University of Gothenburg
Rund snökristall

Validity theory in educational measurement, 7.5 credits

Validity is the most important quality consideration in all research, and in educational research in particular, since such research often deals with how to measure, assess and evaluate constructs or phenomena that often are not easily observable or measurable. Measures of knowledge, knowledge development and measures of school quality or education systems are based on data collected through various types of tests or questionnaires. Based on such information, we draw conclusions about knowledge and abilities, perceptions, learning and education quality.

An absolutely crucial question is, of course, if these assumptions are valid - what do these instruments measure and can we draw the conclusions we do based on the information we use?

The course focuses on different definitions of validity, such as how the concept of validity has developed and been applied over time. The course also addresses practical issues of how to validate information obtained through measures of knowledge.

The course is well suited for Swedish and international participants who are doctoral students, researchers and supervisors.

Entry requirements

Knowledge equivalent to the learning goals in QRMs course Basic statistics for educational research (QRM1800).

Practical Information

Course code

Application period
Fall 2024:  2024-04-01 - 2024-05-15