & Society - 2023 -
Community work or neighbourhood revitalization: a study of the cooperation between school, social services, and housing
Johannes Lunneblad
Nordic Social Work Research - 2023 -
Den brottsförebyggande skolan. Lokal samverkan och
Johannes Lunneblad
Utbildningsmiljö och utbildningsrätt : från förskola till forskarexamen - 2022 -
Från välfärdsstat till partnerskap.
Om förskjutning av makt och ansvar i ”särskilt utsatta”
Johannes Lunneblad, Ove Sernhede
Arkiv. Tidskrift för samhällsanalys, - 2022 -
A home culture pedagogy? Problematising and developing the concept of intercultural
Nils Hammarén, Johannes Lunneblad
Nordic Journal of Pedagogy and Critique - 2022 -
Mellan kontroll och ansvarsgörande En studie av personal inom polis, socialtjänst och
skolas förståelse av ungas
Johannes Lunneblad
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift - 2021 -
Violence and gender thresholds: A study of the
gender coding of violent behaviour in
Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson
Gender and Education - 2021 -
Fra velfærdsstat til
Johannes Lunneblad, Ove Sernhede
Social Kritik Tidsskrift for social analyse & debat - 2021 -
Skilda världar, samma uppdrag. Förutsättningar för interkulturalitet och likvärdighet i
Johannes Lunneblad
Interkulturella perspektiv : pedagogik i mångkulturella lärandemiljöer - 2021 -
Elevskapets utmaningar: Ungdomar, motstånd och önskan om att lyckas i
Sara Andersson, Johannes Lunneblad
Educare - Vetenskapliga Skrifter - 2020 -
The value of poverty: an ethnographic study of a school-community
Johannes Lunneblad
Ethnography and Education - 2020 -
The value of socially disadvantaged neighbourhoods. A study of a school-community
Johannes Lunneblad
Sociologisk Forskning - 2019 -
The Absent Victim: Schools’ Assessment of the “Victimization
Ylva Odenbring, Thomas Johansson, Nils Hammarén, Johannes Lunneblad
Urban education - 2019 -
A study of Swedish preschool directors’ perspectives on leadership and
Johannes Lunneblad, Susanne Garvis
Early Child Development and Care - 2019 -
Policing the school: In between dialogues and crime
Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson
Power and Education - 2019 -
Moral, psykologi och juridik En diskussion om olika perspektiv på våld och konflikter
mellan elever i den svenska
Johannes Lunneblad
Årsbok & Jubileumsbok 2019 Religionskunskapsämnet i fokus – utmaningar och möjligheter - 2019 -
Understanding cultural specific pedagogy and practices within Swedish
Susanne Garvis, Johannes Lunneblad
Globalisation, transformation and cultures in early childhood education and care: reconceptualisation and comparison. Faas, S., Kasüschke, D., Nitecki, E., Urban, M., Wasmuth, H. (Eds.) - 2019 -
Policing the School: Dialogues and Crime
Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad
Policing Schools: School Violence and the Juridification of Youth. Lunneblad, J. (red.) - 2019 -
The Many Faces of School Violence: Ambivalent Categorizations of Perpetrators and
Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson
Policing Schools: School Violence and the Juridification of Youth. Lunneblad J. (red.) - 2019 -
Introduction: School Violence in the Nordic Countries–A Changing Sociocultural
Johannes Lunneblad
Policing Schools: School Violence and the Juridification of Youth. Lunneblad J. (red.) - 2019 -
Policing Schools: School Violence and the Juridification of
Johannes Lunneblad
2019 -
Violence in urban schools: school professionals’ categorizations and explanations of violence among students in two different demographic
Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson, Ylva Odenbring
International Studies in Sociology of Education - 2019 -
“Vi kan ju inte
polisanmäla allt som
händer i skolan”
– Skolan, lagen, våldet och
Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson
Nordic Studies in Education - 2019 -
Research methodologies for a culturally diverse educational
Thor-André Skrefsrud, Karen Rut Gísladóttir, Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Anette Hellman, Heidi Layne, Johannes Lunneblad, Katarzyna Woznicka
Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice: Success Stories from Four Nordic Countries. Hanna Ragnarsdóttir, Lars Anders Kulbrandstad (red.) - 2018 -
Enhancing the professional development of teachers in three nordic countries; Drawing lessons from research findings in spinoff
Thor-Andre Skrefsrud, Anette Hellman, Johannes Lunneblad, Hanna RAGNARSDÓTTIR
Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice: Success Stories from Four Nordic Countries - 2018 -
Inequalities in Access to Early Childhood Education and Care in Sweden. ICEC Working Paper Series, Vol.
Susanne Garvis, Johannes Lunneblad
2018 -
Interkulturalitetens dilemma. Interkulturella perspektiv som medvetenhet eller situationsbunden
Nils Hammarén, Johannes Lunneblad
Nejadmehr, R. (red.) Interkulturell dialog: teori och praktik. Forskningsrådet för interkulturell dialog. - 2018 -
“We have this family ‘under the microscope’ so to speak”: Schools, child abuse and family
Ylva Odenbring, Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad
Nordic Dialogues on Children and Families - 2018 -
The Story of My Teaching: Constructing Learning Spaces for Diverse
Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Anna Katarzyna Wozniczka, Karen Rut Gísladóttir, Johannes Lunneblad, Ylva Odenbring, Hille Janhonen-Abruquah, Heidi Layne , Thor-André Skrefsrud
Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice: Success Stories from Four Nordic Countries - 2018 -
"Det är svårt för skolan när det inte är uppenbara försummelser" - Elevhälsan, utsatta elever och social
Ylva Odenbring, Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad
Educare - 2018 -
Från invandrarkunskap till hemkultur. Interkulturell pedagogik i svensk
Nils Hammarén, Johannes Lunneblad
Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap. Grundläggande perspektiv. - 2018 -
Skolan, juridiken och brottsoffret: professionellas berättelser om arbetet med utsatta
Ylva Odenbring, Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad
Barn- och ungdomsvetenskap. Grundläggande perspektiv. - 2018 -
Relational trouble and student victimisation at schools. categorisation, caring and
Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson, Ylva Odenbring
Pedagogy, Culture & Society - 2017 -
A strong commitment: conforming a school identity at one compulsory faith school in a disadvantaged
Johannes Lunneblad, Ylva Odenbring, Anette Hellman
Ethnography and Education - 2017 -
Brottsoffret i skolan. Professionellas berättelser om ungdomars
I småstadens marginal. Berättelser om en skolas integrationsarbete i en socialt utsatt
Ylva Odenbring, Johannes Lunneblad, Anette Hellman
Paideia - 2017 -
Children’s notions about inclusion, exclusion and
Anette Hellman, Johannes Lunneblad, Ylva Odenbring
Diversity and Social Justice in Early Childhood Education: Nordic Perspectives - 2017 -
Integration of refugee children and their families in the Swedish preschool: strategies, objectives and
Johannes Lunneblad
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal - 2017 -
Brottsoffer och förövare. Diskursiva strategier för att hantera våld i
Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad, Ylva Odenbring
Snart er vi alle pasienter. Medikalisering i Norden - 2017 -
Blaming and framing the family: urban schools and school officials talk of neglecting
Ylva Odenbring, Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad
The Urban review - 2016 -
Arvet efter Birmingham. Den post-subkulturella vändningen och utanförskapets
Jan Gustafsson, Nils Hammarén, Johannes Lunneblad
LÅT ALLA STENAR RULLA, Lärande, estetik, samhälle. En vänbok till Ove Sernhede. Johan Söderman & Thomas Johansson (RED.) - 2016 -
Brottsplats skolan. En studie av brottsoffer i
Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad, Ylva Odenbring
Viktimologisk forskarkonferens, Stockholm 9 november, 2016 - 2016 -
Skolan och den territoriella stigmatiseringen – Om två skolor i den urbana
Ove Sernhede, Jonas Lindbäck, Johannes Lunneblad
Educare - 2016 -
Problematic and vulnerable youth at school. Strategies for handling violence and
Ylva Odenbring, Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad
NYRIS (Nordic Youth Research Symposium), University West, Trollhättan, June 15-17 - 2016 -
Two schools strategies for handle with
Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson, Ylva Odenbring
ECER (European Educational Research Association), Dublin, Irland, 22-26 augusti - 2016 -
Neglected and classed
Ylva Odenbring, Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad
NERA (Nordic Educational Research Association), Helsinki, March 9-11, 2016 - 2016 -
Juridik eller socialpedagogik? Skolors strategier för att hantera
Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson, Ylva Odenbring
Sociologisk forskning - 2016 -
Från mobboffer till brottsoffer. Diskurser kring kränkande behandling i den svenska
Johannes Lunneblad, Nils Hammarén, Thomas Johansson, Ylva Odenbring
Educare - 2016 -
Masculinity as a problem: An investigation into social work projects in Sweden targeting young
Nils Hammarén, Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson
Qualitative Social Work - 2015 -
A strong commitment: strategies on forming collaborative school cultures for learning and inclusion at one compulsory faith-school in
Johannes Lunneblad, Ylva Odenbring, Anette Hellman, Marina Hanawa
Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference, Oxford, 21-24 september, 2015 - 2015 -
Everyday life conflicts or crimes? Framing and naming violence and victimization in
Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad, Ylva Odenbring
12 th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Prague, August 25-28, 2015 - 2015 -
Narratives for inclusion. Exploring identity work at a multicultural
Johannes Lunneblad, Anette Hellman, Ylva Odenbring
NERAs kongress Göteborg 4-6 mars - 2015 -
The moral economy. Schools’ assessments of student
Ylva Odenbring, Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson
NERAs kongress Göteborg 4-6 mars - 2015 -
The school as crime scene: Discourses on degrading treatment in Swedish
Nils Hammarén, Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson, Ylva Odenbring
Power and Education - 2015 -
Youth victimisation, school and family support: schools’ strategies to handle abused
Ylva Odenbring, Thomas Johansson, Johannes Lunneblad, Nils Hammarén
Education Inquiry - 2015 -
Från mobboffer till brottsoffer. Diskurser kring kränkande behandling i den svenska skolan perioden
Johannes Lunneblad, Ylva Odenbring, Thomas Johansson
Viktimologisk forskarkonferens - 2014 -
Performativity pressures at urban high schools in Sweden and
Johannes Lunneblad, L. Janelle Dance
Ethnography and Education - 2014 -
Ett integrationspolitiskt projekt: mottagande av nyanlända i
Johannes Lunneblad
Segregation, utbildning och ovanliga lärprocesser - 2014 -
Till ”vildingarnas” land: Barnboksförfattaren besöker
Johannes Lunneblad, Maj Asplund Carlsson
Nordisk Barnehageforskning - 2013 -
Normkritik eller kompensation? Reflektioner från en utvärdering av projekt riktade till pojkar och unga
Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson
Psykisk hälsa - 2013 -
Promising Practice Children of Immigrants in New York and
Johannes Lunneblad, Lory Dance, Martin Margary, Suárez-Orozco Carola, Mikael Alexandersson
The Children of Immigrants at school A comprative look at integration in the United States and Western Europe - 2013 -
Tid att bli svensk. En studie av mottagandet av nyanlända barn och familjer i den svenska
Johannes Lunneblad
Nordisk Barnehageforskning - 2013 -
Forskare: samverkan krävs för bättre
Annica Sjölander, Johannes Lunneblad, Ola Sigurdson
Göteborgs-Posten - 2012 -
Performativity as pretence. A study of testing practices in a compulsory school in
Johannes Lunneblad, Maj Asplund Carlsson
Ethnography and Education - 2012 -
School Identity and Management Culture on the Educational
Johannes Lunneblad
The 2 ND Annual International School Choice and Reform Academic Conference 1/18-22/2012. Nova Southeastern University, Florida, US. - 2012 -
Intercultural Education, in IMPAECT rapport
Johannes Lunneblad, Nieminen Pirjo, Wernås Marie, Holzer Evelyn, Piller Katharina
2012 -
Learning from each other? Multicultural pedagogy, parental education and
Johannes Lunneblad, Thomas Johansson
Race Ethnicity and Education - 2012 -
Män och maskulinitet i rörelse - kris, utveckling och
”I want to be a graduate but politicians treat me as a problem” Middle eastern Swedes and black Americans’ in large urban high
Johannes Lunneblad, Lory Dance
Presenterad at MESA, dec 1-4 2011 Washington D.C, US - 2012 -
Mottagandet av nyanlända i förskolan – ett
Johannes Lunneblad
Barns lärande i ett livslångt perspektiv. (1 uppl.) - 2012 -
Lunneblad, J. (2012) Parenthood, Gender and Democracy. An Ethnographic Study on integration of refugee children and their families in
Johannes Lunneblad
Lunneblad, J. (2012) Parenthood, Gender and Democracy. An Ethnographic Study Presented at: Gender and Education: Gender research in times of change. Gender and Education Association Interim Conference 2012. April 11-13, 2012. - 2012 -
Spänning och äventyr som
Johannes Lunneblad, Maj Asplund Carlsson
Kritisk läsning av pedagogiska texter : genus, etnicitet och andra kategoriseringar - 2011 -
Johannes Lunneblad
IMER- konferens, Norrköping 4 november 2011 - 2011 -
Do girls fight? Reading for understanding or for
Johannes Lunneblad, Maj Asplund Carlsson
ECER 12-16 Berlin 2011 - 2011 -
Vulnerable Others. An Ethnographic Study on integration of refugee children and their families in
Johannes Lunneblad
Ethnography Conference (OEC) 20011 19th-21th September at New College, Oxford. - 2011 -
Identitet, kvalitet och realitet i en
Johannes Lunneblad
Förorten, skolan och ungdomskulturen - 2011 -
Nya sociala klyftor och en marknadsanpassad
Ove Sernhede, Johannes Lunneblad
Förorten, skolan och ungdomskulturen - 2011 -
Från kartläggning till pedagogisk dokumentation som
Johannes Lunneblad
Rapport. Resursenheten för introduktionen av nyanlända, Gunnared, Lärjedalen, Göteborgsstad - 2011 -
, Volvos, and “50 Cent”: The Cross-National Triangulation Challenges of a “White” Swede and a “Black”
L J Dance, Johannes Lunneblad
Rethinking Race and Ethinicity in Reasearch Methods - 2011 -
Ethnographic Investigations of Issues of Race in Scandinavian Education
Dennis Beach, Johannes Lunneblad
Ethnography and Education - 2011 -
Make a impact utvärdering av ett projekt om
Johannes Lunneblad
Göteborgsstad - 2010 -
Okllarn rekabeti ve tgitmin
Johannes Lunneblad
Politik egtim dergisi pedagoji, - 2010 -
Andras ungar? Kulturell mångfald i förskola och
Johannes Lunneblad
Special pedagogisk tidskrift. Tema: Interkulturell kompetens - 2010 -
En prövningens tid. Om det nationella provet i svenska i Skolår
Johannes Lunneblad, Maj Asplund Carlsson
Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige - 2010 -
Skolidentitet och managementkultur som mytologisk
Johannes Lunneblad
Utbildning & Demokrati. Tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitik - 2010 -
De komma från nordost. Om skolkonkurrens och elevidentitet i ämnet svenska som
Johannes Lunneblad, Maj Asplund Carlsson
Utbildning och Demokrati - 2009 -
The Standardised Test as a Key Component in the Pedagogical Apparatus A study of testing practices in a compulsory school in
Johannes Lunneblad, Maj Asplund Carlsson
Oxford Ethnography Conference (OEC) St Hilda’s College, Oxford University, Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd September 2009 - 2009 -
Erken Cocukluk Döneminde Kûlûrû Farkhhlar Multetnik Toplumnda Okuel
Johannes Lunneblad
Elestrirel. Politik egtim dergisi pedagoji - 2009 -
Den Mångkulturella förskolan. Motsägelser och
Johannes Lunneblad
2009 -
Ethnographic Investigations of Issues of Race in Scandinavian Education
Johannes Lunneblad, Dennis Beach
Oxford Oxford Ethnography Conference (OEC) St Hilda’s College, Oxford University, Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd September 2009 - 2009 -
O. Palme, “W.” Bush, Hipsters, and Hip Hoppers: Ghosts and Stereotypes that Haunted a Cross-National Research
L. Janelle Dance, Johannes Lunneblad
NY City CIS Conference 2009 - 2009 -
Nationality as a commodity on the educational market. A study of Swedish as a second language in an inner city
Johannes Lunneblad, Maj Asplund Carlsson
Cognitive Capital and Spaces of Mobility. Gothenburg 1-2 November 2008. - 2008 -
They come from the suburbs. About school competition and student identities in the subject
Johannes Lunneblad, Maj Asplund Carlsson
ECER 2008, Göteborg, September 10-12, 2008 - 2008 -
"När han är arg är han turkisk". Identitetsskapande i Lin Hallbergs
Maj Asplund Carlsson, Johannes Lunneblad
EDUCARE - 2008 -
Trapped in the Culture of Performativity Teaching English and Swedish Language Learners in Ethnic Minority High
Johannes Lunneblad, Mikael Alexandersson, L. Janelle Dance
Konferens paper presented at CIS, 2008 in New York City, Us May 21-24, 2008 - 2008 -
Student centred learning - Hoodwinked by performativity culture Teaching English Language Learners in inner-city high
Johannes Lunneblad
Konference paper at Oxford to Ethnography and Education conference: Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th September 2008 - 2008 -
The Immigrant Child in the Pre-school
Maj Asplund Carlsson, Johannes Lunneblad
In R. S. New & Cochran, M. (Eds.), Early Childhood Education - An International Encyclopedia - 2007 -
Hur firar de med
Johannes Lunneblad
Invandrare & Minoriteter - 2007 -
Mångfalden är
Johannes Lunneblad
Förskoletidningen - 2006 -
Förskolan och mångfalden: en etnografisk studie på en förskola i ett multietniskt
Johannes Lunneblad
2006 -
What is ´cultural diversity´ and how to work with it? An Ethnographic
Johannes Lunneblad
Paper presented at NERA/NFPF mars 2005, Oslo. - 2005 -
Invandrarbarnet i styrdokumment för förskolan mellan
Johannes Lunneblad
Paper presenterat på konferensen för Intercultural Pedagogy, Södertörns högskola, september 2005 - 2005 -
Pedagogies reasoning about 'cultural diversity'. An Ethnographic
Johannes Lunneblad
Paper presented at NERA/NFPF mars 2004, Copenhagen - 2004