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- Suzanne Lundvall
Suzanne Lundvall
About Suzanne Lundvall
About Suzanne Lundvall
Suzanne Lundvall has since 1/9 2020, been employed as a professor in sports science at Gothenburg university specializing in the school subject physical education and health. The professorship is part of a three-year strategic promotion of physical education and health (PEH) research that the Faculty of Education has decided. As part of this initiative, a senior lecturer with research time corresponding to 50% has also been linked; Andreas Fröberg, as well as a doctoral student; Petter Wiklander. The coming research will take on a sustainability perspective on PEH.
Suzanne has a PE teacher exam and is, since 1992, active as a PETE educator. She defended her dissertation A Subject in Motion in 2003 at the Stockholm University. The dissertation has a cultural-historical and gender perspective and explores in what ways movement traditions in a PETE education program are produced, reproduced and abandoned. The time period studied is 1944 to 1992. Over the years, Suzanne has had, besides the assignments as teacher educator and researcher, several management roles such as being head of department, and pro vice chancellor.
Suzanne has been the coordinator and project leader for the multidisciplinary project School-Sports-Health (SSH) which started in 2001, a longitudinal research project, whose overall purpose has been to investigate young people's physical status and experience of health and the school subject PEH from both a teacher and student perspective. Furthermore, young people's attitudes to and involvement in organized sport and spontaneous sports, broadly defined, have been part of what have been studied over time. The SSH project has generated a number of dissertations and international articles.
Her more specific research interests concern learning processes in movement and the development of movement competence and physical literacy. She has conducted a number of curriculum studies focusing on PEH didactics. Suzanne's research often has a socio-cultural critical perspective, in which intersectional aspects, for example, gender / gender and ethnicity / socio cultural aspects are included.
Suzanne is the Swedish representative in the international organization Féderation International Éducation Physique (FIEP). One main aim of the FIEP is to focus on PEH-research and studies of ‘quality physical education’. She is part of the research group SCoPE at IKI and continuously participates in a number of international scientific committees. In addition to her employment at IKI, from January 2021 she will have a 20% employment as Professor II at the University of Western Norway, an assignment that aims to mutually promote and contribute to the PEH research environment at IKI.
Experiences, Attitudes, and Perceived Competence Regarding Sustainable Development Among Physical Education and Health Teachers in
Petter Wiklander, Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
Journal of teaching in physical education - 2024 -
Att främja fysisk aktivitet i skolan – förutsättningar, utmaningar &
Beatrix Algurén, Suzanne Lundvall
SVEBI:s årliga Idrottsvetenskapliga konferens, Karlstad - 2024 -
En hållbar motorik bland barn och
Suzanne Lundvall
SFAIM:s vårmöteskonferens - 2024 -
Hur kan physical literacy bidra till en ökad samverkan kring skolans och Svensk Gymnastiks arbete med barns allsidiga
Suzanne Lundvall
Konferenspresentation webb Change the Game 2024 - 2024 -
Trekking and Digital Technologies. Nudging Outdoor Habits in New
Suzanne Lundvall, Gunn Engelsrud, Gustav Tösten
Routledge handbook on mobile technology, social media and the outdoors - 2024 -
Barns och ungas motorik - en sekulärt nedåtgående
Suzanne Lundvall
Föreningen GCI Årsskrift 2024 - 2024 -
Physical literacy – ett holistiskt begrepp för (hållbar) rörelse och
Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Fröberg
Svensk Förening för Samhälls- och Beteendevetenskaplig Idrottsforsknings (SVEBI) - 2024 -
Perspektiv på hållbar utveckling i ämnet Idrott och hälsa: Teman över övergripande resultat och centrala lärdomar från forskningsprojektet Idrott, hälsa och miljö – ett ämne för hållbar
Andreas Fröberg, Petter Wiklander, Suzanne Lundvall
Svensk Förening för Samhälls- och Beteendevetenskaplig Idrottsforsknings (SVEBI) - 2024 -
Möjligheter och utmaningar med att integrera perspektiv på hållbar utveckling i lärarutbildningen med ämnesinriktning Idrott och
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
Svensk Förening för Samhälls- och Beteendevetenskaplig Idrottsforsknings (SVEBI) - 2024 -
Exploring the professionalisation of sports coaching from the athlete’s point of view: a study of professional players from
Astrid Schubring, Suzanne Lundvall, Pär Rylander
Sport in Society - 2024 -
Physical Literacy Assessment: A Conceptualization and
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
Promotion of Physical Activity and Health in the School Setting, Ed. Antonio García-Hermoso - 2024 -
Inclusive gender+ equality policy and practice in sports higher education institutions. SUPPORTER Deliverable D2.1 for the European
Sofia Strid, Suzanne Lundvall, Karin Grahn, Angelica Simonsson, Nathalie Wuiame
2024 -
Athletes’ experiences of the professionalization of sports coaching: a qualitative study with professional players from
Astrid Schubring, Suzanne Lundvall, Pär Rylander
Book of Abstracts. 20th EASS conference 2024: Sport, Democracy, Inequality and Beyond. - 2024 -
Sustainable development perspectives in Nordic physical education curricula: a cross-country comparison of the status and
Suzanne Lundvall, Thordis Gisladottir, Åge Lauritzen, Annemari Munk Svendsen, Kasper Salin, Runa Stefansdottir, Andreas Fröberg
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education - 2024 -
Världsklassidrottares syn på det svenska
Astrid Schubring, Suzanne Lundvall, Karin Grahn
Svensk elitidrott vid ett vägskäl En analys av framtiden för det svenska elitidrottssystemet - 2024 -
Capacity Building Scheme (D3.1
Eugenia Vilarchao, Faye Ververidou, Zoi Tatsioka, Suzanne Lundvall, Nikos Zaharis, Sofia Strid, Ildiko Ipolyi
2024 -
Exploring the intersection between students' gender and migration background in relation to the equality of outcome in physical education in
A. Jansson, G. B. Sundblad, Suzanne Lundvall, J. R. Norberg
Sport Education and Society - 2024 -
Free but not free-free’: teaching creative aspects of dance in physical education teacher
Christopher Engdahl , Suzanne Lundvall, Dean Barker
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy - 2023 -
Didaktiske praksiser i lærerutdanning - steder i et
Gun Engelsrud, Bjørg Oddrun Hallås, Suzanne Lundvall, Aslaug Nyrnes, Ove Olsen Sæle , Tobias Christoph Werler
2023 -
Boll och bollspel I skolan. Lek, lärande och
Suzanne Lundvall
2023 -
Passa, passa … didaktik, lärande och
Suzanne Lundvall
Boll och bollspel I skolan. Lek, lärande och rörelse - 2023 -
Kroppens apostlar – Kvinnliga gymnastikdirektörer
Suzanne Lundvall
Föreningen GCI:s årsskrift - 2023 -
How to teach about sustainable development in physical education? Examples from the perspectives of certified teachers in
Andreas Fröberg, Petter Wiklander, Salvador Baena-Morales, Suzanne Lundvall
Frontiers in Education - 2023 -
Inclusive gender+ equality policy and practice in sport higher education institutions (SUPPORTER
Sofia Strid, Suzanne Lundvall, Karin Grahn, Angelica Simonsson, Nathalie Wuiame
2023 -
Training materials and tools for institutional transformation (SUPPORTER
Karin Grahn, Suzanne Lundvall, Sofia Strid, Nathalie Wuiame
2023 -
Physical Literacy in Europe: The Current State of Implementation in Research, Practice, and
Johannes Carl, Anna Bryant, Lowri Edwards, Gillian Bartle, Jens Erling Birch, Efstathios Christodoulides, Aruna Emeljanovas, Andreas Fröberg, Joseph Gandrieau, Barbara Gilic, Ivo Van Hilvoorde, Peter Holler, Teodora Iconomescu, Johannes Jaunig, Ida Laudanska-Krzeminska, Suzanne Lundvall, Kristine De Martelaer, João Martins, Brigita Miežienė, Maria Mendoza-Muñoz, Alexandre Mouton, Bogdan Sorin Olaru, Marcos Onofre, Iuliia Pavlova, Rose Marie Repond, Vassiliki Riga, Kasper Salin, Christophe Schnitzler, Damir Sekulic, Clemens Töpfer, Jana Vasickova, Günay Yildizer, Viviana Zito, Peter Bentsen, Nigel Green, Peter Elsborg
Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness - 2023 -
From individual to lifelong environmental processes: reframing health in physical education with the sustainable development
Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Fröberg
Sport, Education and Society - 2023 -
Sustainable development perspectives in physical education in the Nordic physical education curricula: a cross-country comparison of status and
Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Fröberg, Thordis Gisladottir, Åge Lauritzen, Annemari Munk Svendsen, Kasper Salin, Runa Stefansdottir
Svensk Förening för Samhälls- och Beteendevetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (SVEBI) - 2023 -
Hur kan man undervisa om hållbar utveckling i ämnet Idrott och hälsa? Exempel från legitimerade lärare i Idrott och hälsa i
Andreas Fröberg, Petter Wiklander, Suzanne Lundvall
Svensk Förening för Samhälls- och Beteendevetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (SVEBI) - 2023 -
Idrott och hälsa och hållbar utveckling: erfarenheter, attityder och upplevd kompetens kring hållbar utveckling bland idrottslärare i
Petter Wiklander, Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
Svensk Förening för Samhälls- och Beteendevetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (SVEBI) - 2023 -
Advancing sustainable (youth) performance sports: Insights in research and
Astrid Schubring, Kristof Jaczina, Jenny Jacobsson, Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Caspers, Solveig E. S. Hausken, Vassilis Sevdalis, Stefan Grau
Svensk Förening för Beteende- och Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (SVEBI) årliga Idrottsvetenskapliga konferens - 2023 -
Searching for the alternative: A scoping review of empirical studies with holistic perspectives on health and implications for teaching physical
Petter Wiklander, Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
European Physical Education Review - 2023 -
Sustainability-oriented learning in Physical education and Health (PEH)? A document analysis of the Swedish
Andreas Fröberg, Petter Wiklander, Suzanne Lundvall
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education - 2023 -
Gender Differences and Inequality? A 20-Year Retrospective Analysis Based on 39,980 Students' Perceptions of Physical Education in
A. Jansson, G. B. Sundblad, Suzanne Lundvall, D. Bjaersholm, J. R. Norberg
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education - 2023 -
A Scoping Review of Empirical Studies with Holistic Perspectives on Health and Implications for Teaching Physical
Petter Wiklander, Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) - 2023 -
Sustainable Development Competencies among Certified Physical Education and Health Teachers in
Andreas Fröberg, Petter Wiklander, Suzanne Lundvall
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) - 2023 -
A Participatory Action Research Study with focus on Learning in and about Sustainability Development in
Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Fröberg
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) - 2023 -
Sustainable development competencies among certified physical education and health teachers in
Andreas Fröberg, Petter Wiklander, Suzanne Lundvall
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - 2023 -
A participatory action research study with focus on learning in and about education for sustainable development in physical
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - 2023 -
Från (av)saknad av professionsutveckling till kollaborativt lärande - en studie av lärare i Idrott och
Suzanne Lundvall, Petter Wiklander, Andreas Fröberg
Kroppsøvingskonferans, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway - 2023 -
En kartläggande studie över kompetenser inom hållbar utveckling bland fler än 2000 legitimerande lärare i ämnet Idrott och hälsa i
Petter Wiklander, Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Fröberg
Kroppsøvingskonferans, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway - 2023 -
Hållbar utveckling - ett möjligt perspektivskifte för ämnet idrott och
Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Fröberg, Petter Wiklander
Idrott och hälsa - 2022 -
Sustainable development competencies among more than 1100 certified physical education and health teachers in
Andreas Fröberg, Petter Wiklander, Suzanne Lundvall
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) - 2022 -
Dancing as searching with Deleuze - a study of what students in physical education teacher education express and experience in creative dance
C. Engdahl, Suzanne Lundvall, D. Barker
Research in Dance Education - 2022 -
Sustainable development goals-oriented learning objectives and competencies in physical education teacher education: An analysis of learning
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
Sustainability - 2022 -
A Sustainable Swedish School Intervention with Extra Aerobic Exercise-Its Organization and Effects on Physical Fitness and Academic
I. Seger, Suzanne Lundvall, A. Eklund, A. Jamshidpey, J. Takats, C. Stalman, A. Tiden, E. A. Andersson
Sustainability - 2022 -
Sustainable Development Goals Perspectives in Physical Education Teacher Education: An Analysis of Learning
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), August 23-26, 2022, Yerevan. - 2022 -
Physical Education for Sustainable Development? Challenges and Possibilities for Rethinking and Reorientation of Pedagogical Strategies, content, and
Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Fröberg
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), August 23-26, 2022, Yerevan. - 2022 -
Vägar till världstoppen. En studie av svenska toppidrottares
Astrid Schubring, Karin Grahn, Pär Rylander, Suzanne Lundvall, Elin Bergström
2022 -
120 år med Föreningen
Suzanne Lundvall
Idrott och hälsa - 2022 -
Föreningen GCI 120
Suzanne Lundvall, Barbro Carli, Ingrid Bergström
Årsskrift - 2022 -
A new research project explores the contribution of physical education and health to the sustainable development agenda: the POSSIBILITY
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall, Petter Wiklander
Idrottsforum.org - 2022 -
En workshop: Idrott och hälsas bidrag till Agenda 2030 och de globala målen för hållbar
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall, Petter Wiklander
Svensk Förening för Beteende- och Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (2022) - årskonferens - 2022 -
Positioning physical education and health in education for sustainable
Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Fröberg
Svensk Förening för Beteende- och Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (2022) - årskonferens - 2022 -
Skolämnet Idrott och hälsa och Agenda 2030? - En
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
Svensk Förening för Beteende- och Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforskning (2022) - årskonferens - 2022 -
Sustainable Development Goals perspectives in physical education teacher education: An analysis of learning
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education 2022 World Congress - 2022 -
The Distinct Role of Physical Education in the Context of Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals: An Explorative
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
The International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education 2022 World Congress - 2022 -
Suzanne Lundvall
Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon - 2021 -
Suzanne Lundvall
Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon - 2021 -
To move on… – a comparative study of Swedish adolescents in a changing sport and leisure-time
Suzanne Lundvall, Britta Thedin Jakobsson
European Journal for Sport and Society - 2021 -
Learn, have fun and be healthy! an interview study of swedish teenagers’ views of participation in club
B. T. Jakobsson, Suzanne Lundvall
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2021 -
Physical literacy in Swedish physical education and health (PEH): what is (im)possible in becoming and being physically literate
Suzanne Lundvall, Göran Gerdin
Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education - 2021 -
The distinct role of physical education in the context of Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals: An explorative review and suggestions for future
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
Sustainability - 2021 -
Environing as Embodied Experience—A Study of Outdoor Education as Part of Physical
Suzanne Lundvall, Ninitha Maivorsdotter
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living - 2021 -
Students’ perceived learning in physical education: variations across students’ gender and migration background in
Alexander Jansson, Gunilla Brun Sundblad, Suzanne Lundvall, Daniel Bjärsholm, Johan R. Norberg
Sport, Education and Society - 2021 -
The distinct role of physical education in the context of Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals: An explorative review and suggestions for future work. A
Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall
Idrottsforum - 2021 -
Assessed movement competence through the lens of Bourdieu – a longitudinal study of a developed taste for sport, PE and physical
Anna Tidén, Gunilla Brun Sundblad, Suzanne Lundvall
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy - 2021 -
Physical education and health (PEH) for sustainability – encompassing an educational sustainability development
Suzanne Lundvall, Andreas Fröberg
International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (AIESEP) conference 2021 - 2021 -
Building bridges between Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and school physical education and health (PEH) – examples from
Suzanne Lundvall, Anna Tidén
Physical Education in University: Researches - Best Practices – Situation. Miroslav Bobrík, Branislav Antala, Robin Pělucha (red.) - 2020 -
Intervju med pionjären inom svensk ämnesdidaktisk forskning Claes Annerstedt:
- att ta ett ämnesdidaktiskt
Suzanne Lundvall
Föreningen GCI:s årsskrift - 2020 -
Lärande av rörelseförmåga i idrott och hälsa ur ett praktikutvecklande perspektiv - recension av avhandling Heléne
Suzanne Lundvall
Idrottsforum.org - 2020 -
Assessing Embodied Knowledge in Swedish PEH: the Influence of Physical
Anna Tidén, Suzanne Lundvall
ICSSPE Bulletin - 2013