Study linguistics
When you study general linguistics you increase your knowledge about something you use every day, both in your private life and in work life: language. General linguistics is the study of the human capacity for language, human languages and linguistic communication.
The discipline covers the study of language in an individual, interactional, social and universal perspective and treats the various aspects of language: how language sounds are produced, their acoustics and how they are perceived (phonetics, phonology), word forms (morphology) grammatical structures (syntax), meaning (semantics) and use (pragmatics).
Some of the courses on the Master in Language Technology programme are offered as elective courses.
Find out more about the programme Master in Language technology.
Bachelor’s level
Bilingualism and Second language learning
7.5 credits
Dynamic semantics
7.5 credits
Linguistic methods
7.5 credits
Linguistics In-depth course
30 credits
Linguistics Intermediate course
30 credits
Linguistics, bachelor's thesis
15 credits
Linguistics: Pragmatics 2
7.5 credits
Linguistics: Semantics 2
7.5 credits
Linguistics: Syntax 2
7.5 credits
Methods for studying dialogue
7.5 credits