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- Inga Tidefors
Inga Tidefors
Professor Emeritus
Department of PsychologyAbout Inga Tidefors
Received a PhD in Psychology in 2002 and became an associated professor in 2010. Is currently employed both as a lecturer and as a researcher.
Is also an authorized psychologist and authorized psychotherapist and has worked as a clinical psychologist since early 1980 until 2001 in the correctional system with convicted sexual offenders. Today, supervisor for prosecutors at the Swedish Prosecution Authority in Gothenburg, concerning investigations when suspicion of child sexual abuse exists.
The main focus concerns sexology as well as qualitative research in psychology. Supervisor for PhD students.
Research interests
The main research area concerns psychological aspects of child sexual abuse; focusing on both adults and adolescents who have sexually offended as well as consequences for the victim.
Current research
Belongs to a research group in the Vårdal Foundation studying strategies to strengthening the patient’s possibility to influence their own treatment within psychiatric care. Is also a part of a research project “The one who beats, the one who is beaten and the child who watches” granted by The Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority. Is the head of the project ”Caring for victims of sexual abuse within Christian congregations – The role of gender” granted by the Swedish Research Council. Coordinates a research group in Clinical Psychology.
Selected publications
Tidefors, I., & Strand, J. Life history interviews with eleven boys diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder who had sexually offended: A sad storyline. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation (in press).
Rudolfsson, L., & Tidefors, I. Sexual Abuse and the Christian Congregation: The Role of Gender in Pastoral Care for Victims. Pastoral Psychology.. First published on: 14 September 2011 (iFirst).
Strand, J., & Tidefors, I. “If you’re not safe anywhere, you turn it inside yourself”: Narratives about childhood experiences told by twelve individuals diagnosed with psychosis. Journal of Psychosis - Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches. First published on: 26 June 2011 (iFirst).
Tidefors, I., & Olin, E. A need for ‘‘good eyes’’: Experiences told by patients diagnosed with psychosis. Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, First published on: 13 January 2011 (iFirst).
Tidefors, I. (2011). “State of Mind” regarding attachment in a group of 45 adolescents who have sexually offended. In: Lauren E. Hynes (ed) ©2011 Sexual Abuse: Types, Signs and Treatments (chapter 11). ISBN: 978-1-61209-611-7. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Tidefors I. (2010). ”Det känns som jag inte har haft nåt riktigt liv än”. Fyrtiofem tonårspojkar som har begått sexuella övergrepp. [”It feels like I haven’t had a real life yet”. Forty-five adolescents males who have sexually offended]. Stockholm: Statens institutionsstyrelse [The National Board of Institutional Care].
Tidefors, I. (2010). Anknytning och sexualitet [Attachment and Sexuallity]. In C. Löfgren Mårtensson & P-O Lundberg (red.), Sexologi. (pp. 81-85) Stockholm: Liber.
Qualitative software engineering research: Reflections and
Per Lenberg, Robert Feldt, Lucas Gren, Lars Göran Wallgren Tengberg, Inga Tidefors, D. Graziotin
Journal of Software-Evolution and Process - 2023 -
Recidivism in criminal behavior-A 10-year follow-up study of 45 adolescent boys identified as sex
Inga Tidefors, Sara Ingevaldson, Anneli Goulding
Nordic Psychology - 2019 -
Court evaluations of young children's testimony in child sexual abuse
Emelie Ernberg, Mikaela Magnusson, Sara Landström, Inga Tidefors
Legal and Criminological Psychology - 2018 -
Perceptions and Experiences of an Attachment-Based Intervention for Parents Troubled by Intimate Partner
Lana Kamal, Jennifer Strand, Göran Jutengren, Inga Tidefors
Clinical social work journal - 2017 -
Swedish Healthcare Managers and the Media – A Study of Strategies and Support During Mass Media
Maria Wramsten Wilmar, Gunnar Ahlborg, Lotta Dellve, Inga Tidefors, Christian Jacobsson
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology - 2017 -
Self-Views in Twenty Young Men Who Were Identified as Sexual Offenders in Adolescence: A Mixed-Method
Sara Ingevaldson, Anneli Goulding, Inga Tidefors
Sexual Offender Treatment - 2017 -
Åtal vid misstänkta sexualbrott mot
Emelie Ernberg, Mikaela Magnusson, Sara Landström, Inga Tidefors
Brottsoffermyndighetens Viktimologiska Forskarkonferens 2017. Stockholm: 21 november - 2017 -
Gender differences in the association between emotional maltreatment with mental, emotional, and behavioral problems in Swedish
Johan Melander Hagborg, Inga Tidefors, Claudia Fahlke
Child Abuse and Neglect - 2017 -
Behavioral misuse among clients in substance abuse treatment. An interview
Elisabeth Punzi, Claudia Fahlke, Inga Tidefors
Journal of Substance Use - 2016 -
Prosecutors’ reflections on sexually abused preschoolers and their ability to stand
Emelie Ernberg, Inga Tidefors, Sara Landström
Child Abuse & Neglect - 2016 -
Experiences of intimate relationships in young men who sexually offended during adolescence: interviews 10 years
Sara Ingevaldson, Anneli Goulding, Inga Tidefors
Journal of Sexual Aggression - 2016 -
I was, I am, and I will be. Views of self in young men identified as sexual offenders in
Sara Ingevaldson, Anneli Goulding, Inga Tidefors
14th Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), Copenhagen, Denmark September 7-10 - 2016 -
Workplace romances: “Going to work is amazing and really
Lars Göran Wallgren, Inga Tidefors
International Journal of Psychological Studies - 2016 -
Sexual abuse cases in Swedish courts – what is required from preschoolers as
Emelie Ernberg, Mikaela Magnusson, Sara Landström, Inga Tidefors
The 9th annual conference of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG), London, United Kingdom, June 22 - 24 2016 - 2016 -
Parenting Difficulties and Needs Described by Victims and Perpetrators of Intimate Partner
Jennifer Strand, Göran Jutengren, Lana Kamal, Inga Tidefors
Journal of Child Custody - 2015 -
Prosecutors' reflections about sexually abused children and their ability to stand
Emelie Ernberg, Inga Tidefors, Sara Landström
European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL) + World Conference, August 4-7 2015, Nuremberg - 2015 -
The struggles of victims of sexual abuse who seek pastoral
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors
Pastoral Psychology - 2015 -
A new capitation payment system in dentistry: the patients’
Jennifer Strand, Charlotte Andren Andås, Ulla Wide Boman, Magnus Hakeberg, Inga Tidefors
Community Dental Health - 2015 -
‘I Divide Life into Different Dimensions, one Mental and one Physical, to be Able to Handle Life, you Know?’ Subjective Accounts of the Content of Psychotic
Jennifer Strand, Elisabeth Olin, Inga Tidefors
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy - 2015 -
Mental health professionals' view of the parents pf patients with psychotic disorders: a participant observation
Jennifer Strand, Elisabeth Olin, Inga Tidefors
Health & Social Care in the Community - 2015 -
Attachment styles and symptoms in individuals with
Jennifer Strand, Anneli Goulding, Inga Tidefors
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry - 2015 -
Excessive sexual activities among male clients in substance abuse treatment. An interview
Elisabeth Punzi, Claudia Fahlke, Inga Tidefors
Mediterranean journal of clinical psychology - 2014 -
"it wasn't the proper me" - Narratives about alcoholism and view of oneself: The impact of disavowed shortcomings and
Elisabeth Punzi, Inga Tidefors
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly - 2014 -
Effects of the Two-Way Communication Checklist (2-COM): A one-year cluster randomized study in a group of severely mentally ill
Hans Arvidsson, Elisabeth Olin, Jennifer Strand, Inga Tidefors
International Journal of Social Psychiatry - 2014 -
Mentalization and affect regulation reflected in interviews with men diagnosed with psychosis and substance
Jonas Stålheim, Inga Tidefors, Claudia Fahlke
Mental Health and Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis - 2014 -
I have cried to Him a thousand times, but it makes no difference: sexual abuse, faith, and images of
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors
Mental Health, Religion & Culture - 2014 -
Agreement between ratings from self-rating scales and assessments by staff concerning a group of ‘severely mentally ill’
Inga Tidefors, Hans Arvidsson, Elisabeth Olin
Psychosis - Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches - 2014 -
The need to tell and the need not to listen – Confidants strives and care givers struggles in pastoral care for victims of sexual
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors
Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS) Malmö 18-21 september 2014 - 2014 -
Experiences of sexuality in a group of young men who sexually offended in their
Sara Ingevaldson, Inga Tidefors, Anneli Goulding
Criminal policies in sexual violence: from research to legislation and treatment. 13th conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO) - 2014 -
“To me everything is intertwined” — Consequences on faith following sexual
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors
Criminal policies in sexual violence: from research to legislation and treatment. 13th conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO) - 2014 -
The picture of me: Narratives about childhood and early adolescence by boys who have sexually abused
Inga Tidefors, Sara Skillbäck
Nordic Psychology - 2014 -
I stay and I follow – Clerical reflections on pastoral care for victims of sexual
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors
Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling - 2013 -
Anknytningsteori – ett sätt att förstå
Inga Tidefors
Psykologtidningen - 2012 -
Narratives about non-coercive and coercive sexuality related by male adolescents who have sexually
Inga Tidefors, Anneli Goulding, Hans Arvidsson
Sexual Offender Treatment - 2012 -
Alkohol och
Inga Tidefors
Handbok i Missbrukspsykologi - 2012 -
Agreement between ratings from self-rating scales and assessments by treatment staff concerning a group of adolescent males who have sexually
Inga Tidefors, Hans Arvidsson, Lisa Rudolfsson
Journal of Sexual Aggression - 2012 -
"If you're not safe anywhere, you turn it inside yourself": Narratives about childhood experiences told by 12 individuals diagnosed with
Jennifer Strand, Inga Tidefors
Psychosis-Psychological Social and Integrative Approaches - 2012 -
Well, facing death is easier - Clerical reflections on pastoral care for victims of sexual
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors
International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), Berlin 5-8 september 2012 - 2012 -
Life History Interviews with 11 Boys Diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Who Had Sexually Offended: A Sad
Inga Tidefors, Jennifer Strand
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation - 2012 -
Prosecution Rate and Quality of the Investigative Interview in Child Sexual Abuse
Johan Melander Hagborg, Leif Strömwall, Inga Tidefors
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling - 2012 -
Sexual abuse and the Christian congregation: The role of gender in pastoral care for
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors, Leif Strömwall
Pastoral Psychology - 2012 -
A need for “good eyes”:Experiences told by patients diagnosed with
Inga Tidefors, Elisabeth Olin
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2011 -
A Swedish sample of 45 adolescent males who have sexually offended: Background, individual characteristics, and offending
Inga Tidefors, Anneli Goulding, Hans Arvidsson
Nordic Psychology - 2011 -
Power, reverence and sexuality - Facing desire in pastoral
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors
Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS) - 33rd conference, Oslo 2011 - 2011 -
Sexual abuse and the Christian congregation - The role of gender in pastoral care for
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors, Leif Strömwall
20th World congress for sexual health, Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 12-16, 2011 - 2011 -
”Det känns som jag inte har haft nåt riktigt liv än” Fyrtiofem tonårspojkar som har begått sexuella
Inga Tidefors
2010 -
Anknytning och
Inga Tidefors
C. Löfgren Mårtensson & P-O Lundberg (red.), Sexologi. - 2010 -
Sibling incest: A literature review and a clinical
Inga Tidefors, Hans Arvidsson, Sara Ingevaldson, Michael Larsson
Journal of Sexual Aggression - 2010 -
“State of mind” regarding attachment in a group of 45 adolescents who have sexually
Inga Tidefors
New perspectives in sex offender treatment: Restorative justice, legal questions and humanistic traditions as challenges to therapy, 11th conference of the international association for the treatment of sexual offenders - 2010 -
Narratives about consensual and non-consensual sexuality told by male adolescents who have sexually
Inga Tidefors, Anneli Goulding, Hans Arvidsson
32nd Annual meeting and conference of the nordic association for clinical sexology, birth death sexuality - 2010 -
In what ways do sexual murderers talk about their
Inga Tidefors
32nd Annual meeting and conference of the nordic association for clinical sexology, birth death sexuality - 2010 -
Surveying sexual matters in closed organisations - The study that went
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors
32nd Annual meeting and conference of the nordic association for clinical sexology, birth death sexuality - 2010 -
Agreement between ratings from self-rating scales and assessments by treatment staff concerning a group of adolescent males who have sexually
Inga Tidefors, Hans Arvidsson, Lisa Rudolfsson
Journal of Sexual Aggression - 2010 -
“Shepherd My Sheep”: Clerical Readiness to Meet Psychological and Existential Needs from victims of sexual
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors
Pastoral Psychology - 2009 -
A Swedish sample of 45 adolescent males who have sexually offended: Background data, individual characteristics, and offending
Inga Tidefors, Anneli Goulding, Hans Arvidsson
The 19th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health. Sexual Health & Rights: A Global Challenge. Abstract Book. - 2009 -
Sexuality in a group of male adolescents who have sexually offended: Knowledge, attitudes, and
Inga Tidefors, Hans Arvidsson, Anneli Goulding
The 19th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health. Sexual Health & Rights: A Global Challenge. Abstract Book. - 2009 -
Rape - an act of desire or compulsion? Narratives during group psychotherapy told by rapists sentenced to forensic
Suzanne Kordon, Inga Tidefors
The 19th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health. Sexual Health & Rights: AGlobal Challenge. Abstract Book. s. 77 - 2009 -
Nina Möller, Inga Tidefors
The 19th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health. Sexual Health & Rights: AGlobal Challenge. Abstract Book. s. 97 - 2009 -
The possible goodness of Godliness – Ministers' reflections on sexual
Lisa Rudolfsson, Inga Tidefors
The 19th WAS World Congress for Sexual Health. Sexual Health & Rights: AGlobal Challenge. Abstract Book. s. 199 - 2009 -
Rape and Murder - Acts of Desire or
Inga Tidefors, Suzanne Kordon
Sexual Offender Treatment - 2009 -
Gruppsykoterapeutisk behandling med LRV-dömda män som begått sexuella övergrepp: Dynamik och mönster i övergreppshandlingarna samt förändringsprocesser under pågående
Sofie Gedda, Inga Tidefors, Anneli Fryklund
2007 -
Gruppsykoterapeutisk behandling med LRV-dömda mänsom begått sexuella övergrepp: Dynamik och mönster i övergreppshandlingarna samt förändringsprocesser under pågående
Sofie Gedda, Inga Tidefors, Anneli Fryklund
2007 -
The difficulties in understanding the role of sexuality in sexual abusetowards children: In-depth interviews with
Inga Tidefors, Margaretha Drougge
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2006 -
The presence of guilt and shame in narratives told by twenty child
Inga Tidefors
Psykologisk tidskrift - 2005 -
Tunagårdens behandlingsmodell. Unga förövare av sexuella
Åsa Jepsson, Inga Tidefors, Eva Löwdal
2002 -
Från barndom till brott. Om 20 män dömda för sexuella övergrepp mot 38
Inga Tidefors
2002 -
Förövarpsykologi. Om våldtäkt, incest och
Inga Tidefors, Elisabeth Kwarnmark
1999 -
Psykologiska mekanismer bakom
Inga Tidefors
Rättspsykologi. Den forensiska psykologin i Sverige. En kunskapsöversikt - 1996 -
Sexual Abuse as a Symptom of Mental
Inga Tidefors
Nordisk Sexologi - 1991