University of Gothenburg
Two PhD theses
Photo: Jeanette Tenggren Durkan


Ongoing and completed PhD-projects linked to GPCC, with links to theses.

Current PhD-projects associated with GPCC

Student name               

Project title

Veronica Almstedt

Development and evaluation of a person-centered care model for patients with hard-to-heal-wounds in community healthcare

Ulrika Andersson

E-health in the treatment of hypertension in primary care

Victoria Brattström

Acting and directing strategies as practical approaches in person-centred health care

Julia Bäck

Development and evaluation of a person-centred and integrated care unit in collaboration with municipal and regional primary care, with and for older persons with frailty

Salwan Diwan

Using Nudging Strategies to Facilitate the Use of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in the Postoperative Phase

Kristoffer Gustavsson

Care for healthcare – Explorations of work-related health in the shift towards person-centred integrated care

Benjamin Harvey

Economic evaluation of person-centred healthcare programmes: applications in the development, implementation, and evaluation of e-health interventions

Mikaela Hällström

Comparative effectiveness and experiences of transitional care models for adolescents with Type 1 diabetes in the transition to adulthood: The STEPSTONES-DIAB project

Angelica Höök

Person-centred measurement of symptoms in children with a universally designed e-health tool 

Amanda Jacobsen

Facilitation as support for a more person-centered ambulance care

Annie Jonnergård

Person-centred learning: Co-creation of an educational module for higher education

Kiana Kiani

The Launch of The European Patients' Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) in Sweden: An exploratory multi-stakeholder analysis

Veronica Lilja

Evaluation of, and factors affecting, an early person-centred intervention through a combined telephone- and e-health support for persons with long-term pain

Åse Lundin

Experiences of living with long-term pain and evaluation of an early person-centred intervention through a combined telephone- and e-health support (MyHealthPain) for persons with long-term pain

Stina Mannheimer

Determinants of medicine related decision-making for patients with multi-morbidity in primary health care, and outcomes of person-centred care

Åsa Nordin 

Very early supported discharge after Stroke from a person-centred perspective

Malin Rex

Improving patient safety and person-centredness in healthcare for patients with suicidal behavior

Valentina Vidaurrazaga Aras

Development of Person-Centered Care in a Forensic Psychiatric Setting

Angelica Wiljén 

Children with a long-term illness right to be heard during treatment and care.

Jenny Wising

Identifying key components in transition programs towards Good Quality Local Health Care: Evaluation of two approaches to support implementation efforts

Completed Doctoral theses associated with GPCC

PhD name

Title of PhD thesis (click to see)

Katarina Allerby

Exploring person-centered care in acute psychosis care settings. Findings from the Person-Centered Psychosis Care project.

Sara Alsén

Understanding mental illness and promoting mental health -Experiences of Exhaustion Disorder and Effects of a Person-Centred eHealth Intervention

Susanne Ahlstedt Karlsson

Designing, developing, and evaluating a person-centered support model for women with breast cancer treated with endocrine therapy

Tariq Alharbi 

Implementation of person-centred care: Facilitators and Barriers

Annikki Arola

Capturing the experience of health among persons aging in a migration context  Health promotion interventions as means to enable health and occupations in daily life

Ulrika Bengtsson 

Self-management in hypertension care

Ida Björkman 

A gender perspective on irritable bowel syndrome, symptoms, experiences and the development of a person-centred support intervention

Elin Blanck

Meeting at a Distance – on Partnership and Person-Centred Care

Cecilia Brain

Cognition, Adherence and Stigma in schizophrenia  The COAST study

Lena Böhn

Food-related gastrointestinal symptoms, nutrient intake and dietary interventions in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

Matilda Cederberg

Supporting mental health - Effects, communicative processes and experiences of a person-centred eHealth intervention

Louise Danielsson 

Moved by movement: A person-centered approach to physical therapy in the treatment of major depression

Nina Ekman

Development and testing of an observation-based method to assess person-centeredness in health care

Karin Eriksson 

The supporting conversation partner in disordered communication

Caroline Feldthusen

Fatigue in persons with rheumatoid arthritis  A person-centred physical therapy approach

Andreas Fors

Person-centred care and self-efficacy  Experiences, measures and effects after an event of acute coronary syndrome

Emma Forsgren

Person-centred care and communication disorders: Exploration and facilitation of conversational interaction involving people with acquired neurogenic communication disorders and health care providers

Ulla Fredriksson Larsson

Fatigue and recovery after myocardial infarction

Helena Fridberg

The complexities of implementing PCC in a real-world setting –A case study with seven embedded units.

Pernilla Jonsson

Problematic medication use in headache  Epidemiology and qualitative aspects of medication overuse headache and non-adherence to prophylactic migraine treatment

Emma Kjörk

A standardised follow-up model to support people after stroke -Development and application using the post-stroke checklist

Elvira Lange

Exercise in older adults with rheumatoid arthritis - a person-centred approach

Anette Larsson

Muscle strength and resistance exercise in women with fibromyalgia - a person-centered approach

Jeanette Lindberg

Patients as partners: assessment of patients' experiences, preferences, perceived capacities and needs of care and rehabilitation 

Karolina Linden

Women with type 1 diabetes during pregnancy and postpartum Well-being and diabetes management

Qarin Lood

Discovering the capabilities of ageing persons who are born abroad: crossing norms, moving health promotion forward

Doris Lydahl

Same and Different? Perspectives on the Introduction of person-Centred Care as Standard Healthcare

Jonna Norman

Breathing and mindfulness-based training for persons with heart failure - studies of experiences and effects on symptoms and signs, wellbeing, and health

Alexander Olausson

Prerequisites and effects of an opioid-free anaesthesia pathway in patients undergoing bariatric surgery. 

Annie Palstam

Aspects of work and health in women with Fibromyalgia

Laura Pirhonen

Health economic evaluations of person-centred care projects and development of new health economy methods

Mona Rafsten

Postural balance, anxiety and motor function after stroke, at a very early supported discharge with continued rehabilitation

Lena Rosenlund

Towards an item bank to measure patient-reported experience of person-centred care

Ramona Schenell

Maintaining self-determination in palliative phase in residential care- a model to facilitate person-centred care for older persons

Frida Smith

Patient Education Materials from a person-centred perspective - Coping and co-design in colorectal cancer care

Hilda Svensson

Finding ways forward with pain as a fellow traveler. Older women’s experience of living with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures and back pain

Ulrika Wallbing

Help Overcoming Pain Early (HOPE) - a person-centred intervention for adolescents with chronic pain in a school setting

Sara Wallström

Health in connection with takotsubo syndrome. Experiences, symptoms and utilization of health care

Karin Weman Josefsson

You don't have to love it - Exploring the mechanisms of exercise motivation using self-determination theory in a digital context. 

Filipa Ventura

Person-centred e-support - foundations for the development of nusring interventions in outpatient cancer care

Axel Wolf 

Person-centred care: Possibilities, barriers and effects in hospitalised patients