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- Marcus Herz
Marcus Herz
Department of Social WorkAbout Marcus Herz
Marcus Herz is a professor of social work and a social worker. His research interest and previous publications have primarily been about social work related to power and how social work can be developed theoretically and practically, especially inspired by critical and radical social work. Other research interests are migration, racism, gender, masculinity, and youth culture.
Precariousness, Sport Participation and Hope Among Young People After Rejections in the Swedish Asylum
Torun Elsrud, Philip Lalander, Jesper Andreasson , Marcus Herz
Nordic Journal of Migration Research - 2024 -
Mötets många ansikten - när professionella möter
Thomas Johansson, Marcus Herz
Socialt arbete - en grundbok. Fjärde utgåvan - 2024 -
To establish the unestablishable: non-governmental social work with asylum-seeking minors in a neoliberal
Maria Moberg Stephenson, Marcus Herz
Critical and Radical Social Work - 2024 -
Assembling the multitude: the transversal potential of categories for social work
Marcus Herz, Zulmir Becevic
Critical and Radical Social Work - 2024 -
Civil society social work in stigmatized areas - gang violence, municipals
distrust and emancipatory
Jonas Lindbäck, Marcus Herz
Social Work as Emancipatory Practice - Creating Pathways towards Social Justice - 2024 -
Political and Emancipatory Approaches in Social Work
Marcus Herz
Social Work as Emancipatory Practice - Creating Pathways towards Social Justice - 2024 -
Mellan resignation och framtidstro. Livsvillkor och lärande hos förortens
Ove Sernhede, Nils Hammarén, Johannes Lunneblad, Sara Uhnoo, Majsa Allelin, Kristina Alstam, Helene Fransson, Marcus Herz, Jonas Lindbäck
2024 -
Normalitetens gränser - Diagnoser och identiteter i
Keeping an open venue and working face to face during the Covid-19 outbreak: challenges for civil society organizations working with people living precarious lives in
Philip Lalander, Marcus Herz
Nordic Social Work Research - 2023 -
The precariousness of asylum-seekers’ care and support: informal care within and because of the immigration
Marcus Herz, Jesper Andreasson, Frida Andréasson
International Journal of Care and Caring - 2023 -
Towards an agonistic social work: a framework for political action and radical
Zulmir Becevic, Marcus Herz
European Journal of Social Work - 2023 -
In the name of motivation: the procurement of social work and its technologies of self and
Simon Härnbro, Magnus Dahlstedt, Marcus Herz
Nordic Social Work Research - 2023 -
Exploring Swedish ‘Family Planning’: Reproductive Racism and Reproductive
Paula Mulinari, Marcus Herz, Matilda Svensson Chowdhury
Struggles for Reproductive Justice in the Era of Anti-Genderism and Religious Fundamentalism - 2023 -
Kritiskt socialt
Marcus Herz
2022 -
Balancing the line — the relation between waiting and activity among people in need of food in
Marcus Herz
European Journal of Social Work - 2022 -
Governing through hope: an exploration of hope and social change in an asylum
Marcus Herz, Philip Lalander, Torun Elsrud
Emotions and society - 2022 -
Family practices, deportability and administrative violence: an ethnographic study on asylum seekers’ family life in the Swedish migration
Jesper Andreasson, Marcus Herz
Families, Relationships and Societies - 2022 -
Judith Butler: Kön, sexualitet och mänskligt
Marcus Herz, Tina Mattsson
Teorier för socialt arbete Del 2 Normalitet, förkroppsligad erfarenhet och motstånd / Tina Mattsson & Em Andersson (red.). - 2022 -
Mot ett kritiskt socialt
Marcus Herz, Hanna Wikström
Kritiskt socialt arbete - 2022 -
Könsmedvetet socialt arbete med manliga
Marcus Herz
Att möta våldsutsatta män - förståelse, bedömningar och hjälpinsatser - 2022 -
Får inte muslimer arbeta med mänskliga rättigheter i
Adrián Groglopo, Lena S. Sawyer, Juan Velasquez Atehortua, Hanna Wikström, Jenny Kronman, Marcus Herz
Göteborgs Posten - 2021 -
“I’ll have security, I’ll go to school, I’ll live my life” – Unaccompanied minors on school, education and
Marcus Herz, Philip Lalander
Violence, Victimisation and Young People - 2021 -
Social tjänst till salu - Om socialt arbete i upphandlingens
Simon Härnbro, Magnus Dahlstedt, Marcus Herz
Sociologisk forskning - 2021 -
Politiskt socialt
Marcus Herz
Socialt arbete - rörelser, gränser, liv - 2021 -
Rörelse, motstånd,
Magnus Dahlstedt, Sabine Gruber, Marcus Herz, Philip Lalander
Socialt arbete - Rörelser, gränser, liv - 2021 -
Socialt arbete - rörelse, motstånd,
Magnus Dahlstedt, Sabine Gruber, Marcus Herz, Philip Lalander
2021 -
Konstruktioner av behov och utsatthet hos ”ensamkommande” unga i
Maria Moberg Stephenson, Marcus Herz
Rasism, antirasism och socialt arbete i spåren av migration - 2021 -
Mellan två tider - brödköer, prekära liv och socialt
Marcus Herz