PPS styrgrupp
Caption: In the beginning of June, PPS Steering Group met at Core Facilities at the University of Gothenburg to discuss and make decisions on strategic and scientific issues related to the infrastructure. Photo: Charbel Sader

Protein Research: Increased Access to Knowledge and Support


With Protein Production Sweden (PPS), a new national infrastructure has taken shape. Expression, production and purification of proteins is the main area of expertise of the infrastructure. Researchers who use this expertise can dedicate more time and focus on their core scientific issues, said Marjolein Thunnissen, chair of the infrastructure’s steering group.

‘Our facilities will take care of the whole protein process in the best possible way, delivering proteins of good quality to researchers who in turn can focus on their scientific questions. The PPS facilities also work together across the participating universities, resulting in increased access to knowledge while also our research support is strengthened’, Marjolein Thunnissen said.


A new research area that is currently in need of protein research support is the usage of proteins as medication (biologics).


‘This research field will demand new and broader knowledge about proteins than what we have today and will also require research facilities that can harbor and help develop the projects’ Marjolein said.

Bigger Capacity Together

Through PPS, the university offers many more expression systems where proteins can be produced than they could have provided individually. Thus, more projects can receive advanced support, and knowledge can be spread faster and more widely. The platform will also be used to promote the use of best practices.

‘The universities have previously had an informal network where we have collaborated in a similar way during several years, and this has led to positive synergies. Now we are delighted that the Swedish Research Council is supporting our national infrastructure initiative so that protein research can be developed even further,” Marjolein Thunnissen said.

PPS is also intended to be a pathway for other large research infrastructures that are nationally financed, such as MAX IV at Lund University, ESS, and SciLifeLab.

Submit a Project Application

PPS welcomes all researchers to submit project requests within protein production and protein purification. If you first wish to discuss your project with us, you can find contact persons for all our technologies at our website. There you will also find the project application form:

PPS Steering Group

PPS Steering Group makes decisions on strategic and scientific issues related to the infrastructure. Long-term planning, budgeting, and policy work are among other issues that the steering group handles. The University of Gothenburg hosts the infrastructure which is led by Malin Bäckström, head of MPE Core Facility.