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- Maziar Mohaddes Ardebili
Maziar Mohaddes Ardebili
Affiliated to Research
Department of Orthopaedics-
The size of the femoral head does not influence metal ion levels after metal-onpolyethylene total hip arthroplasty: a five-year report from a randomized controlled
Kristine Bunyoz, Georgios Tsikandylakis, Kristian Mortensen, Kirill Gromov, Maziar Mohaddes, Henrik Malchau, Anders Troelsen
Variation in care and outcome for fragile hip fracture patients: a European multicentre study benchmarking fulfilment of established quality
E. Coeckelberghs, K. Vanhaecht, A. Akiki, P. Castillón, B. Cox, R. El Attal, N. B. Foss, F. Frihagen, T. G. Gerich, N. K. Kanakaris, M. T. Kristensen, Maziar Mohaddes, M. Panella, H. C. Pape, A. Sermon, D. Seys, S. Nijs
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery - 2024 -
Revision rates of one new and two established hemiarthroplasty heads: a comparative cohort study from the Swedish Arthroplasty
Cecilia Rogmark, Jonatan Natman, Soren Overgaard, Maziar Mohaddes
A prospective randomized study of Refobacin Bone Cement R versus Palacos<i> R</i> plus G FEMORAL COMPONENT MIGRATION AT TWO YEARS
Vasileios Angelomenos, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm, Henrik Malchau, Bita Shareghi, Raed Itayem
The Use of Large Metal Heads in Thin Vitamin E-Doped Cross-Linked Polyethylene Inserts Does Not Increase Polyethylene Wear in Total Hip Arthroplasty: 5-Year Results From a Randomized Controlled
Georgios Tsikandylakis, Kristian R. L. Mortensen, Kirill Gromov, Maziar Mohaddes, Henrik Malchau, Anders Troelsen
Annual report 2023: The Swedish Arthroplasty
Annette W-Dahl, Johan Kärrholm, Cecilia Rogmark, Jonatan Nåtman, Erik Bülow, Perna Ighani Arani , Maziar Mohaddes, Ola Rolfson
2024 -
Swedish musculoskeletal researchers view on a collaborative network and future research priorities in Swedish
Elias Diarbakerli, Olof Thoreson, Martin Bjorklund, Leif E. Dahlberg, Martin Englund, Paul Gerdhem, Joanna Kvist, Maziar Mohaddes, Anneli Peolsson, Ola Rolfson, Birgitta Oberg, Allan Abbott
Increased mortality after total hip prosthetic joint infection is mainly caused by the comorbidities rather than the infection
A. Persson, O. Sköldenberg, Maziar Mohaddes, T. Eisler, M. Gordon
Acta Orthopaedica - 2023 -
What is the Role of Stem Size and Offset in the Risk of Nonseptic Revision of the Exeter & REG; 150-mm Stem? A Study From the Swedish Arthroplasty
Raed Itayem, Ola Rolfson, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research - 2023 -
Similar results after five years with the use of the Fitmore or the CLS femoral components A RANDOMIZED STUDY OF 35
Karin Rilby, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm
Bone and Joint Open - 2023 -
Long-term risk of reoperation after modular
Dennis Lind, Jonatan Natman, Maziar Mohaddes, Cecilia Rogmark
Cost-effectiveness of implant movement analysis in aseptic loosening after hip replacement: a health-economic
Davide Lovera, Olof Sandberg, Maziar Mohaddes, Hanna Gyllensten
Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E - 2023 -
Can particle counting replace conventional surveillance for airborne bacterial contamination assessments? A systematic review using narrative
Frans Stålfelt, Karin Svensson Malchau, Camilla Bjorn, Maziar Mohaddes, Annette Erichsen Andersson
No major difference in perceived quality of care in patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis assessed in a physical therapy-led triage compared with standard care: a randomized controlled
Linnéa Gustavsson, Maziar Mohaddes, Karin Samsson, Susanne Beischer
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2023 -
No difference in whole-blood metal ions between 32-mm and 36-to 44-mm femoral heads in metal-on-polyethylene total hip arthroplasty: a 2-year report from a randomised control
K. I. Bunyoz, Georgios Tsikandylakis, K. Mortensen, K. Gromov, Maziar Mohaddes, Henrik Malchau, A. Troelsen
HIP International - 2023 -
Patient-surgeon sex discordance impacts adverse events but does not affect patient-reported satisfaction after primary total hip arthroplasty: a regional register-based cohort
Per Jolbäck, Sebastian Mukka, Kristin Wetterling, Maziar Mohaddes, Anne Garland
Acta orthopaedica - 2022 -
No difference in outcome or migration but greater loss of bone mineral density with the Collum Femoris Preserving stem compared with the Corail stem: a randomized controlled trial with five-year
Karin Rilby, E. Naucler, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm
Bone & Joint Journal - 2022 -
EPOS trial: The effect of air filtration through a plasma chamber on the incidence of surgical site infection in orthopaedic surgery: A study protocol of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
A. Persson, I. Atroshi, T. Tyszkiewicz, N. Hailer, S. Lazarinis, T. Eisler, H. Brismar, S. Mukka, P. J. Kernell, Maziar Mohaddes, O. Sköldenberg, M. Gordon
Bmj Open - 2022 -
Influence of implant variations on survival of the Lubinus SP II stem: evaluation of 76,530 hips in the Swedish Arthroplasty Register,
Raed Itayem, Ola Rolfson, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm
Acta orthopaedica - 2022 -
Learning from the past to plan for the future: A scoping review of musculoskeletal clinical research in Sweden
E. Diarbakerli, Olof Thoreson, M. Bjorklund, L. E. Dahlberg, M. Englund, P. Gerdhem, J. Kvist, Maziar Mohaddes, A. Peolsson, Ola Rolfson, B. Oberg, A. Abbott
Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences - 2022 -
Precision of low-dose CT-based micromotion analysis technique for the assessment of early acetabular cup migration compared with gold standard RSA: a prospective study of 30 patients up to 1
Vasileios Angelomenos, Maziar Mohaddes, Raed Itayem, Bita Shareghi
Acta Orthopaedica - 2022 -
Knowledge support for ankle fractures in the Swedish Fracture Register - a qualitative study of physicians'
Emilia Möller Rydberg, Johan Insulan, Ola Rolfson, Maziar Mohaddes, Linda Ahlstrom
Bmc Health Services Research - 2022 -
Similar outcome with a new anteverted or a straight standard stem: a randomized study of 72 total hip arthroplasties evaluated with clinical variables, radiostereometry, and DXA up to 2
Karin Rilby, Maziar Mohaddes, E. Naucler, Johan Kärrholm
Acta Orthopaedica - 2022 -
A review of the efficacy of intraarticular hip injection for patients with hip osteoarthritis: To inject or not to inject in hip
S. Rampal, A. Jaiman, M. A. Tokgoz, G. Arumugam, S. Sivananthan, R. S. J. Singh, S. B. Zazali, Maziar Mohaddes
Joint Diseases and Related Surgery - 2022 -
Active or semi-active robotic arm-assisted versus manual knee arthroplasty: benefits and
Jakob Hermodsson, L Bäckman, Cecilie Hongslo Vala, Lennart Jivegård, Maziar Mohaddes, Ann Liljegren, Max Petzold, Tuuli Saari, Frans Stålfelt, Therese Svanberg, Mikael Svensson, Susanne Bernhardsson
2022 -
Annual report 2022: The Swedish Arthroplasty
Annette W-Dahl, Johan Kärrholm, Cecilia Rogmark, Maziar Mohaddes, Malin Carling, Martin Sundberg, Erik Bülow, Jonatan Nåtman, Hanne Krage Carlsen, Rikard Isaksson, Ola Rolfson
2022 -
Årsrapport 2022: Svenska
Annette W-Dahl, Johan Kärrholm, Cecilia Rogmark, Maziar Mohaddes, Malin Carling, Martin Sundberg, Erik Bülow, Jonatan Nåtman, Hanne Krage Carlsen, Rikard Isaksson, Ola Rolfson
2022 -
Does the use of the largest possible metal head increase the wear of vitamin E-doped cross-linked polyethylene? Two-year results from a randomized controlled
Georgios Tsikandylakis, K. R. L. Mortensen, K. Gromov, Maziar Mohaddes, Henrik Malchau, A. Troelsen
Bone & Joint Journal - 2021 -
Uncemented or cemented stems in first-time revision total hip replacement? An observational study of 867 patients including assessment of femoral bone defect
Yosef Tyson, Christer Hillman, Norbert Majenburg, Olof Sköldenberg, Ola Rolfson, Johan Kärrholm, Maziar Mohaddes, Nils P Hailer
Acta orthopaedica - 2021 -
The effects of competition and bundled payment on patient reported outcome measures after hip replacement
F. Goude, S. A. C. Kittelsen, Henrik Malchau, Maziar Mohaddes, C. Rehnberg
BMC Health Services Research - 2021 -
Prior hip arthroscopy does not affect 1-year patient-reported outcomes following total hip arthroplasty: a register-based matched case-control study of 675
Ida Lindman, J. Natman, Axel Öhlin, Karin Svensson Malchau, Louise Karlsson, Maziar Mohaddes, Ola Rolfson, Mikael Sansone
Acta Orthopaedica - 2021 -
Annual report 2021: The Swedish Arthroplasty
Annette W-Dahl, Johan Kärrholm, Cecilia Rogmark, Emma Nauclér, Jonatan Nåtman, Erik Bülow, Maziar Mohaddes, Martin Sundberg, Ola Rolfson
2021 -
Årsrapport 2021 Svenska
Anette W-Dahl, Johan Kärrholm, Cecilia Rogmark, Emma Nauclér, Jonatan Nåtman, Erik Bülow, Maziar Mohaddes, Martin Sundberg, Ola Rolfson
2021 -
Is Parkinson's disease associated with worse outcomes following hip replacement for treatment of acute hip
J. Pallot, Maziar Mohaddes, D. Odin, C. Rogmark, Peter Cnudde
Acta Orthopaedica Belgica - 2021 -
Pelvic tilt between supine and standing after total hip arthroplasty an RSA up to seven years after the
Bita Shareghi, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm
Journal of Orthopaedic Research - 2021 -
The Use of Porous Titanium Coating and the Largest Possible Head Do Not Affect Early Cup Fixation: A 2-Year Report from a Randomized Controlled
Georgios Tsikandylakis, Kristian R L Mortensen, Kirill Gromov, Anders Troelsen, Henrik Malchau, Maziar Mohaddes
JB & JS open access - 2020 -
Reflecting on and managing the emotional impact of prosthetic joint infections on orthopaedic surgeons-a qualitative
Karin Svensson, Ola Rolfson, Maziar Mohaddes, H. Malchau, Annette Erichsen Andersson
Bone & Joint Journal - 2020 -
Is there a reduction in risk of revision when 36-mm heads instead of 32 mm are used in total hip arthroplasty for patients with proximal femur fractures?: A matched analysis of 5,030 patients with a median of 2.5 years’ follow-up between 2006 and 2016 in the Nordic Arthroplasty Register
Georgios Tsikandylakis, Johan Kärrholm, G. Hallan, O. Furnes, A. Eskelinen, K. Mäkelä, A. B. Pedersen, S. Overgaard, Maziar Mohaddes
Acta Orthopaedica - 2020 -
A small number of surgeons outside the control-limit: an observational study based on 9,482 cases and 208 surgeons performing primary total hip arthroplasties in western
Per Jolbäck, E. Naucler, Erik Bülow, Hans Lindahl, Maziar Mohaddes
Acta Orthopaedica - 2020 -
Data describing expression of formyl peptide receptor 2 in human articular
Alexander Strid Holmertz, Charlotte A Jonsson, Maziar Mohaddes, Christina Lundqvist, Huamei Forsman, Inger Gjertsson, Karin Önnheim
Data in Brief - 2020 -
Good implant survival after acetabular revision with extensive impaction bone grafting and uncemented
R. Perlbach, L. Palm, Maziar Mohaddes, I. Ivarsson, J. Schilcher
The bone & joint journal - 2020 -
Changes in health-related quality of life are associated with patient satisfaction following total hip replacement: an analysis of 69,083 patients in the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty
G. S. Ray, Philip Ekelund, Szilard Nemes, Ola Rolfson, Maziar Mohaddes
Acta Orthopaedica - 2020 -
Uncemented or cemented revision stems? Analysis of 2,296 first-time hip revision arthroplasties performed due to aseptic loosening, reported to the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty
Y. Tyson, Ola Rolfson, Johan Kärrholm, N. P. Hailer, Maziar Mohaddes
Acta Orthopaedica - 2019 -
Implant survival and patient-reported outcome following total hip arthroplasty in patients 30 years or younger: a matched cohort study of 1,008 patients in the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty
Maziar Mohaddes, E. Naucler, Johan Kärrholm, Henrik Malchau, D. Odin, Ola Rolfson
Acta Orthopaedica - 2019 -
Minor influence of patient education and physiotherapy interventions before total hip replacement on patient-reported outcomes: an observational study of 30,756 patients in the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty
Christopher Torisho, Maziar Mohaddes, K. Gustafsson, Ola Rolfson
Acta Orthopaedica - 2019 -
Is Parkinson's Disease Associated with Increased Mortality, Poorer Outcomes Scores, and Revision Risk After THA? Findings from the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty
Alex Wojtowicz, Maziar Mohaddes, D. Odin, Erik Bülow, Szilard Nemes, Peter Cnudde
Clinical orthopaedics and related research - 2019 -
Postoperative Thromboprophylaxis With New Oral Anticoagulants is Superior to LMWH in Hip Arthroplasty Surgery: Findings from the Swedish
P. Kasina, Alexander Wall, Lasse J. Lapidus, Ola Rolfson, Johan Kärrholm, Szilard Nemes, Bengt I. Eriksson, Maziar Mohaddes
Clinical orthopaedics and related research - 2019 -
High annual surgeon volume reduces the risk of adverse events following primary total hip arthroplasty: a registry-based study of 12,100 cases in Western
Per Jolbäck, Ola Rolfson, Peter Cnudde, D. Odin, Henrik Malchau, Hans Lindahl, Maziar Mohaddes
Acta Orthopaedica - 2019 -
Outcome of 881 total hip arthroplasties in 747 patients 21 years or younger: data from the Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association (NARA)
V. Halvorsen, A. M. Fenstad, L. B. Engesaeter, L. Nordsletten, S. Overgaard, A. B. Pedersen, Johan Kärrholm, Maziar Mohaddes, A. Eskelinen, K. T. Makela, S. M. Rohrl, Clinical Orthopaedics Ge Djn, P. Related Research
Acta Orthopaedica - 2019 -
Association between patient survival following reoperation after total hip replacement and the reason for reoperation: an analysis of 9,926 patients in the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty
Peter Cnudde, Erik Bülow, Szilard Nemes, Y. Tyson, Maziar Mohaddes, Ola Rolfson
Acta Orthopaedica - 2019 -
Validation of inertial measurement units with optical tracking system in patients operated with Total hip
Roland Zügner, Roy Tranberg, J. Timperley, D. Hodgins, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm
Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2019 -
Similar Risk of Re-Revision in Patients after One- or Two-Stage Surgical Revision of Infected Total Hip Arthroplasty: An Analysis of Revisions in the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register
Karin Svensson, Ola Rolfson, Johan Kärrholm, Maziar Mohaddes
Journal of Clinical Medicine - 2019 -
Contemporary posterior surgical approach in total hip replacement: still more reoperations due to dislocation compared with direct lateral approach? An observational study of the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register including 156,979
Oscar Skoogh, Georgios Tsikandylakis, Maziar Mohaddes, Szilard Nemes, D. Odin, Ola Rolfson
Acta Orthopaedica - 2019 -
Body mass index is associated with risk of reoperation and revision after primary total hip arthroplasty: a study of the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register including 83,146
Arkan S. Sayed-Noor, Sebastian Mukka, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm, Ola Rolfson
Acta Orthopaedica - 2019 -
Avascular necrosis in a patient diagnosed with
J. Chamat, Camilla Bergh, Maziar Mohaddes
Lakartidningen - 2019 -
Similar clinical results and early subsidence between the Collum Femoris Preserving and the Corail stem: a randomized radiostereometric study of 77 hips with 2 years’
Lisbeth Klein, Goran Puretic, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm
Acta Orthopaedica - 2019 -
Meta-analysis of individual registry results enhances international registry
Elizabeth W. Paxton, Maziar Mohaddes, I. Laaksonen, M. Lorimer, S. E. Graves, H. Malchau, R. S. Namba, Johan Kärrholm, Ola Rolfson, G. Cafri
Acta Orthopaedica - 2018 -
No Increase in Survival for 36-mm versus 32-mm Femoral Heads in Metal-on-polyethylene THA: A Registry
Georgios Tsikandylakis, Johan Kärrholm, Nils P Hailer, Antti Eskelinen, Keijo T Mäkelä, Geir Hallan, Ove Nord Furnes, Alma B Pedersen, Søren Overgaard, Maziar Mohaddes
Clinical orthopaedics and related research - 2018 -
Head size in primary total hip
Georgios Tsikandylakis, Maziar Mohaddes, Peter Cnudde, A. Eskelinen, Johan Kärrholm, Ola Rolfson
Efort Open Reviews - 2018 -
Does surgeon experience affect patient-reported outcomes 1 year after primary total hip
Per Jolbäck, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm, Szilard Nemes, Göran Garellick, Hans Lindahl, Ola Rolfson
Acta Orthopaedica - 2018 -
Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register Annual Report
Johan Kärrholm, Cecilia Rogmark, Emma Nauclér, Johanna Vinblad, Maziar Mohaddes, Ola Rolfson
2018 -
Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register Annual Report
Johan Kärrholm, Maziar Mohaddes, Daniel Odin, Johanna Vinblad, Cecilia Rogmark, Ola Rolfson
2018 -
Can patient-reported outcomes predict re-operations after total hip
Ted Eneqvist, Szilard Nemes, Erik Bülow, Maziar Mohaddes, Ola Rolfson
International Orthopaedics - 2018 -
High proximal migration in cemented acetabular revisions operated with bone impaction grafting; 47 revision cups followed with RSA for 17
Maziar Mohaddes, Peter Herberts, Henrik Malchau, Per-Erik Johanson, Johan Kärrholm
Hip international : the journal of clinical and experimental research on hip pathology and therapy - 2017 -
Cement-in-cement revision of the femoral stem: analysis of 1179 first-time revisions in the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty
Peter Cnudde, Johan Kärrholm, Ola Rolfson, A J Timperley, Maziar Mohaddes
The bone & joint journal - 2017 -
Use of dual-mobility cup in revision hip arthroplasty reduces the risk for further dislocation: analysis of seven hundred and ninety one first-time revisions performed due to dislocation, reported to the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty
Maziar Mohaddes, Peter Cnudde, Ola Rolfson, Alexander Wall, Johan Kärrholm
International orthopaedics - 2017 -
Is Preoperative Patient-Reported Health Status Associated with Mortality after Total Hip
Peter Cnudde, Szilard Nemes, Maziar Mohaddes, J. Timperley, Göran Garellick, K. Burstrom, Ola Rolfson
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2017 -
Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register Annual Report
Johan Kärrholm, Hans Lindahl, Henrik Malchau, Maziar Mohaddes, Szilard Nemes, Cecilia Rogmark, Ola Rolfson
2017 -
Does the Risk of Rerevision Vary Between Porous Tantalum Cups and Other Cementless Designs After Revision Hip
Inari Laaksonen, Michelle Lorimer, Kirill Gromov, Ola Rolfson, Keijo T. Mäkelä, Stephen E. Graves, Henrik Malchau, Maziar Mohaddes
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research - 2017 -
Long-lived plasma cells in human bone marrow can be either CD191(+) or
Siggeir Fannar Brynjólfsson, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm, Mary Jo Wick
Blood Advances - 2017 -
Iranian Joint Registry (Iranian National Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
H. Aslani, S. T. Nourbakhsh, F. A. Lahiji, K. Heydarian, M. Jabalameli, M. T. Ghazavi, M. N. Tahmasebi, M. R. Fayyaz, M. A. Sazegari, Maziar Mohaddes, M. Rajabpour, M. Emami, S. M. Jazayeri, F. Madadi, H. Farahini, F. Mirzatoloee, M. Gharahdaghi, M. H. Ebrahimzadeh, M. Ebrahimian, H. Mirvakili, K. Bashti, M. Almasizadeh, M. Abolghasemian, A. Taheriazam, M. Motififard, H. Yazdi, M. K. Mobarakeh, M. Shayestehazar, M. Moghtadae, B. Siavashi, M. M. Sajjadi, A. M. Rasi, S. K. Chabok, Z. Zafarani, S. Salehi, M. Ahmadi, A. Mohammadi, M. E. Shahsavand
Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery-Abjs - 2016 -
No increased risk of early revision during the implementation phase of new cup designs: Analysis of 52,903 hip arthroplasties reported to the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty
Maziar Mohaddes, Mathias Björk, Szilard Nemes, Ola Rolfson, Per Jolbäck, Johan Kärrholm
Acta Orthopaedica - 2016 -
Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register. Annual Report
Johan Kärrholm, Hans Lindahl, Henrik Malchau, Maziar Mohaddes, Cecilia Rogmark, Ola Rolfson
2016 -
High early migration of the revised acetabular component is a predictor of late cup loosening: 312 cup revisions followed with radiostereometric analysis for 2-20
Tina Klerken, Maziar Mohaddes, Szilard Nemes, Johan Kärrholm
Hip international : the journal of clinical and experimental research on hip pathology and therapy - 2015 -
Acetabular Revisions. Risk Factors and Prediction of
Maziar Mohaddes
2015 -
Short-term survival of the trabecular metal cup is similar to that of standard cups used in acetabular revision
Maziar Mohaddes, Ola Rolfson, Johan Kärrholm
Acta orthopaedica - 2015 -
Increased risk of revision in patients with non-traumatic femoral head
Camilla Bergh, Ann M Fenstad, Ove Furnes, Göran Garellick, Leif I Havelin, Søren Overgaard, Alma B Pedersen, Keijo T Mäkelä, Pekka Pulkkinen, Maziar Mohaddes, Johan Kärrholm
Acta orthopaedica - 2014 -
Method of Fixation Does Not Influence the Overall Risk of Rerevision in First-time Cup
Maziar Mohaddes, Göran Garellick, Johan Kärrholm
Clinical orthopaedics and related research - 2013