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- Helena Pedersen
Helena Pedersen
Senior Lecturer
Unit for General Didactics and Pedagogic WorkAbout Helena Pedersen
I am affiliated with the research area Education for Sustainable Development at the Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional Studies. My research field is critical animal studies and critical animal pedagogy: I focus on human-animal relations as an area of critical inquiry in education research. I am interested in how the education system forms its human and nonhuman subjects, and how animals figure in the production, mediation, and dissemination of knowledge more generally. My research also investigates the ways in which education, pedagogy and learning is transformed both in interplay and in conflict with the specific questions evoked by a critical approach to human-animal relations. Through posthumanist theories I explore how the dynamics, affects, materialities and institutions of animal use intra-act in and through the daily activities of the school. I critically analyze power relations between students, teachers, animals, and the education system as such, but also how tensions and instabilities in these power relations may produce effects that work in indeterminate directions.
I am also interested in posthumanist theory and method development in, primarily, the field of education research, working with a repertoire of posthumanist approaches such as zooethnography, feminist materialism, affect theory, and schizoanalysis.
I have published the books Animals in Schools: Processes and Strategies in Human-Animal Education (Purdue University Press, 2010): Animals in Schools: Processes and Strategies in Human-Animal Education | Purdue University Press and Schizoanalysis and Animal Science Education (Bloomsbury, 2019): Schizoanalysis and Animal Science Education: Helena Pedersen: Bloomsbury Academic
I serve on the Editorial Board of the book series Critical Animal Studies (Brill).
With support from GU's internal climate fund and Gustaf Adolf Bratt foundation, I am Co-founder of the cross-disciplinary network GU-CAS: Gothenburg University's Network for Critical Animal Studies in the Anthropocene.
In the podcast "Tending to Talks", I discuss human-animal relations in the academy and beyond with Anna Pietraszczyk:
Cross-disciplinary method development for assessing dog welfare in canine-assisted pedagogical work: a pilot
Helena Pedersen, K. Malm
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science - 2025 -
Anatomies of desire: Education and human exceptionalism after
Helena Pedersen
Educational Philosophy and Theory - 2024 -
Introduction: Education for sustainable development in the
Helena Pedersen, Sally Windsor, Beniamin Knutsson, Dawn Sanders, Arjen E.J. Wals, Olof Franck
Education for Sustainable Development in the 'Capitalocene' - 2024 -
Education for Sustainable Development in the
Helena Pedersen, Sally Windsor, Beniamin Knutsson, Dawn Sanders, Arjen E.J. Wals, Olof Franck
2024 -
Post-anthropocentric pedagogies: purposes, practices, and insights for higher
Helena Pedersen
Teaching in Higher Education - 2023 -
Freud's menagerie revisited. About the article “Anti-Oedipus from philosophy of science and Foucauldian knowledge-power perspectives” by J. C.
Helena Pedersen
In Analysis: Revue transdisciplinaire de psychanalyse et sciences - 2023 -
Organizing a real that is yet to come: A critical inquiry of education in Animal Organization
Helena Pedersen
Linda Tallberg, Lindsay Hamilton (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Animal Organization Studies - 2023 -
Education for sustainable development in
Helena Pedersen, Sally Windsor, Beniamin Knutsson, Dawn Sanders, Arjen E.J. Wals, Olof Franck
Educational Philosophy and Theory - 2022 -
Människa-djurrelationer på museet: en kritisk pedagogisk introduktion [Elektronisk
Helena Pedersen
Ekokritik och museipedagogik i skuggan av antropocen. Nordbäck, C. & Rotbain, A. (red.), 274-292. - 2022 -
Education, anthropocentrism, and interspecies sustainability: confronting institutional anxieties in omnicidal
Helena Pedersen
Ethics and Education - 2021 -
Animal Advocacy and Environmentalism: Understanding and bridging the
Helena Pedersen
Environmental Education Research - 2020 -
Andrew Knight, Claire Parkinson, Patricia MacCormack, Richard Twine, Mariah Peixoto, Helena Pedersen, Jonna Håkansson, Dorna Behdadi, Thomas Laurien, Björn Olsen, Lina Gustafsson, Kerstin Malm, Elin Pöllänen, Tânia Regina Vizachri, Thiago Pires-Oliveira
Latin American Journal of Nature Rights and Animal Law - 2020 -
The Contested Space of Animals in Education: A Response to the “Animal Turn” in Education for Sustainable
Helena Pedersen
Education Sciences - 2019 -
Introducing Critical Animal Pedagogies in Higher
Helena Pedersen, Jonna Håkansson, Arjen E.J. Wals
Vetenskaplighet i högre utbildning: Erfarenheter från lärarutbildning. Franck, O. (red.) - 2019 -
Critical Animal Pedagogy: Explorations Toward Reflective
Karin Gunnarsson Dinker, Helena Pedersen
Education for Total Liberation: Critical Animal Pedagogy and Teaching Against Speciesism - 2019 -
Educación en el complejo
Helena Pedersen
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Críticos Animales - 2019 -
Schizoanalysis and Animal Science
Helena Pedersen
2019 -
Att rädda en hotad värld: Schizoanalytisk kritik av djurens funktion i
Helena Pedersen
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2018 -
Educational epistemologies and methods in a more-than-human
Helena Pedersen, Barbara Pini
Educational Philosophy and Theory - 2017 -
Educational Epistemologies and Methods in a More-than-Human
Helena Pedersen, Barbara Pini
Educational Philosophy and Theory - 2017 -
Varufetischism och strukturellt
Helena Pedersen
Fronesis - 2017 -
Med omsorg om kor och kärlek till
Tobias Linné, Helena Pedersen
Fronesis - 2017 -
Somar Al Naher, Amelie Björck, Helena Pedersen, Per-Anders Svärd
Fronesis - 2017 -
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet som kritisk djurpedagogisk
Anna Palmer, Helena Pedersen
Posthumanistisk pedagogik: Teori, undervisning och forskningspraktik, Red.: B. Bergstedt - 2017 -
Learning to Change the System from Within? Two Cases of Education for Animal
Helena Pedersen
Animal Liberation Currents - 2017 -
With Care for Cows and a Love for Milk: Affect and Performance in Swedish Dairy Industry Marketing
Tobias Linné, Helena Pedersen
Meat Culture, Ed.: A. Potts - 2016 -
Critical Animal Pedagogies: Re-learning our Relations with Animal
Karin Gunnarsson Dinker, Helena Pedersen
The Palgrave International Handbook of Alternative Education, Eds.: H.E. Lees and N. Noddings - 2016 -
Education and
Helena Pedersen
Critical Posthumanism - 2015 -
Helena Pedersen
Lexikon der Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen, Eds.: A. Ferrari & K. Petrus - 2015 -
Education policymaking for social change: A posthumanist
Helena Pedersen
Posthumanism and Educational Research, Eds.: N. Snaza and J.A. Weaver - 2015 -
Parasitic pedagogies and materialities of affect in veterinary
Helena Pedersen
Emotion, Space and Society - 2015 -
Helena Pedersen
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2014 -
Posthumanistisk pedagogisk forskning: Några
Helena Pedersen
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2014 -
Knowledge production in the "animal turn": Multiplying the image of thought, empathy and
Helena Pedersen
Exploring the Animal Turn: Human-Animal Relations in Science, Society and Culture, Eds.: E. Andersson Cederholm, A. Björck, K. Jennbert & A-S Lönngren (sid. 13-18) - 2014 -
Crearea de politici educaţionale pentru schimbare socială. O intervenţie
Helena Pedersen
Post(h)um. Jurnal de studii (post)umaniste - 2014 -
Conclusion: Future directions for critical animal
Helena Pedersen, Vasile Stănescu
The Rise of Critical Animal Studies: From the margins to the centre, Eds.: N. Taylor and R. Twine - 2014 -
"Expanding My Universe": Critical Animal Studies Education as Theory, Politics, and
Tobias Linné, Helena Pedersen
Critical Animal Studies: Thinking the Unthinkable, Ed.: J. Sorenson - 2014 -
Cecilia Åsberg, Martin Hultman & Francis Lee (red.) Posthumanistiska
Helena Pedersen
Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap - 2013 -
Timothy Pachirat, Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of
Helena Pedersen
Sosiologi i dag - 2013 -
Follow the Judas sheep: Materializing Post-Qualitative Methodology in Zooethnographic
Helena Pedersen
QSE. International journal of qualitative studies in education - 2013 -
Critical Carnist Studies. Melanie Joy, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to
Helena Pedersen
Society and Animals - 2012 -
Education, animals, and the commodity
Helena Pedersen
Culture and Organization - 2012 -
Series Editors’ Introduction: What is "Critical" About Animal Studies? From the Animal "Question" to the Animal
Helena Pedersen, Vasile Stănescu
Women, Destruction, and the Avant-Garde: A Paradigm for Animal Liberation, by K. Socha - 2012 -
Unstable Mixtures: Zooethnographic Educational Relations as Difference, Contagion, Critique, and
Helena Pedersen
Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives - 2012 -
Animals and education research: Enclosures and
Helena Pedersen
Undisciplined Animals: Invitations to Animal Studies, Ed.: P. Segerdahl - 2011 -
Queerforskning och djurstudier: kreativa
Helena Pedersen
Lambda Nordica: Tidskrift för homo/lesbisk/bi/transforskning - 2011 -
Helena Pedersen
Undisciplined Animals: Invitations to Animal Studies, Ed.: P. Segerdahl - 2011 -
Release the Moths: Critical Animal Studies and the Posthumanist
Helena Pedersen
Culture, Theory and Critique - 2011 -
Counting Affects: Mo(ve)ments of intensity in critical avian
Helena Pedersen
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education - 2011 -
Teaching the Animal. Margo DeMello (Ed.), Teaching the Animal: Human-Animal Studies across the
Helena Pedersen
Humanimalia - 2010 -
Earth Trusts: A Quality Vision for
Helena Pedersen, Natalie Dian
Metamorphoses of the Zoo: Animal Encounter After Noah, Ed.: R. Acampora - 2010 -
Is ‘the Posthuman’ Educable? On the convergence of educational philosophy, animal studies, and posthumanist
Helena Pedersen
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education - 2010 -
Terror from the stare: Visual landscapes of meat
Helena Pedersen
Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture - 2010 -
Animals in Schools: Processes and strategies in human-animal
Helena Pedersen
2010 -
Education Policymaking for Social Change: a post-humanist
Helena Pedersen
Policy Futures in Education - 2010 -
Animals on Display: The zoocurriculum of museum
Helena Pedersen
Critical Education - 2010 -
Posthumanist Challenges to Education Theory and
Helena Pedersen
Investigating Human/Animal Relations in Science, Culture and Work - 2009 -
En gås oplockad med
Helena Pedersen
Svenska Dagbladet - 2009 -
Subversiv tvärvetenskap för människor och
Helena Pedersen
Djurens Rätt - 2009 -
Imago Dei, djuren, och "nyttans
Helena Pedersen
Religion & Livsfrågor - 2009 -
Art, artistic research, and the animal
Helena Pedersen
Linköping University Electronic Press - 2009 -
I naturens
Helena Pedersen
Utställningsestetiskt Forum - 2009 -
Interspecies Education for Humans, Animals, and the
Julie Andrzejewski, Helena Pedersen, Freeman Wicklund
Social Justice, Peace, and Environmental Education: Transformative Standards, Eds.: J. Andrzejewski, M.P. Baltodano, and L. Symcox - 2009 -
’We have to kill the animals so that they won’t die!’ Classroom discussions about hunting as a dimension of
Helena Pedersen
Values and Democracy in Education for Sustainable Development, Ed.: J. Öhman - 2008 -
Learning to Measure the Value of Life? Animal experimentation, pedagogy, and (eco)feminist
Helena Pedersen
Global Harms. Ecological Crime and Speciesism, Ed.: R. Sollund - 2008 -
Djuren hjälper oss att förstå oss
Helena Pedersen
Svenska Dagbladet - 2008 -
Djur konstrueras genom skolans
Helena Pedersen
Stockholms Fria Tidning - 2008 -
Art, artistic research and the animal
Bryndis Snæbjørnsdóttir, Helena Pedersen
Art Monitor: A Journal of Artistic Research - 2008 -
The School and the Animal Other. An ethnography of human-animal relations in
Helena Pedersen
2007 -
Kronikk: Hva vi lærer om
Helena Pedersen
NOAHs Ark - 2007 -
Museet och lärandet. Gestaltning av
Helena Pedersen
2007 -
Centrum mot rasism skrapar bara på
Helena Pedersen
Stockholms fria tidning - 2006 -
Schools, Speciesism, and Hidden Curricula: The Role of Critical Pedagogy for Humane Education
Helena Pedersen
Neohumanist Educational Futures: Liberating the Pedagogical Intellect. In Inayatullah, Sohail, Bussey, Marcus & Milojevic, Ivana (Eds.) - 2006 -
History of the
Helena Pedersen, Natalie Dian
Utopia Today - Reality Tomorrow: A Vegetarian World - 2006 -
Schools, Speciesism, and Hidden Curricula: The Role of Critical Pedagogy for Humane Education
Helena Pedersen
The Journal of Futures Studies - 2004 -
Hidden Curricula and Humane
Helena Pedersen
Forum Focus: The Newsletter of the Society & Animals Forum - 2004 -
Värdepedagogik och antropocentrism. Människa-djurrelationen som utbildningsvetenskaplig
Helena Pedersen
Etiska lärare - moraliska barn. Forskning kring värdefrågor i skolans praktik. Colnerud, Gunnel & Hägglund, Solveig (Red.) - 2004 -
Humane Education: Animals and Alternatives in Laboratory Classes. Aspects, Attitudes and
Helena Pedersen