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Stillbilder ur filmen ”Ur Medicinhistoriska museets samlingar”

Visual research highlights the evolution of orthopedics at Orthopedic Week

During Orthopedic Week in Gothenburg 2023, participants were given a unique opportunity to explore the visual history and future of orthopedics, where a historical film from GPS400: Center for Collaborative Visual Research served as a bridge between past innovations and future medical techniques.

In late August 2023, during Orthopedic Week in Gothenburg, senior orthopedic surgeon Alicja Bojan from Sahlgrenska University Hospital and museum director Lisa Sputnes Mouwitz, The Medicin History Museum in Gpthenburg, presented a joint lecture titled "From Sven Johansson's Nail to Today - The Development of Osteosynthesis for Hip Fractures." The lecture focused on the treatment technique for femoral neck fractures developed by Sven Johansson, a senior surgeon and orthopedist, in the 1930s at Sahlgrenska Hospital.

The lecture was targeted at specialists in the field and included a screening of a film produced by Sven Johansson, likely for a medical conference in Belfast in 1937.[1] This film has been digitized as part of the "Gothenburg on Film" and "Mediated Medicine" research projects within the GPS400 framework.

The technique involved modifying an orthopedic nail and utilizing X-ray during ongoing surgery, which facilitated the procedure and reduced rehabilitation time. This innovation laid the foundation for modern surgical methods.

From a historical perspective, Alicja Bojan offered insights into the potential future developments in the treatment of femoral neck fractures and discussed the ongoing research she is currently leading on the topic.2] 

Sputnes Mouwitz and Bojan also wrote an article titled "Sven Johansson - The Father of Hip Fracture Treatment" for the Orthopedic Magazine, which is available online here.


[1] Sputnes Mouwitz, Lisa Filmens Göteborg – Spår, erfarenheter och resultat från ett samverkande forskningsprojekt s. 252-273
[2] Bojan AJ et al. A new bone adhesive candidate – does it work in human bone? An ex-vivo preclinical evaluation in fresh human osteoporotic femoral head bone. Injury. 2022 Jun:53(6): 1858-1866.

Stillbilde ur filmen ”Ur Medicinhistoriska museets samlingar”