University of Gothenburg

Key articles from GPCC

  • GPCCs position paper: Person-Centered Care — Ready for Prime Time. Ekman, I., Swedberg, K., Taft, C., Lindseth, A., Norberg, A., Brink, E., … Sunnerhagen, K. S. (2011). European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 10(4), 248–251. LINK TO THE ARTICLE.
  • BMJ Analysis: Learning from Gothenburg model of person centred healthcare: Nicky Britten, professor, Inger Ekman, professor, Öncel Naldemirci, senior lecturer, Mikaela Javinger, patient representative, Håkan Hedman, patient representative, Axel Wolf, associate professor. BMJ 2020; 370 doi: LINK TO THE ARTICEL.
  • Article: A national research centre for the evaluation and implementation of person-centred care: Content from the first interventional studies. Gyllensten Hanna, Jakobsson Ung Eva, Ekman Inger, Jakobsson Sofie. Health Expectations 2020. LINK TO THE ARTICLE.
  • BMJ Commentary: Swedish initiative on person centred care. Ekman Inger, Hedman Håkan, Swedberg Karl, Wallengren Catarina. BMJ 2015; 350 :h160. LINK TO THE ARTICLE.
  • We Care Road Map in The Lancet: Health-care improvements in a financially constrained Environment. Inger Ekman, et al. (2016) The Lancet , Volume 387 , Issue 10019 , 646 – 647. LINK TO THE ARTICLE.

Scientific publications

GPCC Research Database, containing GPCC publications of clear relevance to person-centred care. 

Link to an excerpt from The University of Gothenburg's Publications Database GUP listing the scientific articles for which the authors have included an affiliation with GPCC.

Database for finding the right research on person-centred care

A database has been developed to make it easier for those who want to find relevant articles on person-centred care written by researchers from GPCC. The publications in the database have been coded to make it easier to find what one are looking for. There is also a manual on how to use the database. Read more and access the database and manual here.

ACTA-series on Person-centred Care

At the annual meeting of Gothenburg University's Acta Committee in May 2024, it was decided to establish a new writing series: Acta series Gothenburg Series in Person-Centred Care.

The first publication in the series issued in ACTA format was the Abstract Book completed for the GCPCC conference, May 2024 entitled "The first Global Conference on Person-Centred Care: Knowledge(s) and Innovations for Health in Changing Societies". The editors for the book were Axel Wolf and Joakim Öhlen. Series editor is Eric Carlström.

The second publication Towards State of the Science in Person-Centred Care was published in December of 2024. It was edited by Axel Wolf, Emma Forsgren, Ida Björkman, David Edvardsson and Joakim Öhlén.