A globe.
Photo: Engin Yapici

Transnational civil society and foreign policy: The role of diasporas in comparative perspective

Research project
Active research
Project size
4 573 688
Project period
2022 - 2025
Project owner
Department of Political Science

The Swedish Research Council

Short description

Civil society in European countries is becoming more diverse and transnational largely as a consequence of migration. Yet the significance of these changes on foreign policy is under- researched. This project will address this gap by examining the impact transnational civil society actors have on foreign policy in European democracies. We will identify the types of networks that exist between state officials and diaspora groups and explain how their interaction shapes foreign policy practices – both at the strategic level and in day-to-day policy implementation. The project is designed as a comparative case study of two European host countries (Sweden and Germany) and five diasporic communities (Assyrians, Ethnic Turks, Kurds with Turkey as their country of origin (CoO), and Jews and Palestinians with Israel/Palestine as their CoO).

Research group