Bachelor's programme in Design
Do you want to play an important role in the development of a sustainable society? The degree programmes in design at HDK-Valand unite critical thinking with artistic skill. Completion of the programme will give you the broad set of skills you need to create a path of your own that is not limited to a traditional career in graphic design, interior design, product design or industrial design.
At HDK-Valand, idea work, process, and design rest on an artistic foundation, which means that we promote a critical and exploratory approach to design. An important part of the design work is breaking established patterns, seeing possibilities in the impossible and to create meaning.
We start from the design process where each student must learn the basic principles in its various phases. Through training in problem formulation and work process with more complex tasks for each term, you gain deeper knowledge of various tools, concepts, and methods.
The teaching is structured around projects and collaborations where the practical and theoretical studies are integrated with each other. By designing project-based assignments that requires different qualification, in combination with each student's own areas of interest, the students are given insight into a large width of design areas and opportunities to explore and shape their own profile.
Several projects are carried out together with different actors in society, which means that students gain an early understanding of different conditions in a design practice and at the same time practice communicating with partners and clients.
An important skill in the design role is communication and how you convey your ideas and work. Therefore, written, oral and visual presentations are important elements in the education.
NOTE! The programme is conducted in Swedish, except for semesters when exchange students attends. Applicants who wish to attend the full programme must be proficient in Swedish or another Scandinavian language and be able to demonstrate this through either grades or a Swedish test for higher education. The full programme description and information about how to apply may be found on the Swedish site.
Are you a student at one of our partner universities and want to study for a term as an exchange student? Read more about how and when you can apply here.