University of Gothenburg


Many different voices have pointed at the lack of imagination in the public sphere and at our current inability to design different desirable and credible futures that are collectively shared. At Business & Design Lab we offer an inter- and transdisciplinary platform for a critical and grounded investigation of the relations between design, technology and the economy.

The uniqueness of the centre is that it builds on the mutual and symmetric dialogue among scholars from the Arts (particularly Design) and Business Administration (particularly Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship). The environment is a springboard to imagine a transformation in society.

Areas of research

Research at Business and Design Lab is organized in four major streams:

Digitization, innovation and entrepreneurship

Fostering a dialogue between design, technology and business administration scholars we investigate new forms and understandings of organizations, ownership, work and markets and alternative change paths to a sustainable society.

Automation/artificial intelligence and work

We investigate how automation and different kinds of AI transform the meaning of work, with a particular emphasis on professional and creative work and on the shifting boundaries between humans and machines.

Digitization, public space and the social contract of democracy

In this wide steam of research, we investigate the implications of the digital transformation (investigated in the previous two streams) for the notion of public space and democratic structures. We have a particular interest in the digitization of public debate and the consequences changing business models of digital media for democratic processes.

Design, participation and local sustainable development

We investigate the possibilities of different design methods for transforminglocal development towards sustainability. At the intersection between design, organization and marketing studies, we unpack the complexities of organizing participatory processes for local sustainable development. Some of our activities here are organized together with the Centre for Tourism.