
Niels Krabbe

Senior Lecturer

Department of Law
Visiting address
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 650
40530 Göteborg

About Niels Krabbe

Niels Krabbe is a postdoctoral researcher in international law, particularly interested in marine management and the regulation of biodiversity, climate and natural resources in the law of the sea and international environmental law. He has extensive experience from working with law of the sea policy. As deputy director with the Department for International Law, Human Rights and Treaty Law at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden he was involved in the final negotiations of the new UN oceans agreeement (BBNJ) and he has been co-chair of the EU working party on the law of the sea (COMAR). Much of his research and teaching builds on the combination of perspectives from academia and policy.

His doctoral thesis "Bioprospecting and Deep-Sea Genetic Resources in a Fragmenting International Law" (defended June 2021) examined norm conflicts between different regimes of international law with a focus on genetic resources and biotechnology. Subsequent publications have focused on the impact of marine protected areas on shipping and the integration of blue carbon in the law of the sea. He is currently involved in several research projects on the impact of the new BBNJ agreement.

Niels is course director for the course International Law in the Maritime Context (HRS500). He also teaches international law at the LLM program's first cycle and International Law in the Maritime Context, Maritime Environmental Law and Environmental Law at advanced level.

Research areas

  • International law
  • International law and climate
  • Law of the sea
  • International Environmental law
  • Marine governance law

Research in progress

  • Shipping, climate and biodiversity - conflicting interests?
  • The fairness and equity of the genetic resource regime of the BBNJ agreement

Teaching areas

  • International Law
  • Inernational Environmental Law
  • Law of the sea