
Monica Bertilsson

Senior Lecturer

School of Public Health and Community Medicine
Visiting address
Arvid Wallgrens backe 2A, Hus 7, plan 3
41346 Göteborg
Postal address
Avdelningen för samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa, Box 453
40530 Göteborg

About Monica Bertilsson

I am an associate professor and senior lecturer in Public Health Science and a registered occupational therapist with extensive experience from psychiatric rehabilitation back to work after sickness absence. My main research area is common mental disorders (CMD), work capacity, work place and managerial involvement and return to work after sickness absence. My PhD thesis was about Work capacity and mental health – the phenomena and their importance in return to work (2013).

I am a member of the researchgroup InMed focusing on sickness insurance reserach ranging from the workplace to primary health and occupational health care. I am also part of the network New Ways – mental health at work, aiming for new knowledge that will strengthen capacity in work life to support persons with CMD to keep their capacity to work and to contribute to a better competence in the health care to identify and treat patients with CMD and risk of sickness absence.

Research projects (on-going)

- Preventive managers: prevention of mental ill-health among employees in the private sector. Project leader, running 2024-2027

- Managers in action: Prevention of sick leave in employees with mental ill-health in the public sector -The importance of organizational and workplace context. Project leader, running 2023-2026.

- Managers individual and organisational conditions for alcohol prevention in the work-place. Co-applicant, running 2022-2025

- Managers in action: The importance of organizational- and workplace context in the private sector for managers’ measures for employees with common mental disorders. Project leader, running 2020-2024

- ADAPT – two projects about work participation and mental healht at work. Co-applicant, running 2020-2023

- PCC@Work – about person-centered care and work health among health care staff. Co-applicant, on-going project until 2026

Finished research projects (main applicant/projectleader)

- Managers’ knowledge about work capacity in subordinates with common mental disorders (2022-2023)

-Managers’ perspective – the missing piece. Attitudes, knowledge and needs among Swedish managers expected to support employees with depression and anxiety (2016-2021)

Teaching (selection)

Distinguished University teacher, since 2024

- Coordination of the rehabilitation process (advanced level)

- Qualitative methods (advanced level)

- The individual, health, and the community – theory and methods in research within public health and community medicine (third cycle level)


- Member of the Institute council at the Institute of Medicine

- Vice chairman in the Education committee at the Institute of Medicine

- Member of the Education committee at the Institute of Medicine, 2016-2021

- Program Director for the Public Health Science program (Bachelor), 2016-2021