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- Annelie Gutke
Annelie Gutke
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Neuroscience and PhysiologyAvd-/Sektionschef, Inst
Department of Health and RehabilitationAbout Annelie Gutke
Ongoing research
Annelie Gutke, associate professor in physiotherapy is researching women's health through the life span. Her research is focused on pain conditions related to menstruation and pregnancy with its impact on physical activity, movement and health. Annelie runs the research group Women’s health in motion with the current research projects focused on the ethiology and the treatment of pelvic pain in relation to pregnancy and endometriosis.
Annelie studied physiotherapy at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm and received her diploma in 1990. At Linköping University, she defended her thesis in 2007 in which she followed a cohort of 300 pregnant women and studied the occurrence of pelvic girdle pain, muscle function, depressive symptoms and predictors of pelvic girdle pain.
Annelie is Deputy Head of the Section for health and rehabilitation with responsibility for the Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy units. She is a member of the International Board of Physiotherapists in Women's and Pelvic Health (https://world.physio/subgroups/pelvic-womens-health) and its national counterpart, the Swedish board of Women's Health in Physiotherapy.
Annelie teaches subjects related to primary care as well as obstetrics, gynecology and urology at the undergraduate and advanced level. She has her clinical experience within primary care and is clinical specialist in gynecology, obstetrics and urology at Närhälsan Eriksberg.
Swedish version of the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire (PPAQ-SWE), translation and cultural
Annika Svahn Ekdahl, Viana Mikkelsen, Heléna Frenell, Qarin Lood, Theresa Westgård, Joanne M. Fuller, Andrea Mikkelsen, Annelie Gutke
BMC Research Notes - 2025 -
The Impact of Exercising on Pelvic Symptom Severity, Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength, and Diastasis Recti Abdominis after Pregnancy: A Longitudinal Prospective Cohort
Sabine Vesting, Annelie Gutke, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Gun Rembeck, Maria E H Larsson
Physical therapy - 2024 -
The use of physical exercise in forensic psychiatric care in Sweden: a nationwide
Henrik Bergman, Thomas Nilsson, Peter Andiné, Alessio Degl'Innocenti, Roland Thomeé, Annelie Gutke
Journal of Mental Health - 2024 -
Nociceptive, neuropathic, or nociplastic low back pain? The low back pain phenotyping (BACPAP) consortium's international and multidisciplinary consensus
Jo Nijs, Eva Kosek, Alessandro Chiarotto, Chad Cook, Lieven A. Danneels, César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, Paul W. Hodges, Bart Koes, Adriaan Louw, Raymond Ostelo, Gwendolyne G.M. Scholten-Peeters, Michele Sterling, Othman Alkassabi, Hana Alsobayel, Darren Beales, Paraskevi Bilika, Jacqui R. Clark, Liesbet De Baets, Christophe Demoulin, Rutger M.J. de Zoete, Ömer Elma, Annelie Gutke, Rikard Hanafi, Sabina Hotz Boendermaker, Eva Huysmans, Eleni Kapreli, Mari Lundberg, Anneleen Malfliet, Ney Meziat Filho, Felipe J.J. Reis, Lennard Voogt, Kory Zimney, Rob Smeets, Bart Morlion, Kurt de Vlam, Steven Z. George
The Lancet Rheumatology - 2024 -
Expertise and individually tailored interventions are expected by pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain who seek physical therapy: a qualitative
Annika Svahn Ekdahl, Annelie Gutke, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Brazilian journal of physical therapy - 2023 -
Postpartum evaluation of individualized physiotherapy interventions in pregnancy for pelvic girdle
Annika Svahn Ekdahl, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Annelie Gutke
Oral presentation. 11th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain. Melbourne, Australia 2023 - 2023 -
Expertise and individually tailored interventions are expected by pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain when they seek
Annika Svahn Ekdahl, Annelie Gutke, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Kaisa Mannerkorpi
Oral presentation. 11th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain. Melbourne, Australia 2023 - 2023 -
Swedish validation of the Pelvic Floor Questionnaire for pregnant and postpartum
U. Jesberg, Annelie Gutke
International Urogynecology Journal - 2022 -
Women's experiences of the injury, recovery and desire for rehabilitation after a second-degree vaginal tear-a qualitative
Clara Daremark, Lina Andréasson, Annelie Gutke, Monika Fagevik Olsén
International Urogynecology Journal - 2022 -
Can Clinical Postpartum Muscle Assessment Help Predict the Severity of Postpartum Pelvic Girdle Pain? - A Prospective Cohort
Sabine Vesting, Annelie Gutke, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Marcus Praetorius Björk, Gun Rembeck, Maria E H Larsson
Physical Therapy - 2022 -
Lifestyle and Chronic Pain in the Pelvis: State of the Art and Future
Annelie Gutke, Karin Sundfeldt, L. De Baets
Journal of Clinical Medicine - 2021 -
A core outcome set for research and clinical practice in women with pelvic girdle pain:
A. Remus, V. Smith, Annelie Gutke, J. J. S. Mena, S. Morkved, L. N. Wikmar, B. Oberg, C. Olsson, H. S. Robinson, B. Stuge, F. Wuytack
PLoS ONE - 2021 -
Maintenance of physical activity level, functioning and health after non-pharmacological treatment of pelvic girdle pain with either transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or acupuncture: a randomised controlled
Annika Svahn Ekdahl, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Tove Jendman, Annelie Gutke
BMJ open - 2021 -
Clinical assessment of pelvic floor and abdominal muscles 3 months post partum: An inter-rater reliability
Sabine Vesting, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Annelie Gutke, Gun Rembeck, Maria E H Larsson
BMJ Open - 2021 -
Validation of self-administered tests for screening for chronic pregnancy-related pelvic girdle
Monika Fagevik Olsén, Paulina Körnung, Sophie Kallin, Helen Elden, Gunilla Kjellby-Wendt, Annelie Gutke
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2021 -
Assessment of neuromuscular activity during maximal isometric contraction in supine vs standing body
Kari Huseth, P. Aagaard, Annelie Gutke, Jón Karlsson, Roy Tranberg
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology - 2020 -
The Swedish version of the pelvic girdle questionnaire, cross-cultural adaptation and
Annelie Gutke, Britt Stuge, Helen Elden, Christofer Sandell, Gillian Asplin, Monika Fagevik Olsén
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2020 -
Physical performance and physical activity of patients under compulsory forensic psychiatric inpatient
Henrik Bergman, Thomas Nilsson, Peter Andiné, Alessio Degl'Innocenti, Roland Thomeé, Annelie Gutke
Physiotherapy theory and practice - 2020 -
Effects of high-intensity high-frequency transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation in primary dysmenorrhea - a randomised cross-over pilot
Monika Fagevik Olsén, Sanna Björndahl, Anna Ståhl, Sofia Börjesson, Anja Sundemo, Annelie Gutke
European Journal of Physiotherapy - 2020 -
Developing an evidence-based prehabilitation programme designed to improve functional outcomes after lumbar fusion surgery-A feasibility study using the Medical Research Council
Hanna Lotzke, Annelie Gutke, M. den Hollander, R. Smeets, Mari Lundberg
European Journal of Physiotherapy - 2020 -
Building a Collaborative Model of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Pelvic Girdle Pain to Understand the Diverse Perspectives of
P. W. Hodges, J. Cholewicki, J. M. Popovich, A. S. Lee, P. Aminpour, S. A. Gray, M. T. Cibulka, M. Cusi, B. F. Degenhardt, G. Fryer, Annelie Gutke, D. J. Kennedy, M. Laslett, D. Lee, J. Mens, V. V. Patel, H. Prather, B. Sturesson, B. Stuge, A. Vleeming
PM&R - 2019 -
Prediction of Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Self-Reported Disability Following Lumbar Fusion
Max Jakobsson, Helena Brisby, Annelie Gutke, Olle Hägg, Hanna Lotzke, Rob Smeets, Mari Lundberg
World neurosurgery - 2019 -
Level of Evidence for Reliability, Validity, and Responsiveness of Physical Capacity Tasks Designed to Assess Functioning in Patients With Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review Using the COSMIN
Max Jakobsson, Annelie Gutke, Lidwine B Mokkink, Rob Smeets, Mari Lundberg
Physical Therapy - 2019 -
A Person-Centered Prehabilitation Program Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Physical Therapy for Patients Scheduled for Lumbar Fusion Surgery: A Randomized Controlled
Hanna Lotzke, Helena Brisby, Annelie Gutke, Olle Hägg, Max Jakobsson, R. Smeets, Mari Lundberg
Physical Therapy - 2019 -
One-minute stair climbing, 50-foot walk, and timed up-and-go were responsive measures for patients with chronic low back pain undergoing lumbar fusion
Max Jakobsson, Helena Brisby, Annelie Gutke, Mari Lundberg, R. Smeets
Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2019 -
Physical Exercise in Forensic Psychiatric
Henrik Bergman, Thomas Nilsson, Peter Andiné, Alessio Degl'Innocenti, Roland Thomeé, Annelie Gutke
13th Nordic Symposium on Forensic Psychiatry, Gothenburg, August 20-22, 2019. - 2019 -
Is Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) or acupuncture the most effective non-pharmacologic treatment strategy for women with pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy? A randomized controlled
Annika Svahn Ekdahl, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Tove Jendman, Annelie Gutke
Oral presentation. 10th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain. Antwerp, Belgium 2019 - 2019 -
Patients with severe low back pain exhibit a low level of physical activity before lumbar fusion surgery: a cross-sectional
Hanna Lotzke, Max Jakobsson, Annelie Gutke, Maria Hagströmer, Helena Brisby, Olle Hägg, Rob Smeets, Mari Lundberg
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2018 -
The Severity and Impact of Pelvic Girdle Pain and Low-Back Pain in Pregnancy: A Multinational
Annelie Gutke, Jill Boissonnault, Gill Brook, Britt Stuge
Journal of Women's Health - 2018 -
Protocol for the development of a core outcome set for pelvic girdle pain, including methods for measuring the outcomes: the PGP-COS
F. Wuytack, Annelie Gutke, B. Stuge, S. Morkved, C. Olsson, H. S. Robinson, N. K. Vollestad, B. Oberg, L. N. Wikmar, J. J. S. Mena, V. Smith
Bmc Medical Research Methodology - 2018 -
Adaptation to a changed body. Experiences of living with long-term pelvic girdle pain after
Annelie Gutke, Jennifer Bullington, Madeleine Lund, Mari Lundberg
Disability and rehabilitation - 2018 -
Effects of physiotherapy treatment for patients with obstetric anal sphincter rupture: a systematic
Elisabeth Arkel, Karin Torell, Sofia Rydhög, Åsa Rikner, Helena Neymark Bachmeier, Annelie Gutke, Monika Fagevik Olsén
European Journal of Physiotherapy - 2017 -
Use of the PREPARE (PREhabilitation, Physical Activity and exeRcisE) program to improve outcomes after lumbar fusion surgery for severe low back pain: A study protocol of a person-centred randomised controlled
Hanna Lotzke, Max Jakobsson, Helena Brisby, Annelie Gutke, Olle Hägg, R. Smeets, M. Den Hollander, Lars-Eric Olsson, Mari Lundberg
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2016 -
Predictors and consequences of long-term pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain: a longitudinal follow-up
Helen Elden, Annelie Gutke, Gunilla Kjellby-Wendt, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Hans-Christian Östgaard
BMC musculoskeletal disorders - 2016 -
Behandling av graviditetsrelaterad ländryggs- och bäckensmärta- Riktlinjer för
Annelie Gutke, Carola Betten, Kristina Degerskär, Sara Pousette, Monika Fagevik Olsén
Fysioterapi - 2016 -
Response of the muscles in the pelvic floor and the lower lateral abdominal wall during the Active Straight Leg Raise in women with and without pelvic girdle pain: An experimental
J. Sjödahl, Annelie Gutke, G. Ghaffari, T. Strömberg, B. Öberg
Clinical Biomechanics - 2016 -
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Swedish STarT Back Screening
Carola Betten, Christofer Sandell, Jonathan C. Hill, Annelie Gutke
European Journal of Physiotherapy - 2015 -
Treatments for pregnancy-related lumbopelvic pain: a systematic review of physiotherapy
Annelie Gutke, C. Betten, K. Degerskar, S. Pousette, Monika Fagevik Olsén
Acta Obstetricia Et Gynecologica Scandinavica - 2015 -
Evaluation of self-administered tests for pelvic girdle pain in
Monika Fagevik Olsén, Helen Elden, Annelie Gutke
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2014 -
Association between lumbopelvic pain, disability and sick leave during pregnancy – a comparison of three Scandinavian
Annelie Gutke, C. B. Olsson, N. Vollestad, B. Oberg, L. N. Wikmar, H. S. Robinson
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - 2014 -
Back pain in relation to pregnancy: A longitudinal 10-year follow-up of 369 women diagnosed with pelvic girdle pain during
Helen Elden, Annelie Gutke, Gunilla Kjellby-Wendt, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Nenad Stankovic, Hans-Christian Östgaard
Advances in multidisciplinary research for better spinal/pelvic care. The 8th Interdiciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Oct, 2013. Dubai. - 2013 -
Predictors for long-term disability in women with persistent postpartum pelvic girdle
Jenny Sjödahl, Annelie Gutke, Birgitta Öberg
European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society - 2013 -
Predictors for long-term disability in women with persistent postpartum pelvic girdle
Jenny Sjödahl, Annelie Gutke, Birgitta Öberg
European spine journal - 2013 -
Impact of postpartum lumbopelvic pain on disability, pain intensity, health-related quality of life, activity level, kinesiophobia, and depressive
Annelie Gutke, Mari Lundberg, Hans-Christian Östgaard, B. Öberg
European spine journal - 2011 -
Specific muscle stabilizing as home exercises for persistent pelvic girdle pain after pregnancy: a randomized, controlled clinical
Annelie Gutke, Jenny Sjödahl, Birgitta Oberg
Journal of rehabilitation medicine - 2010 -
The inter-rater reliability of a standardised classification system for pregnancy-related lumbopelvic
Annelie Gutke, Gunilla Kjellby-Wendt, Birgitta Oberg
Manual therapy - 2010 -
Posterior pelvic pain provocation test is negative in patients with lumbar herniated
Annelie Gutke, Eva Roos Hansson, Gunilla Zetherström, Hans Christian Ostgaard
European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society - 2009 -
The postural response of the pelvic floor muscles during limb movements: a methodological electromyography study in parous women without lumbopelvic
Jenny Sjödahl, Joanna Kvist, Annelie Gutke, Birgitta Oberg
Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon) - 2009 -
Self-administered tests as a screening procedure for pregnancy-related pelvic girdle
Monika Fagevik Olsén, Annelie Gutke, Helen Elden, Charlotte Nordenman, Lina Fabricius, Melissa Gravesen, Anette Lind, Gunilla Kjellby-Wendt
European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society - 2009 -
Posterior pelvic pain provocation test is negative in patients with lumbar herniated
Annelie Gutke, E. R. Hansson, G. Zetherstrom, Hans-Christian Östgaard
European Spine Journal - 2009 -
Predicting persistent pregnancy-related low back
Annelie Gutke, Hans Christian Ostgaard, Birgitta Oberg
Spine - 2008 -
Association between muscle function and low back pain in relation to
Annelie Gutke, Hans-Christian Östgaard, Birgitta Öberg
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - 2008 -
Pelvic girdle pain and lumbar pain in relation to postpartum depressive
Annelie Gutke, Ann Josefsson, Birgitta Oberg
Spine - 2007