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- Andreas Bågenholm
Andreas Bågenholm
Assistant Head of Department
Department of Political ScienceSenior Lecturer
Department of Political ScienceAbout Andreas Bågenholm
Andreas Bågenholm, Ph.D. is a Senior Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science. He is the Program Manager at the Quality of Government Institute and was previously also the Project Manager for the EU financed ANTICORRP project and co-editor of the European Journal of Political Research Data Yearbook.
Area of interests
My research is mainly about corruption, elections and political parties and more specifically how corruption affects both citizens’ voting behavior and political parties’ electoral performance. To what extent and under what conditions voters punish corrupt politicians and parties and corruption-ridden government manage to survive as well as the electoral performances of parties that politicize corruption (so called Anti-corruption parties) in comparison with parties that do not, are three questions that interest me. Right now I am working in a project on whistle blowing in political parties. Another strand of research focuses on the extent and type of corruption in Sweden in the 19th century. Finally I have also studied the party systems in Central and Eastern Europe and the question why the tend to remain highly unstable.
Current research
Currently I am working in a project on whistle blowing in political parties and soon I will also start working on a EU funded project, looking mainly on different aspects of Swedish corruption.
Teaching and tutoring
I teach mainly on comparative politics, political systems and East European history and politics. I am responsible for one ten week undergraduate course on the political science program.
Papers and publications
For a full list of papers and publications see the CV.
When do politicians choose to upset the apple cart? Assessing the fairness-loyalty trade-off of whistleblowing in Swedish
Stephen Dawson, Andreas Bågenholm, Jenny De Fine Licht, Birgitta Niklasson
NOPSA Congress i Bergen den 25-28 juni - 2024 -
Misconduct and whistleblowing in political parties: A party loyalty
Birgitta Niklasson, Stephen Dawson, Andreas Bågenholm, Jenny De Fine Licht
Misconduct and whistleblowing in political parties: Survey evidence from
Birgitta Niklasson, Andreas Bågenholm, Stephen Dawson, Jenny De Fine Licht
Paper presented at the ECPR conference at Prague - 2023 -
Accountability in Swedish Political Parties? Survey evidence of misconduct and
Svenskarna bedömer graden av korruption i
Electoral Accountability and
Andreas Bågenholm
The Oxford Handbook of Quality of Government (eds. Andreas Bågenholm, Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes and Bo Rothstein). Oxford: Oxford University Press. - 2021 -
Introduction: Quality of Government:
Andreas Bågenholm, Bo Rothstein, Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes
The Oxford Handbook of Quality of Government (eds. Andreas Bågenholm, Monika Bauhr, Marcia Grimes and Bo Rothstein). Oxford: Oxford University Press. - 2021 -
Good Governance. Vad är det, vad är det bra för och hur kommer vi
Andreas Bågenholm
2021 -
Öst är öst och väst är väst? En
jämförande studie av partisystemens
stabilitet i Europa
Andreas Bågenholm
Nordisk Østforum - 2020 -
Accountable or Untouchable? Electoral accountability in Romanian local
Andreas Bågenholm, Nicholas Charron
Electoral Studies - 2020 -
Are women more likely to throw the rascals out? The mobilizing effect of social service spending on female
Amy C Alexander, Andreas Bågenholm, Nicholas Charron
Public Choice - 2020 -
Does Gender Matter? Female Politicians’ Engagement in Anti-Corruption
Andreas Bågenholm, Amy C Alexander
Gender and Corruption. Historical Roots and New Avenues for Research - 2018 -
Political data in
Andreas Bågenholm, A. Clark
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook 2017 - 2018 -
Political Data Yearbook
Andreas Bågenholm, A. Clark
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook 2017 - 2018 -
Political data in
Andreas Bågenholm, Liam Weeks
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook - 2017 -
Corruption and Anticorruption in Early-Nineteenth-Century
Andreas Bågenholm
Anti-corruption in history : from antiquity to the modern era / Ronald Kroeze, André Vitória, and Guy Geltner - 2017 -
Understanding electoral accountability: Why corrupt parties are sometimes rewarded and sometimes
Andreas Bågenholm
Paper presented at the CES conference in Glasgow, 12-14 July 2017 - 2017 -
In the Absence of Antagonism? Rethinking Eastern European Populism in the Early
Li Bennich-Björkman, Andreas Bågenholm, Andreas Johansson Heinö
East European Quarterly - 2017 -
Are women MPs more concerned about corruption than men? A comparative analysis of the written parliamentary questions in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the United
Andreas Bågenholm, Amy C Alexander, Constanza Sanhueza Petrarca
Paper presented at the APSA Annual Meeting in San Francisco 31 August – 3 September 2017. - 2017 -
Political Data in
Andreas Bågenholm, Kevin Deegan-Krause, Liam Weeks
European Journal of Political Research Data Yearbook - 2016 -
Does Party Politicization of Corruption Affect Voter
Andreas Bågenholm, Stefan Dahlberg, Maria Solevid
2016 -
Ideology, party systems and corruption voting in European
Andreas Bågenholm, Nicholas Charron
Electoral Studies - 2016 -
Political data in
Andreas Bågenholm, Kevin Deegan-Krause, Liam Weeks
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook - 2015 -
Are Anti-Corruption Parties to be Trusted? Evidence from 13 cases in Central and Eastern Europe
Andreas Bågenholm
Paper presented at the 111th APSA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, 3-6 September 2015 - 2015 -
Anti-Corruption Parties and Good
Andreas Bågenholm, Nicholas Charron
Elites, Institutions and the Quality of Government (eds. Carl Dahlström & Lena Wängnerud) - 2015 -
Do Politics in Europe Benefit from Politicising
Andreas Bågenholm, Nicholas Charron
West European Politics - 2014 -
Standing By Your (Wo)Man? How Voter Ideology Impacts Party Loyalty in the Face of Corruption
Andreas Bågenholm, Nicholas Charron
Paper presented at the 21st International Conference of Europeanists, in Washington, D.C., March 14-16, 2014 - 2014 -
Does Politicization of Corruption Affect Voter
Andreas Bågenholm, Stefan Dahlberg, Maria Solevid
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, August 28-31 2014 - 2014 -
Weberianism before Weber? Reforming the Swedish bureaucracy in the 19th
Andreas Bågenholm
Paper presented at the 21st International Conference of Europeanists, in Washington, D.C. - 2014 -
Continued Party System Instability in Central and Eastern
Andreas Bågenholm
Government Gazette - 2014 -
Political data in
Andreas Bågenholm, Kevin Deegan-Krause, Liam Weeks
European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook - 2013 -
All anledning ta Dennis Töllborg på
Andreas Bågenholm
Göteborgs-Posten - 2013 -
Throwing the rascals out? The electoral effects of corruption allegations and corruption scandals in Europe
Andreas Bågenholm
Crime Law and Social Change - 2013 -
The Electoral Fate and Policy Impact of “Anti-Corruption Parties” in Central and Eastern
Andreas Bågenholm
Human Affairs - 2013 -
Holding Politicians Accountable? The electoral effects of corruption in Europe
Andreas Bågenholm
Paper to be presented at the ECPR General Conference in Bordeaux, September 4-7, 2013. - 2013 -
Reflections on the Revolution in Sweden. The events of 1809 and their subsequent effects on the curbing of
Andreas Bågenholm
Presented at the ANTICORRP workshop in Amsterdam, 3-4 October, 2013. - 2013 -
Why are the post-communist party systems not
Andreas Bågenholm, Andreas Johansson Heinö
ECPR Joint Sessions in Mainz, Workshop 31: Party System Dynamics. New Tools for the Study of Party System Change and Party Transformation, March 12-16, 2013. - 2013 -
Explaining the Emergence and Success of Parties Politicizing Corruption in Electoral Politics in
Andreas Bågenholm, Nicholas Charron
presented at the MPSA 71st Annual Conference in Chicago April 11-14, 2013 - 2013 -
Styrelseskick i elva länder +
Andreas Bågenholm
2012 -
Do anti-corruption parties matter? An analysis of the impact of the third wave of niche
Andreas Bågenholm
MPSA 69th Annual National Conference in Chicago - 2011 -
Let's have a party! Centraleuropeisk partipolitik i
Andreas Bågenholm
I Europamissionens tjänst - 2011 -
Fortfarande "annorlunda": Missnöje och partipolitisk turbulens i
Andreas Bågenholm
20 år efter järnridåns fall - Olika perspektiv på den Öst- och Centraleuropiska samhällsomvandlingen - 2010 -
Remissvar på Grundlagsutredningens betänkande "En reformerad grundlag" SOU 2008:125. Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Göteborgs
A New Road to Electoral Success. Incentive structures, elite strategies and the emergence of new political parties in the Baltic
Andreas Bågenholm, Andreas Johansson Heinö
Workshop om nya politiska partiers framgång i Central- och Östeuropa i Göteborg den 15-16 juni 2009. - 2009 -
Politicizing Corruption. The electoral impact of anti-corruption discourse in Europe
Andreas Bågenholm
2009 -
Incentives and Disincentives for New Parties. The cases of Res Publica and New
Andreas Bågenholm, Andreas Johansson Heinö
Paper presented at the MPSA 66th Annual National Conference in Chicago, April 3-6, 2008. - 2008 -
Still not stable after all these years. The logic of negative path dependency in party system stability in Central and Eastern
Andreas Bågenholm, Andreas Johansson Heinö
Paper presented at the Swedish Political Science Association’s annual meeting in Uppsala, September 26-27, 2008. - 2008 -
Incentives and Disincentives for New Parties. On the Success of Res Publica in the Estonian 2003 Parliamentary
Andreas Bågenholm, Andreas Johansson Heinö
Paper presented at the NOPSA Conference, Tromsö, August 2008. - 2008 -
Understanding Governmental Legislative Capacity. Harmonization of EU legislation in Lithuania and
Andreas Bågenholm
2008 -
Styrelseskick i elva länder + EU (The political systems in eleven countries and the
The dynamics of Enlargement: The Role of the EU in Candidate Countries’ Domestic Policy
Andreas Bågenholm
2006 -
Enhancing Governmental Legislative Capacity? An Analysis of the Effects of Decision-making Reforms in Lithuania and
Andreas Bågenholm
Democratic Governance in the Central and Eastern European Countries: Challenges and Responses for the XXI Century - 2005 -
Electoral Success of New Political Parties in Central- and Eastern
Andreas Johansson, Andreas Bågenholm
XIV NOPSA Conference, Reykjavik, 11-13 August, 2005. Working group 4: Central- och Östeuropa: kontinuitet och förändring. - 2005 -
The Eastern European Transitions. A Survey of the Research
Andreas Bågenholm
Lindahl, R. (ed). Transition and EU-Enlargement. Economic, Legal, Political and Social Change in Eastern Europe - 2005 -
Explaining Legislative Capacity. An analysis of the role of the parliaments in transposing EU-related legislation in Lithuania and
Andreas Bågenholm
Lindahl, R. (ed). Transition and EU-Enlargement. Economic, Legal, Political and Social Change in Eastern Europe - 2005 -
Enhancing Governmental Legislative
Andreas Bågenholm
13th NISPAcee Annual Conference in Moscow, May 19-21, 2005. Working group III: Strategic Leadership in Central Government - 2005 -
Explaining Legislative
Andreas Bågenholm
VII World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies in Berlin, July 25–30, 2005 - 2005 -
Utvidgningen av Europeiska Unionen ur ett politiskt
Understanding Constraints. An analysis of the determinants of success and failure in the East European reform
Andreas Bågenholm
Forskning om Europafrågor - 2001 -
Av egen kraft? Medborgarandans betydelse för reformframgång i Estland, Lettland och
Andreas Bågenholm