
Daniel Enstedt

About Daniel Enstedt

Daniel Enstedt holds a PhD and lectures in Religious Studies. He received his PhD in 2011, on completion of the thesis This is my Body. Christian faith, Sexuality and Relationship [Detta är min kropp. Kristen tro, sexualitet och samlevnad]. Enstedt is, since 2018, associate professor in religious studies. His teaching and research mainly focuses on Contemporary Religion and the Sociology of Religion. He has been interested in religion in relation to gender studies, sexuality studies and Intersectionality (study of intersections between different minority groups); psychoanalytic theory, social theory and postmodern theory; materiality, life writing, and field research. In addition to research and teaching, he has been the Director of Studies in Religious Studies and Theology.


I have been teaching at the University of Gothenburg since 2006. Teaching is carried out in the Religious Studies programme with courses in Religious Studies, Teacher Education and interdisciplinary courses at the LIR Department. Also in Public Health Science, Food, Nutrition and Sport Science, the History of Ideas and Sexology. In religion, I have taught at all levels, primarily in Sociology and Psychology of Religion, but also courses on Theology and The History of Religion. I have also tutored essays at the BA and Master’s degree levels and been responsible for many courses.