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- Eriksson-Zetterquist, U & Sahlin, K (2024) Introduction: Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 87, 1-26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/S0733-558X20230000087001
- Eriksson-Zetterquist, U et al. (2024) Outroduction. A research agenda on collegiality in university settings. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Publikations-ID 330858
- Ouattara, S. (2024) Suspicions of Occult Medicine Murders in the Context of Democratic Elections in Contemporary Côte d’Ivoire. European Scientific Journal, ESJ , 20 (2), 1-18. Publikations-ID 334586
Eriksson-Zetterquist, U & Sahlin, K (2024) Collegiality washing? New translations of collegial practices. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/S0733-558X20230000087007
Kain, J-H & Stenberg, J (2024). Bok. Förlag Gothenburg Research Institute, Göteborgs Universitet. Publikations-ID 334785
Kain, J-H, Capata Campos, M J et al. (2024) Pathways from research to sustainable development: Insights from ten research projects in sustainability and resilience. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-023-01968-4
Diedrich A. (2023) Organising Integration: Some Conclusions and Directions for the Future. Diedrich, Andreas & Czarniawska, Barbara (2023). Organising Immigrants’ Integration: Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and Societies. , 289-299. DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26821-2_15
Guzmán G, Diedrich A & Cochoy F. (2023) Space and organizing - On Spatial Agencing. Edward Elgar. LibrisID: http://libris.kb.se/bib/7px3l00z5fs553jr DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800881563
Diedrich A. (2023) Diedrich, Andreas & Czarniawska, Barbara (2023). Organising Immigrants’ Integration: Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and Societies. , 289-299. DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26821-2_15
Diedrich A & Risberg A (2023) Diedrich, Andreas & Czarniawska, Barbara (2023). Organising Immigrants’ Integration: Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and Societies. , 189-215. DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26821-2_11
Mellander E. (2023) Dread Expectations? Ethnologia Scandinavica. A Journal for Nordic Ethnology, 53 (1), 5-23. Publikations-ID 331529
Eriksson-Zetterquist U & Pallas J. (2023) Bureaucracy under pressure: New(s) management practices in central government agencies. European Management Journal. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2022.12.014 Scopus-ID: 85146137159
Czarniawska B & Joerges B. (2023) Robot-like rockets as “double agents” in outer space Kapitel i bok, refereegranskad. Space and organising. On spatial agenting. Publikations-ID 331249
Evansluong Q et al. (2023) Family influences on entrepreneurial orientation in immigrant entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 29 (11), 241-267. DOI: https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-07-2022-0602
Evansluong Q et al. (2023) Family influences on entrepreneurial orientation in immigrant entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 29 (11), 241-267. DOI: https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-07-2022-0602
Evansluong Q et al. (2023) Returnee Entrepreneurship: A Thematic and Integrative Literature Review. European Academy of Management 2023 - Transforming Business for Good, 14-16 June, Trinity Business School, Dublin, Ireland. Publikations-ID 327470
Roos JM et al. (2023). Grocery hoarding in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences for logistics. World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR 2023), Montreal, 17-21 July. Publikations-ID 327486
Sabelfeld, S, et al. (2023). Adapting integrated reporting through the stages of local rationalisation. Accounting Forum. Scopus-ID: 85151402224 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01559982.2023.2180836
Sabelfeld, S & Arvidsson, S. (2023). Adaptive framing of sustainability in CEO letters. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. Publikations-ID 326899
Kain J-H et al. (2023). Assessing the potential to use serious gaming in planning processes for sanitation designed for resource recovery. Environmental Science & Policy, 145, 262-274. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2023.04.002
Ouattara, S. (2023). Investigating school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) in Mali. Citizen Perspectives on Societal Challenges in Mali. Publikations-ID 327141
Zapata Campos, M J et al. (2023). Grassroots innovations in 'extreme' urban environments. The inclusive recycling movement. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 41 (2), 351–374. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/23996544221118191
Söderberg, E & Liff, R. (2023). Reframing practice through policy implementation projects in different knowledge contexts. International Journal of Project Management, 41 (2), 102452. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2023.102452
Kain, J-H et al. (2023) Transforming brownfields into urban greenspaces: A working process for stakeholder analysis. PLoS ONE, 18 (1). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0278747.
Evansluong, Q; Grip, L & Karayianni, E. (2023). Digital Ethnicity Affordances: From A Liability To An Asset In Immigrant Entrepreneurship International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-02-2022-0207
Jansson, M; Roos J, M & Gärling, T. (2023) Managerial Finance. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/MF-10-2021-0487 Scopus-ID: 85145321822
Carlström, E; Jansson, M; Karlsson, D & Berlin, J. (2023). International Journal of Public Administration, 46 (4), 302-311. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01900692.2021.1995411 Scopus-ID: 85119168803
Nguyen, H; Evansluong, Q & Kazlou, A. (2023). Recent trends in Sweden´s new business formation: how do immigrant and native startups compare? In:2023 Eastern Economic Association Annual Meeting - 49th Annual Conference, New York, NY, USA, February 24-26, 2023. Pub ID: 322707
Petersson McIntyre M. (2023) "Posting sexy images and still being respected as a woman": perspectives on human and nonhuman influencers. The Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption. 2nd ed, 502-513. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003317524
Sabelfeld S. et al. (2023) The role of the EU non-financial reporting directive and employee representation in employee-related disclosures. Accounting Forum. DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/01559982.2022.2158773
- Diedrich, A. & Omanović, V. (2023) Lost in transitional space? Organising labour market integration for highly skilled refugees in the welfare state. European Management Review, 1– 13. https://doi.org/10.1111/emre.12553
- Diedrich, A. (2023). Organizing integration support for recent immigrants in Sweden as a spectacle – Practices and Consequences, PuntOorg – International Journal, 8(1): 78-95.
Sabelfeld S & Arvidsson S (2022) Adaptive framing of sustainability in CEO letters 44th Annual European Accounting Association (EAA) Congress, May 11-13, 2022, Bergen, Norway. Publikations-ID 316840
Evansluong Q et al (2022) Recent trends in Sweden's business formation and entrepreneurship: an empirical hot-spot examination hot-spot examination of the spatial embeddedness hypothesis, Publikations-ID 319392
Gillberg N (2022) Remaining neutral while conveying ‘the right picture’ of Sweden: governing agents navigating a neoliberally influenced social contract, Culture and Organization, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2022.2135004
Samani, N., Overland, C. & Sabelfeld, S. (forthcoming) The Role of the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive and Employee Representation in Employee-Related Disclosures. Accounting Forum. (ABS-3 journal)
Samani, N., Overland, C. & Sabelfeld, S. (forthcoming) The Role of the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive and Employee Representation in Employee-Related Disclosures. Accounting Forum. (ABS-3 journal)
Larsson S, Sjölander-Lindqvist A & Bennett J (2022) Contextualizing negative attitudes to wildlife and wildlife governance in the moral economy of Swedish farmers. Frontiers in Coservation Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcosc.2022.1014769
Berlin J et al. (2022) Involuntary backsourcing in the public sector ‐ From conflict to collaboration. Public Administration, 100 (3), 674–691. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/padm.12740
Sörum N & Fuentes C (2022) How sociotechnical imaginaries shape consumers’ experiences of and responses to commercial data collection practices. Consumption, markets & culture. https://doi.org/10.1080/10253866.2022.2124977
Eriksson-Zetterquist U & Ahrne G (2022) Intervjuer. I Handbok i kvalitativa metoder. Redaktörer: Göran Ahrne och Peter Svensson. Libris-ID: http://libris.kb.se/bib/3jjjc55919bbqrml
Eriksson-Zetterquist U. (2022) Har samhällsvetenskapen en USP att värna? Organisation & Samhälle. Publikations-ID 318658
Sabelfeld S et al. (2022) Country-by country reporting of payments to governments by extractives: lost in translation in the Swedish context? Paper presented at the 32nd International Congress on Social & Environmental Accounting Research Research held in St Andrews on August 23-25, 2022. Publikations-ID 318682
Eriksson-Zetterquist U. (2022) Mixed methods. Handbok i kvalitativa metoder, 40-53 Redaktörer: Göran Ahrne och Peter Svensson.Identifikatorer. Libris-ID: http://libris.kb.se/bib/3jjjc55919bbqrml
Gillberg N (2022) Jag har aldrig märkt att kön har haft någon betydelse (andra upplaga). Publikations-ID 318750
Gillberg N & Carlsson M (2022) State-Sanctioned Educational Initiatives Aimed at Transforming Adult Immigrants in Transforming Subjectivities: Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times (Eds) Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand, Kerstin Jacobsson Transforming Subjectivities: Studies in Human Malleability in Contemporary Times , 200 DOI: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003146681
Larsson S et al (2022) Deliberative safety for industrial intelligent human-robot collaboration: Regulatory challenges and solutions for taking the next step towards industry 4.0. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 78, 102386 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rcim.2022.102386
Czarniawska B (2022) Richard Rorty: Our guide to a pragmatist organization theory. GRI-rapport, GUP. Handle-ID: http://hdl.handle.net/2077/73851
Varvne H. et al (2022) An overview of sociotechnical research on maritime energy efficiency. Wmu Journal of Maritime Affairs, 21, 387–399 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13437-022-00263-5
Kain J-H et al. (2022) Characteristics, challenges and innovations of waste picker organizations: A comparative perspective between Latin American and East African countries. PLOS ONE DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0265889
Evansluong Q et al (2022) Migrant Entrepreneurship and the Roles of Family Beyond Place and Space: Towards a Family Resourcefulness Across Borders Perspective Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy Publikations-ID 319386
Evansluong Q & Ramirez Pasillas M (2022) Kinship-based opportunity development among migrant entrepreneurs. EURAM 2022 : Leading Digital Transformation, Winterthur/Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17, 2022 Publikations-ID: 319387
Gillberg N (2022) Remaining neutral while conveying ‘the right picture’ of Sweden: governing agents navigating a neoliberally influenced social contract Culture and Organization DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2022.2135004
Zapata Campos, M. J. et al (2022) Grassroots innovations in 'extreme' urban environments. The inclusive recycling movement. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/23996544221118191
Petersson McIntyre M. (2022) "Posting sexy images and still being respected as a woman": perspectives on human and nonhuman influencers" (Chapter in a book). The Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption. 2nd ed, 502-513. London, ISBN HB 9780367645113.
Gillberg N, Carlson M,. (2022) State-Sanctioned Educational Initiatives Aimed at Transforming Adult Immigrants. Routledge. ISBN: 9781003146681.
Roos JM, Jansson M. & Gärling T. (2022) A three-level analysis of values related to socially responsible retirement investments, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment. DOI: org/10.1080/20430795.2022.2077291
- Petersson McIntyre M. (2022) "Posting sexy images and still being respected as a woman": perspectives on human and nonhuman influencers" (Chapter in a book). The Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption. 2nd ed, 502-513. London, ISBN HB 9780367645113.
- Gillberg N, Carlson M,. (2022) State-Sanctioned Educational Initiatives Aimed at Transforming Adult Immigrants. Routledge. ISBN: 9781003146681.
- J. M Roos, Jansson M. & Gärling T. (2022) A three-level analysis of values related to socially responsible retirement investments, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment. DOI: org/10.1080/20430795.2022.2077291
- Post, A., Holmberg, U. & Hansson, L (2022). Reorganising grocery shopping practices – the case of elderly consumers, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. DOI: org/10.1080/09593969.2022.2085137
- Johansson, M., A. Sjölander-Lindqvist, S. Dressel, G. Ericsson and C. Sandström (2022) “Expectations about voluntary efforts in collaborative governance and the fit with perceived prerequisites of intrinsic motivation in Sweden’s ecosystem-based moose management system.” Ecology and Society 27 (2):20. [online] URL: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol27/iss2/art20/
- Jansson, M (2022) Risk management by novice investors in stock markets, Chapter 3 in A. Tavedze (Ed.), Progress in economics research (Vol. 49), NOVA Science, New York
- Björner, Emma & Lars, Aronsson (2022). Decentralised place branding through multiple authors and narratives: the collective branding of a small town in Sweden. Journal of Marketing Management, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2022.2043415
- Sjölander-Lindqvist, Annelie, Murin, Ivan & Dove, Michael E (2022) Anthropological Perspectives on Environmental Communication. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78040-1
- Rovio-Johansson, Airi, Liff Roy., & Guzman, Gustavo (2022). Exploring Students’ Choice of Theories as Tools in Problem-Solving: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 33(2), 225-234. GUP: 315360
- Larsson, Simon (2022) Reducing the contingency of the world: magic, oracles, and machine‑learning technology. AI & SOCIETY, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00146-022-01394-2
- Norbäck, M., & Zapata Campos, M. J. (2022). The market made us do it: Public procurement and collaborative labour market inclusion governance from below. Social Policy & Administration. https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12787
- Zapata Campos, M.J, Barinaga, E., Kain, J.-H., Oloko, M., & Zapata, P. (2022). Organising grassroots infrastructure: The (in)visible work of organisational (in)completeness. Urban Studies. https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211062818
- Sjölander-Lindqvist Annelie., Murin, Ivan & Dove, Michael (2022). Anthropological Perspectives on Environmental Communication. Palgrave McMillan & Springer Link.
- Niklas Sörum & Markus Gianneschi. (2022), "The role of access-based apparel in processes of consumer identity construction", Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JFMM-03-2021-0062.
- Barbara Czarniawska (2022) Making sense of field material. From euphoria to despair and back. In: Pandeli, Jenna; Sutherland, Neil: and Gaggiotti, Hugo (eds) Organizational ethnography. An experiential and practical guide. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 186–194.
Elias Mellander. Med krisen som framtidshorisont: Om mötet mellan prepping och pandemin. Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk Etnologisk Tidskrift, 30(2-3). Hämtad från https://publicera.kb.se/kp/article/view/1459
Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist. Introduction to heritage and development: the agency of heritage in rural and urban development practices. GUP: 310239
Hanna Varvne et al. (2022). Energy efficiency in ship operations - Exploring voyage decisions and decision-makers. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 102, 103120. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2021.103120
Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist et al. Gastronomy and creative entrepreneurship in rural tourism: encouraging sustainable community development. In: A Research Agenda for Heritage Planning: Perspectives from Europe. ISSN: 978 1 78897 463 9. GUP: 310240
Magnus Jansson & Tommy Gärling. Sustainable investment: Consequences for psychological well-being. In: Sustainability, 13 (16), 9256. ISSN: 2071-1050. GUP:306596
Roy Liff & Ewa Wikström Lower-status experts' influence on health-care managers' decision-making. In: Journal of Health Organization and Management, 35 (9), 245-264. ISSN: 1477-7266 GUP: 306843
Syna Ouattara & Djedou Martin Amalaman. Croyances, perceptions et attitudes des populations face à la pandémie du Covid-19 en Afrique de l’Ouest: cas d’Abidjan en Côte d’Ivoire. In: Revue Africaine des Sciences Sociales et de la Sante Publique, 3 (2), 117-132. GUP: 311751
Syna Ouattara & Nikolas Århem. Fighting Ebola in the Shadow of Conspiracy Theories and Sorcery Suspicions: Reflections on the West African EVD Outbreak (2013 – 2016) in Guinea Conakry. In: Cahiers d’Études africaines, LXI (1), 9-39. GUP: 303154
Nanna Gillberg et al. Parents of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Do They Expect and Experience from Preschools? In: Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 17, 3025–3037. ISSN:1176-6328 GUP: 308120
Andreas Diedrich & Hanna Hellgren. Att organisera integration av nyanlända och andra utrikesfödda personer på den svenska arbetsmarknaden – från ”flyktingkrisen” till COVID-19 pandemin. In: GRI-rapport. GUP:308274
Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist "Jag är också kränkt..." - om förståelsen av diskriminering. In: I Boréus, Kristina, Neergaard, Anders & Sohl, Lena (redaktörer) Ojämlika arbetsplatser. Hierarkier, diskriminering och strategier för jämlikhet., 239-268. GUP:307352
Gunnar Rimmel "Angry Birds–The Use of International Union for the Conservation of Nature Categories as Biodiversity Disclosures in Extinction Accounting". In: Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 41 (1-2), 98-123. ISSN:0969-160X, GUP: 308440
Niklas Sörum "Användarperspektivet - Delstudie: Tillgångsbaserad konsumtion ur ett konsumtionsforskningsperspektiv". In: Slutrapport från testbädden Sharing City Göteborg, 2017-2021, 38-43. GUP: 308771
Andreas Diedrich. “Culture Brokering in Integration Support Efforts for Refugees”. In: Meena Chavan & Lucy Taksa (Eds.), Intercultural Management in Practice: Learning to Lead Diverse Global Organizations. Emerald Group Publishing.
Zehra Sayed & Henrik Agndal. "Offshore outsourcing of R&D to emerging markets: information systems as tools of neo-colonial control", critical perspectives on international business, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/cpoib-07-2020-0089.
Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist, Serena, Cinque & Camilla Sandström. ”Frontline bureaucrats in wildlife management: Caught in the dilemma between effectiveness and responsiveness”. Environmental Policy and Governance. On-line version of Record. https://doi.org/10.1002/eet.1956
Max Boholm. Is IT safe? En studie av den publika diskursen av informationssäkerhet i Sverige: Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning av ett postdok-projekt. MSB rapport MSB1802 – juli 2021. Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB). Report in MSB
Max Boholm. Twenty-five years of cyber threats in the news: a study of Swedish newspaper coverage (1995–2019), Journal of Cybersecurity, 7(1): tyab016, ISSN: 2057-2085 GUP: 306151
Syna Ouattara & Nikolas Århem. Fighting Ebola in the Shadow of Conspiracy Theories and Sorcery Suspicions: Reflections on the West African EVD Outbreak (2013 – 2016) in Guinea Conakry, Cahiers d’Études africaines, LXI (1), 9-39, 241, ISSN: 0008-0055 GUP: 303154
Johan Berlin, Magnus Jansson, David Karlsson & Eric Carlström. Involuntary backsourcing in the public sector ‐ From conflict to collaboration, Public Administration, ISSN: 0033-3298 GUP 303448
- Chiara Rinaldi et al. Keeping a foot in both camps: Sustainability, city branding and boundary spanners Cities, 115, 103236 ISSN 0264-2751 GUP: 305093
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre Commodifying feminism: Economic choice and agency in the context of lifestyle influencers and gender consultants Gender, Work and Organization ISSN: 0968-6673 GUP 301364
- Magnus Roos & Ali Kazemi Personality traits and Internet usage across generation cohorts: Insights from a nationally representative study Current psychology, 40, 1287–1297 ISSN 1046-1310. GUP: 272729
Magdalena Petersson McIntyre It’s Not All ‘Bout the Money: (Un)doing the Gendered Economy NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research ISSN: 0803-8740. GUP 302885
Alexandra Kent The Spirit of China in Cambodia New Mandala: New Perspectives on Southeast Asia GUP 302501
Roy Liff & Ewa Wikström "Rumours and gossip demand continuous action by managers in daily working life" Culture and Organization GUP 301398
Barbara Czarniawska "Narrative approaches to social science" (Chapter in book). GUP 301621
- Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist et al. “Achieving Social and Ecological Outcomes in Collaborative Environmental Governance: Good Examples from Swedish Moose Management”. Sustainability 13, 2329. https://doi.org/10.3390/su 13042329
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2020) 283285 Agencing femininity: digital Mrs. Consumer in intra-action Journal of Cultural Economy GUP 283285
- Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist, Simon Larsson, Nanna GIllberg, Communicating about COVID-19 in four European countries: Similarities and differences in national discourses in Germany, Italy, Spain, and Sweden Frontiers in Communication GUP 297446
- Franck Cochoy,Christian Licoppe, Magdalena Petersson McIntyre &Niklas Sörum Digitalizing consumer society: equipment and devices of digital consumption Journal of Cultural Economy GUP 290542
- Alexandra Kent New Mandala: New Perspectives on Southeast Asia Alexandra Kent GUP 297699
- Syna Ouattara The Wambɲug emblem of the University Félix Houphouët-Boigny and its implications for contemporary iconoclasm in Côte d’Ivoire HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory GUP 300412
John Magnus Roos, Ulrika Holmberg & Frances Sprei Sociodemography, Geography, and Personality as Determinants of Car Driving and Use of Public Transportation Behavioral Sciences GUP 295479
- Magnus Jansson, Eric Carlström, David Karlsson, Johan Berlin Drivers of outsourcing and backsourcing in the public sector — From idealism to pragmatism. Financial Accountability & Management Magnus Jansson GUP 298143
- Elias Mellander &Magdalena Petersson McIntyre Fashionable detachments: wardrobes, bodies and the desire to let go. Consumption Markets & Culture GUP 295518
- John Magnus Roos, Ulrika Holmberg & Frances Sorei Sociodemography, Geography, and Personality as Determinants of Car Driving and Use of Public Transportation. Behavioral Sciences GUP 295479
- Niklas Sörum Ethical consumption applications as failed market innovations: exploring consumer (non) acceptance of ‘quasi’ market devices. Journal of Cultural Economy GUP 289545
- Roy Liff & Ewa Wikström An interactional perspective on age management for prolonged working life Nordisk välfärdsforskning = Nordic welfare research GUP 299523
Matteo La Torre, Svetlana Sabelfeld, Marita Blomkvist, John Dumay. Rebuilding trust: sustainability and non-financial reporting and the European Union regulation. Meditari Accountancy Research GUP 296031
- Lisa Rudolfsson Pop-culture, secondary victimization, and narratives of self-blame among women who have been raped GUP 296400
- Svetlana Sabelfeld Accounting communication for sustainability (chapter in Accounting for Sustainability, edited by Gunnar Rimmel) GUP 296032
- Svetlana Sabelfeld Critical reflections and future developments (chapter in Accounting for sustainability/ edited by Gunnar Rimmel) GUP 295364
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist Collegiality. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education. Eds: Miriam E. David & Marilyn J. Amey GUP 295829
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist När chefer arbetar med aktiva åtgärder (Att arbeta för lika villkor. Keisu, Britt-Marie (red.)) GUP 296603
Sandra Hillén, Barbro Johansson Barn som samhällsbyggare. Delaktighetsprocesser och samarbetsformer i Hammarkullen. En lag för barn : kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv på barnrättskonventionen / Tarja Karlsson Häikiö, Jeanette Sundhall, Maj Asplund-Carlsson (red.). GUP 299739
- Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist, Wilhelm Skoglund Caring for community through craft beer: Perspectives from North Sweden Agritourism, Wine Tourism, and Craft Beer GUP 298387
- Thomas Andersson, Lucia Crevani, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, Stefan Tengblad Chefskap, ledarskap och medarbetarskap GUP 296939
- Barbara Czarniawska Per una teoria dell'organizzare GUP 297745
- Rolf Solli, Barbara Czarniawska Searching for new welfare models: Citizens' opinions on the past, present and future of the welfare state GUP 297741
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2020).
Collegiality. , GUP 295829 - Chiara Rinaldi; Alessio Cavicchi; Richard N.S. Robinson (2020).
University contributions to co-creating sustainable tourism destinations ISSN: 0966-9582, GUP 295487 - Matteo La Torre; Svetlana Sabelfeld; Marita Blomkvist; John Dumay (2020).
Re-building trust: Sustainability and non-financial reporting and the European Union regulation. ISSN: 2049-372X, GUP 295515 - M. Oudhuis; Stefan Tengblad (2020).
The viability of the Scandinavian work-life model and the impact of lean production: The case of Scania ISSN: 0143-831X, GUP 295433 - Max Boholm (2020).
Textual Representation and Intertextuality of Graphene in Swedish Newspapers ISSN: 1871-4757, GUP 294819 - Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; C Risvoll; Randi Kaarhus; Aase Kristine Lundberg; Camilla Sandström (2020).
Knowledge claims and struggles in decentralized large carnivore governance: Insights from Norway and Sweden ISSN: 2296-701X, GUP 293229 - María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata; Maria Isabel Ordonez (2020).
Urban commoning practices in the repair movement: Frontstaging the backstage ISSN: 0308-518X, GUP 288848 - Peter Beusch; Gunnar Rimmel; Susanne Arvidsson; Berit Hartmann; Kristina Jonäll; Svetlana Sabelfeld; Matti Skoog (2020).
Critical reflections and future developments , GUP 295364 - Jennifer Strand; Lisa Rudolfsson (2020).
Mental Health Professionals’ Perceptions of Parenting by Service Users with Psychosis ISSN: 0010-3853, GUP 290342 - Niklas Sörum (2020).
Ethical consumption applications as failed market innovations: exploring consumer (non) acceptance of ‘quasi’ market devices ISSN: 1753-0350, GUP 289545 - Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2020).
Agencing femininity: digital Mrs. Consumer in intra-action ISSN: 1753-0350, GUP 283285 - Max Boholm; Åsa Boholm (2020).
Risk Identification: A Corpus‐Assisted Study of Websites of Government Agencies , GUP 289637 - S. Siebert; Barbara Czarniawska (2020).
Distrust: Not Only in Secret Service Organizations ISSN: 1056-4926, GUP 294628 - Simon Larsson; Markus Lundström (2020).
Anarchy in the Game of Thrones ISSN: 03244652, GUP 291774 - Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Magnus Hansson; Fredrik Nilsson (2020).
Theories and perspectives - analysis and conclusions , GUP 293838 - Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Magnus Hansson; Fredrik Nilsson (2020).
Theories and perspectives , GUP 293837 - Barbara Czarniawska; Bernward Joerges (2020).
Robotization of Work? Answers from Popular Culture, Media and Social Sciences , GUP 270467 - Peter Varley; Chloe Steadman; Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist (2020).
Guest editorial ISSN: 17538335, GUP 293232 - Roy Liff; T. Andersson (2020).
Experts' contribution to strategy when strategy is absent. A case study of quality experts in hospitals ISSN: 1471-9037, GUP 293389 - Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Wilhelm Skoglund; Daniel Laven (2020).
Craft beer – building social terroir through connecting people, place and business ISSN: 1753-8335, GUP 283574 - Sara Brorström; Andreas Diedrich (2020).
Att riva gränser genom att skapa nya – om samverkan i projektet ”Tillsammans för jobb och integration i Askimsviken” , GUP 293003 - Barbara Czarniawska (2020).
Mergers and acquisitions: the latest university fashion? ISSN: 1176-6093, GUP 286096 - Nanna Gillberg (2020).
Gender Theories , GUP 291849 - Maria Johansson; Sabrina Dressel; Göran Ericsson; Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Camilla Sandström (2020).
How stakeholder representatives cope with collaboration in the Swedish moose management system ISSN: 1087-1209, GUP 286758 - Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Magnus Hansson; Fredrik Nilsson (2020).
Theories and perspectives in business administration , GUP 290821 - Zehra Sayed; Henrik Agndal (2020).
Neo-colonial dynamics in global professional service firms: a periphery perspective ISSN: 1475-9551, GUP 287589 - Airi Rovio-Johansson (2020).
Reinvestigating the theory and practice gap in Participatory Educational Research , GUP 290003
- Barbara Czarniawska (2019).
More complex images of women at work are needed: a fictive example of Petra Delicado ISSN: 0953-4814, GUP 286913 - Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2019).
The (Re?)Emergence of New Ideas in the Field of Organizational Studies , GUP 279257 - Barbara Czarniawska (2019).
Digital Kafka: For better and for worse , GUP 283056 - Lisa Rudolfsson (2019).
Religious victims of sexual abuse , GUP 289029 - Sten Jönsson (2019).
Till Eeero Vaara: Spelar det någon roll var huvudkontoret ligger? , GUP 289362 - Roy Liff (2019).
Political board’s contribution to strategic management: a case study ISSN: 0300-3930, GUP 272715 - Anna Bendz; Åsa Boholm (2019).
Drinking water risk management: local government collaboration in West Sweden ISSN: 1366-9877, GUP 275138 - Maria Norbäck (2019).
Glimpses of resistance: Entrepreneurial subjectivity and freelance journalist work ISSN: 1350-5084, GUP 286802 - Syna Ouattara (2019).
Risk communication, community engagement and social mobilization during the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Équateur Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, in 2018 ISSN: 0049-8114, GUP 281243 - Barbara Czarniawska (2019).
Virtual red tape, or digital vs. paper bureaucracy , GUP 286599 - Marco Adelfio; Ulises Navarro Aguiar; Christian Fertner (2019).
Translating the compact city and New Urbanism in knowledge circulation processes: The case of Sydhavnen in Copenhagen , GUP 286785 - Lisa Rudolfsson; Glen Milstein (2019).
Clergy and mental health clinician collaboration in Sweden: Pilot Survey of COPE ISSN: 1367-4676, GUP 285134 - Barbara Czarniawska (2019).
Joan in my life ISSN: 0968-6673, GUP 289538 - Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Camilla Sandström (2019).
Shaking Hands: Balancing Tensions in the Swedish Forested Landscape ISSN: 0972-4923, GUP 283571 - J. Borg; Hannes von Knorring (2019).
Inter-organizational collaboration for energy efficiency in the maritime sector: the case of a database project ISSN: 1570-646X, GUP 289526 - Sten Jönsson (2019).
Reflektioner med anledning av ’Hvor stor er egentlig Adam Smith i økonomifaget? ISSN: 1501-0074, GUP 289363 - Nanna Gillberg (2019).
Optimising integration through individualisation: Ideas and ideals in a Swedish civic orientation course context , GUP 289327 - Max Boholm (2019).
Risk and Quantification: A Linguistic Study ISSN: 0272-4332, GUP 276108 - Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2019).
Förord , GUP 288503 - Rolf Solli; Barbara Czarniawska (2019).
The future welfare in Sweden , GUP 288671 - Roberto Fernandez; Tatiana Labuzova; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2019).
Blue and White-Collar Glass Ceilings. , GUP 288472 - Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Magnus Fredriksson; Josef Pallas (2019).
New governance practices? How the global media landscape influences public sector organizations. , GUP 288471 - Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Roberto Fernandez; Tatiana Labuzova (2019).
Blue and White-Collar Glass Ceilings. , GUP 288470 - Orvar Löfgren; Barbara Czarniawska (2019).
Introduction , GUP 286597 - Airi Rovio-Johansson (2019).
Studenters lärande: Livsvärldsfenomenologisk och fenomenografisk analys , GUP 283990 - Lena Hansson; Ulrika Holmberg; Anna Post (2019).
Vem handlar maten? Äldre, butiker, hemtjänst och digital teknik i samverkan , GUP 286503 - Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2019).
Njutningens bett: Om lyxglass och genus. , GUP 287067 - Alexandra Kent (2019).
The Justice Facade: Trials of Transition in Cambodia, by Alexander Laban Hinton ISSN: 0257-9774, GUP 287873 - Barbara Czarniawska (2019).
Główna księgowa – w życiu i w literaturze , GUP 287517 - Quang Evansluong; Marcela Ramirez Pasillas; Huong Nguyen Bergström (2019).
From breaking-ice to breaking-out: integration as an opportunity creation process ISSN: 1355-2554, GUP 278132 - Magdalena Petersson McIntyre; Barbro Johansson; Niklas Sörum (2019).
Konsumtionskultur. Innebörder och praktiker: En vänbok till Helene Brembeck. , GUP 287064 - Ulises Navarro Aguiar (2019).
The politics of strategy practice and the (non-)valuation of expertise: The case of designers , GUP 286354 - Ewa Wikström; Roy Liff (2019).
Chefens betydelse för ett längre arbetsliv , GUP 286575 - Barbara Czarniawska; Bernward Joerges (2019).
Do robots and companies get along in science fiction? ISSN: 1161-2770, GUP 286445 - Olle Stenbäck (2019).
Butiksmusikens diskurs - och hur berättelsen ramas in , GUP 286002 - Emma Björner (2019).
The communication, representation and experience of a small community: The case of Dals Långed in Dalsland, Sweden , GUP 286010 - Eva Maria Jernsand; Emma Björner; Lillian Omondi (2019).
Small but diverse: the role of urban and rural communities in place-based diversity and inclusiveness , GUP 285094 - Hüriye Yeröz (2019).
Manifestations of social class and agency in cultural capital development processes: An empirical study of Turkish migrant women entrepreneurs in Sweden ISSN: 1355-2554, GUP 284977 - Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2019).
Waste pickers resistance and the urban commons. Stories from the resilient community of La Chureca , GUP 284973 - María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2019).
Fearless city suburbs: collaboration, distance work, and the shaping of the local integration policy field , GUP 284971 - María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2019).
Recycling networks movement. A green deep democracy or the politics of garbage , GUP 284972 - Ester Barinaga; Michael Oloko; Will Ruddick; María José Zapata Campos (2019).
Community Currencies as Means of Local Economic Empowerment , GUP 284956 - Svetlana Sabelfeld; Isabella Linder (2019).
What happens material information when sustainability reporting becomes regulated? , GUP 284503 - Helena Kraff; Eva Maria Jernsand; Lillian Omondi; Emma Björner; Sayaka Osanami Törngren (2019).
Initial involvement of stakeholders in transdisciplinary projects - exploring issues of expectations, roles and inclusion , GUP 284387 - Airi Rovio-Johansson (2019).
What and how do teachers learn by participating in lesson study (LS)? , GUP 283997 - Airi Rovio-Johansson (2019).
Changing teaching, changing teachers: learning through contrast, generalization and fusion , GUP 283991 - Barbara Czarniawska (2019).
Local translations of operational risk , GUP 283087 - Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2019).
Gender fluidity as luxury in perfume packaging ISSN: 2050-0726, GUP 283287 - María José Zapata Campos; Ester Barinaga; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Michael Oloko; Patrik Zapata (2019).
Organising grassroots initiatives for a more inclusive governance: constructing the city from below , GUP 283600 - Dennis Töllborg (2019).
The End : Law as value, Report from an Autistic Country, About this you may not speak and other essays on Legal Theory, (Pro-Active) Policing and Intelligence , GUP 283550 - Quang Evansluong; Marcela Ramirez Pasillas; Allan Discua Cruz; Maria Elo; Natalia Vershinina (2019).
Migrant Entrepreneurship Beyond Place and Space: A Call to Explore the Roles of Family Across Borders and Contexts ISSN: 1750-6204, GUP 283524 - Nanna Gillberg (2019).
Påsatt och avskärmad - I en uppkopplad värld , GUP 283479 - Lisa Rudolfsson (2019).
Re-establishing violated boundaries: Police officers' experiences of handling cases of rape against women , GUP 283345 - Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2019).
It's not all 'bout the money: Making profit on gender equality , GUP 283324 - Rebecka Arman; Nanna Gillberg; Maria Norbäck (2019).
Alone at work: Isolation, competition and co-dependency in flexibilised retail ISSN: 0143-831X, GUP 282294 - Carl-Christian Trönnberg; Sven Hemlin (2019).
Challenging investment decision-making in pension funds ISSN: 1755-4179, GUP 282622 - Åsa Boholm (2019).
Risk Communication as Government Agency Organizational Practice ISSN: 0272-4332, GUP 279494 - Max Boholm (2019).
How do Swedish Government agencies define risk? ISSN: 1366-9877, GUP 264079 - Amit Mitra; Quang Evansluong (2019).
Narratives of integration: Liminality in migrant acculturation through social media ISSN: 0040-1625, GUP 277336 - Ariana Amacker (2019).
Surrendering to The Now. Improvisation and an embodied approach to serendipity ISSN: 1460-6925, GUP 281633 - Olle Stenbäck; Niklas Sörum (2019).
Att snickra ihop en modern musikfestival. GMLSTN JAZZ i ljuset av marknadifiering, kulturarv och festivalisering ISSN: 1102-7908, GUP 281197 - Hannes von Knorring (2019).
Energy audits in shipping companies ISSN: 0965-8564, GUP 280700 - Sten Jönsson (2019).
A Comparative History of Bank Failures . From Medici to Barings , GUP 280501 - Niklas Sörum (2019).
Handelsstad i förvandling (recension) ISSN: 0035-5267, GUP 280405 - Barbara Czarniawska (2019).
Är e-hälsa på väg att bli en institution? , GUP 280394 - Åsa Boholm; Simon Larsson (2019).
What is the problem? A literature review on challenges facing the communication of nanotechnology to the public ISSN: 1388-0764, GUP 280095 - Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2019).
Cities, institutional entrepreneurship and the emergence of new environmental policies: The organizing of waste prevention in the City of Gothenburg, Sweden ISSN: 2399-6544, GUP 268716 - Göran Aijmer (2019).
Rice and Death in Southern China and the Shan States: Transforms in Iconic Grammar ISSN: 1356-1863, GUP 278477 - Simon Larsson; Magnus Jansson; Åsa Boholm (2019).
Expert stakeholders’ perception of nanotechnology: risk, benefit, knowledge, and regulation ISSN: 1388-0764, GUP 278696 - Simon Larsson (2019).
Game of Thrones – en berättelse om vår samtid? , GUP 278697 - Barbara Czarniawska (2019).
Introduction , GUP 278478 - Alexandra Kent (2019).
Rights of transition: The Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Cambodia , GUP 278170 - Kristina Jonäll; Svetlana Sabelfeld (2019).
Accounting for survival of polar bears: an arctic icon on thin ice , GUP 273547 - Magdalena Petersson McIntyre; Barbro Johansson; Niklas Sörum; Christian Fuentes; Henric Karlsson ; Johan Hagberg; Niklas Egels-Zandén; Franck Cochoy (2019).
Hur konsumtionen digitaliseras , GUP 277421 - Sandhiya Goolaup; Cecilia Solér; Robin Nunkoo (2019).
The tourists’ gastronomic experience: an embodied and spatial approach , GUP 277479 - Quang Evansluong; Marcela Ramirez Pasillas (2019).
The role of family social capital in immigrants’ entrepreneurial opportunity creation processes ISSN: 1476-1297, GUP 277337 - Maria Norbäck (2019).
Recycling Problems and Modernizing the Solution: Doing Institutional Maintenance Work on Swedish Public Service Television ISSN: 1056-4926, GUP 257901
- Sten Jönsson (2019).
Hur sjuk är demokratin? , GUP 276574
- Magnus Roos; Ali Kazemi (2018).
Personality traits and Internet usage across generation cohorts: Insights from a nationally representative study ISSN: 1046-1310, GUP 272729
- Hanna Nilsson-Lindén; Henrikke Baumann; Magnus Rosén; Andreas Diedrich (2018).
Organizing life cycle management in practice: challenges of a multinational manufacturing corporation ISSN: 0948-3349, GUP 207435
- Roy Liff; Gunnar Wahlström (2018).
Failed crisis communication: The Northern Rock Bank case ISSN: 0951-3574, GUP 249741
- Barbara Czarniawska (2018).
Organizing in the Roman Empire , GUP 270741
- Ulrika Holmberg; Lena Hansson (2018).
Mobilen i butiken – ett konsumentperspektiv , GUP 276524
- Lisa Rudolfsson; Fredrik Portin (2018).
“It’s Almost Impossible to Speak about It”: Sexual Abuse, Forgiveness, and the Need for Restitution Rituals ISSN: 2077-1444, GUP 274797
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Sabina Siebert (2018).
Collegium: the traditional way of governing universities , GUP 276062
- Gustavo Guzman; Lauro Soares de Freitas; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2018).
The ‘glocal’ problem of “War on Drugs” and translations of viable solutions , GUP 276057
- Jennifer Strand; Lisa Rudolfsson (2018).
Professionals’ experiences of integrating a child perspective in adult psychosis service ISSN: 1548-7768, GUP 284827
- Roy Liff (2018).
Ageing, organisations and management: Constructive discourses and critical perspectives ISSN: 1350-5076, GUP 283576
- Dennis Töllborg (2018).
R2K - Demokratisk och rättsstatlig mognad , GUP 272666
- Peter Jackson; Helene Brembeck; Jonathan Everts; Maria Fuentes; Bente Halkier; Frej Daniel Hertz; Angela Meah; Valerie Viehoff; Christine Wenzl (2018).
Reframing Convenience Food , GUP 267665
- Dennis Töllborg (2018).
I mitt hjärta bor alltjämt en femåring, del 1-3 , GUP 272590
- Barbara Czarniawska (2018).
Evaluering som text , GUP 270740
- María José Zapata Campos (2018).
"Infiltrating urban commoning practices in city policy-making, experiences from Managua and Göteborg” , GUP 276320
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2018).
Fashion and beauty blogging: post-feminist devices for marketing, intimacy and resistance , GUP 276131
- Göran Aijmer (2018).
Ancestors and Ancestry in Southwestern China Transforms in Tradition ISSN: 0257-9774, GUP 278445
- Magnus Roos (2018).
The Winner Takes IT All: Swedish Digital Divides in Global Internet Usage , GUP 272732
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2018).
Gender by Design: Performativity and Consumer Packaging, Design and Culture ISSN: 1754-7075, GUP 278479
- Ewa Wikström; Ellinor Eriksson; Lejla Karamehmedovic; Roy Liff (2018).
Knowledge retention and age management – senior employees’ experiences in a Swedish multinational company ISSN: 1367-3270, GUP 267466
- Patrik Zapata; Jutta Gutberlet; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Michael Oloko; Goodluck Charles; Sebastian Carenzo; Jessica Pérez; María José Zapata Campos (2018).
Grassroots resilience tackling climate, environmental and poverty challenges , GUP 276309
- Barbara Czarniawska (2018).
Local translations of operational risk , GUP 277906
- Helene Brembeck (2018).
Kampen mot sunket ISSN: 1102-7908, GUP 277338
- Emilie Reinhold; C. Schnugg; C. Barthold (2018).
Dancing in the office: A study of gestures as resistance ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 277258
- Barbara Czarniawska (2018).
Is it possible to study anxiety in organizations? ISSN: 1475-9551, GUP 263993
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata; Adalberto de Azevedo; Sebastian Carenzo; Goodluck Charles; Jutta Gutberlet; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Oloko Michael; Jessica Pérez Reynosa (2018).
Inclusive Waste governance and Grassroots Innovations for Social, Environmental and Economic Change. REPORT ON FIRST RESEARCH OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT RECYCLING NETWORKS & WASTE GOVERNANCE , GUP 276311
- Nanna Gillberg (2018).
Flexibilitet, tillgänglighet och synlighet i det digitaliserade arbetslivets organisering , GUP 265713
- Nanna Gillberg (2018).
Nya sätt att organisera arbete - betydelsen för arbetsmiljö och hälsa , GUP 265711
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Michael Oloko; Ester Barinaga (2018).
Governing grassroots infrastructure – Resident associations and infrastructure provisioning in informal settlements , GUP 276316
- Hervé Corvellec; Richard Ek; Nils Johansson; Anette Svingstedt; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2018).
Avfallsförebyggande handlar om effektiv produktion och genomtänkt konsumtion – inte om avfall. Sju lärdomar från forskningsprojektet från avfallshantering till avfallsförebyggande , GUP 264743
- María José Zapata Campos; C. M. Hall; Sandra Backlund (2018).
Can MNCs promote more inclusive tourism? Apollo tour operator's sustainability work ISSN: 1461-6688, GUP 275257
- Barbara Czarniawska (2018).
On retrotopias ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 275136
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2018).
Gender consultancy and the marketization of feminism , GUP 276127
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2018).
Mrs. Consumer for the Digital Age: Femininity, Consumption and Entrepreneurship in Lifestyle blogs , GUP 276126
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2018).
Recension: ”Emma Lindblad, Looking vanlig, neither too much nor too little: A study of consumption of clothing among mainstream youth in a Swedish small town” ISSN: 0035-5267, GUP 272725
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Keith Wood (2018).
What and how do teachers learn by taking part in Lesson Study and Learning Study? A qualitative meta-analysis , GUP 276095
- Roy Liff; Gunnar Wahlström (2018).
The relevance of valuation principles in a financial crisis: senior bank managers' evaluations of other banks on the interbank market. ISSN: 1757-9848, GUP 275135
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2018).
New governance practices? How the global media landscape influences public sector organizations , GUP 275896
- Matteo La Torre; Svetlana Sabelfeld; Marita Blomkvist; Lara Tarquinio; John Dumay (2018).
Harmonising Non-Financial Reporting Regulation in Europe: Practical Forces and Projections for Future Research ISSN: 2049-372X, GUP 268478
- Simon Larsson; Åsa Boholm (2018).
Den svenska allmänhetens inställning till nanoteknik ISSN: 0284-4788, GUP 273897
- John Magnus Roos (2018).
Konsumtionsrapporten 2018 - Under ytan , GUP 274972
- Barbara Czarniawska (2018).
On meshworks and other complications of portraying contemporary organizing , GUP 272723
- Rickard Arvidsson; Max Boholm; Mikael Johansson; Monica Lindh de Montoya (2018).
“Just Carbon”: Ideas About Graphene Risks by Graphene Researchers and Innovation Advisors ISSN: 18714757, GUP 273314
- Kalle Sanner; Karl Palmås (2018).
Lukas / Markus , GUP 273935
- Simon Larsson (2018).
De svenska missionärerna stod kolonialmakten nära , GUP 273901
- Roy Liff; Gunnar Wahlström (2018).
Usefulness of Enterprise Risk Management in two banks ISSN: 1176-6093, GUP 260338
- Åsa Boholm (2018).
Cultural theory , GUP 272721
- Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Anna Bendz; Serena Cinque; Camilla Sandström (2018).
Research amidst the contentious issue of wolf presence: Exploration of reference frames and social, cultural, and political dimensions , GUP 268484
- Nanna Gillberg (2018).
Jag har aldrig märkt att kön har haft någon betydelse , GUP 267864
- Barbara Czarniawska (2018).
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat ISSN: 1971-8853, GUP 270742
- Anna De Jong; Monica Palladino; Roma Garrido Puig; Guiseppa Romeo; Nadia Fava; Carlo Cafiero; Wilhelm Skoglund; Peter Varley; Claudio Marcianó; Daniel Laven; Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist (2018).
Gastronomy Tourism: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review of Research Areas, Disciplines, and Dynamics ISSN: 2169-2971, GUP 270736
- Magnus Jansson; Carl-Christian Trönnberg; Sven Hemlin (2018).
The occurrence and importance of pension fund managers’ investment beliefs ISSN: 2241-0998, GUP 270735
- Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Camilla Sandström; Jani Pellika; Juha Hiedanpää; Olve Krange; Sketil Skogen (2018).
Between politics and management: Governing large carnivores in Fennoscandia , GUP 270734
- Andreas Diedrich; Hanna Hellgren (2018).
Organizing Labour Market Integration of Foreign-born Persons in the Gothenburg Metropolitan Area , GUP 270471
- Gunnar Rimmel; Svetlana Sabelfeld (2018).
Integrerad rapportering , GUP 270284
- Svetlana Sabelfeld (2018).
Redovisningskommunikation för hållbarhet , GUP 270285
- Gunnar Rimmel; Svetlana Sabelfeld (2018).
Global Reporting Initiative , GUP 270283
- Svetlana Sabelfeld; John Dumay (2018).
- Svetlana Sabelfeld; Linda Hansson; Amanda Hellgren (2018).
Adoption of mandatory sustainability reporting in practice , GUP 270286
- Göran Aijmer (2018).
Ancestors on high: musings on an east china case ISSN: 2040-1876, GUP 268067
- Gunnar Wahlström (2018).
When and why do collective heuristics perform well? The case of the interbank market ISSN: 1757-9848, GUP 270130
- David Jostell; Sven Hemlin (2018).
After hours teleworking and boundary management: Effects on work-family conflict ISSN: 1051-9815, GUP 269644
- Lisa Rudolfsson (2018).
Själavårdande samtal med den som har varit utsatt för sexuella övergrepp , GUP 268899
- Barbara Czarniawska; G. Sevon (2018).
Gendered references in organization studies ISSN: 1746-5648, GUP 268645
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2018).
Kollegialitet, ansvar och samtida styrformer , GUP 268479
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2018).
Kulturella produkters betydelser för kön, sexualitet och gemenskap, recension av Erika Alm, Pia Laskar och Cathrin Wasshede, ”The Performative Power of Cultural Products in the Making of Gender, Sexualities, and Transnational Communities” (2016). ISSN: 1100-2573, GUP 268477
- Hervé Corvellec; Richard Ek; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2018).
Acting on distances: A topology of accounting inscriptions ISSN: 0361-3682, GUP 232818
- Barbro Johansson (2018).
Att utforma ett barnbibliotek tillsammans med barn - delaktighetsprocesser på Malmö stadsbibliotek , GUP 267307
- Barbara Czarniawska (2018).
A Culture of Costs versus A Culture of Expenses ISSN: 2001-5992, GUP 267313
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2018).
Experiences of practice-based learning in phenomenographic perspective ISSN: 1366-5626, GUP 263982
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2018).
Variation in approaches to lesson analysis - alternative tools for the reconstruction of teaching ISSN: 2046-8253, GUP 266657
- Max Boholm (2018).
Risk association: towards a linguistically informed framework for analysing risk in discourse ISSN: 1366-9877, GUP 240987
- Barbara Czarniawska (2018).
Fieldwork Techniques for Our Times: Shadowing , GUP 264409
- Sara Brorström (2018).
How numbers of the future are shaping today: The role of forecasts and calculations in public sector strategic thinking ISSN: 0267-4424, GUP 257911
- Gudrun Nygren; Petra Linnsand; Åsa Nilses; Karin Bondesson; Nanna Gillberg; Elisabeth Fernell; Christopher Gillberg (2017).
Lokal samverkan positiv vid autism hos små barn i multietnisk stadsdel ISSN: 0023-7205, GUP 263593
- Hervé Corvellec; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2017).
Barbara Czarniawska: Organizational change - fashions, institutions, and translations , GUP 272740
- Roy Liff; Ewa Wikström (2017).
Expertgruppers samarbete med linjechefer , GUP 257535
- Ewa Wikström; Roy Liff; Ann-Charlotte Eriksson (2017).
Attending Weak Signals: The Prevention of Work-related Illnesses ISSN: 2245-0157, GUP 254215
- Simon Larsson (2017).
Tidiga missionen inget ideal , GUP 273899
- Emilie Reinhold (2017).
Art performance as research, friction and deed ISSN: 1286-4692, GUP 273154
- Alexandra Kent (2017).
The Price of 'Progress' in Cambodia , GUP 273051
- Alexandra Kent (2017).
Trees of Life , GUP 273052
- Mikael Johansson; Åsa Boholm (2017).
Scientists’ Understandings of Risk of Nanomaterials: Disciplinary Culture Through the Ethnographic Lens ISSN: 1871-4757, GUP 260296
- Andreas Diedrich (2017).
Validation of immigrants' prior foreign learning as a framing practice ISSN: 0263-2373, GUP 260070
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Rolf Solli (2017).
Justifications of discrimination: Social movements translated into local practices , GUP 262658
- Carina Gråbacke; Jan Jörnmark; Staffan Stranne (2017).
Den globaliserade kapitalismen. , GUP 256397
- Barbara Czarniawska (2017).
A touch of nostalgia: On Albert O. Hirschman, my idol ISSN: 1286-4692, GUP 264214
- Marja Soila-Wadman (2017).
Konstnärliga interventioner för kreativitet och förändring i organisationer: lekfullt utforskande, motstånd och dialoger i läroprocessen , GUP 262675
- Nanna Gillberg (2017).
"Digitaliseringen och uppmärksamhetssamhället" (case) i Konsumentbeteende: klassiska & samtida perspektiv Författare: Karin M. Ekström, Mikael Ottosson, Anders Parment , GUP 263591
- Florina Lachmann; Bethanie Carney Almroth; Henrikke Baumann; Göran Broström; Hervé Corvellec; Lena Gipperth; Martin Hassellöv; Therese Karlsson; Per Nilsson (2017).
Marine Plastic Litter on Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Impacts and Measures , GUP 258710
- Andreas Diedrich; Hanna Hellgren (2017).
Mobilizing performativity in studies of immigrants' labour market integration , GUP 263149
- María José Zapata Campos; Ester Barinaga (2017).
Organising civil society for building inclusive cities , GUP 263011
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2017).
, GUP 263010
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2017).
Infiltrating commoning practices in local environmental governance , GUP 263008
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2017).
, GUP 263006
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata Johansson; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Jenny Stenberg (2017).
Urban informality and networks of livelihood and solidarity in compact cities , GUP 263009
- María José Zapata Campos; Maria Isabel Ordonez; Patrik Zapata (2017).
Repair Movements’ Commoning Practices. The Case of the Bike-Kitchen in Sweden. , GUP 263007
- Jaan-Henrik Kain; Michael Oloko; María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2017).
Co-production of Services in Informal Settlements: Waste management in Kisumu, Kenya , GUP 263004
- Ulf Bjereld; Joakim Berndtsson; Karl Ydén (2017).
Starkt stöd för försvaret, men ökat Nato-motstånd. , GUP 262829
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2017).
Kristina Johansson. Könade gränsdragningar på handelns marknadsplatser. ISSN: 1654-5443, GUP 262649
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2017).
Tracing the sex of big data , GUP 262648
- Rolf Solli; Barbara Czarniawska (2017).
Hybrydyzacja sektora publicznego ISSN: 1230-3135, GUP 262682
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Rolf Solli; Peter Demidiuk (2017).
Searching for new welfare models , GUP 262657
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Rolf Solli (2017).
Justifications of discrimination: translations of welfare ideas into organizational practices , GUP 262656
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2017).
Translating new ideas into the field of organizational studies , GUP 262654
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2017).
Fashion and beauty blogging: post-feminist devices for marketing, intimacy and resistance? , GUP 262651
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2017).
Mrs. Consumer for the Digital Age , GUP 262650
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2017).
Nya avhandlingar: Matilda Marshall. Hållbarhet till middag ISSN: 0035-5267, GUP 262647
- Sara Brorström (2017).
Mellan dröm och verklighet – om hur Älvstaden fylls med innehåll. , GUP 261418
- Maria Norbäck (2017).
Temporary organizing in the gig-economy: The temporariness of freelance work , GUP 260239
- Sven Hemlin; M.D. Mumford; T.J. Mulhearn (2017).
Leading for creativity: functions, models, and domains , GUP 260849
- Simon Larsson; Åsa Boholm; Magnus Jansson (2017).
Attitudes towards nanomaterials and nanotechnology among Swedish expert stakeholders: Risk, benefit and regulation , GUP 260478
- Barbara Czarniawska (2017).
Marketing and cyberspace: William Gibson’s view , GUP 260078
- Barbara Czarniawska (2017).
Organization studies as symmetrical ethnology ISSN: 2046-6749, GUP 251839
- Roy Liff; Gunnar Wahlström (2017).
Managers' assessment of thin and thick trust: The importance of benevolence in interbank relations ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 255410
- Sara Brorström (2017).
The paradoxes of city strategy practice: Why some issues become strategically important and others do not ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 259095
- Sten Jönsson; Thomas Polesie (2017).
Scholasticism, Fair Value and Ursury, According to Odd Langholm , GUP 258895
- Steve M. Redpath; John D. C. Linnell; Marco Festa-Bianchet; Luigi Boitani; Nils Brunnefeld; Amy Dickman; R. J. Gutiérrez; Maria Johansson; Alexandra Majic; Barry J. McMahon; Simon Pooley; Camilla Sandström; Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Ketil Skogen; John E. Swenson; Arie Trouwborst; Juliette Young; E. J. Milner-Gulland (2017).
Don't forget to look down – collaborative approaches to predator conservation ISSN: 1464-7931, GUP 252070
- Roy Liff; Ewa Wikström (2017).
Att arbeta med prevention och hälsopromotion genom samarbete , GUP 257536
- Roy Liff; Ewa Wikström (2017).
Övergripande slutsatser och rekommendationer , GUP 257543
- Göran Aijmer (2017).
Ancestral Force in Iconic Imagery: Death and Continuance in a South China Village ISSN: 0737-769X, GUP 258578
- Roy Liff; Ewa Wikström; Ann-Charlotte Eriksson (2017).
Fånga upp svaga signaler , GUP 257537
- Roy Liff; Ewa Wikström (2017).
Introduktion , GUP 257531
- Roy Liff; Ewa Wikström (2017).
Hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbetsmiljöinsatser genom nya samarbetsformer , GUP 257528
- Anna Hedtjärn Wester; Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2017).
Consumption diaries: Making sense of Wardrobes , GUP 257198
- Clary Krekula; Barbro Johansson (2017).
Introduktion till kritiska åldersstudier , GUP 257003
- Sven Hemlin; Michael D. Mumford (2017).
Handbook of Research on Leadership and Creativity , GUP 256983
- Barbara Czarniawska (2017).
A willing slave: reflections on e-books ISSN: 1025-3866, GUP 256043
- Åsa Boholm; Madeleine Prutzer (2017).
Experts’ understandings of drinking water risk management in a climate change scenario ISSN: 2212-0963 , GUP 250334
- Barbara Czarniawska (2017).
Bruno Latour and Niklas Luhmann as organization theorists ISSN: 0263-2373, GUP 252059
- Hervé Corvellec; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2017).
Barbara Czarniawska. Organizational change: Fashions, Institutions and Translations , GUP 253269
- Barbara Czarniawska (2017).
An Emergence of Narrative Approaches in Social Sciences and in Accounting Research , GUP 251437
- Jutta Gutberlet; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Belinda Nyakinya; Michael Oloko; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2017).
Bridging Weak Links of Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements ISSN: 1070-4965, GUP 243024
- Marianne Törner; Anders Pousette; Pernilla Larsman; Sven Hemlin (2017).
Coping With Paradoxical Demands Through an Organizational Climate of Perceived Organizational Support. : an Empirical Study Among Workers in Construction and Mining Industry ISSN: 0021-8863, GUP 242906
- Kerstin Sahlin; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2017).
Den blandade universitetsorganisationen. Hur kan kollegialitet, byråkrati och management samspela , GUP 252055
- Max Boholm (2017).
The semantic field of risk ISSN: 0925-7535, GUP 244605
- Barbara Czarniawska (2017).
Actor-Network Theory , GUP 249355
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre; Anna Hedtjärn Wester (2017).
The paradox of sustainable fashion: handling change with consumption diaries , GUP 249354
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre; Anna Hedtjärn Wester (2017).
Konsumtionsdagboken - Att forska tillsammans , GUP 249353
- Andreas Diedrich (2016).
Making humans and nonhumans talk in diversity research , GUP 241648
- Hervé Corvellec (2016).
Waste management: The other of production, distribution and consumption , GUP 257230
- Roy Liff; Ewa Wikström (2016).
Effektivt teamarbete eller fredlig samexistens? , GUP 242818
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2016).
Can changes to gender equality be sustained? ISSN: 0968-6673, GUP 236613
- Emre Tarim (2016).
Situated cognition and narrative heuristic: evidence from retail investors and their brokers ISSN: 1351-847X, GUP 273801
- Sara Brorström; Daniela Argento; Giuseppe Grossi; Anna Thomasson; Roland Almquist (2016).
The influence of sustainable and smart strategies on performance measurement systems in a Swedish city , GUP 261419
- Sara Brorström; Daniela Argento; Giusppe Grossi; Almquist Roland; Anna Thomasson (2016).
The influence of sustainable and smart strategies on performance measurement systems in a Swedish city”. , GUP 235778
- Barbro Johansson; Annica Sjölander (2016).
Kulturmöten utan gränser – modeller för att skapa kvalitet i äldres vardag , GUP 247671
- Sandra Hillén; Ylva Ågren (2016).
Lustigt och olustigt på museer – representationer av barn och barndom på museer. , GUP 263820
- Göran Aijmer (2016).
Bafflement, Holism, Rice and Orientalism ISSN: 0021-910X, GUP 250329
- Göran Aijmer (2016).
The Depth of the Question Mark ISSN: 0021-910X, GUP 250328
- Alexander Beck; Dan Brännström; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Niclas Hellman; Jan Marton; Lars Silver; Torbjörn Tagesson (2016).
Akut brist på lärare i ekonomi på universiteten ISSN: 1101-2412 , GUP 233053
- Magnus Roos (2016).
Ge extra stöd till ängsliga patienter ISSN: 2002-0325, GUP 248779
- Barbara Czarniawska (2016).
Feminismo sotto la bandiera USA? Ricette locali contro le discriminazioni ISSN: 0391-7045, GUP 238012
- Barbara Czarniawska (2016).
Reflexivity versus rigor ISSN: 1350-5076, GUP 247727
- Madeleine Prutzer; Linda Soneryd (2016).
Samverkan och deltagande vattenråd och vattenförvaltning , GUP 254047
- Göran Aijmer (2016).
The Mystery as a Symbolic Idiom — A Buddhist Temple in South China ISSN: 2054-3719, GUP 254609
- Zehra Sayed; Henrik Agndal (2016).
Knowledge Transfer from the West to the East: An Empirical Investigation of Mimicry and Hybridization in the Third Space of MNCs , GUP 242316
- Jaan-Henrik Kain; Belinda Nyakinya; Nicholas Odhiambo; Oloko Michael; John Omolo; Silas Otieno; María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2016).
Translating Policies into Informal Settlements' Critical Services: Reframing, Anchoring and Muddling Through ISSN: 0271-2075, GUP 247990
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla; Ariane Berthoin Antal (2016).
Artistic interventions in organizations : research, theory and practice , GUP 249828
- Göran Aijmer (2016).
Writ in Water: Ancestry among Cantonese Boat Populations ISSN: 1991-7295, GUP 241660
- Eva Álvarez de Andrés; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2016).
Networked Social Movements and the Politics of Mortgage: From the Right to Housing to the Assault on Institutions ISSN: 2051-5030, GUP 232999
- Göran Aijmer (2016).
The Enigmatic Ancestors of Yen-liao. A Taiwan Case in Southern Chinese Tradition ISSN: 1568-0584, GUP 250330
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2016).
Students’ Knowledge Progression: Sustainable Learning in Higher Education ISSN: 1812-9129, GUP 233698
- Magnus Roos (2016).
Democracy and design in Swedish personal assistance. ISSN: 1650-3686, GUP 248834
- Magnus Roos; Ulrika Holmberg (2016).
Svenska Konsumtionstrender , GUP 248790
- Max Boholm (2016).
The use and meaning of nano in American English: Towards a systematic description ISSN: 2215-0390, GUP 244606
- Rebecka Arman; Nanna Gillberg; Maria Norbäck (2016).
Practices of work fragmentation – institutional change in Swedish retail employment , GUP 245545
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Kerstin Sahlin (2016).
Collegiality in modern universities – the composition of governance ideals and practices , GUP 246460
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2016).
Att älska sitt jobb: Passion, entusiasm och nyliberal subjektivitet , GUP 247464
- Gunnar Rimmel (2016).
Accounting for biodiversity ISSN: 0020-7063, GUP 240797
- John Magnus Roos; Maria Fuentes; Karin Östergren; Anne Normann (2016).
Konsumtionsrapporten 2016 , GUP 247135
- Thomas Andersson; Mikael Wickelgren; Kazemi Andersson (2016).
Career in Swedish retail , GUP 246537
- Barbro Johansson; Ylva Mühlenbock (2016).
”Talkin´´bout my generation” – att göra ålder och kultur i kommunal verksamhet. , GUP 246447
- Sara Brorström; Parment Anders (2016).
Managing urbanisation at the local level , GUP 235779
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2016).
Modets melankoli: metoder för förståelser av långsamma vardagliga skeenden , GUP 243577
- Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos; Jutta Gutberlet; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Michael Oloko (2016).
Where the skip used to be. Informal settlements, the city, and waste management in Kisumu, Kenya , GUP 242483
- Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2016).
The power of commoning. Citizen-driven environmental initiatives and social change , GUP 242481
- Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2016).
Waste tours – waste prevention narratives, infrastructures and audience in interplay , GUP 242480
- Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2016).
Translating policies into informal settlements’ practices: Reframing, anchoring and muddling through , GUP 242479
- Göran Aijmer (2016).
History, Historicism and Historical Anthropology: Reflections on a Chinese Case ISSN: 0021-910X, GUP 242199
- Sara Brorström; Anders Parment (2016).
Branding Various-Sized Destinations – A study of Millenials Attitudes , GUP 240257
- Barbara Czarniawska (2016).
Performativity of social sciences as seen by an organization scholar ISSN: 0263-2373, GUP 239726
- Barbara Czarniawska (2016).
Survivors of an endangered species: doctoral programmes of the future , GUP 239728
- Barbara Czarniawska (2016).
The fate of counter-narratives in fiction and in actual organizations , GUP 239729
- Barbara Czarniawska (2016).
A Research Agenda for Management and Organization Studies , GUP 239727
- Barbara Czarniawska (2016).
Marknadsföring i cyberrymden - William Gibsons värld ISSN: 1102-7908, GUP 239720
- Sara Brorström (2016).
Styr oss! Om konsekvenserna av Vision Älvstaden och om prat, handling och styrgap , GUP 238185
- Claes Ohlsson (2016).
Finansutbildning i marknadens tjänst ISSN: 0030-4492, GUP 237900
- Claes Ohlsson (2016).
Staten och kapitalet? Att göra människor finanskunniga i dagens samhälle , GUP 237899
- Jutta Gutberlet; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Belinda Nyakinya; Dickens Ochieng; Nicholas Odhiambo; Michael Oloko; John Omolo; Elvis Ozondi; Silas Otieno; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2016).
Socio-environmental entrepreneurship and the provision of critical services in informal settlements ISSN: 0956-2478, GUP 233000
- Ulrika Holmberg; María José Zapata Campos; Helena Åberg (2016).
Hide and seek - What enables and hinders households’ battery recycling? , GUP 237095
- Sten Jönsson (2016).
Banks and their world view contexts , GUP 237080
- Elizabeth Goodrick; Trish Reay; Giuseppe Delmestri; Davide Nicolini; Kajsa Lindberg; Petra Adolfsson (2016).
Look What's Back! Institutional Complexity, Reversibility and the Knotting of Logics ISSN: 1045-3172, GUP 231404
- Max Boholm; Rickard Arvidsson (2016).
A Definition Framework for the Terms Nanomaterial and Nanoparticle ISSN: 1871-4757, GUP 234000
- Max Boholm (2016).
Risk, language and discourse , GUP 234838
- Sten Jönsson (2016).
Företagsekonomi , GUP 232341
- Sten Jönsson (2016).
Tidigt med allt – alltid före sin tid. Eric Rehnman 1932 – 1993. A biography. Part 1 ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 232338
- Gunnar Rimmel; Kristina Jonäll (2016).
Om redovisning och redovisningsteorier , GUP 232130
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Åke Ingerman (2016).
Continuity and Development in the Phenomenography and Variation Theory Tradition ISSN: 0031-3831, GUP 233696
- Dennis Töllborg (2016).
Pams Plats , GUP 233743
- Kerstin Sahlin; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2016).
Kollegialitet. En modern styrform , GUP 232553
- Max Boholm; Niklas Möller; Sven Ove Hansson (2016).
The concepts of risk, safety, and security: Applications in everyday language ISSN: 0272-4332, GUP 221780
- Hervé Corvellec; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2016).
Tre av fyra jobbar med förebyggande ISSN: 0284-1827, GUP 232198
- Gunnar Rimmel; Kristina Jonäll (2016).
Redovisningens reglering , GUP 232132
- Gunnar Rimmel; Kristina Jonäll; Petra Inwinkl (2016).
Redovisningens föreställningsramar , GUP 232131
- Kristina Jonäll; Gunnar Rimmel (2016).
Redovisningsteorier - viktiga begrepp och teoretiska perspektiv inom redovisning , GUP 232128
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Rolf Solli (2016).
Försvarsmakten och diskriminering – en jämförelse mellan 2010 och 2015 , GUP 230618
- Jan Marton; Sten Jönsson; Gunnar Wahlström (2016).
Managerial principles, regulation and bank resilience in financial crisis , GUP 231732
- Max Boholm (2016).
Towards a semiotic definition of discourse and a basis for a typology of discourses ISSN: 0037-1998, GUP 225805
- Leif Denti; Sven Hemlin (2016).
Modelling the link between leader-member exchange and individual innovation in R&D ISSN: 1363-9196, GUP 229701
- Petra Adolfsson; Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson (2014).
Doctors with Borders: Professional Disputes in Times of Deregulation ISSN: 2327-7998, GUP 209756
- Fredrik Lavén; Ola Bergström (2014).
Effects of restructuring at regional level and approaches to dealing with the consequences: Saab Automobile, Sweden , GUP 207907
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Nomadic work as a life-story plot ISSN: 0925-9724, GUP 178752
- Magnus Roos (2014).
Personal marketing appeals: How personality dimensions influence feelings toward emotional images , GUP 248787
- Sara Brorström; Anders Parment (2014).
Alla lika alla olika – om att locka människor till kommunen ISSN: 0282-0099, GUP 212328
- Maria Jylkkä; Hervé Corvellec; Richard Ek; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2014).
Forskningsprojektet Från avfallshantering till avfallsförebyggande - Rapport från seminarium I: Offentliga planer för avfallsförebyggande , GUP 209788
- Nanna Gillberg (2014).
”Vägen in” – utvärdering av ett ESF-finansierat arbetsmarknadsprojekt inom Region Skåne , GUP 245548
- Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Petra Adolfsson; Anna Bohlin (2014).
Negotiations on Place and Heritage: Public Participation as Social Drama ISSN: 2324-7576, GUP 206950
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2014).
Jämställd organisering av arbetslivet – strukturer och processer , GUP 205668
- P. Demediuk; S. Burgess; Rolf Solli (2014).
Local government as a democracy actor or a service delivery actor: The supporting roles for e-governance initiatives , GUP 228479
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Thomas Kalling; Alexander Styhre; Kristin Woll (2014).
Organisasjonsteori , GUP 206076
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Thomas Kalling; Alexander Styhre (2014).
Organisation og Organisering , GUP 197589
- Ulla Johansson-Sköldberg; Jill Woodilla (2014).
Curatorial practice in artistic interventions in organizations: Insights from Swedish practitioners , GUP 215060
- Ulla Johansson-Sköldberg; Jill Woodilla (2014).
Mind the gap! Strategies for artistic interventions in organizations , GUP 215059
- Sara Brorström (2014).
Hållbara Kvillebäcken – en studie om innovativa lösningar , GUP 212326
- Hervé Corvellec (2014).
Företagsekonomiska filmer: Girigheten från film till det verkliga livet ISSN: 2001-9114, GUP 214684
- Lars Walter (2014).
Domesticating an Industry: The Swedish Case , GUP 163883
- Kaj Sköldberg (2014).
Maktens många ansikten. Teorier och idéer om makt under två och ett halvt tusen år , GUP 212914
- Sara Brorström (2014).
Open for the world’ and the way there – A city-strategy process in practice , GUP 212327
- Roy Liff (2014).
Unintended consequences of NPM that drive the 'Bureaucracy' ISSN: 0190-0692, GUP 212129
- María José Zapata Campos; Alvarez de Andres Eva; Patrik Zapata (2014).
Networked social movements – fuelling resistance and change through hybrid public spaces , GUP 196396
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Nie jest łatwo przerabiać instytucje ani je tworzyć , GUP 210232
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2014).
Waste socio-technological transitions: from landfilling to waste prevention , GUP 211585
- Fredrik Lavén; Ola Bergström (2014).
Dismantling SAAB: The role of transition agencies in deinstitutionalization , GUP 207917
- Niklas Hansson; Kerstin Jacobsson (2014).
Learning to be affected: Subjectivity, Sense, and Sensibility in Animal Rights Activism ISSN: 1063-1119, GUP 205407
- Maria Norbäck; Jenny Helin; Elena Raviola (2014).
Stabilizing Movements: How Television Professionals Use Other People's Voices to Cope with New Professional Practices During Times of Change ISSN: 1469-7017, GUP 207464
- Muhammad Nurul Houqe; Gunnar Rimmel (2014).
The Routledge companion to accounting communicationRoutledge companions in business, management and accounting, Lisa Jack, Jane Davison, Russell Craig (Eds.). Routledge, London and New York (2013), (259 pp., $225.00, £140.00, ISBN 978-04-415-61714-7) ISSN: 0020-7063, GUP 205697
- Petra Adolfsson (2014).
Pharmicies and Different Logics: Job Advertisements in Sweden, 1903-2013 ISSN: 2327-8013, GUP 204875
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2014).
Ann-Charlott Callerstig (2014) Making equality work: ambiguities, conflicts and change agents in the implementation of equality policies in the public sector organisations. Akad.avh ISSN: 2001-1377, GUP 205662
- Ulla Johansson-Sköldberg; Jill Woodilla (2014).
Mind the Gap! Strategies for bridging artists and organizations in artistic interventions , GUP 202151
- Kajsa Lindberg (2014).
Performing multiple logics in practice ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 204647
- Sven Hemlin; Leif Denti; Stefan Tengblad (2014).
Relationsinriktat Ledarskap för Innovationsutveckling Mätinstrumentet Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) , GUP 205599
- Andreas Diedrich (2014).
Material arrangements in the recognition of prior learning of immigrants , GUP 204605
- A. Hujala; S. Laulainen; Kajsa Lindberg (2014).
Powerless Positions, Silenced Voices? – Critical Views on Health and Social Care Management ISSN: 1477-7266, GUP 204646
- María José Zapata Campos (2014).
Partnerships, Tourism, and Community Impacts , GUP 203831
- Hervé Corvellec (2014).
“Styles of Organizing: The Will to Form” by Gibson Burrell (Oxford University Press, 2013). , GUP 204126
- Hanna Nilsson-Lindén; Henrikke Baumann; Magnus Rosén; Andreas Diedrich (2014).
Linking environmental LCM and knowledge management: The case of a multinational corporation , GUP 205447
- Hanna Nilsson-Lindén; Henrikke Baumann; Magnus Rosén; Andreas Diedrich (2014).
LCM in industry practices; it is not all about tools. Learnings from a multinational corporation. , GUP 205406
- Gunnar Rimmel; Kristina Jonäll; Michael, John Jones (2014).
Strategies of Managerial Justification in Banks Narrative Communication , GUP 204736
- DIOGENIS BABOUKARDOS; Gunnar Rimmel; Kristina Jonäll (2014).
Integrating Financial & Non-Financial Information: The Impact of South Africa’s King III Report on the Value Relevance of Accounting Numbers , GUP 204737
- Kristina Jonäll; Gunnar Rimmel (2014).
Communication of Business Models in Integrated Reports – evidence from UK in comparison with South Africa , GUP 204738
- Gunnar Rimmel; Kristina Jonäll (2014).
A new big picture through Integrated Reporting of Human Capital in Banks? – a comparison of banks participating in the IIRC Integrated Reporting Pilot Programme for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 , GUP 204735
- Andreas Diedrich (2014).
Classifying difference in organizing, or how to create monsters ISSN: 2040-7149, GUP 204408
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2014).
Urban waste: closing the loop , GUP 203827
- Joakim Sandberg; Magnus Jansson; Anders Biel; Tommy Gärling (2014).
Understanding the attitudes of beneficiaries: should fiduciary duty include social, ethical and environmental concerns? , GUP 196969
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Bruno Latour: An accidental organization theorist , GUP 204022
- María José Zapata Campos; Michael Hall (2014).
Public Administration and Tourism - International and Nordic Perspectives ISSN: 2000-8058, GUP 203830
- Joakim Forsemalm (2014).
Consolidated Youth Jury: Alcohol Prevention for Young People from Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern. A Swedish Case Report ISSN: 1754-9973, GUP 194489
- Lisa Olsson; Leif Denti; Sven Hemlin (2014).
Leaders' enhancement of leader–member exchange (LMX) relationships: An examination of leaders' cognitive support and knowledge resources in research groups in Sweden , GUP 202320
- Sten Jönsson (2014).
The appropriate banker and the need for ontological >re-positioning ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 202765
- Svetlana Sabelfeld; Gunnar Rimmel; Kristina Jonäll (2014).
Investor Relations on the Web: transmission or persuasion? , GUP 201702
- Rebecka Arman; Roy Liff; Ewa Wikström (2014).
The hierarchization of competing logics in psychiatric care in Sweden ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 193803
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Czy konsultant może być konstruktywistą? ISSN: 2083-3059, GUP 202174
- Joel Hedegaard; Helene Ahl; Airi Rovio-Johansson; Eleni Siouta (2014).
Gendered communicative construction of patients in consultation settings ISSN: 0363-0242, GUP 201529
- Magnus Jansson; Joakim Sandberg; Tommy Gärling (2014).
Should pension funds´ fiduciary duty be extended to include social, ethical and environmental concerns? A study of beneficiaries´preferences ISSN: 2043-0795, GUP 201510
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
The codification of everything , GUP 201527
- Elena Raviola (2014).
We have never been pure: negotiations between journalism and business in newspaper organizations , GUP 201525
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Ute på fältet, inne vid skrivbordet , GUP 200136
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Social science research from field to desk , GUP 199015
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2014).
The multiplex Chureca. Relational sites and the organizing of socio-spatial change , GUP 196401
- Carl-Christian Trönnberg; Sven Hemlin (2014).
Lending decision making in banks: A critical incident study of loan officers ISSN: 0263-2373, GUP 182424
- Asgeir B. Torfason (2014).
Cash flow accounting in banks – a study of practice , GUP 197493
- Roy Liff; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2014).
Students' understanding of theory in undergraduate education ISSN: 1356-2517, GUP 193604
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Why I think shadowing is the best field technique in management and organisation studies ISSN: 1746-5648, GUP 196118
- Joel Hedegaard; Airi Rovio-Johansson; Eleni Siouta (2014).
Communicative Construction of Native versus Non-Native Swedish Speaking Patients in Consultation Settings ISSN: 2001-7405 , GUP 193877
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2014).
The travel of global ideas of waste management. The case of Managua and its informal settlements ISSN: 0197-3975, GUP 181074
- Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2014).
The travel of global ideas of waste management The case of Managua and its informal settlements , GUP 196431
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Zmiana kadru: Jak zarządzano Warszawą w okresie przemian , GUP 196184
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Hard is soft, precise is fuzzy, concrete is abstract, or, where does the economic information belong? , GUP 195798
- Nanna Gillberg (2014).
Uppmärksamhetssamhället , GUP 194830
- Hervé Corvellec (2014).
Recycling food waste into biogas, or how management transforms overflows into flows , GUP 195401
- Barbara Czarniawska; Rolf Solli (2014).
How to regain trust, if it is at all possible? , GUP 195170
- Diogenis Babiukardous; Gunnar Rimmel (2014).
Goodwill under IFRS: Relevance and disclosures in an unfavorable environment ISSN: 0155-9982, GUP 194828
- Nanna Gillberg; Petra Adolfsson (2014).
Proud to Be Pride: A Discourse Analysis of the Presentation of Diversity on City Websites , GUP 194821
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Jacob Östberg (2014).
Att skriva böcker och bokkapitel , GUP 194492
- Hervé Corvellec; Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Action nets for waste prevention , GUP 194453
- Sten Jönsson (2014).
Entrepreneurship and the use of judgement , GUP 194375
- Orvar Löfgren; Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Changing perspectives on the management of overflow , GUP 191504
- Barbara Czarniawska; Orvar Löfgren (2014).
Coping with excess: How organizations, communities and individuals manage overflows , GUP 191452
- Barbara Czarniawska (2014).
Storytelling: A managerial tool and its local translation , GUP 185564
- Barbara Czarniawska; Rolf Solli; Pierre Donatella (2014).
Help! We have too much money! , GUP 191510
- Alexandra Kent (2015).
Forest of Struggle. Moralities of Remembrance in Upland Cambodia, written by Eve Zucker ISSN: 0006-2294, GUP 283375
- Petra Adolfsson; Andreas Diedrich; Nanna Gillberg; Fredrik Lavén; Lars Walter (2015).
Personalförsörjning och validering inom Försvarsmakten , GUP 212672
- Christian Nielsen; Gunnar Rimmel; Tadanori Yosano (2015).
Outperforming markets: IC and the long-term performance of Japanese IPOs ISSN: 0155-9982, GUP 276963
- Rebecka Arman; Ola Bergström; Nanna Gillberg (2015).
Omställning i detaljhandeln , GUP 229155
- Lasse Brunnström; Karin Wagner; Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2015).
Den (o)hållbara förpackningen , GUP 216362
- Sara Brorström (2015).
Strategizing sustainability: The case of River City, Gothenburg ISSN: 0264-2751, GUP 212325
- Nanna Gillberg; Petra Adolfsson (2015).
Proud to Be Pride: A Content Analysis of City Websites ISSN: 2327-2147, GUP 223535
- Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist (2015).
Balancing differentiated interests and conceptualizations in environmental management ISSN: 2046-6749, GUP 224616
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2015).
Unexpected translations in urban policy mobility. The case of the Acahualinca development programme in Managua, Nicaragua ISSN: 0197-3975, GUP 206633
- Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist (2015).
Targeted removal of wolves: analysis of the motives for controlled hunting ISSN: 0909-6396, GUP 215502
- Eva Àlvarez de Andrés; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2015).
Stop the evictions! The diffusion of networked social movements and the emergence of a hybrid space: The case of the Spanish Mortgage Victims Group ISSN: 0197-3975, GUP 206630
- Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Petra Adolfsson (2015).
In the Eye of the Beholder: On Using Photography in Research on Sustainability ISSN: 2325-1115, GUP 227543
- Andreas Diedrich (2015).
Constructing trust and distance in the validation of prior learning of (potential) immigrants , GUP 234136
- Magnus Roos (2015).
Private Consumption in Sweden and Finland before, during and after the Global financial crisis ISSN: 2149-2379, GUP 248782
- Göran Aijmer (2015).
Erasing the Dead in Kaixiangong: Ancestry and Cultural Transforms in South China ISSN: 2054-3719, GUP 242197
- Svetlana Sabelfeld; Gunnar Rimmel; Kristina Jonäll (2015).
Investor Relations on the Web – towards communication perspective. , GUP 245824
- Sten Jönsson; Lars Strannegård (2015).
Ledarskapsboken (2d ed.) , GUP 212251
- Nanna Gillberg (2015).
Bros before hoes – manlig homosocialitet på film ISSN: 2001-9114, GUP 245546
- Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Belinda Nyakinya; Nicholas Odhiambo; Michael Oloko; John Omolo; Silas Otieno (2015).
Translating city development projects in informal settlements: reframing, anchoring and muddling through , GUP 226784
- Ulrika Holmberg; María José Zapata Campos; Helena Åberg (2015).
Hide and seek - What enables and hinders households' battery recycling? , GUP 235042
- Andreas Diedrich (2015).
Integration of recent refugees and other immigrants as human waste disposal: A Baumanesque take on ‘integration management’ , GUP 234125
- Jaan-Henrik Kain; Michael M. Oloko; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2015).
Obunga Clean Up , GUP 230935
- Göran Aijmer (2015).
Dominance in a traditional state: The kingdom of Kengtung ISSN: 0257-9774, GUP 226481
- Roy Liff (2015).
Driver NPM-reformers oavsedda effekter `byråkratiers´ utveckling? , GUP 230627
- Dennis Töllborg (2015).
Det går tydligen an , GUP 227644
- Roy Liff; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2015).
Systematic and serendipitous discoveries: a shift in sensemaking ISSN: 0022-0418, GUP 216762
- Jutta Gutberlet; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Michael Oloko; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2015).
From community-based organization to socio-environmental entrepreneur. The case of household waste collection in Kisumu’s informal settlements , GUP 227024
- Kajsa Lindberg; Barbara Czarniawska; Rolf Solli (2015).
After NPM? ISSN: 2000-8058, GUP 226839
- Jaan-Henrik Kain; Michael O. Oloko; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2015).
Combating poverty and building democracy through the coproduction of participatory waste management services The case of Kisumu City, Kenya , GUP 224652
- Barbara Czarniawska (2015).
After practice. A personal reflection ISSN: 2245-0157, GUP 225813
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Kerstin Sahlin (2015).
Deconstructive collegiality or just another governance form? , GUP 223853
- Svetlana Sabelfeld; Gunnar Rimmel; Kristina Jonäll (2015).
Investor Relations on the Web - towards communication perspective , GUP 221103
- Barbara Czarniawska (2015).
Corruption or Nineteen Eighty-Four? ISSN: 2001-7405, GUP 224614
- Barbara Czarniawska (2015).
Moving on? , GUP 224715
- Andreas Diedrich; Lars Walter (2015).
Trygghetsrådet TRS , GUP 223829
- Andreas Diedrich; Lars Walter (2015).
Omställningsfonden , GUP 223830
- Andreas Diedrich; Gaustavo Guzman (2015).
From implementation to appropriation: understanding knowledge management system development and introduction as a process of translation ISSN: 1367-3270, GUP 223332
- Dennis Töllborg (2015).
Ruinerna hävdar att byggnaden var vacker/Our era's fear of quality , GUP 224093
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Alexander Styhre; Rolf Solli (2015).
Experiencing discrimination – an intersectional analysis , GUP 223854
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; María José Zapata Campos (2015).
Laws and Regulations Governing Waste Management: Institutional Arrangements Regarding Waste Management , GUP 223852
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Göran Ahrne (2015).
Intervjuer , GUP 223851
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Thomas Kalling; Alexander Styhre (2015).
Organisation och organisering. Upplaga 4 , GUP 223832
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2015).
Challenging the throw-away society-Environmental movements and waste prevention practices in Gothenburg, Sweden , GUP 222011
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata; Maria Jylkkä (2015).
Cities in the lead of sustainable transitions. The structuration of an emergent field of waste prevention policies in Sweden , GUP 222008
- Rolf A. Lundin; Maria Norbäck (2015).
Projectification in the Media Industries , GUP 221781
- Sara Brorström (2015).
Att förverkliga en vision – det första steget: lärande och styrbarhet , GUP 221460
- Gunnar Wahlström; Eva Johansson; Ann-Christine Mjölnevik; Asgeir B. Torfason (2015).
Kassaflödet i en bank rapporteras olämpligt idag! Ett förslag till förändring , GUP 220882
- Sara Brorström (2015).
Implementing innovative ideas in a city: good solutions on paper but not in practice? ISSN: 0951-3558, GUP 220400
- Barbara Czarniawska (2015).
The Rhetoric of Emotions , GUP 217437
- Roy Liff; Ewa Wikström (2015).
The problem-avoiding multi professional team - On the need to overcome protective routines ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 218050
- Niklas Hansson (2015).
“Mobility-things” and consumption: conceptualizing differently mobile families on the move with recent purchases in urban space ISSN: 1025-3866, GUP 205410
- Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Maria Johansson; Cecilia Sandström (2015).
Individual and collective responses to large carnivore management: the roles of trust, representation, knowledge spheres, communication and leadership ISSN: 0909-6396, GUP 215500
- Maria Norbäck (2015).
Det berättande journalistiska reportaget: ett samtal mellan Björn af Kleen och Maria Norbäck , GUP 218060
- Maria Norbäck (2015).
Att skriva och tänka, själv och ihop med andra , GUP 218058
- Åsa Boholm; Hervé Corvellec (2015).
The role of valuation practices for risk identification , GUP 217691
- Camilla Sandström; Maria Johansson; Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist (2015).
The management of large carnivores in Sweden – challenges and opportunities ISSN: 0909-6396, GUP 217690
- Åsa Boholm (2015).
Anthropology and Risk , GUP 217179
- Hervé Corvellec (2015).
New directions for management and organization studies on waste , GUP 216436
- Sara Brorström (2015).
Styra städer - om strategier, hållbarhet och politik , GUP 215961
- Barbara Czarniawska (2015).
En teori om organisering: ny utgåva , GUP 215959
- Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2015).
Producing, Appropriating, and Recreating the Myth of the Urban Commons , GUP 214343
- Barbara Czarniawska (2015).
Podejście narratologiczne w badaniach organizacji i zarządzania , GUP 215058
- eva gustafsson; David Hjelmgren; Barbara Czarniawska (2015).
Cloth Loop: an attempt to construct an actor-network , GUP 213539
- Sten Jönsson; Jan Marton; Gunnar Wahlström (2015).
Learning Banks , GUP 213697
- Hervé Corvellec; Barbara Czarniawska (2015).
Waste prevention action nets , GUP 213538
- Hervé Corvellec (2015).
Sustainability objects as performative definitions of sustainability: The case of food waste-based biogas and biofertilizers , GUP 212561
- Petra Adolfsson (2015).
E-governance in Public Participation: Assemblages of the New and the Old ISSN: 1833-1882, GUP 211225
- Barbara Czarniawska (2015).
University fashions: on ideas whose time has come , GUP 210233
- Alexandra Kent (2013).
Navigating a River by Its Bends: A Comparison of Cambodian Remigration by Gea Wijers ISSN: 0229-5113, GUP 283370
- Viktor Sandblom; Hans Rystedt; Anja Almén; Magnus Båth; Åsa Mäkitalo; Karin Zachrisson; Kajsa Lindberg; Charlotta Lundh (2013).
Visualisering av osynliga risker: optimering av strålskydd för säkrare arbetsmiljö , GUP 207249
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
Art imitates life imitates art , GUP 194303
- María José Zapata Campos (2013).
The function of waste urban infrastructures as heterotopias of the city: Narratives from Gothenburg and Managua , GUP 243865
- María José Zapata Campos; C. Michael Hall (2013).
Introduction: Narratives of organising waste in the city , GUP 243866
- C. Michael Hall; María José Zapata Campos (2013).
Conclusions: Framing the organising of waste in the city , GUP 243867
- Sara Brorström; Lucarelli Andrea (2013).
Problematizing place branding research: a meta-theoretical analysis of the literature ISSN: 1469-347X, GUP 187831
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
What social science theory is, and what it is not , GUP 178751
- Joakim Forsemalm; Ilona Hadash; Karl Palmås (2013).
Station Community Transitions – A Matter of Push or Pull? , GUP 175117
- Joakim Forsemalm; Karl Palmås; Alice Dahlstrand (2013).
Det urbana stationssamhället Forsknings- och praktikeröversikt , GUP 179601
- Thomas Andersson; Roy Liff; Stefan Tengblad (2013).
Multiprofessionella team – mellan ideal och verklighet , GUP 182899
- Barbro Johansson; MariAnne Karlsson (2013).
Att kombinera forskning och utveckling , GUP 172379
- Sara Brorström (2013).
Strategizing sustainability – the case of River City Gothenburg , GUP 188405
- Joakim Forsemalm (2013).
From Creep to Co-op: Research(er) Paying the Cost of Displacement ISSN: 2000-1525, GUP 184043
- Daniel Gillberg; Helene Brembeck; Ylva Berglund; Joakim Forsemalm; Niklas Hansson (2013).
Urban Cultures: Fallet Kommersen , GUP 175657
- Joakim Forsemalm; Axel Demker (2013).
Urban Qualities: ett kunskapsområde , GUP 193561
- Johan Dergård; Kristina Jonäll; Gunnar Rimmel (2013).
The Interplay Between Internal and External intellectual capital Reporting , GUP 204740
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2013).
Translating development aid into city management: the barrio Acahualinca integrated development programme in Managua, Nicaragua ISSN: 1099-162X, GUP 159759
- Hanna Nilsson-Lindén; Henrikke Baumann; Andreas Diedrich (2013).
The role of knowledge and capabilities in a sustainable product chain context - a literature review , GUP 183854
- Asgeir B. Torfason (2013).
Methods for Making Sense of Cash Flow in Banks ISSN: 2298-3112, GUP 193982
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2013).
Storytelling History: the use of the past in banks , GUP 187257
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2013).
A longitudinal study of progression in students’ knowledge in three accounting courses , GUP 185318
- Ulla Johansson-Sköldberg; Jill Woodilla (2013).
Identifying identities: Recognizing paradoxical identities for students in a design management program , GUP 183474
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Susse Georg (2013).
The sustainability and serendipity of SCANCOR , GUP 183470
- Hervé Corvellec; María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2013).
Extending the realm of accounting inscriptions: Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) solid waste collection invoicing and the moral enrolment of residents in environmental governance , GUP 187146
- Göran Aijmer (2013).
Counterpoint and social belonging: Creator and creatix in Southwestern China ISSN: 0890-1112, GUP 196811
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
Om kreolska forskare, hybrida ämnen och pidginskrivande , GUP 196393
- Asgeir B. Torfason (2013).
Kings of cash - Actual flow and accounted flow in banks ISSN: 2298-3112, GUP 193980
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2013).
Students’ progression in knowledge development: A longitudinal study , GUP 185317
- Hervé Corvellec; Johan Hultman (2013).
Waste management companies: Critical urban infrastructural services that design the socio-materiality of waste , GUP 195404
- Hervé Corvellec (2013).
Why ask what theory is? , GUP 195403
- Hervé Corvellec (2013).
What is theory? Answers from the social and cultural sciences. , GUP 195402
- Maria Norbäck; Elena Raviola (2013).
An old solution and recycled problems: Doing institutional work on Swedish public service television , GUP 183476
- Jakob Wenzer (2013).
Foodscapes , GUP 175560
- Jakob Wenzer (2013).
Brands , GUP 175558
- Jakob Wenzer (2013).
Aesthetics , GUP 175556
- Daniel Normark; Inger Huldt; Bengt Norrving (2013).
Från läkarskola till medicinskt universitet , GUP 172946
- Barbro Johansson (2013).
Kvalitativ barndomsforskning , GUP 172350
- Barbro Johansson (2013).
Forskning om barn - intervju , GUP 172353
- Barbro Johansson (2013).
Forskning om barn - deltagande observation , GUP 172351
- Barbro Johansson (2013).
Att involvera barn i forskning , GUP 174047
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
The uncertaintes of consulting ISSN: 0020-8825, GUP 184226
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2013).
An Application of Variation Theory of Learning in Higher Education , GUP 183969
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2013).
En metaanalys av en fragmentarisk slutteori om ledarskap , GUP 183978
- K. Edwards; T. Chevaillier; F. Galan; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2013).
Institutional Evaluation Programme. Istanbul University. Follow-Up Evaluation Report. , GUP 183972
- Dennis Töllborg (2013).
Whistleblowers, Informanter och Integritetsbärare ISSN: 1100-7761, GUP 183511
- Carl-Christian Trönnberg; Sven Hemlin (2013).
Are loan officers giving loans based on a hunch? Having troubles with ending a relationship? Bankers are too! , GUP 183485
- Andreas Diedrich; Alexander Styhre (2013).
Constructing the employable immigrant: The uses of validation practices in Sweden ISSN: 1473-2866, GUP 188151
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
Negotiating selves: Gender at work ISSN: 1532-5555 , GUP 185819
- Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2013).
Urban policy mobilities and local translations of compliance and contestation within development-aid regeneration programs. The case of the Acahualinca Integrated Development Programme in Managua, Nicaragua. , GUP 182007
- Leif Denti; Stefan Tengblad; Sven Hemlin (2013).
Rätt ledarskap gynnar innovativt arbete , GUP 187089
- Sven Hemlin; Carl Martin Allwood; Ben Martin; Michael Mumford (2013).
Conclusion , GUP 181303
- Sven Hemlin; Carl Martin Allwood; Ben Martin; Michael Mumford (2013).
Introduction: Why leadership is important for creativity in science technology and innovation , GUP 181302
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2013).
Switching Managua on! Connecting informal settlements to the formal city through household waste collection ISSN: 0956-2478, GUP 174115
- Roy Liff; Thomas Andersson (2013).
The multi-professional team as a post NPM control regime ISSN: 2000-8058, GUP 179252
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
Organizations as obstacles to organizing , GUP 175741
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Elisabeth Sundin (2013).
What if administrative man was a woman. ISSN: 1100-3693, GUP 174994
- Karl Ydén; Joakim Berndtsson (2013).
Efter Afghanistan? Försvaret, kriget och svenskarna , GUP 194428
- Ulla Johansson-Sköldberg; Jill Woodilla; M. Cetinkaya (2013).
Design Thinking: Past, Present and Possible Futures ISSN: 0963-1690, GUP 180061
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2013).
Book review: Karin Klenke (2011) Women in leadership. Contextual dynamics and boundaries. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 183514
- Eva Álvarez de Andrés; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2013).
Stop the evictions! The diffusion of networked social movements and the emergence of a new hybrid public space. The case of the Spanish Mortgage Victims Group , GUP 182004
- Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2013).
When visions for better urban futures development are turned into practice. The case of the Acahualinca Development Programme in Managua, Nicaragua , GUP 182006
- María José Zapata Campos; C. Michael Hall (2013).
Organising waste in the city , GUP 178491
- Dennis Töllborg (2013).
La Clé , GUP 183512
- Dennis Töllborg (2013).
Black 12. The harm has to be spelled out , GUP 183506
- Carl-Christian Trönnberg; Sven Hemlin; Magnus Jansson (2013).
The occurrence and validity of different decision making styles in lending decisions , GUP 182419
- Asgeir B. Torfason (2013).
Accounting in Financial Institutions , GUP 193984
- Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Petra Adolfsson; Anna Bohlin (2013).
Lokalsamhälle och kulturarv: Deltagande och dialogskapande i praktiken , GUP 177357
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2013).
Doing of gender and scientific knowledge production. ISSN: 2040-7149, GUP 174992
- Egle Rindzeviciute (2013).
The Geopolitics of Distinction: Negotiating Regional Spaces in the Baltic Museums , GUP 175294
- Egle Rindzeviciute (2013).
Entrepreneurs of a Difficult Past: The Organisation of Knowledge Regimes in Post-Soviet Lithuanian Museums ISSN: 1568-1858, GUP 175292
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio; A. Mutch (2013).
In Search of Historical Methods ISSN: 1744-9359, GUP 187244
- Kajsa Lindberg; Lars Walter (2013).
Objects-in-Use and Organizing in Action Nets: A Case of an Infusion ISSN: 1552-6542, GUP 162370
- Gary Kokk; Sten Jönsson (2013).
Visual research methods and the importance of analytical spaces ISSN: 1744-9359, GUP 176007
- Sten Jönsson (2013).
Market making , GUP 185274
- Sten Jönsson (2013).
Accounting and Business Economics traditions in Sweden: A Pragmatic View , GUP 175167
- Sven Hemlin; Carl Martin Allwood; Ben R Martin; Michael D Mumford (2013).
Creativity and leadership in science, technology and innovation. , GUP 176534
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Kerstin Sahlin (2013).
What is the role of collegiality in modern universities? Compositions of governance ideals and governance practices , GUP 183472
- Barbara Czarniawska; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2013).
Women and work in family soap operas ISSN: 0968-6673, GUP 175739
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Susse Georg (2013).
The sustainability and serendipity of SCANCOR ISSN: 1501-8237, GUP 193190
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Susse Georg (2013).
The sustainability and serendipity of SCANCOR ISSN: 2298-3112, GUP 183203
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2013).
Teknikinnovationer möter samhällsfunktioner: en företagsekonomisk analys , GUP 183513
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Marcus Lindahl (2013).
Technology & management , GUP 177127
- Andreas Diedrich (2013).
Translating validation of prior learning in practice ISSN: 0260-1370, GUP 179439
- Andreas Diedrich; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Lena Ewertsson; Johan Hagberg; Anette Hallin; Fredrik Lavén; Kajsa Lindberg; Elena Raviola; Egle Rindzeviciute; Lars Walter (2013).
Exploring the Performativity Turn in Management Studies ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 184044
- Andreas Diedrich; Fredrik Lavén (2013).
Frozen fish and mummies: On the role of preserved objects in organizing , GUP 188248
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
Things and words ISSN: 1469-7017, GUP 183502
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
The tales of institutional entrepreneurs. , GUP 174648
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
Sociology and the Unintended, Adriana Mica, Arkadiusz Peisert, Jan Winczorek (Eds.), Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, (2011), 387 pp. ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 187090
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
On meshworks and other complications of portraying contemporary organizing ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 185566
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
Killing it softly with numbers: Übersetzungen operationellen Risikomanagements , GUP 185276
- Barbara Czarniawska (2013).
Is speed good? ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 174647
- Barbara Czarniawska; Carmelo Mazza (2013).
Consulting university: A reflection from inside ISSN: 0267-4424, GUP 175740
- Anna Cregård; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2013).
800 ord till Rolf Solli , GUP 183577
- Hervé Corvellec; María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2013).
Infrastructures, lock-in, and sustainable urban development. The case of waste incineration in the Göteborg Metropolitan Area ISSN: 0959-6526, GUP 170228
- T. Bull; G. Kurzynski; G. Alaburdaite; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2013).
Institutional Evaluation Programme. Performance in Research, Performance in Teaching – Quality, Diversity, and Innovation in Romanian Universities Project. Technical Academy of Music Ghorghe Dima, Cluj Napoca. Evaluation Report , GUP 183973
- Sara Brorström; Parment Anders (2013).
Driving Forces and Effects of Urbanization: Implications for Place Branding in Metro and Rural areas , GUP 188408
- Sara Brorström; Parment Anders (2013).
Constituents of place attractiveness among young citizens in metro and rural areas , GUP 188407
- Rebecka Arman; Roy Liff; Ewa Wikström (2013).
The hierarchization of competing logics in psychiatric care in Sweden , GUP 184206
- Carl Martin Allwood; Sven Hemlin; Ben Martin (2013).
Creative knowledge environments , GUP 181316
- Andreas Diedrich (2013).
"Who's giving us the answers?" Interpreters and the validation of prior foreign learning ISSN: 1464-519X, GUP 166452
- Leif Denti; Isak Barbopuolos; Ida Nilsson; Linda Holmberg; Magdalena Thulin; Malin Wendeblad; Lisa Andén; Emelie Davidsson (2012).
Sweden's largest Facebook study , GUP 155639
- Deirdre Nansen McCloskey (2012).
A liberal and rhetorical reply ISSN: 1053-5357, GUP 276781
- T. Andersson; Roy Liff (2012).
Multiprofessional cooperation and accountability pressures. Consequences of a post-new public management concept in a new public management context ISSN: 1471-9037, GUP 276765
- Elena Raviola (2012).
EXPLORING ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMINGS: Journalism and business management in newspaper organizations ISSN: 1369118X, GUP 273166
- Joakim Forsemalm; Knut Strömberg (2012).
On Dialogues and Municipal Learning in City Building: Examples from Waterfront Development in Gothenburg , GUP 155517
- Ulf Bjereld; Karl Ydén; Joakim Berndtsson (2012).
Svensk säkerhetspolitisk opinion ISSN: 1101-2412, GUP 180849
- Barbro Johansson; Eva Ossiansson (2012).
Managing the everyday health puzzle in Swedish families with children ISSN: 0740-9710, GUP 163941
- Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
W żelaznej klatce narracji ISSN: 1644-8340, GUP 162661
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2012).
Changing La Chureca: Organizing City Resilience Through Action Nets ISSN: 1469-7017, GUP 159152
- María José Zapata Campos; Michael Hall (2012).
Public–private collaboration in the tourism sector: balancing legitimacy and effectiveness in local tourism partnerships. The Spanish case ISSN: 1940-7971, GUP 153743
- Sara Brorström (2012).
The city as constituted by numbers – accounting practices shaping the future city , GUP 212416
- Joakim Forsemalm (2012).
Transdisciplinarity: making way for a critical proximity? , GUP 162690
- Sara Brorström (2012).
Älvstaden – lärdomar från visions- och strategiprocessen , GUP 187834
- Sara Brorström; Rolf Solli (2012).
Framtidens historia – en studie om visioner, strategier och planer i svenska stora städer , GUP 212345
- Sara Brorström (2012).
Managing Local Identity – an organizational perspective , GUP 212417
- Sara Brorström; Joakim Åström (2012).
Dialog Centrala Älvstaden , GUP 212343
- Sara Brorström (2012).
Local government actors' making sense of the financial crisis ISSN: 2000-8058, GUP 187815
- Hervé Corvellec (2012).
"Arbetsliv utan maktperspektiv: Arbets- och organisationspsykologi: Individ och organisation i samspel” by Gunnar Aronsson, Johnny Hellgren, Kerstin Isaksson, Gunn Johansson, Magnus Sverke, Ingemar Torbiörn (Natur och Kultur, 2012) ISSN: 2001-2292, GUP 195432
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2012).
Memory and Narrative in Organizations: Story-ing memory and narrative of the past in banks , GUP 187259
- David Bevan; Hervé Corvellec (2012).
The impossibility of corporate ethics: For a Lévinasian approach to managerial ethics , GUP 195424
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2012).
Skönhet, genus, estetisk kirurgi och lycka , GUP 174866
- Asgeir B. Torfason (2012).
Social Media and Research , GUP 194073
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2012).
Vivere la creatività: storie di artigiane creative , GUP 187254
- H. Nazare; E. Emel; N. Kiiskinen; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2012).
Institutional Evaluation Programme. Performance in Research, Performance in Teaching – Quality, Diversity, and Innovation in Romanian Universities Project. Technical University, Cluj Napoca. Evaluation Report. , GUP 183974
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2012).
The travel of the 'waste transfer station' idea to Managua. Local translations of compliance and contestation. , GUP 171811
- Anna Rylander; Mary Jo Hatch (2012).
Is the Future of Management Design? A Pragmatist View , GUP 168107
- Mary Jo Hatch (2012).
The pragmatics of branding: an application of Dewey's theory of aesthetic expression ISSN: 0309-0566, GUP 164084
- Jakob Wenzer (2012).
Anxiety Stimulants. Novel social practices, psychotropes and biomedicine , GUP 163938
- John Magnus Roos (2012).
Konsumtionsrapporten 2012 , GUP 170504
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2012).
Feminine choice and masculine needs: gender in perfume packaging , GUP 163934
- Daniel Normark (2012).
Mobile Materialeties: towards an ethno-logistical investigation of consumer-assemblages , GUP 162467
- Daniel Normark (2012).
The City and Consumption: managing the sense of consuming , GUP 162466
- Daniel Normark (2012).
Sutured and Sundered: The order-productive cohort of carsons, mophonkers and other consumer-assemblages visiting a petrol station , GUP 162405
- Barbro Johansson; Eva Ossiansson (2012).
Hälsopusslet - en utmaning för familjen , GUP 168531
- Frances Hultgren; Barbro Johansson (2012).
Taking part or taking over? Children’s participation in culture consumption. , GUP 163937
- Barbro Johansson (2012).
Meatballs with ice-cream: Foodscapes in children’s drawings , GUP 163936
- Barbro Johansson (2012).
Doing adulthood in childhood research ISSN: 0907-5682, GUP 156353
- John Magnus Roos; Jakob Wenzer; Ulrika Holmberg (2012).
Lobbying, konsensus och egenintresse. Användarrepresentanters upplevelser av standardiseringsprocessen , GUP 166698
- John Magnus Roos; Ulrika Holmberg (2012).
Personlighetstyper och köpvanor , GUP 163947
- Niklas Hansson (2012).
Adding (moving) parts to an understanding of market attachment: a socio- material analysis of families’ consumer logistics and mundane consumption experiences , GUP 171406
- Niklas Hansson; Helene Brembeck (2012).
Consumover Citizens and Sustainability Discourse: Practicing Consumer Agency through Moving with Commodities ISSN: 0885-2111, GUP 168404
- Niklas Hansson; Helene Brembeck (2012).
Consumover Citizens and Sustainability Discourse: Practicing Consumer Agency through Moving With Commodities , GUP 164308
- Niklas Hansson (2012).
Ethnography of Family Consumption in Motion or To Follow Socio-material Assemblages: adding (moving) parts to an explanation of consumption , GUP 163930
- Niklas Hansson; Helene Brembeck (2012).
Consumover citizens and sustainability directives: views ‘from outside’ and “from within” consumers’ own logistics , GUP 163926
- Petra Adolfsson (2012).
Just a box of pills? When pharmaceuticals came to the supermarket. ISSN: 1971-8853, GUP 176270
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2012).
Every Heaven requires its Hell: the consume & discard society and the invisible city , GUP 171804
- Anette Hallin (2012).
Book review: Process, Sensemaking & Organizing, T. Hernes, S. Maitlis ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 157528
- Claes Ohlsson (2012).
The Rhetoric of Financial Literacy ISSN: 0260-1079, GUP 174230
- Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
Nowe techniki badan terenowych: shadowing. , GUP 173438
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy L. Wilson (2012).
The Video Game Industry: Formation, Present State, and Future , GUP 173226
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Marie Lumsden (2012).
Collaborative production of pedagogical knowledge: enhancing students' learning ISSN: 1758-1184, GUP 157485
- Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
Does planning belong to the politics of the past? ISSN: 2084-0845, GUP 171978
- Thomas Andersson; Roy Liff; Stefan Tengblad (2012).
Medarbetarskap, professioner och samarbeten , GUP 171902
- Thomas Andersson; Roy Liff (2012).
Multi-professional cooperation and accountability pressures – Consequences of a post-NPM concept in a NPM context. ISSN: 1471-9037, GUP 171901
- María José Zapata Campos (2012).
Waste tourism: guided tours to the city back regions , GUP 171809
- Dennis Töllborg (2012).
Gubbe! En sustainable genuskorrekt modernt digital hyllning till Håkan Hydén från några vänner. , GUP 169784
- Leif Denti; Sven Hemlin (2012).
- Petra Adolfsson; Andreas Diedrich; Fredrik Lavén; Lars Walter (2012).
I förändringens tid - vardagsberättelser från Försvarsmakten , GUP 168509
- Fredrik Lavén (2012).
When policy meets practice - Exploring performativity and translation in efforts of organizing innovation , GUP 168118
- Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
New plots are badly needed in finance: accounting for the financial crisis of 2007-2010 ISSN: 0951-3574, GUP 168180
- Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
Accounting and detective stories: An excursion to the USA in the 1940s. ISSN: 0951-3574, GUP 157504
- Sven Hemlin; Peter Van den Besselaar; Inge van der Weijden (2012).
Editorial Introduction to the special issue: collaboration and competition in research ISSN: 0952-8733, GUP 166808
- Sven Hemlin; Lisa Olsson; Leif Denti (2012).
Leaders’ enhancement of leader–member exchange (LMX) relationships: An examination of leaders’ cognitive support and knowledge resources in research groups , GUP 166813
- Sven Hemlin; Lisa Olsson (2012).
Psychology of research groups: Creativity and performance. , GUP 166661
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Elisabeth Sundin (2012).
Genusperspektiv på företagsekonomi , GUP 166625
- Andreas Diedrich; Alexander Styhre (2012).
International expertise and local know-how in the trading zone ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 164057
- Kristina Lundevall; Anette Hallin; Mikael Lagergren; Magnus Wretling (2012).
eStrategy Creation in a Local Swedish Government ISSN: 1988-625X, GUP 165288
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2012).
When corporations become too socially responsible, Investigating self-reinforcing mechanisms in socially responsible workforce reduction , GUP 163837
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2012).
Gender equality, sustainability, and performativity , GUP 162688
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2012).
Gender changes, organizational institutionalization, and sustainability , GUP 162687
- Lars Walter (2012).
Matchningsfabriken ISSN: 1400-9692, GUP 163873
- Peter Zackariasson (2012).
Translation, Transmission and Interaction: Making the Museum of World Culture Relevant to Local Culture , GUP 163659
- Carl-Christian Trönnberg; Sven Hemlin (2012).
Banker's lending decision making: a psychological approach ISSN: 0307-4358, GUP 163450
- Carl-Christian Trönnberg; Sven Hemlin (2012).
Lending Decision Making in Banks - A Criticial Incident Study of Loan Officers , GUP 163107
- C Solà; N Whelan; C Stråhlman; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2012).
Izmir University of Economics. Follow-Up Evaluation Report , GUP 162810
- Thomas Andersson; Roy Liff (2012).
Does patient-centred care mean risk aversion and risk ignoring? Unintended consequences of NPM reforms ISSN: 0951-3558, GUP 162809
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Roy Liff (2012).
Members' Sensemaking in a Multi-Professional Team ISSN: 1477-7266, GUP 162808
- Joakim Forsemalm (2012).
Väskan: att bära ett opinionsarbete , GUP 162595
- Elena Raviola (2012).
Choreography, or the writing of movement. An open letter to organization scholars , GUP 162426
- Elena Raviola; Paola Dubini (2012).
The logic of practice in the practice of logics. An ethnographic study in a newspaper newsroom , GUP 162424
- Kajsa Lindberg; Alexander Styhre; Lars Walter (2012).
Assembling Health Care Organizations. Practice, Materiality and Institutions , GUP 162371
- Egle Rindzeviciute (2012).
Post-Soviet transformation of Lithuanian state cultural policy: the meanings of democratisation ISSN: 1477-2833, GUP 162348
- Elena Raviola; Maria Norbäck (2012).
Institutions as ‘permanent’ solutions to ‘permanent’ problems – The power of defining problems and their solutions , GUP 162347
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2012).
Looking at design thinking interventions as artistic interventions , GUP 161885
- Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
Operational risk, translation, and globalization ISSN: 1897-9254, GUP 161447
- Leif Denti; Sven Hemlin (2012).
Leadership and innovation in organizations: a systematic review of factors that mediate or moderate the relationship ISSN: 1363-9196, GUP 158917
- Pablo Boczkowski; Elena Raviola (2012).
Newsroom Meets Community in Journalism: An Account of Institutional Innovation in a French News Site , GUP 160169
- Elena Raviola (2012).
Exploring multiple framings: Journalism and Management in Newspaper Organizations. ISSN: 1468-4462, GUP 160112
- Maria Norbäck; Elena Raviola (2012).
Producing new audiences, disrupting old models. How new audience measurements change business models in publishing , GUP 160108
- Petra Adolfsson; Rolf Solli (2012).
GPMS Proceedings 2011 , GUP 159926
- Karl Ydén; Joakim Berndtsson (2012).
När kriget kommit - svenskarna och den nya försvarspolitiken , GUP 159667
- Gunnar Wahlström (2012).
Views from the regulated: financial analysts and insider information ISSN: 1753-6715, GUP 159148
- Egle Rindzeviciute (2012).
Politics, Policy and the Discourses of Heritage in Britain, by Emma Waterton, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. ISSN: 1028-6632, GUP 158864
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy L. Wilson (2012).
Through the Looking Glass Sharply , GUP 158341
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy L. Wilson (2012).
Marketing of Video Games , GUP 158346
- Barbara Czarniawska; Carmelo Mazza (2012).
Consultants and clients from constructivist perspectives , GUP 158539
- Karl Ydén (2012).
Försvarsmakten och officerskåren – inriktning, uppgifter, kompetens ISSN: 1650-1942, GUP 157853
- Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
Organization theory meets anthropology: A story of an encounter ISSN: 2245-4217, GUP 158267
- Stig Montin; Joakim Forsemalm; Magnus Johansson (2012).
Understanding innovative regional innovation , GUP 158111
- Fredrik Lavén; Björn Remneland; Torbjörn Stjernberg (2012).
In what way do policy scripts influence practice? , GUP 157990
- Sten Jönsson (2012).
The appropriate banker and the need for ontological re-positioning , GUP 157843
- Lisa Olsson; Sven Hemlin; Anders Pousette (2012).
A multi-level analysis of leader-member exchange and creative performance in research groups ISSN: 1048-9843, GUP 157397
- Dennis Töllborg (2012).
Människa eller lort , GUP 157502
- Dennis Töllborg (2012).
Samhällsförändring eller samhällsutveckling? Är det empirin som sviktar, alzheimer som drabbar minnet eller blir bara ryggraden mjukare med åren? , GUP 157501
- Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
News agencies: The places where information permanently overflows , GUP 157241
- Orvar Löfgren; Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
The inherited theories of overflow and their challengers , GUP 157239
- Barbara Czarniawska; Orvar Löfgren (2012).
Managing overflow in affluent societies , GUP 157238
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Thomas Kalling; Alexander Styhre (2012).
Organisation och organisering , GUP 157029
- Gary Kokk; Sten Jönsson; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2012).
Multi-framing as a tool in top management teams , GUP 156002
- Anna Cregård; Rolf Solli (2012).
Managers at the municipal top , GUP 155952
- Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
Business fiction: Global economy by William Gibson , GUP 145873
- Barbara Czarniawska (2012).
Cyberfactories: How news agencies produce news , GUP 150553
- Lisa Olsson; Sven Hemlin (2012).
Kreativitetsstimulerande ledarskap i forskargrupper , GUP 155543
- Marcus Jahnke; Ulla Johansson (2012).
Design och innovation – ett möte med många möjligheter , GUP 155539
- Peter Demediuk; Rolf Solli; Petra Adolfsson (2012).
People Plan their Park: Voice and Choice through Participatory Budgeting ISSN: 1833-1882, GUP 155123
- Dennis Töllborg (2012).
Älska din navel! Om illojal maktanvändning, den offentliga lögnen och skydd för whistle-blowers , GUP 154966
- Carina Gråbacke (2011).
Das schwedische Reiseunternehmen Reso und die Organisierung der Freizeit in der Zwischenkriegszeit. ISSN: 0029-1595, GUP 256399
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2011).
Exercising social responsibility in downsizing: enrolling and mobilizing actors at a Swedish high-tech company ISSN: 0170-8406, GUP 144240
- Joakim Forsemalm; Stig Montin; Magnus Johansson; Lars Lilled; Elin Johansson; Jan Gustafsson; Ylva Löf; Kerstin Elias (2011).
Governance - att styra med insikt snarare än avsikt , GUP 155514
- Sara Brorström (2011).
What’s within a brand? Branding municipalities through projects”. , GUP 212346
- Sara Brorström (2011).
Finanskrisen i backspegeln - kris eller inte kris? , GUP 212344
- Sara Brorström (2011).
Hur skapar man kommunal identitet? , GUP 212331
- Sara Brorström; Björn Brorström (2011).
Tre typer av kommunkriser , GUP 212330
- Hervé Corvellec (2011).
Even Beyond Humanity: A comment on “Change and Commitment: Beyond Risk and Responsibility” by Silvio Funtowicz & Roger Strand. , GUP 195548
- Hervé Corvellec (2011).
New Rhetoric and organization stud , GUP 195541
- Hervé Corvellec (2011).
Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca: Arguing and organizing , GUP 195439
- Hervé Corvellec (2011).
The narrative structure of risk accounts ISSN: 1460-3799, GUP 195437
- David Bevan; Hervé Corvellec; Eric Faÿ (2011).
Responsibility beyond CSR ISSN: 0167-4544, GUP 195436
- Thomas Andersson; Roy Liff; Stefan Tengblad (2011).
Ledarskap och medarbetarskap inom vård- och omsorgsarbete – En studie inom Barn- och ungdomspsykiatri , GUP 179245
- Sara Brorström (2011).
Review of Martin Kornberger (2010) “Brand Society, how brands transform management and lifestyle” , GUP 187830
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2011).
Life and Miracles of a bank , GUP 187277
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2011).
Organizational memories, histories and stories: Twenty years in the life of a bank , GUP 187262
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2011).
The Gendered Bottle: Meaning-Making in Luxury Packaging ISSN: 1650-3686, GUP 145898
- Jakob Wenzer (2011).
Food-related practices in Gothenburg, Sweden , GUP 163172
- Jakob Wenzer (2011).
Foodscapes , GUP 144392
- John Magnus Roos (2011).
Konsumtionsrapporten 2011 , GUP 150259
- John Magnus Roos; Ulrika Holmberg (2011).
För hvad pris som helst , GUP 144802
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2011).
Cyborgs , GUP 150280
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2011).
Konsumtion, genus och design , GUP 146568
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2011).
Doften av genus: Förhandlingar kring kvinnligt, manligt och parfymer ISSN: 1654-5443, GUP 145802
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2011).
Parfym, genus och konsumtionsmakt , GUP 144400
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2011).
Behåll kläderna på! Sexig och smidig med Stripaerobics! , GUP 135939
- Jan Lindsten; Olof Ljungström; Daniel Normark (2011).
Karolinska Institutet 200 år ISSN: 1402-9871, GUP 162664
- Daniel Normark (2011).
Consumer Logistics: Understanding the mundane use of container technologies for mobility in consumption in cities , GUP 162469
- Daniel Normark (2011).
An everyday encounter with road representations , GUP 162468
- Bengt Norrving; Daniel Normark (2011).
"meddelande från direktionen" , GUP 162459
- Kerstin Hagenfedt; Inger Huldt; Daniel Normark (2011).
Utveckling pågår , GUP 162458
- Ingemar Ernberg; Daniel Normark (2011).
Att bygga forskning , GUP 162457
- Peter Aspelin; Daniel Normark (2011).
Nästa dans damernas , GUP 162438
- Daniel Normark; Johan Hagberg (2011).
From basket to paper-bag: the reconfiguration of the housewife assemblage in the transformation of shopping mobility, urban infrastructures and retailing in the 20th century Sweden , GUP 147001
- Johan Hagberg; Daniel Normark (2011).
Consumer Logistics: Equipping the consumers as human-container-thing assemblages , GUP 146136
- Frances Hultgren; Barbro Johansson; Amira Sofie Sandin; Ullabritt Möller; Karin Olsson Lindström; Anna-Karin Albertsson (2011).
Forskningsprojektet KUMBA och Barnens kulturrum , GUP 151915
- Barbro Johansson (2011).
Barn och konsumtionsmakt , GUP 144391
- Helene Brembeck; Barbro Johansson (2011).
Matlandskap och barns kroppar , GUP 135942
- Helene Brembeck; Michèle Lalanne; Niklas Hansson; Claire Thébault (2011).
Practices of consumer logistics among families with children and the elderly: human-container assemblages and task oriented shopping. , GUP 171426
- Helene Brembeck; Niklas Hansson (2011).
Konsumtion i rörelse. Att följa socio-materiella assemblage. ISSN: 1102-7908, GUP 150947
- Niklas Hansson; Kerstin Jacobsson (2011).
Affects of animal rights activism: Subjectivity, sense and sensibility , GUP 150252
- Ulrika Holmberg; Niklas Hansson (2011).
Skilled, Sensitive and Sustainable: The Swedish Case , GUP 145804
- Richard Milne; Jakob Wenzer; Helene Brembeck; Maria Brodin (2011).
Fraught cuisine: food scares and the modulation of anxieties ISSN: 1600-910X, GUP 144801
- Lotta Victor Tillberg (2011).
Kvalitetsrevisionen – en dokumentär komposition om konsten att vårda , GUP 175961
- Jan-Gunnar Isberg; Lotta Victor Tillberg (2011).
By All Necessary Means: Brigadier General Jan-Gunnar Isberg's Experiences from Service in the Congo 2003-2005 , GUP 175962
- Lotta Victor Tillberg; Peter Tillberg (2011).
Uppdrag Chef - åtta militära chefers erfarenheter från internationella operationer , GUP 175900
- Anna Rylander (2011).
Designers as Language Innovators? Implications for Designers and Managers with Design-Driven Innovation , GUP 168110
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2011).
Avfall i översättning , GUP 149006
- Lars Walter (2011).
Arbetes villkor: En studie av att arbeta som uthyrd sjuksköterska , GUP 152533
- Maria Norbäck; Elena Raviola (2011).
Bringing materiality in institutional theory. An ethnographic study of a newspaper , GUP 160174
- Elena Raviola (2011).
Exploring professionalism at work in a time of institutional change , GUP 160172
- Maria Norbäck; Elena Raviola (2011).
Here is the solution: where is the problem? Bringing agencement into institutional theory , GUP 160173
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Does planning belong to the politics of the past? , GUP 147997
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Nomadic work as life-story plot , GUP 148287
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Operational risk, translation, and glocalization , GUP 149707
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
University Fashions , GUP 148285
- Andreas Diedrich; Lars Walter; Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Boundary stories: Constructing the Validation Centre in West Sweden , GUP 138960
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
New plots are badly needed in finance: Accounting for the financial crisis of 2007-2010 , GUP 138812
- Rolf Solli; Peter Demediuk; Petra Adolfsson (2011).
”Varför medborgarbudget nu?” , GUP 153099
- Mikael Cäker; Thomas Andersson; Mikael Wickelgren (2011).
Formal incentive systems in organizations with a Swedish management style: Conflict or interaction? , GUP 151858
- Fredrik Lavén (2011).
Konversationer om Fältet – Empiriska och Teoretiska Resonemang i Praktiken , GUP 155117
- Andreas Diedrich; Fredrik Lavén (2011).
Frozen Fish and mummies: On the Role of preserved objects in organizing , GUP 155116
- Katarina Lagerström; Fredrik Lavén; Björn Remneland Wikhamn; Lars Walter (2011).
Ringar på Vattnet, en vänbok till Torbjörn Stjernberg , GUP 152532
- María José Zapata Campos (2011).
Organising the overflow of waste in the city. From waste to energy. What is lost in translation? , GUP 153767
- María José Zapata Campos; Michael Hall; Patricia Lindo; Mieke Vanderschaeghe (2011).
Can community-based tourism contribute to development and poverty alleviation? Lessons from Nicaragua. In Current Issues in Tourism, vol 14 (8): 725-749 ISSN: 1368-3500, GUP 153739
- Egle Rindzeviciute (2011).
When Formal Organisations Meet Informal Relations in Soviet Lithuania: Action Nets, Networks and Boundary Objects in the Construction of the Lithuanian Sea Museum ISSN: 1392-2343, GUP 153101
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Narrating organization studies ISSN: 1387-6740, GUP 153091
- Claes Ohlsson (2011).
The roles of intertextual relations in corporate codes of conduct , GUP 152944
- Lars Walter (2011).
Arbetsförmedlingens dubbla funktion: att stödja och att kontrollera , GUP 152536
- Sten Jönsson (2011).
Ute på fältet , GUP 151930
- Gustav Lundkvist; Thomas Polesie; Asgeir B. Torfason (2011).
Att bygga en stad. Vilka värden ligger bakom? , GUP 149464
- Anna Cregård; Rolf Solli (2011).
Kommundirektörsrollens utveckling. - en longitudinell studie , GUP 151660
- Karl Ydén (2011).
Det var en gång en rapport , GUP 150827
- Mikael Wickelgren (2011).
Biltransporter – vår käraste utgift? , GUP 150720
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2011).
Teachers’ ways of understanding teaching and students’ learning: Implications of a Learning Study in Accounting , GUP 150558
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; B. Sandoval Figueroa; M. Neumann Aillon; J. Chandía Herrera; V. Monje Yáñez; A. Palavecino Bustos (2011).
Development of elementary school teachers’ inferential skills and reading comprehension in Chile , GUP 150557
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2011).
Collaborative Production of Pedagogical Knowledge in Higher Education , GUP 150555
- Sanja Vujicic; Mikael Wickelgren (2011).
Destination Branding in Relation to Airports: The Case of the City of Valencia ISSN: 1567-7141, GUP 143308
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2011).
Raccontare la banca: la banca racconta. Storytelling e ricerca narrativa nelle organizzazioni ISSN: 0391-7045, GUP 150078
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2011).
Life and Miracles of Bank: Stories and metaphors in-between narrated worlds and acts of narrating ISSN: 1475-9551, GUP 150076
- Gary Kokk (2011).
Ett yrke på reträtt: en rapport om produktionsteknikers arbetssituation på Volvo Lastvagnar , GUP 150022
- Roy Liff; Thomas Andersson (2011).
Integrating or disintegrating effects of customized care: the role of professions beyond NPM ISSN: 1477-7266, GUP 149179
- Lars Strannegård; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2011).
Organisering , GUP 149178
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2011).
The Governance of Waste-to-Energy Infrastructures: Locking in “Sustainable Urban Transformations”? , GUP 148859
- Asgeir B. Torfason; Gustav Lundkvist; Thomas Polesie (2011).
Att värdera en byggnad , GUP 148115
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2011).
Global narratives of sustainable waste governance in Managua, Nicaragua , GUP 148357
- Gary Kokk (2011).
Manufacturing engineers: observing the interactive molding of expert roles , GUP 147010
- Roy Liff (2011).
Professional and organizational responses to accountability pressures - co-optation , GUP 148136
- Asgeir B. Torfason (2011).
Hur bedömer banker sitt eget kassaflöde , GUP 148135
- Andreas Diedrich; Lars Walter; Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Boundary stories: Constructing the Validation Centre in West Sweden ISSN: 2000-8058, GUP 148112
- Andreas Diedrich; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Alexander Styhre (2011).
Sorting people out – The uses of one-dimensional classificatory schemes in a multi-dimensional world ISSN: 1475-9551, GUP 148110
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Performativity in place of responsibility? ISSN: 0953-4814, GUP 148053
- Andreas Diedrich (2011).
Uppföljning av Valideringsdelegationens pilotverksamhet. ”Validering till 1000” , GUP 147811
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2011).
Jämställdhet i organisationer – hur förändring görs hållbar , GUP 147779
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Antropologia organizacji: wczoraj i dziś ISSN: 1644-9584, GUP 147642
- Kristian Wasén (2011).
Robotic Surgery: Using Remote Proximity to Provide a New Method of Work in Complex Service Production Environments ISSN: 1547-4836, GUP 147246
- Kristian Wasén (2011).
Holographic Organizational Design: Increasing Employee Engagement and Distributing Creativity ISSN: 1547-4836, GUP 147247
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; U. Müllern; Alexander Styhre (2011).
Organization theory. A practice-based approach , GUP 138213
- J. Motkoski; Kristian Wasén (2011).
The Evolution of Robotic Neurosurgery: A New Paradigm in Surgical Education , GUP 147251
- Kristian Wasén; M. Brierley (2011).
The History of Remote Handling Technology in Neurosurgery , GUP 147250
- Kristian Wasén (2011).
Robotisering – Från Industri till Servicesektor , GUP 147249
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla; Mehves Cetinkaya (2011).
The emperor's new clothes or the magic wand? The past, present and future of design thinking , GUP 146941
- Gary Kokk; Mikael Wickelgren (2011).
Commemorating Taylor’s principles: time for a reappraisal? , GUP 147011
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2011).
Recognizing paradoxical identities of design managers , GUP 146945
- Jill Woodilla (2011).
Art, design and organization: Beauty in new beginnings - not? , GUP 146943
- Jean M. Forray; Jill Woodilla (2011).
Critical management education and undergraduate short-term study abroad experiences , GUP 146942
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2011).
Creating a synergistic dialogue among design thinking, strategy, and innovation , GUP 146940
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2011).
A critical Scandinavian perspective on the paradigms dominating design management , GUP 146936
- Carl-Christian Trönnberg; Sven Hemlin (2011).
The psychology of banker´s lending decision making - A literature review and pilot interviews with Swedish loan officers , GUP 146676
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2011).
How development ideas travel. Civil society organisations as intercultural translators , GUP 143121
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2011).
Narratives of sustainable waste management in international aid agencies , GUP 143123
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2011).
Switching Managua on! Connecting forgotten wastescapes to the city , GUP 141937
- Peter Demediuk; Rolf Solli; Stephen Burgess (2011).
We Can Get Something More Complete: Participatory Budgeting to Enhance Sustainability , GUP 141275
- Rolf Solli; Peter Demediuk; Petra Adolfsson (2011).
Young People, Big Ideas: Participatory Budgeting Fixes a River , GUP 141273
- Roy Liff (2011).
Promoting cooperation in health care: creating endogenous institutions ISSN: 1746-5648, GUP 141201
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2011).
The hybridisation of city management , GUP 141199
- Petra Adolfsson (2011).
The creation of new ways of acting in the water administration field – the implementation of the EU-WFD in Sweden , GUP 141175
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Introduction to the Special Themed Section: Fashion in Research and in Management , GUP 141174
- Katarina Wetter Edman; Ulla Johansson (2011).
Service Design: User or Designdriven Innovation? , GUP 141150
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
How to study gender inequality in organizations? , GUP 141109
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2011).
Mary Parker Follett an almost forgotten giant - worth remembering , GUP 140994
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2011).
Narratives: A Love Story , GUP 127174
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2011).
Marta B. Calás and Linda Smircich. Seductive poststructuralist re-readings of leadership , GUP 139919
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Successful research: In whose eyes? ISSN: 1468-4497 , GUP 139808
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Maria Ossowska. These shoulders so elegant , GUP 139061
- Anna Cregård; Rolf Solli; Patrik Zapata (2011).
Crisis and organisational innovation – Icelandic local governments responding , GUP 138744
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Rolf Solli; Alexander Styhre (2011).
Diskriminering inom Försvarsmakten - en intersektionell analys , GUP 138284
- Sten Jönsson; Inga-Lill Johansson (2011).
Chapter 8. Communication as means for deciding about realistic possibilities , GUP 136643
- Kajsa Lindberg (2011).
Något gammalt och något nytt: Möten mellan olika inköpspraktiker , GUP 133181
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Göran Ahrne (2011).
Intervjuer , GUP 136663
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Thomas Kalling; Alexander Styhre (2011).
Organizing Technologies , GUP 135775
- Sven Hemlin; Lisa Olsson (2011).
Creativity-Stimulating Leadership: A Critical Incident Study of Leaders' Influence on Creativity in Research Groups ISSN: 1467-8691, GUP 137077
- Eva Gustavsson; Claes Ohlsson (2011).
Om sociala medier i marknadsföringens läroböcker , GUP 136978
- Sten Jönsson (2011).
Designing the social software ISSN: 1045-2354, GUP 124665
- Barbara Czarniawska (2011).
Skuggning i fältarbete , GUP 136662
- Stefan Tengblad (2011).
Visionen om det samhällsnyttiga företaget , GUP 133886
- Mikael Wickelgren (2011).
En skiss över Volvos historia , GUP 133180
- Sten Jönsson; Mikael Wickelgren (2011).
Volvo i våra hjärtan - hur ska det gå? , GUP 133178
- Sten Jönsson (2011).
Vad bör göras? , GUP 133185
- Thomas Andersson; Sten Jönsson (2011).
Floby-andan - "Här finns inga märkvärdiga människor" , GUP 133184
- Gary Kokk (2011).
Volvo Aero före 11 september och efter , GUP 133183
- Sten Jönsson (2011).
Inledning och översikt , GUP 133179
- Sven Hemlin (2010).
Fakultetsopponenten sammanfattar. Judit Simon: Kreativitetens kännetecken. En fenomenologisk studie. ISSN: 1401-6788, GUP 133300
- Egle Rindzeviciute (2010).
Purification and Hybridisation of Soviet Cybernetics. The Politics of Scientific Governance in an Authoritarian Regime ISSN: 0066-6505, GUP 129409
- Svetlana Sabelfeld; Gunnar Rimmel (2010).
The institutional dimension on the content of investor relations websites - comparing UK, Sweden and Japan. , GUP 245815
- Niklas Egels-Zandén; Joakim Sandberg (2010).
Distinctions in descriptive and instrumental stakeholder theory: A challenge for empirical research ISSN: 0962-8770, GUP 72273
- Helene Brembeck; Barbro Johansson; Kerstin Bergström; Pontus Engelbrektsson; Sandra Hillén; Lena Jonsson; MariAnne Karlsson; Eva Ossiansson; Helena Shanahan (2010).
Exploring Children’s foodscapes , GUP 156017
- Hervé Corvellec (2010).
“The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work” by de Botton, Alain (with pictures by Richard Baker, Hamish Hamilton-Penguin Group, 2009 ISSN: 0170-8406, GUP 195546
- Hervé Corvellec (2010).
Organizational risk as it derives from what managers value: A practice-based approach to risk assessment ISSN: 0966-0879, GUP 195543
- Hervé Corvellec; Nikos Macheridis (2010).
The moral responsibility of project selectors ISSN: 0263-7863, GUP 195544
- Hervé Corvellec; Leif Holmberg (2010).
Organisationers vardag: sett underifrån , GUP 195542
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre; Magnus Mörck (2010).
Den kvinnliga blicken möter "Undressmann": Manlig erotik i svensk feministisk kalender , GUP 122257
- Helene Brembeck; Barbro Johansson; Kerstin Bergström; Lena Jonsson; Eva Ossiansson; Helena Shanahan; Sandra Hillén (2010).
Barn som medforskare av matlandskap. Del 1: Medforskning , GUP 118088
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2010).
From Community Banking to Banking Giants: Hunting and Skinning in the Southwest of the United States , GUP 187282
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2010).
From Community Banking to Large Banks: Organizational Change and Experience , GUP 187281
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2010).
Style is the man, namely at least two men: dialogism and Wall Street , GUP 187280
- Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio (2010).
Corporate culture mythologies and local communities: Living amid ideology and experience , GUP 187278
- Barbro Johansson; Helene Brembeck; Kerstin Bergström; Sandra Hillén; Lena Jonsson; Eva Ossiansson; Helena Shanahan (2010).
Children as Co-Researchers – Problems and Possibilities , GUP 125014
- Jakob Wenzer (2010).
Eating out practices among Swedish youth. Gothenburg Area Foodscapes , GUP 125785
- John Magnus Roos (2010).
Konsumtionsrapporten 2010 , GUP 132039
- Ulrika Holmberg; John Magnus Roos (2010).
Konsumera mera? Konsumenternas roll efter den ekonomiska krisen , GUP 125791
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2010).
Keep your clothes on! Fit and sexy through striptease aerobics. , GUP 132026
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2010).
Gender and consumption , GUP 126165
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2010).
Bara den inte blir rosa: Genus, design och konsumtion i ett svenskt industriprojekt. , GUP 121658
- Daniel Normark (2010).
Sutuered and Sundered , GUP 162470
- Peter Aspelin; Daniel Normark (2010).
Samgåendet Hälsohögskolan och Karolinska Institutet , GUP 162463
- Helene Brembeck; Barbro Johansson; Kerstin Bergström; Sandra Hillén; Lena Jonsson; Eva Ossiansson; Helena Shanahan (2010).
Emancipatory consumer research - Working with children as co-researchers , GUP 144479
- Helene Brembeck; Barbro Johansson (2010).
Foodscapes and Children’s Bodies ISSN: 2000-1525, GUP 132031
- Barbro Johansson (2010).
Barnbibliotek - en plats för de yngsta kulturkonsumenterna , GUP 132025
- Barbro Johansson (2010).
Subjectivities of the child consumer: Beings and becomings , GUP 128425
- Barbro Johansson (2010).
Barnbibliotekariers och forskares barnperspektiv , GUP 127277
- Barbro Johansson; Eva Ossiansson (2010).
Managing the everyday health puzzle , GUP 125013
- Barbro Johansson; Eva Ossiansson (2010).
Children as co-researchers of foodscapes. , GUP 125012
- Niklas Hansson; Ulrika Holmberg (2010).
Understandings of sustainability among young professionals in Sweden , GUP 144481
- John Magnus Roos; Niklas Hansson; Ulrika Holmberg (2010).
Konsumenters information om och val av leverantörer på sex omreglerade marknader - fast telefoni, mobil telefoni, bank, försäkring, el och tandvård , GUP 173873
- Ulrika Holmberg; Niklas Hansson; John Magnus Roos (2010).
Klass och konsumtion , GUP 125793
- Marcus Jahnke; Lena Hansson (2010).
Implicit innovation – Radical symbolic and functional innovations as a result of design-driven explorations of gender issues , GUP 124662
- Lena Hansson; Marcus Jahnke (2010).
Gender Bending Through Design – an Account of a Student Project on Gender , GUP 142800
- Marcus Jahnke; Lena Hansson (2010).
Innovation of meaning through design – An analysis of gender bending design process , GUP 142794
- Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist; Anna Bohlin; Petra Adolfsson (2010).
Delaktighetens landskap. Tillgänglighet och inflytande inom kulturarvssektorn , GUP 127558
- Tatiana Pipan; Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
How to construct an actor-network: Management accounting from idea to practice ISSN: 1045-2354, GUP 117882
- Anna Rylander (2010).
Exploring Design Thinking as Pragmatist Inquiry , GUP 168126
- Anna Rylander (2010).
Hitting the Breaks: Engineering Design and the Production of Knowledge , GUP 168119
- Anna Rylander (2010).
Unpacking the Magic of Design: Design-Driven innovation as Aesthetic Experience , GUP 168117
- Paola Dubini; Elena Raviola (2010).
Perchè tutto rimanga com’è bisogna che tutto cambi , GUP 160116
- Elena Raviola (2010).
Paper Meets Web. How the Institutions of News Production Works On Paper and Online , GUP 160114
- Göran Aijmer (2010).
Cold Food, Fire and Ancestral Production: Mid-spring Celebrations in Central China ISSN: 1356-1863, GUP 139545
- Göran Aijmer (2010).
Rice, Death, and Chiefly Power in Central Borneo ISSN: 0257-9774, GUP 139535
- Karl Ydén (2010).
Den svenska militärsociologin , GUP 150824
- Franz Kernic; Tamara Tawaefi; Karl Ydén (2010).
Militärsociologi – en introduktion , GUP 150819
- Kristian Wasén (2010).
Replacement of Highly Educated Surgical Assistants by Robot Technology in Working Life: Paradigm Shift in the Service Sector. ISSN: 1875-4791, GUP 147248
- Ulla Johansson (2010).
Introduction: The history and scope of design management , GUP 146993
- Jill Woodilla (2010).
Editor's Introduction: The history and scope of the book , GUP 146994
- Ulla Johansson (2010).
An analysis of the Swedish Government's Design Program in 2003-2005 from a profitability perspective , GUP 146992
- Ulla Johansson; Lisbeth Svengren Holm (2010).
Brand management and design management: A nice couple or false friends? , GUP 146991
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2010).
Designers dancing within hierarchies: The importance of non-hierarchical power for design integration and implementation , GUP 146990
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2010).
Towards a better paradigmatic partnership between design and management , GUP 146986
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2010).
Designers Dancing with(in) Hierarchies: The Importance of Non-Hierarchical Power for Design Integration and Implementation , GUP 133128
- Jill Woodilla; Ulla Johansson (2010).
Irony as a critical perspective and a story-telling device for organizational activity. , GUP 131842
- Jill Woodilla; Ulla Johansson (2010).
New perspectives in Design Management: Selected Writings from Business & Design Lab 2007-2010 , GUP 130736
- Joakim Forsemalm (2010).
Långgatorna - förhindrad gentrifiering , GUP 145989
- Joakim Forsemalm (2010).
Långgatorna , GUP 145990
- Karl Ydén (2010).
Modern militär professionalism ISSN: 0023-5369, GUP 137601
- Karl Ydén; Hans Hasselbladh (2010).
En kår på rätt kurs? En ESO-rapport om försvarets framtida komptensförsörjning , GUP 137598
- Carina Gråbacke; Jan Jörnmark (2010).
The Making of the Million Programme , GUP 137124
- Petra Adolfsson; Rolf Solli (2010).
GPMS Proceedings 2009, Del 2 , GUP 123526
- Ann-Christine Mjölnevik (2010).
Revisionsutskott. En studie om förtroende, rättvisa och ansvar , GUP 120854
- Gunnar Wahlström (2010).
Meetings between analysts and corporate managers in Sweden: why do they exist? ISSN: 1757-9848, GUP 135607
- Katarina Wetter Edman (2010).
The concept of value in design practice - an interview study , GUP 135341
- Katarina Wetter Edman (2010).
Comparing Design Thinking with Service Dominant Logic , GUP 135345
- Katarina Wetter Edman (2010).
Exploring Overlaps and Differences in Service Dominant Logic and Design Thinking , GUP 135349
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
Going back to go forward: On studying organizing in action nets , GUP 133547
- María José Zapata Campos (2010).
The encounter of cultures in an integral sustainable development project: stories of La Chureca garbage slum , GUP 133213
- María José Zapata Campos (2010).
Hybridisation and publicness in public-private collaboration , GUP 133212
- María José Zapata Campos (2010).
Branding poverty. La Chureca, the 'slum project millionaire'. Or how does a project become a project , GUP 133211
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2010).
Business & Design Lab. , GUP 131735
- B. Schmidt-Nielsen; I. Leban; A. Gavra; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2010).
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Report on Follow-Up Visit , GUP 131592
- K Edwards; Airi Rovio-Johansson; B. Weil; N. Whelan; B. Banaszak (2010).
Istanbul University. Evaluation Report , GUP 131589
- Dennis Töllborg (2010).
Det går tydligen an? , GUP 131515
- Egle Rindzeviciute (2010).
Soviet Lithuanians, Amber and the 'New Balts': Historical Narratives of National and Regional Identities in Lithuanian Museums, 1940-2009 ISSN: 2000-1525, GUP 131411
- Dennis Töllborg (2010).
Uppdraget. En utredning om Illojal maktanvändning (Detournement de Pouvoir) som misslyckades p.g.a. illojal maktanvändning , GUP 131216
- Eva Gustavsson; Johan Hagberg; Christer Holmén; Håkan Javefors (2010).
Visioner och praktik - om examensarbetet i professionslärosätet , GUP 130815
- Egle Rindzeviciute (2010).
Imagining the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: The Politics and Economics of the Rebuilding of Trakai Castle and the 'Palace of Sovereigns' in Vilnius ISSN: 1745-8218, GUP 130655
- Gary Kokk (2010).
Resistance to change among acquired executives: The role of organizational injustice , GUP 130097
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
Come studiare la gestione dei rischi in sanità , GUP 130096
- Helene Ahl; Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
Many words about tea , GUP 130001
- Lena Ewertsson (2010).
Is Seeing Believing? The Experimental Production of Technical Standards for HDTV ISSN: 1875-2160, GUP 129894
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2010).
Bridging design and management for sustainable value: Epistemological considerations of contributing discourses , GUP 128839
- Egle Rindzeviciute (2010).
Internal Transfer of Cybernetics and Informality in the Soviet Union: The Case of Lithuania , GUP 127560
- Rolf A. Lundin; Sten Jönsson; Kristian Kreiner; Janne Tienari (2010).
The changing face of academic publishing: On the past, present and future of the Scandinavian Journal of Management ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 127559
- María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2010).
Ideas travelling through development aid organisations , GUP 127310
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
Trochę inna teoria organizacji. Organizowanie jako konstrukcja sieci działań , GUP 127173
- Dennis Töllborg (2010).
En man i grön hatt eller ämbetsmannahederligheten åter , GUP 125499
- Carina Gråbacke; K Jensen (2010).
Trade Associations in Clothing 1970 to 2000 – a Comparison between Denmark and Sweden , GUP 125404
- Elena Raviola (2010).
How institutions work. Public interest and newspapers. An ethnographic study , GUP 125179
- Elena Raviola (2010).
The soft sides of organizing integration between old and new media. , GUP 125178
- Elena Raviola (2010).
Public interest and interests of the publics. Transforming newspaper organizations , GUP 125145
- Elena Raviola (2010).
How institutions work. An ethnographic study in a newspaper , GUP 125142
- Elena Raviola (2010).
Strategic Change as development of an ideological illusion. Online-offline integration in a newspaper organization , GUP 125141
- Elena Raviola (2010).
How institutions work. An ethnographic study of a technological change in a newspaper organization , GUP 125140
- D. Stork; Jill Woodilla; S. Brown; J. Ogilvie; R. Rutter; M. Trefry (2010).
Starting with Howard Gardner's Five Minds, adding Elliott Jaques’s Responsibility Time Span: Implications for undergraduate management education ISSN: 1541-6518 , GUP 124597
- D. Litvin; D. Stork; Jill Woodilla (2010).
Wicked problems: When strategies, models and tools are not enough , GUP 124601
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2010).
How to avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater: An ironic perspective on design thinking , GUP 124600
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
Perché i manager svedesi non amano raccontare le storie? , GUP 124471
- Björn Rombach; Rolf Solli (2010).
Imparare la leadership nell'università del cinema , GUP 124472
- Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2010).
Organising La Chureca. A journey through Hell, Earth and Heaven - Global and Local actors in city-sustainability , GUP 124399
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
Janteloven i lokal oversættelse – et bindeled mellem litteratur og social praksis , GUP 123677
- Petra Adolfsson; Rolf Solli (2010).
GPMS Proceedings 2009, Del 1 , GUP 123523
- Peter Zackariasson; Nils Wåhlin; Timothy L. Wilson (2010).
Virtual identities and market segmentation in marketing in and through Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) ISSN: 1533-2969, GUP 123420
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Ole Stenvinkel Nilsson (2010).
Relative Efficiency of Research Assessment Based on External Peer Review – Evidence from Copenhagen Business School. , GUP 123382
- Rolf Solli (2010).
Kretsloppet för kompetens i fara , GUP 123239
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2010).
Gender in education: an inclusive project. , GUP 122934
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
La razionalità come prodotto organizzativo , GUP 122189
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy L. Wilson (2010).
Creativity in the Video Game Industry , GUP 122183
- Sten Jönsson (2010).
Interventionism - an approach for the future? ISSN: 1176-6093, GUP 121959
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy L. Wilson (2010).
Alternative Reality Games Explorations , GUP 121826
- Lena Ewertsson (2010).
The Triumph of Technology over Politics? Reconstructing Television Systems: The Example of Sweden , GUP 121763
- Barbara Czarniawska; Gideon Kunda (2010).
Socialization into modernity: On organizational enculturation in infantocracies. ISSN: 0953-4814, GUP 121461
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
Translation impossible? Accounting for a city project ISSN: 0951-3574, GUP 121460
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
The uses of narratology in social and policy studies ISSN: 1946-0171, GUP 121370
- Stefan Tengblad; Claes Ohlsson (2010).
The Framing of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Globalization of National Business Systems: A Longitudinal Case Study ISSN: 0167-4544, GUP 101714
- María José Zapata Campos; John Bliek (2010).
Local Economic Development through Provincial Tourism Partnership: the case of Nicaragua , GUP 109067
- Andreas Diedrich (2010).
Imagination and preparedness in organizing - The case of the outbreak of Marburg haemorrhagic fever in Angola , GUP 120768
- Andreas Diedrich (2010).
Mimesis, Paradox and Organizational Knowledge , GUP 120761
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
Business in the media: The circuit model and the interpretative templates , GUP 119620
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy L. Wilson (2010).
Paradigm Shifts in the Video Game Industry , GUP 118851
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
The construction of businesswomen in the media: Between evil and frailty , GUP 117896
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
Kvinnor, media och finanser , GUP 117884
- Barbara Czarniawska (2010).
Narratologi og feltstudier , GUP 113021
- Anette Hallin; Rolf Solli (2010).
First International Research Forum on Guided Tours - Proceedings , GUP 110569
- Elena Raviola; Benjamin J. Hartmann (2009).
Work in News Organizations: Application of Business and Economic Approaches , GUP 160121
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Kajsa Lindberg; Alexander Styhre (2009).
When the good times are over: Professionals meet new technology ISSN: 0018-7267, GUP 95898
- Christopher Kullenberg; Karl Palmås (2009).
Smitto(nto)logi: Om panspektrocismens politik och estetik. , GUP 115727
- Christopher Kullenberg; Karl Palmås (2009).
Contagiontology , GUP 115732
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2009).
Transnational Governance of Workers' Rights: Outlining a Research Agenda ISSN: 0167-4544, GUP 72906
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2009).
TNC Motives for Signing International Framework Agreements: A Continuous Bargaining Model of Stakeholder Pressure , GUP 73039
- Niklas Egels-Zandén; Markus Kallifatides (2009).
The UN Global Compact and the Enlightenment tradition: A rural electrification project under the aegis of the UN Global Compact ISSN: 1535-3958, GUP 72271
- Trish Reay; Elisabeth Goodrick; Giuseppe Delmestri; Davide Nicolini; Petra Adolfsson; Kajsa Lindberg (2009).
Institutional Logics and Material Practices: International Comparisons of Retail Pharmacy. , GUP 108835
- Hervé Corvellec (2009).
The practice of risk management: Silence is not absence ISSN: 1460-3799, GUP 195547
- Karin Wagner; Magnus Mörck (2009).
E-bio och mobilkamera. Elefanter och myror i digital visuell kultur , GUP 102156
- Lena Hansson; Marcus Jahnke (2009).
Gender bending through design - an account of a student project on gender ISSN: 1604-9705, GUP 96903
- Mikael Wickelgren (2009).
Bilen, lågkonjunkturen och morgondagens möjligheter , GUP 106272
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2009).
Genus, sportmode och flexibla fibrer , GUP 106266
- Lizette Gradén; Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2009).
Modets metamorfoser , GUP 106264
- Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2009).
Marknadshandel, mellanrum och kulturell dramatik. , GUP 97247
- Olof Ljungström; Daniel Normark (2009).
Science Lost and Found – The Historiography of Modern Scientific Research Engendered by the Karolinska Institutet Archive for the History of Medicine Project , GUP 162474
- Daniel Normark (2009).
The road as media: towards a sociology of the roadside , GUP 162473
- Daniel Normark (2009).
Blurring the boundaries between medical science, practice and industry: building a pilot plant for the treatment of Haemophilia in the 50th & 60th , GUP 162472
- Olof Ljungström; Daniel Normark (2009).
Science Lost and Found - a description of the “Archive for the History of Medicine” project Karolinska Institutet , GUP 162471
- Magnus Mörck (2009).
En reva i kostymen , GUP 106269
- Lena Hansson; Magnus Mörck; Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2009).
Design, gender and competitiveness , GUP 106259
- Magnus Mörck; Magdalena Petersson McIntyre (2009).
Bildesign som provocerar , GUP 97251
- Barbro Johansson (2009).
Barns rättigheter och synen på barn och barndom , GUP 102839
- Barbro Johansson (2009).
Barns inflytande på en stad i förändring , GUP 97250
- Barbro Johansson; Sandra Hillén; Johanna Mäkelä; Gun Roos; Gitte Laub Hansen; Tine Mark Jensen; Anna Huotilainen (2009).
Nordic Children's Foodscapes: Images and Reflections , GUP 92669
- Barbro Johansson (2009).
Sparare, delegerare och hedonistiska konsumtionsnjutare: Olika sätt att vara barnkonsument , GUP 92666
- Barbro Johansson (2009).
Driftiga bibliotekarier och läsglada barn - en studie av metodutvecklingsprojektet MVG. , GUP 92664
- Karin M. Ekström; Lena Hansson (2009).
Establishing a Healthy Drinking Culture, Systembolaget – Alcohol Monopoly and Public Health , GUP 106262
- Ulrika Holmberg; Magdalena Petersson McIntyre; Maria Brodin; Marcus Gianneschi (2009).
Nedslag i konsumtionskulturen , GUP 97244
- Alexander Styhre; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2009).
Thinking the multiple in gender and diversity studies: Examining the concept of intersectionality ISSN: 1754-2413, GUP 91468
- Elena Raviola (2009).
The Devil's Bridge: (dis)integration between online and offline news production , GUP 160180
- Elena Raviola (2009).
Organizing technological change without changing technologies. Schizofrenia and hysteria in newswork , GUP 160178
- Elena Raviola (2009).
As if the Big Other was not disintegrating: As if Newspapers were not dying , GUP 160176
- Elena Raviola (2009).
Just a matter of technological change? Journalism vs business , GUP 160175
- Paola Dubini; Elena Raviola (2009).
La capacità di tenuta dei libri , GUP 160161
- Leona Achtenhagen; Elena Raviola (2009).
Balancing Tensions During Re-Organization: Duality Management in a Newspaper Company , GUP 160159
- Peter Gade; Elena Raviola (2009).
Integration of the news and the news of integration: An organization structure perspective on Current Changes in Newspapers , GUP 160117
- Göran Aijmer (2009).
Christian de Pee, The Writing of Weddings in Middle-Period China, 2007 ISSN: 1356-1863, GUP 156556
- Claes Ohlsson (2009).
Skrota premiepensionen och återskapa tryggheten , GUP 152945
- Kajsa Lindberg; Maria Blomgren (2009).
Mellan offentligt och privat. Om styrning, praktik och intressen i hälso- och sjukvården. , GUP 81682
- Kajsa Lindberg (2009).
Samverkan , GUP 95897
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2009).
Towards an epistemological merger of design thinking, strategy and innovation , GUP 92488
- Joakim Forsemalm (2009).
”Innerstadens mellanrum och dess potentialer – exemplet Långgatorna , GUP 146009
- Joakim Forsemalm (2009).
No space for a janus-face? On post-industrial identity-assembling work and guiding signs in a small Swedish town , GUP 145992
- Joakim Forsemalm (2009).
Äldre invandrares framtida boende - en intervjustudie , GUP 145991
- Anna Cregård; Rolf Solli (2009).
Styrning genom kontakter , GUP 97657
- Thomas Andersson; Mikael Wickelgren (2009).
Who is colonizing whom? Intertwined identities in product development projects , GUP 96544
- Mikael Wickelgren; Frances Sprei; Sten Karlsson (2009).
Requirements for change in consumer car buying practices - observations from Sweden , GUP 103278
- Sanja Vujicic; Mikael Wickelgren (2009).
Destination branding in relation to airports, The Case of Valencia , GUP 92678
- Virginie Xhauflair; Gary Kokk; Eva Gustavsson; Frédéric Naedenoen; Richard Pond (2009).
Regulating outsourcing practices through social dialogue. European Commission, Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, project ref. no. VS/2007/0533, final report , GUP 130099
- Henrik Rahm; Claes Ohlsson (2009).
Klarspråksarbete, myndigheter och mottagare. Exempel från äldreomsorgen och Malmö stad , GUP 102558
- J. Forray; Jill Woodilla (2009).
Developing Worldview as a learning objective: A rubric for assessment of international travel programs ISSN: 1649-4946 , GUP 124599
- Anna Rylander (2009).
Design Thinking as Knowledge Work: Epistemological Foundations and practical Implications , GUP 108682
- Sven Hemlin; Katarina Prpic; Leif Denti (2009).
Organizational support for innovation in biosciences: Comparing high and low performers in Sweden and Croatia , GUP 104326
- Andreas Diedrich; Lars Walter (2009).
Boundary stories: The establishment of the Validation Centre in West Sweden , GUP 108674
- Egle Rindzeviciute (2009).
From Authoritarian to Democratic Cultural Policy: Making Sense of De-Sovietisation in Lithuania after 1990. , GUP 104349
- Katarina Wetter Edman (2009).
Design methods for improved service innovation. , GUP 111633
- Katarina Wetter Edman (2009).
Exploring Overlaps and Differences in Service Dominant Logic and Design Thinking , GUP 111632
- Gunnar Wahlström (2009).
Risk in practice – senior bank managers at work ISSN: 1757-9848, GUP 111539
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
STS meets MOS ISSN: 1350–5084, GUP 85243
- María José Zapata Campos (2009).
Life-cycle and impact assessment of Community-Based Tourism models in LatinoAmerica: learnings from Nicaragua , GUP 109065
- Anna Rylander (2009).
Bortom hajpen - designtänkande som epistemologist perspektiv , GUP 108710
- Andreas Diedrich; Fredrik Lavén (2009).
Standardizing management or competence? The case of the Management System for Strategic Competence Support (SS 62 40 70) , GUP 108665
- David Renemark; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2009).
From knowing to doing? A study of gender equality change , GUP 104873
- Alberto Amaral; Airi Rovio-Johansson; F. D’Ínganna; I. Leban; N. Whelan (2009).
Izmir University of Economics, Turkey. Evaluation Report. , GUP 108341
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2009).
Teachers’ ways of reconciling theory and practice: Experiences and implications of the Learning Study in an undergraduate Business programme. , GUP 108331
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Marie Lumsden (2009).
Relating Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Steps towards Empirically Based Didactic Knowledge. , GUP 108334
- Sven Hemlin (2009).
Creative Knowledge Environments: An Interview Study with Group Members and Group Leaders of University and Industry R&D Groups in Biotechnology , GUP 104204
- Claes Ohlsson (2009).
Komplext och komplicerat , GUP 102562
- Claes Ohlsson (2009).
The Rhetoric of Financial Education and Literacy , GUP 102619
- Claes Ohlsson (2009).
Guidebooks, Gadgets and Google Earth. Text perspectives on self-guiding and new technology , GUP 102563
- Björn Brorström; Sven Siverbo; Rolf Solli (2009).
Etthundra! - Redovisning, organisering och styrning , GUP 105782
- Rolf Solli (2009).
Viskande tjänstemän III - En longitudinell studie av kommunala ekonomichefer , GUP 105781
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2009).
The doing of gender equality change – and how to study it. , GUP 104874
- David Renemark; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2009).
Vad händer efter ett förändringsprojekt? - Enkätstudie av organisationer som deltog i W2T-projektet , GUP 104846
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2009).
Can gender equality changes be sustainable? , GUP 104745
- Dennis Töllborg (2009).
Sorg 2.1 En nyttig idiot fabulerar , GUP 104219
- Petra Adolfsson; Peter Dobers; Mikael Jonasson (2009).
Closing words! , GUP 104121
- Rolf Solli (2009).
The guided tour - a routine with abnormalities , GUP 104120
- Petra Adolfsson; Peter Dobers; Mikael Jonasson (2009).
Preface , GUP 104113
- Petra Adolfsson; Peter Dobers; Mikael Jonasson (2009).
Introduction - Guiding and guided tours , GUP 104114
- Petra Adolfsson (2009).
Marathon on TV as a guided tour of the city , GUP 104117
- Petra Adolfsson; Peter Dobers; Mikael Jonasson (2009).
Guiding and guided tours , GUP 104112
- Rolf Solli (2009).
Global Is Local: Recycling Familiar Components , GUP 103351
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
Analisi etnografica di un'agenzia di stampa , GUP 102225
- Peter Zackariasson (2009).
Cyberkapitalism – om konsten att tjäna pengar på döda drakar, stjäla vapen och dansa naken i virtuella världar , GUP 102158
- Rolf Solli (2009).
Hur gör danskarna och hur gör vi?. , GUP 102083
- Roy Liff; Thomas Andersson (2009).
Professioners roll i styrning av offentlig verksamhet , GUP 102062
- Petra Adolfsson; Rolf Solli (2009).
Ordning och komplexitet - offentlig sektor till vardags och i princip , GUP 102061
- Petra Adolfsson; Rolf Solli (2009).
Offentlig sektor och komplexitet. Om hantering av mål, strategier och professioner , GUP 102059
- Andreas Diedrich (2009).
Marburg virus, or a story of preparedness , GUP 101939
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
Conclusions: plans or well-practiced , GUP 101950
- Peter Zackariasson (2009).
The aesthetic threat , GUP 101949
- David Renemark (2009).
A net of Actions in the tracks of storm Gudrun , GUP 101946
- Eva Gustavsson (2009).
Adventure tourism: making risk safe , GUP 101944
- Kajsa Lindberg (2009).
Bird flu - threat or opportunity , GUP 101940
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2009).
Risk and organizing - the growth of research field , GUP 101936
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
Introduction: Action Nets , GUP 101934
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2009).
Finns det genus i maskiner? , GUP 101902
- Andreas Diedrich; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2009).
Risk och organisering – att hantera motstridiga krav. , GUP 101901
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
Narrative, Diskurse und Organisationsforschung , GUP 101898
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
Organizing in the face of risk and threat , GUP 101872
- Leif Denti (2009).
Olja i maskineriet? En Fallstudie om ett internt executive coaching program , GUP 99218
- Rolf Solli (2009).
Har vi en ny typ av ekonomichefer? , GUP 97804
- Sten Jönsson (2009).
The Study of Controller Agency , GUP 97573
- Anna Cregård; Rolf Solli (2009).
Det är något speciellt med kommunala chefer , GUP 97558
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy L. Wilson (2009).
Playing With Video Games. , GUP 97544
- Barbara Czarniawska; Jan Mouritsen (2009).
What is the object of management? How management technologies help to create manageable objects , GUP 97538
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy L. Wilson (2009).
Publisher Value in the Video Game Industry , GUP 97116
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2009).
Using new technology to re-construct gender , GUP 96804
- Gary Kokk; Cecilia Bjursell (2009).
Metaphors as tools for social change: observations from two M&A. , GUP 96935
- Thomas Andersson; Stefan Tengblad (2009).
When Complexity Meets Culture: New Public Management and the Swedish Police , GUP 96543
- K. Prpic; L. Oliveira; Sven Hemlin (2009).
Women in Science & Technology , GUP 96256
- Anna Rylander (2009).
Exploring Design Thinking as Pragmatist Inquiry , GUP 95960
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2009).
Institutionell teori – idéer, moden, förändring , GUP 95920
- Peter Zackariasson; Nils Wåhlin; Timothy L. Wilson (2009).
Marketing in MMOGs: Market Segmentation, Virtual Identities and Product Positioning , GUP 95896
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
Distant readings: anthropology of organizations through novels ISSN: 0953-4814, GUP 95729
- Peter Demediuk; Rolf Solli (2009).
E-Participation in Local Government Decision Making: Swedish and Australian Case Studies , GUP 95308
- Peter Demediuk; Rolf Solli (2009).
E-Participation: informing and transforming local government decision making , GUP 95281
- Björn Rombach; Rolf Solli (2009).
Perceiving snow, ice and cold , GUP 95215
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
The Platonists Meet the Sophists Once Again , GUP 95214
- Dennis Töllborg (2009).
I krig och kärlek? En intresserad amatörs reflektioner kring militär rättskipning och juridisk process , GUP 95168
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
My forgotten predecessors , GUP 94918
- Peter Zackariasson; N. Wåhlin; Timothy L. Wilson (2009).
Reflections on marketing in MMOGs ISSN: 0092-0703, GUP 93795
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
Gabriel Tarde and organization theory , GUP 93376
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
Den tysta fabriken. Om tillverkning av nyheter på TT , GUP 93170
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
Emerging institutions: Pyramids or anthills? ISSN: 0170-8406, GUP 92691
- Anna Rylander (2009).
How does workplace design mean - contrasting manager-designer-user perspectives , GUP 92489
- Marcus Jahnke (2009).
- Thomas Andersson; Stefan Tengblad (2009).
Medledarskap: Ledarskap som kollektiv initiativförmåga , GUP 91895
- Lars Strannegård; Sten Jönsson (2009).
Ledarskapets lockelse , GUP 91742
- Sten Jönsson (2009).
Ledarskap som recept: "Mycket av det jag lärde mig på Sandvik körde vi sedan på ASEA" , GUP 91741
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
Storytelling: Ledarnas nya verktyg , GUP 91740
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2009).
Ledarskap och underordning , GUP 91739
- Sten Jönsson; Lars Strannegård (2009).
Ledarskapsboken , GUP 91738
- Gunnar Wahlström (2009).
Risk management versus operational action: Basel II in a Swedish context ISSN: 1044-5005, GUP 91175
- Lisa Rudolfsson (2009).
Ledar – Medarbetarskapsutbyten (LMX) inom Detaljhandeln. Litteraturöversikt. , GUP 90372
- Barbara Czarniawska (2009).
How institutions are inscribed in technical objects and what it may mean in the case of the Internet , GUP 83889
- Carina Gråbacke (2009).
Fackföreningsrörelsen och disciplineringen av de smala intressena , GUP 90219
- Gert-Olof Boström; Peter Zackariasson; Timothy Wilson (2009).
Technology and Change in the Swedish Architectural Industry ISSN: 1059-5422, GUP 70107
- Kajsa Lindberg; Maria Blomgren (2009).
Mot en fragmenterad vård , GUP 82403
- Petra Adolfsson (2009).
När lagar inte finns , GUP 82397
- Kajsa Lindberg (2009).
Läkares balansgång , GUP 82398
- Maria Blomgren; Kajsa Lindberg (2009).
Mellan offentligt och privat i hälso- och sjukvården , GUP 82174
- Otto Von Busch; Karl Palmås (2008).
Excorporating design management: From the molar to the molecular perspective , GUP 73138
- Otto Von Busch; Karl Palmås (2008).
Cities are flows of urban magma ISSN: 1653-9958, GUP 156112
- Karl Palmås (2008).
Towards panspectrocist competitive strategies? A nascent diagram for corporate assemblages , GUP 73139
- Karl Palmås; Otto Von Busch (2008).
Hail to the auteur? Why 'aesthetic management' cannot save design management , GUP 73126
- Christopher Kullenberg; Karl Palmås; Mark Klamberg (2008).
Silence Fiction , GUP 115799
- Karl Palmås (2008).
Slime actually. On the real virtuality of male professional networks , GUP 73144
- Jenny Ählström; Niklas Egels-Zandén (2008).
The processes of defining corporate responsibility: a study of swedish garment retailers responsibility ISSN: 0964-4733, GUP 38406
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2008).
Shifting Locus of Influence in the Labor Union Movement: Negotiations in International Framework Agreements , GUP 73076
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2008).
Misery as Corporate Mission: User Imagery at the Nightclub The Spy Bar , GUP 73078
- Barbro Johansson (2008).
Den goda måltiden. Berättelser om mat och ätande i Vi föräldrar och Kamratposten 1969-2007 , GUP 82708
- Niklas Hansson (2008).
Borås Fairtrade City - En stad som märks , GUP 78267
- Magdalena Petersson (2008).
Konsumtion bilar och genus. , GUP 86456
- Magdalena Petersson (2008).
Producing Interactive Audience Participation , GUP 86446
- Lars E. Olsson; Tommy Gärling (2008).
Staying competitive while subsidized: A governmental policy to reduce production of environmentally harmful products. ISSN: 0263-774X, GUP 75255
- Lars E. Olsson; Cecilia Jakobsson; Amelie Gamble; Tommy Gärling (2008).
The role of the car for subjective well-being: A study of people changing transport behavior , GUP 74047
- Lars E. Olsson; Cecilia Jakobsson; Amelie Gamble; Tommy Gärling (2008).
The road to happiness: A field study of people changing transport behavior , GUP 74045
- Cecilia Jakobsson; Lars E. Olsson; Amelie Gamble; Tommy Gärling (2008).
The role of the car for everyday activities and subjective well-being. , GUP 74032
- Daniel Normark (2008).
’Lieutenants of the Roadside Illegal-roadsigns as placeholders for absent abutters , GUP 162475
- Olof Ljungström; Daniel Normark (2008).
Overcoming the amnesia of modern biomedicine? Outlining a “historiographic agnatology” of the Karolinska Institutet Medical University, Stockholm , GUP 162419
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Magnus Mörck; Magdalena Petersson (2008).
Reklamen är livsviktig , GUP 83508
- Karin M. Ekström (2008).
Children's influence in family decision making , GUP 83766
- Merja Mankila; Karin M. Ekström; Ulrika Holmberg; Ulrika Facht; Eva Harrie; Lena Jonsson; Christina Berg (2008).
Konsumtionsrapporten 2008: upplaga 2 , GUP 83094
- Karin M. Ekström; Lars Norén (2008).
Stärk varumärket - släpp in konsumenten i fabriken , GUP 74605
- Elena Raviola (2008).
Presentation: Just a matter of technologies? A study of newswork. , GUP 160189
- Paola Dubini; Elena Raviola (2008).
Editori e lettori: sintonia o fraintendimento? , GUP 160164
- Paola Dubini; Elena Raviola (2008).
Never say never. Incumbents and newcomers in the presence of architectural innovation , GUP 160162
- Annica Bragd; Dorit Christensen; Barbara Czarniawska; Maria Tullberg (2008).
Discourse as the Means of Community Creation ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 80952
- Göran Aijmer (2008).
The Wong Lineage Land: Property and Belonging in the New Territories of Hong Kong in 1904 ISSN: 0026-749X, GUP 156619
- Göran Aijmer (2008).
Foreword to Ooi Keat Gin , GUP 156617
- Göran Aijmer (2008).
Hugh R. Clark, Portrait of a Community, 2007. ISSN: 1356-1863, GUP 156562
- Göran Aijmer (2008).
The Temporality of Immortality in Lesu: The Historical Anthropology of a New Ireland Society ISSN: 1477-2612, GUP 156561
- Göran Aijmer (2008).
Janet Lee Scott, For Gods, Ghosts and Ancestors, 2007. ISSN: 1356-1863, GUP 156557
- Johan Velten; Christer Ackerman; Freddy Hällsten; Stefan Tengblad (2008).
Medarbeiderskap – fra ord till handling , GUP 89417
- Alberto Amaral; Airi Rovio-Johansson; Maria João Rosa; Don F Westerheijden (2008).
Essays on Supportive Peer Review , GUP 83973
- Ulla Johansson; Lisbeth Svengren Holm (2008).
Möten kring design. Om mötet mellan design, teknik och marknadsföring , GUP 77868
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2008).
Designers Dancing within Hierarchies: The Importance of Non-Hierarchical Power for Design Integration and Implementation. , GUP 77872
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2008).
Towards a better paradigmatic partnership between design and management , GUP 90243
- Rolf Solli; Peter Demediuk (2008).
Global Is Local: Recycling Familiar Components ISSN: 1833-4318, GUP 89753
- Andreas Diedrich; Alexander Styhre (2008).
Making the refugee multiple: The effects of classification work , GUP 81984
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; T. Bull; K. Wosokinsky; R. Lewis; L. Deca (2008).
Institutional Evaluation of Università Degli Studi Palermo, Italy , GUP 137216
- Mikael Wickelgren (2008).
Konsumentens påverkan på organisationen – exempel från bilindustrin , GUP 92677
- Thomas Andersson; Mikael Wickelgren (2008).
Who is Colonizing Whoim? Intertwined identities in product debelopment projects , GUP 92676
- Gary Kokk (2008).
The sourcing practices in the car industry , GUP 132806
- Gary Kokk (2008).
En närbild av strategisk insourcing på en hierarkisk marknad , GUP 132805
- Claes Ohlsson; Stefan Tengblad (2008).
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Globalization of Business Systems: The Case of Sweden , GUP 71912
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2008).
Relevance Lost in Corporate Responsibility Research: Getting Behind the Smokescreens through Academia-NGO Collaboration , GUP 73077
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Alexander Styhre (2008).
Overcoming the glass barriers: Reflection and action in the “Women to the top” programme ISSN: 0968-6673, GUP 91576
- Thomas Andersson; Stefan Tengblad (2008).
The responsible worker. Expectations of and responses on responsibility at work , GUP 92681
- Haldor Byrkjeflot; Stefan Tengblad (2008).
The political translation of American management ideas to a Scandinavian context , GUP 92680
- Sten Jönsson (2008).
Strategiforskning i Sverige - en kommentar kring dess rötter , GUP 77801
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy Wilson (2008).
Game On: Competition and Competitiveness in the Video Game Industry , GUP 78682
- Andreas Diedrich (2008).
From Ethnic Identity to Professional Identity - The Production of Difference in Organizing , GUP 91702
- Sten Jönsson; Gary Kokk; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2008).
Design for redesign: Deliberating strategic action in an industrial net , GUP 81688
- Anna Rylander; Dan Kärreman (2008).
Managing Meaning Through Branding: the Case of a Consulting Firm ISSN: 0170-8406, GUP 90966
- Anna Rylander (2008).
Design Thinking as Knowledge Work: Epistemological Foundations and Practical Implications , GUP 90969
- Barbro Hultman; Sven Hemlin (2008).
Self-rated quality of life among the young unemployed and the young in work in northern Sweden ISSN: 1051-9815, GUP 73475
- Sven Hemlin (2008).
Kreativa kunskapsmiljöer i bioteknik , GUP 71064
- Sven Hemlin; Carl Martin Allwood; Ben R. Martin (2008).
Creative Knowledge Environments , GUP 71233
- Sven Hemlin (2008).
Što je znanstvena kvaliteta? (What is scientific quality?) , GUP 62811
- Maria Tullberg; Henning Eklund; Ulla Johansson (2008).
A Marriage of Business and Design in a new Master Program , GUP 90244
- Ulla Johansson; Lisbeth Svengren Holm (2008).
Patterns of Interaction: A study of the relations between designers, engineers, marketers and top management in four companies , GUP 90242
- Thomas Andersson (2008).
Personal Growth and Sensitivity Training as Fashions in Management and Management Research ISSN: 0020-8825, GUP 89757
- Peter Demediuk; Rolf Solli (2008).
E-participation in local government decision making: case study of slow thinking and big actions , GUP 89752
- Barbara Czarniawska; Fabrizio Panozzo (2008).
Trends and fashions in management studies (II): Mutual influences. , GUP 89632
- Barbara Czarniawska; Eva Gustavsson (2008).
A (d)evolution of the cyberwoman? ISSN: 1350-5084, GUP 89624
- Barbara Czarniawska (2008).
Humiliation: A standard organizational product? ISSN: 1045-2354, GUP 89623
- Hervé Corvellec; Åsa Boholm (2008).
The risk/no-risk rhetoric of environmental impact assessments (EIA): The case of off-shore wind farms in Sweden ISSN: 1354-9839, GUP 83134
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Stefan Tengblad (2008).
Employability and Career Development – Perceptions of employability among professional employees , GUP 81695
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2008).
How can Learning Study be introduced into the academic system? An application study in Swedish Higher Education , GUP 81693
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Marie Lumsden (2008).
Designat experiment - ett sätt att granska förbättringen av studenternas förståelse av grundläggande ekonomiska samband , GUP 81692
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2008).
Teachers’ and Students’ different ways of constituting the learning object in Accounting , GUP 81689
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2008).
Finns det genus i maskiner? , GUP 81624
- Andreas Diedrich; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2008).
Risk and Organizing – An Action Net Perspective. , GUP 81623
- Barbara Czarniawska (2008).
Fashion , GUP 81214
- Sten Jönsson (2008).
Företagsekonomi – att företa sig? ISSN: 0015-248X, GUP 80916
- Dennis Töllborg (2008).
Hegemoniska revolutioner , GUP 77269
- Urban Ask; Anders Edström; Sten Jönsson (2008).
Arbetsklimat, kommunikation och konfrontation i utvecklingsprojekt , GUP 78994
- Thomas Andersson (2008).
Identity work and identity regulation in managers' personal development training , GUP 78872
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2008).
Living with the myth of unattainable technology , GUP 78779
- Rolf Solli (2008).
Reformera eller inte - det är en fråga , GUP 78509
- Don Westerheijden; Alberto Amaral; Maria João Rosa; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2008).
The IEP in a Multi-level, Multi-Actor Future , GUP 70473
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2008).
Follow Up Processes: An analysis of the recommendations in Follow Up Reports , GUP 70471
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2008).
What Was Evaluated in Terms of Teaching and Research? , GUP 70470
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Alberto Amaral; Don Westerheijden (2008).
Audits As Supportive Peer Reviews , GUP 70472
- Alberto Amaral; Maria João Rosa; Airi Rovio-Johansson; Don Westerheijden (2008).
Introduction to Essays in Supportive Peer Review , GUP 71867
- Jan Jörnmark (2008).
Övergivna platser 2 , GUP 78182
- Carina Gråbacke (2008).
Teknisk förändring och internationalisering: metall- och verkstadsindustrin under de gyllene åren och 1970-talskrisen , GUP 77865
- Carina Gråbacke (2008).
När folket tog semester. Studier av Reso 1937-77 , GUP 77863
- Anna Holmgren (2008).
Avtryck av ett EU-projekt - en studie av Urbal-projektets betydelse för den kommunala förvaltningen i Härryda , GUP 77745
- Karl Ydén (2008).
"Kriget" och karriärsystemet. Försvarsmaktens organiserande i fred , GUP 77643
- Rolf Solli; Anna Cregård (2008).
Det är svårt att dansa tango - om kommundirektörsrollens innehåll och betydelse ISSN: 1402-8700, GUP 77270
- Dennis Töllborg (2008).
Science for sale – build or critize science as trademark , GUP 75984
- Dennis Töllborg (2008).
Intelligent suicide? , GUP 75981
- Hervé Corvellec; Åsa Boholm (2008).
The risk/no-risk rhetoric of environmental impact assessments (EIA): The case of off-shore wind farms in Sweden , GUP 68084
- Gustaf Kastberg; Rolf Solli (2008).
Kryssa bland myter – En studie av hur enhetschefer skapar och modifierar myter , GUP 74900
- Hervé Corvellec (2008).
Introducing the New Rhetoric into organization studies , GUP 74795
- Hervé Corvellec; Nikos Macheridis (2008).
The moral responsibility of project selectors , GUP 73820
- Andreas Diedrich (2008).
Producing Difference in Organizing – Attempts to Change an Ethnic Identity into a Proffesional One , GUP 74731
- Anna Cregård; Rolf Solli (2008).
Tango på toppen - om chefsomsättning , GUP 73434
- Anna Cregård; Rolf Solli (2008).
Om chefsomsättning , GUP 73433
- Peter Demediuk; Rolf Solli (2008).
Values versus Voice in Local Government: How Management Values Align with Giving Voice to Citizens , GUP 73429
- Dennis Töllborg (2008).
From empathy to autism – how ignorance became the norm ISSN: 0085-5944, GUP 73345
- Claes Ohlsson (2008).
Safe or sorry? The introduction of the Swedish premium pension as an example of everyday financialization , GUP 73124
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2008).
Gendered role modelling—A paradoxical construction process ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 73120
- Tor Hernes; Kajsa Lindberg (2008).
When actions constitute organization: Dynamics of sensemaking mechanisms in organization as on-going accomplishment , GUP 73112
- Kajsa Lindberg; Davide Nicolini; Petra Adolfsson; Mara Bergamaschi; Giuseppe Delmestri; Elisabeth Goodrick; Trish Reay (2008).
Exploring the glocalized face of contemporary pharmacy , GUP 73111
- Kajsa Lindberg; Lars Walter (2008).
Constructing boundaries: From local actions to national recommendations , GUP 73104
- Niklas Egels-Zandén; Ulf Ågerup (2008).
Misery as Corporate Mission: User Imagery at the Nightclub The Spy Bar , GUP 73080
- Niklas Egels-Zandén; Ulf Ågerup (2008).
Misery as Corporate Mission: User Imagery at the Nightclub The Spy Bar , GUP 62533
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2008).
Relevance Lost in Corporate Responsibility Research: Getting Behind the Smokescreens through Academia-NGO Collaboration. , GUP 62531
- Barbara Czarniawska (2008).
A Theory of Organizing , GUP 72835
- Dennis Töllborg (2008).
Vad har föräldrarna i skolan att göra? , GUP 72035
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2008).
Responsible Restructuring Practices in Europe – The role of Multinationals , GUP 71862
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2008).
Innovative Restructuring - Learning from experience , GUP 71860
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2008).
The Swedish model of Restructuring , GUP 71859
- Barbara Czarniawska (2008).
Organizing: how to study it and how to write about it. ISSN: 1746-5648, GUP 71845
- Sven Hemlin (2008).
Creative knowledge environments: An interview study with group members and group leaders of university and industry R&D groups in biotechnology , GUP 71624
- Wajda Irfaeya (2008).
Employee responsibility – Conceptualization, validation, determinants, and outcomes , GUP 71070
- Dennis Töllborg (2008).
Sweden , GUP 71063
- Barbara Czarniawska; Guje Sevón (2008).
The thin end of the wedge: Foreign women professors as double strangers in academia ISSN: 0968-6673, GUP 71056
- Barbara Czarniawska; Fabrizio Panozzo (2008).
Trends and fashions in management studies (I): Fashion in research ISSN: 0200-8825, GUP 71053
- Barbara Czarniawska (2008).
Alterity/identity interplay in image construction. , GUP 71014
- Barbara Czarniawska (2008).
How to misuse institutions and get away with it: Some reflections on institutional theory(ies). , GUP 71013
- Barbara Czarniawska (2008).
Femmes fatales in finance, or women and the city ISSN: 1350-5084, GUP 69481
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2008).
Shifting Locus of Influence in the Labor Union Movement: Negotiations in International Framework Agreements , GUP 68539
- Barbara Czarniawska (2008).
Accounting and gender across times and places: An excursion into fiction ISSN: 0361-3682, GUP 62099
- Alexandra Kent (2007).
Calling the Souls: A Cambodian Ritual Text by Ashley Thompson , GUP 291013
- Tina M. Olsson; Rebecka Arman; Anna Johansson (2007).
Learning from service users: measuring the well-being of children and families, the elderly, and the community. , GUP 63127
- Karl Palmås (2007).
Hamnstadens flöden ISSN: 0030-4492, GUP 166146
- Karl Palmås (2007).
CSR in Scandinavia: A turn to the business case? , GUP 166143
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2007).
Suppliers' Compliance with MNCs' Codes of Conduct: Behind the Scenes at Chinese Toy Suppliers ISSN: 0167-4544 , GUP 36539
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2007).
Politics Is Not the Business of Business: Corporate Social Responsibility in Leading Firms in China , GUP 62534
- Niklas Egels-Zandén; Peter Hyllman (2007).
Evaluating Strategies for Negotiating Workers' Rights in Transnational Corporations: The Effects of Codes of Conduct and Global Agreements on Workplace Democracy ISSN: 0167-4544 , GUP 36538
- Niklas Egels-Zandén; Evelina Wahlqvist (2007).
Post-Partnership Strategies for Defining Corporate Responsibility: The Business Social Compliance Initiative ISSN: 0167-4544 , GUP 38383
- Claes Ohlsson (2007).
Folkets fonder? En textvetenskaplig studie av det svenska pensionssparandets domesticering , GUP 63626
- Alexander Styhre; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2007).
Intersectionality as a perspective on diversity management practices , GUP 67464
- Barbro Anell; Thomas Blomquist; Markus Hällgren; Timothy Wilson; Peter Zackariasson (2007).
Challenges in Project Management:Grabbing the Elephant. ISSN: 0972-5334, GUP 62787
- Paola Dubini; Elena Raviola (2007).
Surfing the product life cycle: patterns of visible titles in the movie industry , GUP 160185
- Paola Dubini; Elena Raviola (2007).
Innovative companies and inter-organizational field evolution , GUP 160168
- Leona Achtenhagen; Elena Raviola (2007).
Organizing internal tensions: The duality management of media companies. , GUP 160167
- Göran Aijmer (2007).
The Making of Fathers in Lesu: The Historical Anthropology of a New Ireland Society. ISSN: 0029-8077, GUP 156623
- Göran Aijmer (2007).
Landscape and Mindscape in Southeastern China: The Management of Death in a Mountain Community. ISSN: 0890-1112, GUP 156620
- Göran Aijmer (2007).
Houses in Lesu - The historical anthropology of a new Ireland society ISSN: 0091-7710, GUP 80030
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Alexander Styhre (2007).
Organisering och intersektionalitet , GUP 36218
- Stefan Tengblad; Freddy Hällsten; Christer Ackerman; Johan Velten (2007).
Medarbetarskap. Från ord till handling! , GUP 62141
- Barbara Czarniawska; Andreas Diedrich; Tobias Engberg; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Eva Gustavsson; Kajsa Lindberg; Lars Norén; David Renemark; Lars Walter; Peter Zackariasson (2007).
Organisering kring hot och risk , GUP 57289
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2007).
Designers Dancing With(in) the Organizational , GUP 65977
- Stellan Welin; Anders Persson; Sven Hemlin (2007).
Lönsamt utbyte? Embryonala stamceller i gränslandet mellan klinik, universitet och marknad. , GUP 62812
- Anders Persson; Sven Hemlin; Stellan Welin (2007).
Profitable exchanges for scientists: The case of Swedish human embryonic stem cell research ISSN: 1065-3058, GUP 62809
- Thomas Andersson; Mikael Wickelgren (2007).
Identity processes of temporary organizations , GUP 92675
- Agneta Ranerup; Lars Norén (2007).
Can Portals Calculate? A Study of Public e-Services in Educational Markets , GUP 55879
- Claes Ohlsson; F. de Bakker; F. den Hond; Stefan Tengblad; M-F. Turcotte (2007).
Tracing the evolution of corporate discourse on corporate social responsibility: a longitudinal, lexicological study , GUP 62735
- Claes Ohlsson (2007).
Välgrundade val , GUP 62736
- Mats Rosengren (2007).
En kommentar till Michael A R Biggs ISSN: 1653-9958, GUP 86087
- Katarina Wetter Edman (2007).
Industridesign i Multidisciplinära Team. Problem & Möjligheter , GUP 96736
- Thomas Andersson; Stefan Tengblad (2007).
Analyzing concepts for work-life transformations – Making the case for co-workership , GUP 92689
- Anna Rylander (2007).
Towards an Embodied Symbolic Interactionsim , GUP 90972
- Ulla Johansson (2007).
An Analysis of the Swedish Government’s Design Program from Profitability Perspective , GUP 65981
- Marcus Jahnke; Ulla Johansson (2007).
The Design Process as Basis for Multidisciplinary Innovation Process , GUP 65984
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Reclaiming processes ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 80269
- Hans Hasselbladh; Eva Bejerot (2007).
Webs of knowledge and circuits of communication: Constructing rationalized agency in Swedish health care ISSN: 1350-5084, GUP 80266
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Has organization theory a tomorrow? ISSN: 0170-8406, GUP 80264
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy L. Wilson (2007).
Competition and Competitiveness in the Video Game Industry , GUP 78685
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2007).
Towards a European practice of responsible restructuring – Innovation and learning from experience , GUP 71864
- Wajda Irfaeya (2007).
Employee Responsibility – theoretical conceptualization and empirical validation , GUP 69464
- Rolf Solli; Peter Demediuk (2007).
Tradition som förändringsförklaring , GUP 68941
- Ulla Johansson; P. Persson (2007).
To educate a whole nation in design: The Swedish national design program from an educational point of view ISSN: 1557-0614, GUP 65973
- Peter Demediuk; Rolf Solli (2007).
From Atomic Bomb to Aromatherapy: Misplaced Metaphors for Local Government Reforms? ISSN: 1553-1392, GUP 63704
- Sten Jönsson (2007).
Strategiforskning i Sverige - en kommentar kring dess rötter , GUP 67824
- Ulla Johansson; Lisbeth Svengren Holm (2007).
The designer as the creator of experiences in the postmodern economy , GUP 65970
- Ulla Johansson; Lisbeth Svengren Holm (2007).
Design Management , GUP 65966
- Ulla Johansson (2007).
Design lönar sig , GUP 65959
- Sten Jönsson (2007).
Judgement while intervening in complex situations , GUP 67521
- Dorit Christensen (2007).
Omstart eller nystart för Margrethe? ISSN: 1653-073X, GUP 66215
- Gunnar Rimmel; Ulla Johansson; Andreas Johansson (2007).
How to Measure the Value of Industrial Design in High Selling Products? , GUP 64576
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2007).
Yunus Janusansikte: En kritisk granskning av försäljning till världens fattiga , GUP 63744
- Kajsa Lindberg; Petra Adolfsson (2007).
The Evolution of Swedish Pharmacies and Recent Reforms , GUP 63524
- Dorit Christensen (2007).
Should I stay or should I go? , GUP 63432
- Petra Adolfsson; Rolf Solli (2007).
Guided tours and the city - Proceedings , GUP 63415
- Rolf Solli; Peter Demediuk (2007).
Global Is Local: Recycling Familiar Components , GUP 43096
- Eva Gustavsson; Peter Zackariasson (2007).
Heroines and "pink plots": The representation of gender in video games , GUP 62790
- Peter Zackariasson; Timothy Wilson (2007).
Relationship in Video Game Relationship , GUP 62789
- Hans Hasselbladh; Karl Ydén (2007).
En officerskår för faktiska insatser , GUP 62734
- Hervé Corvellec (2007).
Ett bra vindläge – Industrialisering och nyliberal kommersialisering av blåsiga platser , GUP 62733
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2007).
Notes and tales from the field , GUP 57664
- Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist; Petra Adolfsson (2007).
A Nuclear Plants Death and Birth: Energy infrastructure commemorated into cultural heritage , GUP 52956
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2007).
Learning Study Model adapted to Higher Education in Sweden: Enhancing Students’ Learning Outcomes in Accounting , GUP 62672
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
On creole researchers, hybrid disciplines and pidgin writing , GUP 62529
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Stefan Tengblad (2007).
Employability in working life: Graduates' expectations and possibilities after graduation , GUP 44730
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Universitet i ruiner? Länge leve universitetet! , GUP 62136
- Sten Jönsson; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2007).
Forskningsledarskap - en översikt. Rapport till Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning , GUP 62105
- Tor Hernes; Kajsa Lindberg (2007).
How actions connect into practices: Stories from practices of gem traders, terrorists, soldiers and fx traders , GUP 58587
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Organisering i TV-rutan: Kommissionen , GUP 57745
- Peter Zackariasson (2007).
Det estetiska hotet , GUP 57741
- David Renemark (2007).
När kris leder till handling - ett nät av handlingar i spåren av stormen Gudrun , GUP 57734
- Eva Gustavsson (2007).
Upplevelseturism: Att göra det riskfyllda riskfritt , GUP 57726
- Kajsa Lindberg (2007).
Fågelinfluensa - hot eller möjlighet? , GUP 57712
- Andreas Diedrich (2007).
Marburg - Kampen mot Ebolas onda kusin , GUP 57706
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2007).
Risk och organisering – en forskningsöversikt , GUP 57666
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Shadowing and other techniques for doing fieldwork in modern societies , GUP 57284
- David Renemark (2007).
Steg på vägen till toppen - Utvärdering av arbetet efter projektet Women to the top , GUP 55453
- Hervé Corvellec (2007).
Arguing for a license to operate: The case of the Swedish wind power industry ISSN: 1356-3289, GUP 53460
- Hervé Corvellec; Annette Risberg (2007).
Sensegiving as mise-en-sens: The case of wind power development ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 53458
- Petra Adolfsson (2007).
The creation of new ways of acting in the water administration field – the implementation of the EU-WFD in Sweden , GUP 52970
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2007).
Regional Collaboration and Restructuring in Knowledge Intensive Industries , GUP 50110
- Barbara Czarniawska; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2007).
Where local meets global: Women and work in non-US soap operas , GUP 49275
- Gary Kokk (2007).
Managing in Aerospace. Inquiries into executive work practice , GUP 49320
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Managerial fashions and fads , GUP 47903
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Literary theory , GUP 47900
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Fashion , GUP 47898
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Alterity (Otherness) , GUP 47897
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Sten Jönsson; Gary Kokk (2007).
On the Nature of Boundary Objects in Post-Acquisition Integration ISSN: 0972-9232, GUP 44729
- Björn Rombach; Rolf Solli (2007).
F som i förtroende , GUP 47552
- Anna Johansson (2007).
Regional utveckling möter socialtjänst. Slutrapportering i utvärderingen av Urbal-projektet , GUP 47128
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2007).
Editorial: Gender and New Technologies ISSN: 0968-6673, GUP 43678
- Rolf Solli; Peter Demediuk (2007).
Reformer som återvinning , GUP 43092
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Marie Lumsden (2007).
To enhance Students' Learning Outcomes in Accounting by a New Teaching Methodology , GUP 44732
- Rolf Solli; Peter Demediuk (2007).
From Atomic Bomb To Aromatherapy: Misplaced Metaphors For Local Government Reforms? , GUP 44728
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Marie Lumsden (2007).
Har ämnesinnehållets behandling i undervisningen betydelse för studenternas lärande? , GUP 42284
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Marie Lumsden (2007).
Undervisning och lärande: Systematisk variation och invarians som lärandets villkor i ämnet redovisning i civilekonomprogrammet. , GUP 42283
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Comment: Awards as compensation? ISSN: 1740-4754, GUP 43200
- Dorit Christensen (2007).
Meningsfullt arbete via “solidariska” chefer. En studie om skapande av framtida meningsfullt arbete efter ett företagsuppköp. , GUP 43199
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2007).
Post-Acquisition integration: ways of sensemaking in a management team meeting ISSN: 1746-5648 , GUP 42165
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Complex Organizations Still Complex ISSN: 1096-7494, GUP 42720
- David Renemark (2007).
Varför arbetar så få kvinnor med finanser? - en studie av vardagen i finanssektorn , GUP 41123
- Sten Jönsson (2007).
The Controller's Managerial Work , GUP 40641
- Petra Adolfsson; Ewa Wikström (2007).
After Quantification: Quality Dialogue and Performance in a Swedish Municipality ISSN: 0267-4424, GUP 38345
- Dennis Töllborg (2007).
Mänskliga rättigheter som varumärke? , GUP 37453
- Stefan Tengblad (2007).
Myten om det postmoderna arbetslivet - förändringssvindel och ledarskapets tidlösa utmaningar , GUP 37307
- Gudbjörg Erlingsdóttir; Kajsa Lindberg (2007).
Förändring i skandinaviskt perspektiv - nyinstutionell teori och översättningssociologi , GUP 37267
- Barbara Czarniawska (2007).
Narrative inquiry in and about organizations , GUP 36794
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2007).
Feministiska, queera och intersektionella perspektiv på organisering - eller föräldraledighet som "crash course" i ledarskap , GUP 36520
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2007).
Företagskultur och genus , GUP 36221
- Niklas Egels-Zandén; Markus Kallifatides (2006).
The Corporate Social Performance Dilemma: Organising for Goal Duality in Low-Income African Markets , GUP 36540
- Otto Von Busch; Karl Palmås (2006).
The Dale sko hack : [a project exploring modes of production and re-form tactics] , GUP 48402
- Karl Palmås (2006).
Att hacka ekonomin ISSN: 1104-5205, GUP 166142
- Karl Palmås; Otto Von Busch (2006).
Abstract Hacktivism: The making of a hacker culture , GUP 166145
- Niklas Egels-Zandén; Peter Hyllman (2006).
Exploring the Effects of Union-NGO Relationships on Corporate Responsibility: The Case of the Swedish Clean Clothes Campaign ISSN: 0167-4544 , GUP 36389
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Inga-Lill Johansson (2006).
Lärandets kontextualitet: Hur utvecklas ekonomstudenters förståelse av ett grundläggande ekonomiskt begrepp under utbildningen? ISSN: 1101-7686, GUP 42171
- Sven Hemlin (2006).
Creative knowledge environments for research groups in biotechnology. The influence of leadership and organizational support in universities and business companies ISSN: 0138-9130, GUP 89740
- Elena Raviola (2006).
The neglected side of Media Convergence. The role of local entrepreneurs , GUP 160186
- Göran Aijmer (2006).
The Construction of Continuity in Lesu: The Historical Anthropology of a New Ireland Society. ISSN: 1477-2612, GUP 157530
- Karl Ydén (2006).
Bringing Violence back In: New War's and Reprofessionalizing Sweden's Armed Forces , GUP 48378
- Barbara Czarniawska; Pasquale Gagliardi (2006).
Management Education and Humanities , GUP 37867
- Björn Rombach; Rolf Solli (2006).
Constructing leadership. Reflections on film heroes as leaders , GUP 50708
- Barbara Czarniawska (2006).
Organization Theory, Volume I & II , GUP 37865
- Dennis Töllborg (2006).
Bli inte blåst! , GUP 45818
- Claes Ohlsson (2006).
Swedish pensions on the market - the use of bank advertisements, government information and other texts , GUP 37359
- Andreas Diedrich; Lars Walter (2006).
Validating Knowledge and Competencies - The Validationcentre in Sweden , GUP 38327
- Andreas Diedrich; Lars Walter (2006).
Validation Practices: Classification and Categorization in the Knowledge Society , GUP 38322
- Wajda Irfaeya; Liang Liu; Stefan Tengblad (2006).
Svenskt medarbetarskap i ett internationellt perspektiv , GUP 90844
- Sven Hemlin (2006).
Research performance in the humanities ISSN: 0238-6025, GUP 62814
- Sven Hemlin; Soren Barlebo Rasmussen (2006).
The shift in academic quality control ISSN: 0162-2439, GUP 80645
- Sven Hemlin (2006).
Managing creativity in academic research. Could creative action and management be reconciled in research? , GUP 90479
- Barbro Hultman; Sven Hemlin; Jan-Olof Hörnqvist (2006).
Quality of life among unemployed and employed people in northern Sweden. Are there any differences? , GUP 90477
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2006).
Organizing Corporate Social Responsibility , GUP 90325
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2006).
Constructing Corporate Social Responsibility: A study of workforce reduction in a Swedish high-tech company , GUP 90324
- B Abrahamsson; R Egnell; Karl Ydén (2006).
Effects based operations, military organization, and professionalization , GUP 87083
- Barbara Czarniawska (2006).
The quiet European? ISSN: 1056-4926, GUP 80260
- Gunnar Wahlström (2006).
Worrying but accepting new measurements: the case of Swedish bankers and operational risk ISSN: 1045-2354, GUP 77912
- Ulla Johansson; Lisbeth Svengren Holm (2006).
Design and Branding – a Nice Couple of False Friends? , GUP 62669
- Ulla Johansson (2006).
Design som utvecklingskraft II. Utvalda uppsatser om regeringens designsatsning 2003-2005 , GUP 62671
- Ulla Johansson (2006).
Design som utvecklingskraft. En utvärdering av regeringenens designsatsning 2003-2005 , GUP 62670
- Petra Adolfsson (2006).
Sustainability in Pharmaceutical Industry and Health care Sector - Organizational aspects of the Swedish adoption of EU legislation , GUP 37475
- Petra Adolfsson (2006).
Communicating Environmental Risk in the Swedish Health Care Sector and the Pharmaceutical Industry , GUP 37375
- Hervé Corvellec (2006).
For a symmetrical understanding of organizing and arguing ISSN: 1746-5680, GUP 53461
- Freddy Hällsten; Stefan Tengblad (2006).
Medarbetarskap i praktiken , GUP 38398
- Inga-Lill Johansson; Sten Jönsson; Rolf Solli (2006).
Värdet av förtroende , GUP 37101
- Dennis Töllborg (2006).
Science for sale , GUP 45825
- Dennis Töllborg (2006).
Report from an autistic country , GUP 45824
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2006).
Förtroende i dilemman - en studie av företagsuppköp , GUP 36731
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Tove Bull (2006).
Roles and Interactions of Different Players in Quality Assurance , GUP 36795
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Marie Lumsden (2006).
Systematisk Variation och Invarians som lärandets villkor i ämnet redovisning i Civilekonomprogrammet , GUP 36940
- Sten Jönsson (2006).
Från planeringens "rena" förnuft till upplevelse-erans "praktiska" förnuft - den vingliga vägen över de senaste decennierna , GUP 41202
- Sten Jönsson (2006).
On academic writing , GUP 41200
- Barbara Czarniawska (2006).
Negotiating Selves: Gender , GUP 41197
- Barbara Czarniawska (2006).
Emerging Institutions: Pyramids or Anthills? , GUP 38621
- Stefan Tengblad (2006).
Aktörer och institutionell teori , GUP 38622
- Hervé Corvellec (2006).
Etik som teknik och som kritik , GUP 38610
- Hervé Corvellec (2006).
Elements of Narrative Analysis , GUP 38624
- Barbara Czarniawska; Eva Gustavsson (2006).
The (d)evolution of the cyberwoman? , GUP 38625
- Hervé Corvellec (2006).
Ett bra vindläge- Industrialisering och nyliberalkommersialisering av blåsiga platser , GUP 38606
- Hervé Corvellec; Anette Risberg (2006).
A mise-en-sens process- Sensegiving and wind power development , GUP 38619
- Stefan Tengblad (2006).
Strategisk Bolognaanpassning? En företagsanalys av Handelshögskolan , GUP 38646
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2006).
Gender in the Machine , GUP 40935
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2006).
Revealing managers understanding of gender and management , GUP 40934
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2006).
Lipartito, Kenneth and Sicilia, David B (ed.) Constructing Corporate America (2004) Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 40933
- Thomas Andersson (2006).
Managers' Identity Work - Struggle, talk and practice , GUP 40926
- Thomas Andersson (2006).
Discourse and culture as identity resources and resistances - Experiences from professional workers , GUP 40925
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Henrik Hansson; Mikael Löfström; Östen Ohlsson; Martin Selander (2006).
Ett möte med förhinder - om it i skolan , GUP 37863
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2006).
Regions, Restructuring and Knowledge Intensive Industries: The Case of the VINNVINN Project in Göteborg, Sweden , GUP 39320
- Per Forsberg; Stig Westerdahl (2006).
For the sake of serving the broader community: Sea piloting compared with auditing ISSN: 1045-2354, GUP 39322
- Ola Bergström; Andreas Diedrich (2006).
Developing Restructuring Practice - Workforce Reduction at a Large Swedish Telecommunications Company , GUP 39321
- Andreas Diedrich; Ola Bergström (2006).
The Job Security Councils in Sweden , GUP 39319
- Andreas Diedrich (2006).
Sammanhållen Arbetsinriktad Introduktion för Nyanlända Flyktingar och andra Invandrare , GUP 38329
- Freddy Hällsten; Stefan Tengblad (2006).
Medarbetarskap i praktiken , GUP 38399
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2006).
Förtroendefulla kläder: Omdefinitionen av svenska klädföretags leverantörsansvar (1995-2005) , GUP 38385
- Ewa Wikström; Kajsa Lindberg (2006).
Samverkan, vårdkedjor och standardiserade bedömningsinstrument i missbrukarvården , GUP 38348
- Ewa Wikström; Kajsa Lindberg (2006).
Utveckling av organisation och praktik i missbrukarvården - Ett statligt initiativ med fokus på samverkan, vårdkedjor och standardiserade bedömningsinstrument , GUP 38347
- Andreas Diedrich (2006).
How Knowledge Management Fails. The Case of the Best Practice Tool , GUP 38324
- Andreas Diedrich (2006).
A Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Organizations by Chris Grey ISSN: 1350-5076, GUP 38321
- Björn Trägårdh; Kajsa Lindberg (2006).
Vårdkedjeprojekt och hur de värderas - en generell diskussion , GUP 37959
- Björn Rombach; Rolf Solli (2006).
Om nyttan av lagom förtroende , GUP 37102
- Sten Jönsson (2006).
Från planeringens "rena" förnuft till upplevelse-erans "praktiska" förnuft , GUP 37586
- Hervé Corvellec (2006).
Organizing / Arguing: For Nuclear Power in the Name of the Environment , GUP 37590
- Petra Adolfsson (2006).
The EU-WFD in a Swedish costume - an organizational perspective , GUP 37473
- Petra Adolfsson (2006).
Sustainability in the Water Administration Field - Organizational aspects of the Swedish adoption of EU legislation , GUP 37373
- Sten Jönsson (2006).
On academic writing , GUP 36591
- Claes Ohlsson; Einar Korpus (2006).
Reklam som språk och text - röster som övertygar? , GUP 37363
- Barbara Czarniawska (2006).
Zmiana kadru: Zarzadzanie Warszawa na przelomie wieku , GUP 36884
- Stefan Tengblad; Haldor Byrkjeflot (2006).
Political action and the formation of management cultures: A case study. , GUP 37318
- Stefan Tengblad; Claes Ohlsson (2006).
När VD har ordet , GUP 37316
- Stefan Tengblad (2006).
"Gurus, Hired Guns, and Warm Bodies" by Barley, S. R. and Kunda, G. ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 37311
- Stefan Tengblad (2006).
Is there a new managerial work? A Comparison with Henry Mintzberg's classic study 30 years later. ISSN: 0022-2380, GUP 37310
- Kajsa Lindberg (2006).
Utveckling av praktik och organisation i missbrukarvården , GUP 37269
- Barbara Czarniawska (2006).
A golden braid: Allport, Goffman, Weick ISSN: 0170-8406, GUP 37019
- Barbara Czarniawska; Carl Rhodes (2006).
Strong plots: Popular culture in management practice and theory , GUP 37024
- Kajsa Lindberg; Barbara Czarniawska (2006).
Knotting the net of action, or organizing between organizations ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 37025
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Stefan Tengblad (2006).
Strategies and Consequences of Employability and Career Development: A study of the impact of the employability doctrine in the Swedish labour market , GUP 36941
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2006).
Equal Education and Unequal Learning Outcomes: Undergraduate students' conceptual development , GUP 36939
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2006).
Organisationer, genus och institutionell teori om varför så svårt att förändra jämställdhet ISSN: 1501-8237, GUP 36933
- Barbara Czarniawska (2005).
Uimodståelige intriger: Hvordan ledelsepraksis plotlægges , GUP 37031
- Karl Palmås (2005).
The UK Public Interest Company: The idea, its origins, and its relevance for Sweden , GUP 166144
- Niklas Egels-Zandén; Olof Zaring (2005).
Corporate Social Performance: A Processual View , GUP 38210
- Petra Adolfsson (2005).
The obelisks of Stockholm , GUP 37477
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2005).
CSR in Electrification of Rural Africa ISSN: 1470-5001 , GUP 45901
- Rolf Solli; Kajsa Värna (2005).
Viskande tjänstemän II , GUP 37776
- Monica Masucci; Elena Raviola (2005).
Special art exhibitions management , GUP 160188
- Paola Dubini; Elena Raviola (2005).
Content industries in a converging competitive space , GUP 160187
- Göran Aijmer (2005).
A Family Reunion: Anthropology, Life and Death at New Year in Soochow ISSN: 1356-1863, GUP 158745
- Göran Aijmer (2005).
Women. Kitchen and Belonging in Eastern China: Idioms of Continuity in Kaixiangong ISSN: 0038-0377, GUP 157533
- Göran Aijmer (2005).
Sense and Predictablility: First Impressions and Ethnographic Persuation. , GUP 157531
- Sten Jönsson; Jan Mouritsen (2005).
Accounting in Scandinavia - The Northern Lights , GUP 37873
- Barbara Czarniawska; Tor Hernes (2005).
Actor-Network Theory and Organizing , GUP 37839
- Barbara Czarniawska; Guje Sevón (2005).
Global ideas. How Ideas, Objects and Practices Travel in the Global Economy , GUP 37838
- Stefan Tengblad; Rolf Solli; Barbara Czarniawska (2005).
The art of science , GUP 37836
- Dennis Töllborg (2005).
Regler eller juridik? , GUP 45817
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Thomas Kalling; Alexander Styhre (2005).
Organisation och organisering , GUP 36934
- Björn Brorström; Anders Haglund; Rolf Solli (2005).
Förvaltningsekonomi , GUP 37866
- Ulla Johansson; Jill Woodilla (2005).
Irony and Organizations. Epistemological claims and supporting field stories , GUP 77871
- Mikael Wickelgren (2005).
Engineering Emotion. Values as Means in Product velopment , GUP 38908
- Lars Norén; Agneta Ranerup (2005).
The Internet web portal as an enrolment device , GUP 37907
- Thomas Andersson (2005).
Managers' Identity Work. Experiences from introspective management training , GUP 84580
- Barbara Czarniawska (2005).
Karl Weick: Concepts, style and reflection , GUP 38111
- Andreas Diedrich (2005).
Smothering the burning desire for knowledge with the best practice blanket , GUP 120771
- Magnus Mörck; Maria Tullberg (2005).
The Bending on Gender and Sexuality in a Bleeding Organization. , GUP 38206
- Maria Tullberg; Magnus Mörck (2005).
Se sån stil han har. Om kostymens roll i det maskulina ledarskapets estetik. , GUP 38249
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Stefan Tengblad; Freddy Hällsten (2005).
En extern utvärdering av magisterprogrammet Management i byggsektorn , GUP 38612
- Rolf Wolff (2005).
Universitätmanagement als emergente Profession. Zur Konstituierung einer reflexiven Führungspraxis in der europäischen Universität , GUP 73889
- P. Ström; Olof Zaring; Rolf Wolff (2005).
Företagen som aktörer i den regionala tillväxtstrategin - ur ett företagsledareperspektiv , GUP 73887
- Barbara Czarniawska (2005).
Doing Gender Onto the Other: Fiction as a Mode of Studying Gender Discrimination in Organizations. ISSN: 0968-6673, GUP 37029
- Eva Gustavsson; Peter Zackariasson (2005).
The Online Consumption of Identities: Heroes and Heroines in Gaming and Online Entertainment , GUP 90195
- M. Bergquist; Karl Ydén (2005).
The Command Post and the Field: Technology, Strategy and Tactics , GUP 89766
- B. Abrahamsson; Karl Ydén (2005).
Organizations, Co-ordinated Actions and Network Based Defence , GUP 89764
- Lena Porsander (2005).
"My name is Lifebuoy" An actor-network emerging from an action-net , GUP 84573
- Hervé Corvellec (2005).
Respekt är mötets etik , GUP 84563
- Hervé Corvellec; H Lindquist (2005).
Servicemötet : multidisciplinära öppningar , GUP 84550
- Wajda Irfaeya; Stefan Tengblad (2005).
Examining responsibility balance in the modern work-life , GUP 38244
- Wajda Irfaeya (2005).
Human Values: Do they make a commitment-difference? , GUP 69465
- Sten Jönsson; Airi Rovio-Johansson; Gary Kokk (2005).
Integrationen slutförd? VAN i Volvo-Areogruppen 2004. Återföring till företagen. Ej publicerad rapport. , GUP 36953
- Dorit Christensen (2005).
The integration was a success but that is not the whole story , GUP 53004
- Dorit Christensen (2005).
Creativity in organising “otherness” - Deconstructing hindrances or creating possibilities , GUP 53003
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2005).
Gender Research Processes: doing research like a man and a woman , GUP 38213
- David Renemark (2005).
To challenge and to reproduce – work life stories of people in finance , GUP 49291
- Karl Ydén (2005).
Directions in Military Organizing , GUP 48726
- Anders Edström; Ola Sabel (2005).
Omstrukturering, omställning och kompetensväxling , GUP 38607
- Dennis Töllborg (2005).
Twenty years after - Välkommen till Oceanien , GUP 45823
- Ulrika Holmberg (2005).
Faithful and Satisfied? Questioning the notion of customer loyalty , GUP 45177
- Ulrika Holmberg (2005).
Faithful and Satisfied? Consumers’ Loyalty to Grocery Stores , GUP 45175
- Ulrika Holmberg (2005).
Faithful and Satisfied? Consumers’ Loyalty to Grocery Stores , GUP 45174
- Stefan Tengblad (2005).
Förtroendekapitalet - resurs om krisen kommer , GUP 37775
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Inga-Lill Johansson (2005).
En studie av studenters förståelse av ett ekonomiskt grundbegrepp i programmet för blivande civilekonomer. , GUP 38242
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; Rolf Solli; Stefan Tengblad (2005).
Investigating the role of the resarcher in metodology books , GUP 38113
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Renemark (2005).
Gender research processes in organizational studies , GUP 38229
- Claes Ohlsson; Stefan Tengblad; F. de Bakker; F. den Hond; M-F. Turcotte (2005).
Corporate Social Responsibility : A Three Country Comparative Study of the Evolution of a Corporate Discourse , GUP 38214
- Kajsa Lindberg; Ola Bergström (2005).
Transforming buyer-supplier relationships. B2B system as a boundary actant , GUP 38205
- Gudbjörg Erlingsdóttir; Kajsa Lindberg (2005).
Isomorphism, Isopraxism and Isonymism: Complimentary or Competing Processes? , GUP 38089
- Per Forsberg (2005).
Market price and the zone of judgement , GUP 38241
- Per Forsberg (2005).
Controlling at a distance vs. the community principle in accounting , GUP 38224
- Per Forsberg; Stig Westerdahl (2005).
The role of occupational community in the auditing practice , GUP 38222
- Per Forsberg (2005).
Eco corridors: about the role of nature in creating a happy and meaningful working life , GUP 38218
- Per Forsberg (2005).
Kalkylering och övervägande retorik , GUP 37587
- Niklas Egels-Zandén (2005).
Sorting out the mess. A Review of Definitions of Ethical Issues in Business , GUP 38620
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2005).
Från insikt till ? Utvärdering av JämO/EU-projektet Women to the Top , GUP 35197
- Hervé Corvellec; David Bevan (2005).
The Impossibility of Corporate Ethics:For a Levinasian Approach to Managerial Ethics , GUP 38613
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2005).
Managing Accountability: Exploring Reasoning in a Management Team , GUP 38623
- Sten Jönsson; Kari Lukka (2005).
Doing interventionist research in management accounting , GUP 38614
- Barbara Czarniawska; Guje Sevón (2005).
The Thin End of the Wedge.Foreign Women Professors as Double Strangers in Academia , GUP 38616
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2005).
New tehcnology as Trojan horse for re-constructions of gender , GUP 38246
- Barbara Czarniawska (2005).
En teori om organisering , GUP 37874
- Barbara Czarniawska (2005).
Pubblica amministrazione in Svezia: una crisi alla moda. , GUP 38091
- Barbara Czarniawska (2005).
Networks, networking and nets: NCW from an organization theory perspective , GUP 38110
- Barbara Czarniawska; Eva Gustavsson (2005).
Kvinnor som teknik eller Stepford wives då och nu , GUP 38114
- Barbara Czarniawska (2005).
On Gorgon sisters: Organizational action in the face of paradox , GUP 38143
- Barbara Czarniawska (2005).
"Studying up, studying down, studying sideways": Om ett dialogiskt förhållande till fältet , GUP 38144
- Rolf Solli; Peter Demediuk; Rob Sims (2005).
The Namesake: On Best Value and outher reformmarks , GUP 38145
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2005).
Learning outcomes in Accounting: Researching undergraduate students' conceptual development. , GUP 38207
- Hervé Corvellec (2005).
Organizing / Arguing:For Nuclear Power in the Name of the Environment , GUP 38615
- Petra Adolfsson; Ewa Wikström (2005).
Kvalitetsdialog i Göteborgs skolväsende , GUP 38351
- Gary Kokk; Airi Rovio-Johansson; Sten Jönsson (2005).
On the discursive contruction of action , GUP 38231
- Hervé Corvellec (2005).
Argumentative Strategies - The Case of the Swedish Wind Energy Sector , GUP 38232
- Hervé Corvellec (2005).
Supporting nuclear energy in the environment's name - organizing/argumenting , GUP 38239
- Hervé Corvellec; Anette Risberg (2005).
The Business of Siting - Planning and Developing Wind Power in Sweden , GUP 38251
- Niklas Egels-Zandén; M. Kallifatides (2005).
An Enlightening Tale of Enlightenment: Expedient Action and Corporate Globalization , GUP 38254
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2005).
An analysis of undergraduate students' conceptual development in accounting , GUP 38257
- Eva Gustavsson (2005).
Virtual Servants: Stereotyping Female Front-Office Employees onthe Internet , GUP 37778
- Mats Bengtsson; Hervé Corvellec (2005).
Etablering av vindkraft i Sverige: En kartläggning av miljötillståndsprocesser 1999-2004 ISSN: 1653-1264, GUP 31269
- Kajsa Lindberg; Gudbjörg Erlingsdóttir (2005).
Att studera översättningar. Två idéers resor i den svenska hälso- och sjukvården , GUP 36912
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2005).
Integration - A polyphonic concept in cross-border acquisitions ISSN: 0972-9232, GUP 36729
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; B. Due; A. Havnes; I. Enroth (2003).
Vilkår för Pedagogiskt Udviklingsarbejde. Evaluering av de Pedagogiske enheder på DTU och CBS. , GUP 36996
- Rolf Wolff; Olof Zaring (2003).
Markets, Business and Sustainable Repositioning , GUP 73890
- M Bartolomeo; D dal Maso; P de Jong; P Eder; P Groenewegen; P Hopkinson; P James; L Nijhuis; Marie Örninge; G Scholl; A Slob; Olof Zaring (2003).
Eco-efficient Producer Services: What are they, how do they benefit customers and the environment and how likely are they to develop and be extensively utilised? , GUP 90668
- Göran Aijmer (2003).
New Year Celebrations in Central China in Late Imperial Times , GUP 158752
- Göran Aijmer (2003).
Earth God Wine and the Meeting of the Fluttering Butterflies: Rituals of Early Spring in Late Imperial China ISSN: 0085-5774, GUP 158751
- Göran Aijmer (2003).
Glosser, Visions of Family, 2003 ISSN: 1356-1863, GUP 158750
- Karl Ydén (2003).
Krigsvetenskap och nätverksbaserat försvar , GUP 147773
- Mikael Wickelgren (2003).
Strategy implementation trough product development - the case of Volvo Car Corporation , GUP 38374
- Lars Norén (2003).
Valfrihet till varje pris - om design av kundvalsmarknader inom skola och omsorg , GUP 38343
- Petra Adolfsson (2003).
Miljö och dess många ansikten i staden - om kvalitetsmätningar och organisering i Stockholm , GUP 37481
- Claes Ohlsson (2003).
Language - an image or a tool? , GUP 37366
- Claes Ohlsson (2003).
Keep your stocks with your socks. The language practice in a new Swedish pension system. , GUP 37370
- Björn Trägårdh; Anders Edström; Maria Tullberg (2003).
Interaktiv forskning - en ömsesidig utmaning , GUP 38199
- Stefan Tengblad (2003).
Classical, but not seminal: Revisiting the pioneering study of managerial work. , GUP 36604
- Petra Adolfsson (2003).
Lag och ordning - om att skapa trovärdighet kring miljö , GUP 37499
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Östen Ohlsson (2003).
Datorn i skolan - grund för en ny maskulin identitet? , GUP 40944
- Dorit Christensen; Sten Jönsson; Gary Kokk; Ole Ö. Madsen; Airi Rovio-Johansson (2003).
XX:s förvärv av YY. Återföring till företagen. Ej publicerad rapport. , GUP 36959
- Dorit Christensen (2003).
Geist i arbetet på Boda Borg , GUP 38340
- Mette Sandoff; Eva Gustavsson (2003).
Standardization of HRM-practices in the global hospitality sector: Resolving the paradox of personal formalized service , GUP 65052
- Dorit Christensen; Svante Leijon (2003).
Meningsfullt arbete: En illustration från turistföretaget Boda Borg , GUP 38341
- Sten Jönsson; Dorit Christensen (2003).
Social, synergy and structuring processes interact when acquired companies are integrated , GUP 37167
- Sten Jönsson; Dorit Christensen (2003).
Social, synergy and structuring processes interact when acquired companies are integrated , GUP 53001
- Maria Tullberg; Björn Trägårdh; Anders Edström (2003).
Interaktiv forskning - en utvecklingskraft? , GUP 48508
- Maria Tullberg (2003).
Flexibel arbetstid : en ny kvinnofälla? , GUP 38577
- Sten Jönsson; Anders Edström (2003).
Stiff surprise on stiffness - an incident in product development in an alliance setting , GUP 36828
- Barbara Czarniawska; Pasquale Gagliardi (2003).
Narratives we organize by , GUP 37061
- Barbara Czarniawska; Guje Sevòn (2003).
The Northern Lights. Organization theory in Scandinavia , GUP 37056
- Karin Winroth (2003).
Där hövdingarna samlas kring lägerelden - om kollegialt ledarskap , GUP 36815
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Östen Ohlsson (2003).
Datorn i skolan grund för ny maskulin identitet? ISSN: 0347-5409, GUP 36938
- Ewa Wikström; Eva Lorenzen; David Renemark (2003).
Sju porträtt av chefer inom Västra Götalands regionen , GUP 38957
- Kajsa Lindberg (2003).
Organisering mellan organisationer : vårdkedja som handlingskedja , GUP 38575
- Gustaf Kastberg; Rolf Solli (2003).
Styrning under föränderlighet - LSS-verksamhet som lysande exempel , GUP 37142
- Karin Winroth (2003).
Professionals in Investment Banks - Sharing an Epistemic Pracitce or an Occupational Community , GUP 38592
- Sten Jönsson (2003).
Action towards time structures in product development processes - observations on the micro level , GUP 38578
- Barbara Czarniawska (2003).
Svenska företag i deckarromaner 1943-2001 , GUP 38571
- Anders Edström; Åke Beckérus; Bengt-Erik Larsson (2003).
Evenemangsföretagande , GUP 40998
- Anders Edström; Sara Hjelm Lidholm (2003).
Redesigning a business through internet technology , GUP 40997
- Ulrika Holmberg (2003).
Buying all One's Groceries in One Single Store? Consumers' Perceptions of Perfect Loyalty , GUP 40955
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Östen Ohlsson (2003).
A new masculine identity - based on the rhetoric of IT-activity , GUP 40943
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; David Knights (2003).
Stories about men resisting new technology , GUP 40941
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2003).
Strober, Myra H and Chane, Agnes Miling Kaneko (1999) The Road Winds Uphill All the Way. ISSN: 0968-6673, GUP 40939
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2003).
Implementing ICT in Swedish schools - a gender perspective , GUP 40937
- Per Forsberg; Stig Westerdahl (2003).
Comparing Auditors and Sea Pilots - What Can we Learn from Virtue Ethics? , GUP 40924
- Per Forsberg (2003).
När träden och bergen ler. Havel och Taube som miljöaktivister ISSN: 0015-248X, GUP 40923
- Per Forsberg (2003).
Konsumtion som produktion av livskvalitet , GUP 39325
- Per Forsberg (2003).
Hur är samarbeten möjliga utan en geografisk hemvist? , GUP 39324
- Per Forsberg (2003).
For the sake of which - about skills and virtues in the pilotage service , GUP 39323
- Dorit Christensen (2003).
Vart tog geisten vägen? Meningsfullt arbete i Boda Borg , GUP 38339
- David Renemark (2003).
(Wo)men working in financial markets. A study of organizing of work. , GUP 38338
- David Renemark (2003).
Technology interaction and gender construction. Tales of male day traders , GUP 38337
- Hervé Corvellec (2003).
Narratives of Organizational Performances , GUP 38283
- Sten Jönsson (2003).
Årsberättelse 2002 Gothenburg Research Institute , GUP 36583
- Hervé Corvellec (2003).
Management Gurus and Management Fashions - A Dramastic Inquiry by Brad Jackson (with a foreword by Chris Argyris; London and New York: Routledge, 2001) ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 37559
- Hervé Corvellec (2003).
L'irréconciliabilité de l'éthique des manageurs et de l'éthique de l'entreprise , GUP 37558
- Claes Ohlsson (2003).
Du sparar till din pension. Språket i det nya pensionssystemet. , GUP 37369
- Barbara Czarniawska; Carmelo Mazza (2003).
Consulting as a liminal space , GUP 36841
- Stefan Tengblad; Haldor Byrkjeflot (2003).
The political dynamics of corporate governance: Institutionalization, resistance and paradoxical outcomes , GUP 37345
- Stefan Tengblad (2003).
"Invisible management" by Sjöstrand, S-E., Sandberg, J., and Tyrstrup, M. ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 37322
- Stefan Tengblad (2003).
What is employeeship? , GUP 37321
- Stefan Tengblad (2003).
Medarbetarskap i det nya arbetslivet: en kraft för utveckling och förnyelse? , GUP 37320
- Stefan Tengblad (2003).
Den myndige medarbetaren. - Strategier för ett konstruktivt medarbetarskap , GUP 37319
- Kajsa Lindberg (2003).
Organisering mellan organisationer.Vårdkedja som handlingskedja. , GUP 37291
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Kajsa Lindberg (2003).
E-affärer: En idé på modet. Om hur en idé översätts och omsätts i handling. , GUP 37271
- Ylva Mühlenbock; Rolf Solli (2003).
Lokala förändringar - en väg genom skolans kultur. , GUP 37143
- Rolf Solli (2003).
Perspektiv på kommunal revision - Oberoende, drivkrafter och hur andra gör , GUP 37144
- Barbara Czarniawska (2003).
Social constructionism and organization studies , GUP 37099
- Kajsa Lindberg; Barbara Czarniawska (2003).
Knotting the net of actions, or organizing between organizations. , GUP 37062
- Barbara Czarniawska (2003).
Forbidden knowledge. Organization theory in times of transition. ISSN: 1350-5076, GUP 37059
- Barbara Czarniawska (2003).
The styles and the stylists of organization theory , GUP 37058
- Annica Bragd; Dorit Christensen; Barbara Czarniawska; Maria Tullberg (2003).
Discourse as the means of community creation , GUP 37037
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2003).
Organisational learning: Understanding of 'integration' in merging businesses , GUP 36974
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2003).
Students' process of knowledge development in Accounting in Higher Education. , GUP 36965
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2003).
On Students' Understanding of Accounting in Higher Education. , GUP 36967
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2003).
On understanding and development of knowledge in Accounting: A follow-up study of students in Higher Education , GUP 36964
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2003).
Accounts of integration and integration of accounts , GUP 36963
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2003).
Exploring reasoning and representations of the top management team - What is at stake? , GUP 36961
- Sten Jönsson; Airi Rovio-Johansson; Gary Kokk (2003).
Articulation of principles on the micro level - observing argumentation in a merger process , GUP 36960
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2003).
Review of Strober, Myra H and Chane, Agnes Miling Kaneko (1999) The Road Winds Uphill All the Way. , GUP 36937
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2003).
Notatki i opowie´sci z terenu , GUP 36936
- Olof Zaring; Eva Terrvik; Hans Hellsmark (2002).
Perspectives on Sustainable Repositioning , GUP 90672
- Mikael Wickelgren (2002).
The Volvo Saga , GUP 38377
- Mikael Wickelgren; L-G. Järvung; A. Lindberg (2002).
Catch Management - ARL in action , GUP 38378
- L. Rohlin; K. Billing; A. Lindberg; Mikael Wickelgren (2002).
Earning while Learning in Global Leadership - The Volvo MiL Partnership , GUP 38376
- Mikael Wickelgren; Åsa Hagerström (2002).
Change at work - the Mod Concept , GUP 38375
- Annica Bragd (2002).
Knowing management. An Ethnographic Study of Tinkering with a New Car , GUP 131523
- Dorit Christensen (2002).
Vart tog Geisten vägen? Meningsfullt arbete över tid i Boda Borg. , GUP 38342
- Freddy Hällsten (2002).
Personalansvarets olikheter ur etiskt perspektiv , GUP 38396
- Freddy Hällsten; Stefan Tengblad (2002).
Personalansvar och medarbetarskap - om relationen mellan organisation och medarbetare , GUP 35643
- Björn Jansson; Ulf Sternhufvud; Rolf Wolff (2002).
Klusterutveckling i Göteborgsregionen - Analys av förutsättningar och utvecklingsstrategier. , GUP 73892
- Sten Jönsson; Airi Rovio-Johansson; Dorit Christensen; Gary Kokk (2002).
Rapport om Volvo Aeros förvärv av Norsk Jetmotor. Återföring till företagen. Ej publicerad rapport. , GUP 36975
- Björn Rombach; Rolf Solli (2002).
Fiktiva förebilder. Reflektioner kring filmhjältar som ledare , GUP 50716
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Henrik Hansson; Mikael Löfström; Östen Ohlsson; Martin Selander (2002).
The dilemma with ICT in educational organisations , GUP 40133
- Freddy Hällsten; Stefan Tengblad (2002).
Personalansvar och medarbetarskap , GUP 38397
- Barbara Czarniawska; Heather Höpfl (2002).
Casting the other. The production maintenance of inequalities in work organizations. , GUP 37072
- Björn Trägårdh; Kajsa Lindberg (2002).
Vårdkedjor - processorganisering i vården , GUP 37944
- Anders Edström; Björn Trägårdh (2002).
Globaliseringskrafter och krishantering - exemplet Lear i Bengtsfors , GUP 41061
- Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist; Kajsa Lindberg (2002).
Organizational effects on e-business in companies , GUP 38487
- Karin Winroth (2002).
Business on Their Minds. - How Experts in Investment Banks Organise Their Work , GUP 35646
- Ola Sabel (2002).
Posten Futurum - Utvärdering av verksamheten i Postens omställningsprogram , GUP 35478
- Anders Edström; Johan Wass (2002).
I KULTURENS GREPP - Nedläggningen av Lear Corporations fabrik i Bengtsfors. Ett industriellt drama i tre akter , GUP 38675
- Björn Trägårdh; Anders Edström; Johan Wass (2002).
Fri eller ställd. Om friställda industriarbetare i periferin - exemplet Lear i Bengsfors , GUP 35508
- Stefan Tengblad (2002).
Expectations and accountability in managerial work , GUP 35480
- Inger Johanne Pettersen; Beate Rotefoss; Sten Jönsson; Tor Korneliussen (2002).
Nordic Management & Business Administration Research - Quo Vadis? , GUP 38511
- Karin Winroth (2002).
The Organising of Expert Firms , GUP 38491
- Sten Jönsson (2002).
Projects and core values , GUP 38501
- Anders Edström; Staffan Gullander (2002).
Organisationsutveckling i offentliga fastighetsföretag - tendenser och verktyg , GUP 41059
- Hervé Corvellec (2002).
På tal om Tredje spåret vid Riddarholmen , GUP 38285
- Hervé Corvellec (2002).
"Pandemonium" by Gibson Burrell. ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 38284
- Stefan Tengblad (2002).
Time and space in managerial work , GUP 36588
- Peter Dobers; Stefan Tengblad (2002).
Metaforer som verktyg för ideologisk styrning. Fågel, fisk eller mittemellan? , GUP 36613
- Barbara Czarniawska; Kristina Genell (2002).
Gone shopping? Universities on their way to the market , GUP 36668
- Stefan Tengblad; Peter Dobers (2002).
Standardisering av värderingar. Personalutbildning inom den svenska konsumentkooperationen , GUP 36680
- Barbara Czarniawska (2002).
Remembering while forgetting: The role of automorphism in reframing city management in Warsaw , GUP 36821
- Stefan Tengblad (2002).
Lön för mödan? Om personalansvar inom omsorgsarbete , GUP 37346
- Kajsa Lindberg (2002).
Kopplandets kraft. Om organisering mellan organisationer , GUP 37294
- Eva Gustavsson (2002).
Kvalitetsstyrning i industriell service , GUP 37265
- Sten Jönsson; Stefan Tengblad (2002).
Is the nature of managerial work a stable one? , GUP 37175
- Sten Jönsson (2002).
Review: Lepper, Georgia, "Categories in text and talk" ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 37174
- Sten Jönsson (2002).
Review: Cooren, Francois, "The organizing property of Communication". ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 37173
- Sten Jönsson (2002).
The organising property of premium design arguments , GUP 37171
- Sten Jönsson (2002).
Projects and core values , GUP 37170
- Sten Jönsson (2002).
Ledarskap, Ansvar och Komplexitet - Reflektioner kring fallet Hallandsås , GUP 37168
- Barbara Czarniawska (2002).
The process of organizing , GUP 37068
- Barbara Czarniawska (2002).
Narrative, interviews and organizations , GUP 37066
- Barbara Czarniawska (2002).
Förbjuden kunskap: Varför tystas forskningsresultaten i undervisningen? , GUP 37065
- Barbara Czarniawska (2002).
A tale of three cities, or the glocalization of city management , GUP 37063
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2002).
On the Educational Constitution of Different Meanings of the Content of Teaching in Higher Education , GUP 36980
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2002).
The students' Learning and Understanding of Accounting , GUP 36979
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2002).
A Historical Perspective of the Lecturers' Teaching Excellence and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Higher Education , GUP 36977
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2002).
Students' experiences of the conditions of learning in a program, "Problem Solving in Science", during the first semester in Higher Education. , GUP 36976
- Barbara Czarniawska; Carmelo Mazza; Tatiana Pipan (2001).
Gestire grandi città. Storie di Roma al passaggio del millennio , GUP 37076
- Olof Zaring (2001).
Learnways: an e-learning service provider , GUP 90683
- Olof Zaring (2001).
Introduction , GUP 90657
- Olof Zaring (2001).
Creating eco-effiecient producer services , GUP 38573
- Göran Aijmer (2001).
The Symbological Project ISSN: 0921-3740, GUP 158753
- Eva Terrvik (2001).
Att kanalisera hållbarhet - hur daglivaruföretag översätter miljövarumärken i daglivaruhandeln , GUP 131386
- Anders Edström; Johan Hagberg; Sara Hjelm (2001).
On-line retailing in consumer electronics - The case of NetonNet , GUP 41105
- Marcus Carlsson Reich; Rolf Wolff; Olof Zaring; Lars Zetterberg; Markus Åhman (2001).
Ethical Investments - Towards a Sound Theory and Screening Methodology , GUP 73897
- Ola Bergström; Peter Dobers (2001).
Lokala Investeringsprogram – Trollhättans kommun 1998–2000 , GUP 90319
- Ola Bergström; Peter Dobers (2001).
Organizing Sustainable Development. From Diffusion to Translation ISSN: 0968-08, GUP 90300
- Eva-Maria Svensson; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2001).
Genus i utbildningen, tre exempel ISSN: 0348-8365, GUP 64878
- Björn Rombach; Rolf Solli (2001).
Fiktiva förebilder - filmhjältar som ledare , GUP 53549
- Maria Tullberg (2001).
Orden som förnyar , GUP 38555
- Peter Dobers; Lars Strannegård; Rolf Wolff (2001).
Corporate environmental management. Who cares? , GUP 47022
- Peter Dobers; Lars Strannegård; Rolf Wolff (2001).
Knowledge Interests in Corporate Environmental Management ISSN: 0964-4733, GUP 47018
- Sten Jönsson; Anders Edström (2001).
Confrontation and the rules of the game in product development - the micro processes , GUP 38559
- Sten Jönsson; Bøje Larsen (2001).
Teori & praksis. Skandinaviske perspektiver på ledelse og økonomistyrning , GUP 37177
- Rolf Solli; Barbara Czarniawska (2001).
Modernisering av storstaden. Marknad och management i stora städer vid sekelskiftet , GUP 37080
- Barbara Czarniawska; Rolf Solli (2001).
Organizing metropolitan space and discourse , GUP 37074
- Eva-Maria Svensson; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2001).
Genus i utbildningen - ett förändringsprojekt på Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet , GUP 41360
- Peter Dobers; Lars Strannegård (2001).
Loveable networks. A story of affection, attraction and treachery , GUP 36619
- Ola Sabel (2001).
Personalminskning och kompetensväxling inom Vattenfall. - Uppföljning av ett omställningsprojekt , GUP 35455
- Stefan Tengblad (2001).
Examining the stability of managerial behavior: A replication of Henry Mintzbergs classic study 30 years later , GUP 35644
- Sten Jönsson; Anders Edström (2001).
Stiff surprise - coping with surprising discoveries in product development processes , GUP 35614
- Sten Jönsson (2001).
Managers work with words - an introduction , GUP 35699
- Barbara Czarniawska (2001).
Isolationist Automorphism, Relentless Isomorphism, or Merciless Idealism. The Cultural Context of City Management in Warsaw, Stockholm and Rome , GUP 38537
- Peter Dobers; Stefan Tengblad (2001).
Standardisering av värderingar. Personalutbildning inom den svenska konsumentkooperationen , GUP 38524
- Maria Tullberg (2001).
Farväl till vapnen...? Om samarbete och konkurrens , GUP 38518
- Barbara Czarniawska (2001).
Metaphors and the Cultural Context of organizing , GUP 38673
- Ulrika Holmberg (2001).
Konsumenters tankar kring den lojala dagligvarukunden , GUP 38768
- Anders Edström; Åke Beckérus; Bengt-Erik Larsson (2001).
Festivaler som motor i regional utveckling , GUP 41106
- Petra Adolfsson (2001).
Ways of measuring and interpreting the air quality - facts, figures, and illustrations , GUP 38805
- Sten Jönsson (2001).
Managers work with words - an introduction , GUP 38804
- Stefan Tengblad (2001).
Corporate governance from a social movement perspective: The case of Sweden , GUP 38808
- Barbara Czarniawska; Eva Gustavsson (2001).
The Web Woman: Female Personal Assistats and Business on the Web , GUP 38806
- Hervé Corvellec; Mats Rosengren (2001).
Exploring Managerial Doxa with the New Rhetoric , GUP 38800
- Karin Winroth (2001).
The Organizing of Expert Firms , GUP 38794
- Peter Dobers; Jonathan Schroeder (2001).
Representing IT: Embodying the Electronic Economy , GUP 38793
- Karin Winroth (2001).
What Do Experts in Corporate Finance Have to Offer?- The Market for Investment Bank Services , GUP 38792
- Kajsa Lindberg; Björn Trägårdh (2001).
Idén om vådrkedja mäter lokal praxis , GUP 38770
- Pontus Cerin; Peter Dobers (2001).
What does the Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index really tell Us? , GUP 38754
- Hervé Corvellec (2001).
Talks on Tracks - Debating Urban Infrastructure Projects ISSN: 1024-5286, GUP 38287
- Hervé Corvellec (2001).
The New Rhetoric of Infrastructure Projects , GUP 38286
- Barbara Czarniawska (2001).
Having hope in paralogy , GUP 37799
- Sten Jönsson; Anders Edström (2001).
Confrontation and the rules of the game in product development - the micro processes , GUP 35709
- Barbara Czarniawska (2001).
Is it possible to be a constructionist consultant? On the complex relation between the logic of theory, the logic of practice and the logic of representation , GUP 36650
- Kajsa Lindberg; Björn Trägårdh (2001).
Idén om vårdkedja mäter lokal praxis , GUP 36657
- Eva Gustavsson (2001).
Organizing financial services on the WWW , GUP 35493
- Sten Jönsson; Anders Edström; Urban Ask (2001).
Discipline and creative work - designing next year’s car model , GUP 37176
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2001).
LÄRANDETS BETINGELSER: En intervjustudie av studenters erfarenheter under första universitetsterminen på programmet Naturvetenskaplig problemlösning. ISSN: ISSN 1404-062X, GUP 36995
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2001).
The students' learning space in economics in Higher Education , GUP 36983
- Airi Rovio-Johansson; G. Tingbjörn (2001).
Pedagogisk skicklighet och pedagogisk meriter - historik och praktik , GUP 36982
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2001).
Exploring Teaching in Higher Education from a Learning Perspective in Management Accounting. , GUP 36981
- Rolf Wolff; Olof Zaring; E. Furuholt; H. O'Leary; A.P. Gaasbeek; T. Thoem (2000).
Indicators for Sustainable Development. , GUP 290034
- Barbara Czarniawska (2000).
Narrare l’organizzazione. La construzione dell’identita istituzionale , GUP 37087
- Henrikke Baumann; Rolf Wolff (2000).
LCAs (Life Cycle Assessment) as reflective conversations with messy situations: a decision making appraisal , GUP 37924
- Olof Zaring; Rolf Wolff; E Furuholt; H O'Leary; A P Gaasbeek; T Thoem (2000).
Indicators for Sustainable Development , GUP 90665
- Göran Aijmer (2000).
Introduction: The Idiom of Violence in Imagery and Discourse. , GUP 158757
- Göran Aijmer; Jon Abbink (2000).
Meanings of Violence: A Cross Cultural Perspective , GUP 158756
- Göran Aijmer; K.Y. Ho. Virgil (2000).
Cantonese Society in a Time of Change , GUP 158754
- Stefan Tengblad (2000).
Arbetsorganisation i Sverige före 1970 , GUP 38526
- Eva Gustavsson (2000).
Organisering av tjänster: från den symmetriska interaktionen till införandet av standarder? , GUP 37264
- Carl Martin Allwood; Sven Hemlin (2000).
Fyrkantig eller numerisk hermeneutik? , GUP 98587
- Stefan Tengblad; Freddy Hällsten (2000).
Individer eller personal? En idéskrift om etik inom person(al)ledning , GUP 38589
- Kajsa Lindberg; Björn Trägårdh (2000).
När organisationer, professioner och idéer möts , GUP 39256
- Olof Zaring (2000).
Allt svårare att hitta i Miljöfondsdjungeln , GUP 90670
- Mats Alvesson; Karl Ydén (2000).
Ledarskap som verklighetsdefinition, relation och process , GUP 89767
- Mats Alvesson; Thomas Polesie; Karl Ydén (2000).
IT, organiserande och ledarskap , GUP 37823
- Stefan Tengblad (2000).
The nature of control. A study of CEO behavior , GUP 35506
- Stefan Tengblad (2000).
Continuity and change in managerial work , GUP 38503
- Stefan Tengblad (2000).
Verkställande direktörer i arbete , GUP 38483
- Sten Jönsson; Stefan Tengblad (2000).
Health Care in Retrenchment - Experience of Ethical Problems among Accountants , GUP 37349
- Margareta Damm; Stefan Tengblad (2000).
Personalarbetets omvandlingar i Sverige- Ett historiskt perspektiv , GUP 35517
- Ola Bergström; Peter Dobers (2000).
Organizing Sustainable Development. From Diffusion to Translation , GUP 38737
- Peter Dobers; Lars Strannegård; Rolf Wolff (2000).
Union-Jacking the research agenda. A study of the frontstage and backstage of Business Strategy and the Environment 1992-1998 , GUP 47024
- Peter Dobers; Lars Strannegård; Rolf Wolff (2000).
Union-Jacking the research agenda. A study of the frontstage and backstage of Business Strategy and the Environment 1992-1998 ISSN: 0964-4733, GUP 47021
- Rolf Wolff (2000).
Konkurrens med mjuka värden - om aktieägarvärde och uthållighet ISSN: 1403-7742, GUP 47017
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (2000).
Editorial: Special issue on contemporary nordic research in corporate environmental management ISSN: 0964-4733, GUP 47016
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (2000).
Competing with “soft” issues - from managing the environment to sustainable business strategies ISSN: 0964-4733, GUP 47015
- Barbara Czarniawska (2000).
- Sten Jönsson; Anders Edström (2000).
Bracketing an issue in a product develoment process , GUP 35504
- Hervé Corvellec (2000).
Talks on Tracks - Debating Urban Infrastructure Projects , GUP 35509
- Sten Jönsson (2000).
Integration, diversity and mutual learning in intra-Nordic management , GUP 38541
- Hervé Corvellec (2000).
For a Narrative Criticism of Organizational Performance , GUP 38668
- Lena Porsander (2000).
Translating a dream of immortality into a (con)temporary order , GUP 36603
- Barbara Czarniawska (2000).
Att studera management som skapande och återskapande av handlingsnät , GUP 36592
- Barbara Czarniawska (2000).
Anthropology and organizational learning. , GUP 37919
- Rolf Wolff; Bo Hedberg (2000).
Organizing, Learning and Strategizing: From Construction to Discovery , GUP 37889
- Stefan Tengblad (2000).
Vad innebär Human Resource Management? , GUP 37933
- Peter Dobers (2000).
Translating and transcribing in development projects - from vague problems to clear cut solutions through project organising , GUP 38752
- Sten Jönsson (2000).
Var finns rättvisan i fördelningen av resurser i en liten storstad? , GUP 38670
- Eva Gustavsson (2000).
From a hotel guest to the "3.4 satisfied" customer , GUP 37936
- Tatiana Pipan; Lena Porsander (2000).
Imitating uniqueness: How big cities organize big events , GUP 37796
- Barbara Czarniawska (2000).
The European Capital of the 2000s: On image construction and modelling , GUP 36593
- Karin Winroth (2000).
Management på advokatbyråer - att göra byrån till ett företag , GUP 36660
- Stefan Tengblad; Sten Jönsson (2000).
Kommunalekonomers etiska problem och sätt att lösa dem , GUP 36874
- Stefan Tengblad (2000).
Om managementteori ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35489
- Stefan Tengblad (2000).
Executive Behaviour revisited-Perspectives on a classic work within management research ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35474
- Barbara Czarniawska (2000).
Remembering while forgetting: The role of automorphism in reframing city management in Warsaw ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35633
- Barbara Czarniawska (2000).
Identity lost or Identity Found? Celebration and Lamentation over the Postmodern View of Identity in Social Science and Fiction , GUP 37094
- Barbara Czarniawska (2000).
Organizational translations , GUP 37089
- Barbara Czarniawska (2000).
A city reframed. Managing Warsaw in the 1990s. , GUP 37081
- Airi Rovio-Johansson (2000).
Teaching in Higher Education from a Learning Perspective , GUP 36984
- Bellini Emilio; Capaldo Guido; Anders Edström; Matti A. Kaulio; Raffa Mario; Max Rapp-Ricciardi; Zollo Giuseppe (1999).
Strategic Paths of Academic Spin-offs: A Comparative Analysis of Swedish and Italian Cases , GUP 229986
- Göran Aijmer (1999).
R.A. Segal, The Myth and Ritual Theory ISSN: 1359-0987, GUP 158758
- Mikael Wickelgren (1999).
Lärande och kommunikation i och mellan projekt , GUP 38796
- Sten Jönsson; Lennart Nilsson; Sigvard Rubenowitz; Jörgen Westerståhl (1999).
The Decentralized City - Democracy, Efficiency, Service , GUP 37180
- Sten Jönsson; Anders Edström; Urban Ask (1999).
Communication in product development in an alliance setting , GUP 62750
- Petra Adolfsson; Ulrika Holmberg; Urban Ask; Sten Jönsson (1999).
Corporate Governance in Sweden - A Literature Review , GUP 62747
- Sten Jönsson; Anders Edström; Urban Ask (1999).
Discipline and creative work - designing next year's car model , GUP 35473
- Anders Edström; Maria Tullberg (1999).
Making Sense of Business.Reorganizing Processes in Swedish Rail , GUP 38803
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1999).
Contemporary Nordic Research in Environmental Management , GUP 47011
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1999).
Eco-efficiency and dematerialization: Scenarios for new industrial logics in recycling industries, automobile and household appliances ISSN: 0964-4733, GUP 47009
- Sten Jönsson; Anders Edström (1999).
The controller in action- participative control here and now in product development processes , GUP 38549
- Barbara Czarniawska (1999).
Management she wrote. On parallels between detective novel and organization theory , GUP 36585
- Olof Zaring (1999).
Investment decisions and the environment- A study of strategies for project planning , GUP 38885
- Sten Jönsson (1999).
On the locus of justice in the resource allocation of a small city , GUP 38495
- Sten Jönsson (1999).
Action Research in Management Accounting Studies , GUP 38523
- Stefan Tengblad; Sten Jönsson (1999).
Etiska problem inom kommunal ekonomi , GUP 38795
- Peter Dobers (1999).
Netting the information infrastructure of Stockholm. An idea travels throughout the world. , GUP 38581
- Barbara Czarniawska (1999).
Interviews, narratives and organizations , GUP 38596
- Peter Dobers; Anders Söderholm (1999).
Translation and Transcription in Development Projects- From Vague Problems to Clear-Cut solutions Through Project Organizing , GUP 38664
- Cecilia Solér (1999).
Att köpa miljövänliga dagligvaror, meningsskapande och relevans , GUP 35482
- Stefan Tengblad (1999).
Ett nytt sätt att leda personal- Spridning av HRM till Sverige ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35674
- Sten Jönsson (1999).
Understanding Japanese Management , GUP 37179
- Barbara Czarniawska (1999).
Det var en gång en stad på vatten - Berättelser om organisering och organisering av berättelser i Stockholm , GUP 37095
- Barbara Czarniawska (1999).
Writing Management , GUP 37092
- Petra Adolfsson; Ulrika Holmberg; Sten Jönsson (1998).
Shortermism does not effect decisions in Swedish industry on Research & Development - yet. , GUP 37930
- Petra Adolfsson; Ulrika Holmberg; Sten Jönsson (1998).
Short-termism does not seem to effect decisions i Swedish industry on Research & Development - yet , GUP 91064
- Sten Jönsson; Stefan Tengblad (1998).
Etik inom kommunal ekonomi , GUP 37184
- Sten Jönsson; Anders Edström; Urban Ask (1998).
The world that changed the machine - Communication in product development in an alliance setting , GUP 38809
- Anders Edström; Sten Jönsson; Urban Ask (1998).
Joint platforming - Learning from differences and differences of learning , GUP 38761
- Ulrika Holmberg (1998).
Store loyalty: a consumer- and store perspective - A doctoral reserch project , GUP 47783
- Ulrika Holmberg (1998).
Store loyalty: a consumer- and a store perspective , GUP 47781
- Lars Strannegård; Rolf Wolff (1998).
Discovering Sustainability: A Case Study of Learning through Environmental Scenarios ISSN: 0966-9671, GUP 47010
- Rolf Wolff (1998).
Beyond Environmental Management – Perspectives on Environmental and Management Research ISSN: 0964-4733, GUP 47007
- Barbara Czarniawska; Marta Calás (1998).
Another country: Explaining gender discrimination with "culture". ISSN: 0359-6680, GUP 37230
- Lars Strannegård (1998).
Green Ideas in Business , GUP 38863
- Lena Porsander; Tatiana Pipan (1998).
Initating Uniqueness: How Big Cities Organize Big Events , GUP 38562
- Lars Strannegård; Rolf Wolff; Marie Örninge (1998).
Svenska Miljöbarometern 1997-1998 , GUP 40980
- Barbara Czarniawska (1998).
Changing organizations in a changing institutional order: The administrative reform of the city of Warsaw. ISSN: 1024-5286, GUP 37229
- Sten Jönsson (1998).
Relate management accounting research to managerial work! ISSN: 0361-3682, GUP 37182
- Hervé Corvellec (1998).
Böcker kan inte avslutas om inte debet är lika med kredit , GUP 37906
- Peter Dobers (1998).
Miljömanagement? Miljö och management , GUP 37901
- Lena Prosander (1998).
Translating a dream of immortality into a (con)temporary order. , GUP 38456
- Lars Strannegård (1998).
Discources to avoid deinstitutionalisation of an environmental ideology , GUP 38810
- Ernst Hollander (1998).
Måste det förbli segt?! - om kravformares roll för miljöteknik , GUP 38506
- Hervé Corvellec (1998).
The books cannot be closed unless the debits equal the credits. -- double bookkeeping and the textual construction of organizations , GUP 38801
- Lars Strannegård (1998).
The race towards environmental friendliness-spreading the words of an environmental ideology , GUP 38791
- Rolf Wolff (1998).
Bortom miljömanagement - Företagsekonomisk forskning för miljön. , GUP 37928
- Hervé Corvellec (1998).
Tracks Talk , GUP 38771
- Peter Dobers (1998).
Pluralism av uppfattningar - på gott och ont?! , GUP 38160
- Hervé Corvellec (1998).
Talks on Tracks - The Discursive Praxis of Infrastructure Projects , GUP 38298
- Barbara Czarniawska (1998).
Organisationsteori på svenska , GUP 37097
- Barbara Czarniawska; Rolf Wolff (1998).
Constructing New Identities in Established Organization Fields - Young Universities in Old Europe ISSN: 0020-8825, GUP 37234
- Barbara Czarniawska; Bernward Joerges (1998).
The question of technology, or how organizations inscribe the world. ISSN: 0170-8406, GUP 37233
- Anders Edström; Sten Jönsson (1998).
Svenskt ledarskap. , GUP 35450
- Peter Dobers; Anders Söderholm (1998).
Aktivt miljöarbete som projekt. Översättning och överlämning i projektets organisering , GUP 35538
- Barbara Czarniawska (1998).
On Travelling between the Worlds: City Management as Translation ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35612
- Anders Edström; Sten Jönsson (1998).
Swedish Leadership , GUP 37181
- Barbara Czarniawska (1998).
Weick, Karl E. , GUP 37098
- Barbara Czarniawska (1998).
A narrative approach in organization studies. , GUP 37096
- Carina Löfström; Anders Edström (1997).
Multi-level change: The case of Sweden Post. , GUP 231982
- Carina Löfström; Anders Edström; Lars Erik Norbäck; Maria Tullberg (1997).
Diffusion of organizational forms and ideals and the necessities of operations. , GUP 231986
- Anders Edström; Max Rapp-Ricciardi (1997).
Integration of Central Change Initiatives and Local Development Work , GUP 229982
- Sten Jönsson; Lennart Nilsson; Sigvard Rubenowitz; Jörgen Westerståhl (1997).
Decentraliserad välfärdsstad - demokrati, effektivitet och service , GUP 37186
- Gill Widell; Kajsa Lindberg (1997).
Ett år i förändring. Om en kommunlednings försök att gå från hierarki till projektorganisation , GUP 65057
- Christian Jensen; Gill Widell; Kajsa Lindberg; Mikael Löfström (1997).
Relationistisk metod för relationistisk organisationsforskning. , GUP 62316
- Sten Jönsson; Norman Macintosh (1997).
CATS, RATS, and EARS: making the case for ethnographic accounting research. ISSN: 0361-3682, GUP 37185
- Carl-Johan Andrén (1997).
Föreställningar om kunder , GUP 38836
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1997).
Eco-efficiency and dematerialization. Scenarios for new industrial logics in recycling industries, car and household appliances , GUP 47025
- Rolf Wolff (1997).
Miljömanagement - mot en forskningsbaserad reflekterande praxis. , GUP 46999
- Peter Dobers; L. Salmi; T. Symreng; Rolf Wolff (1997).
Återvinning eller dematerialisering. Två angreppssätt på vägen till ett ekologiskt uthålligt samhälle , GUP 46994
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1997).
Eco-efficiency and dematerialization. Scenarios for new industrial logics in recycling industries, car and household appliances. , GUP 46991
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1997).
Miljöstrategier - Ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv, andra upplagan , GUP 46950
- Lars Strannegård (1997).
Talking About Change. An environmental Staff Unit in Three Different Contexts , GUP 38756
- Anders Edström; Deborah Lygonis (1997).
När liten blir stor - Framgångsrika tillväxtföretag i Västsverige , GUP 41116
- Annica Bragd (1997).
The Organising of Green Products: Five case studies of green technological innovation products , GUP 38802
- Barbara Czarniawska (1997).
Symbolism in public administration organization studies. ISSN: 1084-1806, GUP 37239
- Petra Adolfsson (1997).
Summary of the Swedish BEB 1997 , GUP 37885
- Rolf Wolff; Dobers Peter (1997).
Managing Ecological Competence - Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Challanges , GUP 37917
- Barbara Czarniawska (1997).
Diskrimineras vi likadant? Om det sociala könet, lokala kulturer och förändringar i den offentliga sektorn , GUP 37893
- Annica Bragd (1997).
The Organising of Environmentally Sound Products: Five Case Studies , GUP 38813
- Annica Bragd (1997).
Introduction of green products: Organisational challenges to improve efficiency and co-ordination , GUP 38811
- Barbara Czarniawska (1997).
A Capital City in Europe 2000: A Universal Standard or a Local Construction? , GUP 38484
- Peter Dobers (1997).
Voluntary agreements as a way to take on collective responsibility when solving environmental problems , GUP 38759
- Hervé Corvellec (1997).
Accounting for Translations , GUP 38745
- Eva Gustavsson (1997).
Selling pracices and standardization. A study on interaction practices between seller and buyer in the industrial service market , GUP 38744
- Olof Zaring (1997).
The applied use of economic analysis: The issue of capital investment and sustainable alternatives , GUP 38742
- Sten Jönsson (1997).
The next step - on academic writing , GUP 38741
- Birgitta Schwartz (1997).
Det miljönpassade företaget- strategiska uppträdanden på den institutionella scenen , GUP 38686
- Cecilia Solér (1997).
Att köpa miljövänliga dagligvaror , GUP 38684
- Stefan Tengblad (1997).
Chefsförsörjning- Mötet mellan motstridiga ideal , GUP 38685
- Peter Dobers (1997).
Organising Strategies of Environmental Control. Towards a decentralisation of the Swedish environmental control repertoire. , GUP 38734
- Hervé Corvellec (1997).
Stories of achievement - narrative features of organizational performance , GUP 38301
- Barbara Czarniawska (1997).
A four times told tale: Combining narrative and scientific knowledge in organization studies. ISSN: 1350-5084, GUP 37242
- Barbara Czarniawska (1997).
En resa till Warszawa eller hur följa förebilder utan att härma? ISSN: 1402-8700, GUP 37241
- Barbara Czarniawska (1997).
Learning organizing in a changing institutional order. The case of Warsaw. ISSN: 1350-5076, GUP 37238
- Barbara Czarniawska (1997).
Narrating the organization. Dramas of institutional identity. , GUP 37236
- Sten Jönsson (1997).
Föreställningar om Japanskt Management , GUP 35448
- Sten Jönsson (1997).
Det personliga ansvaret, resursknappheten och kommunal ekonomi - en resursfördelningsmodell som kontext , GUP 37183
- Rolf Wolff (1997).
Miljökrav och konkurrenskraft - företagsekonomiska perspektiv ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35704
- Barbara Czarniawska (1997).
Symbolism and organization studies , GUP 35609
- Barbara Czarniawska (1997).
On the Imperative and the Impossibility of Polyphony in Organization Studies ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35619
- Barbara Czarniawska (1997).
Kto pisze miasto? , GUP 35800
- Rolf Solli; Sten Jönsson (1997).
Housekeeping? Yes, but which house? - Meaning and responsibility in accounting rule making - a case study. ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 37147
- Anders Källström; Rolf Solli (1997).
Med takt och taktik : om den ekonomiska krisen, våra kommuner och det kommunala ledarskapet , GUP 37146
- Barbara Czarniawska (1996).
Anthropology and Organizational Learning , GUP 45904
- Petra Adolfsson; Rolf Wolff; Karin Andersson; Lina Brynne (1996).
Företag och miljö i Bohuslän - en utvärdering , GUP 136973
- Carl Martin Allwood; Sven Hemlin (1996).
Vad betyder positivismen i dagens psykologiska forskning? En fallstudie. , GUP 98324
- Lars Strannegård; Petra Adolfsson; Rolf Wolff (1996).
Svenska miljöbarometern 1995/1996 , GUP 37503
- Petra Adolfsson; K. Andersson; L. Brynne; Rolf Wolff (1996).
Företag och Miljö i Bohuslän - en utvärdering. , GUP 37501
- Eva Gustavsson (1996).
Tjänsteförsäljning på den industriella marknaden. Säljare - köpare och relationens praktik. , GUP 37257
- Sten Jönsson (1996).
Accounting and Business Economics. Traditions in Sweden: A Pragmatic View ISSN: 0963-8180, GUP 37188
- Sten Jönsson (1996).
Perspecitves of Scandinavian Management , GUP 37189
- Sten Jönsson (1996).
Accounting for Improvement , GUP 37187
- Urban Ask; Christian Ax; Sten Jönsson (1996).
Cost Management in Sweden: From Modern to Post Modern , GUP 42001
- J. Agri; Lars Strannegård; Rolf Wolff (1996).
Forskningsstrategi för affärsdrivet miljöarbete , GUP 46947
- Annica Bragd; Rolf Wolff (1996).
Från produktkoncept till marknadskoncept - tre fallstudier om miljöanpassade produkter. , GUP 46493
- J. Agri; Lars Strannegård; Rolf Wolff (1996).
Forskningsstrategi för affärsdrivet miljöarbete, , GUP 46492
- Barbara Czarniawska; Guje Sevón (1996).
Translating organizational change. , GUP 37243
- F Belz; Lars Strannegård (1996).
Environmental management in Sweden and Switzerland. Empirical Results of a Comparative Study , GUP 38767
- Åke Beckerus; Anders Edström (1996).
En europeisk affärsunion med svenska förtecken , GUP 41118
- Olof Zaring (1996).
Capital budgeting for the unexpected ISSN: 0956-5221, GUP 40982
- Rolf Wolff (1996).
Ergebnisse des schwedischen Umweltbarometers. , GUP 38159
- Barbara Czarniawska; Bernward Joerges (1996).
Travels of ideas. , GUP 37947
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1996).
Managing the learning of ecological competence , GUP 37913
- Barbara Czarniawska (1996).
Changing times and accounts: Tales from an organization field. , GUP 37895
- Peter Dobers (1996).
The environmental reform and the reform projects , GUP 38492
- Sten Jönsson; Stefan Tengblad (1996).
A Career in International Management- What can we say about future role expectations? , GUP 38508
- Sten Jönsson (1996).
The Cultural Embeddedness of Management Accounting Practices: Swedish Teamwork , GUP 38797
- Barbara Czarniawska (1996).
The process of organizing. , GUP 37882
- Sten Jönsson (1996).
Decoupling hierarchy and accountability. , GUP 37925
- Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges (1996).
Learning Organizing in a Changing Institutional Order. The Case of Warzaw City Management , GUP 38553
- Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges (1996).
Anthropology and Organizational Learning , GUP 38558
- Sten Jönsson (1996).
Det personliga ansvaret, resursknappheten och kommunal ekonomi - resursfördelningsmodellen som kontext , GUP 38753
- Sten Jönsson (1996).
Low tech, strategy, and customer orientation , GUP 38746
- Sten Jönsson (1996).
Utveklingen av ledelseforskning i Norden - ett redaktörsperspektiv , GUP 38740
- Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges (1996).
Autobiographical Acts and Organizational Identities , GUP 37244
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1996).
Political Control Technologies and Environmental Spheres - Towards a New Paradigm of Environmental Control in Sweden. ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35686
- Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges (1996).
Management She Wrote: Organization Studies and Detective Stories , GUP 35615
- Henrikke Baumann; A. Tillman (1995).
Livscykelanalys - Ett beslutsinstrument för miljöanpassning , GUP 37887
- Petra Adolfsson; Peter Rosén; Rolf Wolff (1995).
Miljökompetens i Västsverige , GUP 232988
- Olof Zaring (1995).
Miljöhänsyn och investeringsplanering. Ett exempel från oljesektorn , GUP 37899
- Cecilia Solér (1995).
Att förstå miljövänlig konsumtion , GUP 37938
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1995).
Miljö som utmaning för strategiskt lärande. (pp. 201-210) , GUP 37897
- Stefan Tengblad (1995).
Chefsförsörjning. Aktörer, argument och handling. , GUP 37350
- Sten Jönsson (1995).
Research and Publication: Nordic Prospects. , GUP 37193
- Sten Jönsson; Sigvard Rubenowitz; Jörgen Westerståhl (1995).
Decentraliserad kommun : exemplet Göteborg , GUP 37194
- Sten Jönsson (1995).
Why not align management accounting research to managerial work? , GUP 37191
- Sten Jönsson (1995).
Goda utsikter : svenskt management i perspektiv , GUP 37190
- Urban Ask; Christian Ax; Sten Jönsson (1995).
ABC-kalkylering: Retorik har ersatt debatt ISSN: 1102-2922, GUP 42007
- Rolf Wolff; Bjarne Ytterhus (1995).
Business development under the environmental demands , GUP 47014
- Annica Bragd; Ulrika Holmberg; Rolf Wolff (1995).
Handelns utmaningar - en introduktion. En skrift gjord på uppdrag av Arbetslivsfonden. , GUP 46489
- Rolf Wolff; Bjarne Ytterhus (1995).
Environmental Management - Where do we stand? , GUP 46488
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1995).
Miljöstrategier - Ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv , GUP 46483
- Petra Adolfsson; Peter Rosén; Rolf Wolff (1995).
Miljöarbete i landet - en undersökning om försurande och stabila organiska ämnen. , GUP 46470
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1995).
Miljö som utmaning för strategiskt lärande , GUP 46321
- Peter Dobers; Rolf Wolff (1995).
Managing Ecological Competence - Empirical evidence and theoretical challenges ISSN: 0966-9671, GUP 46320
- Lars Strannegård (1995).
Kundorienterad miljöstrategi - Fallet Hemköp. , GUP 38155
- Birgitta Schwartz (1995).
Företagsstrategier för olika miljöutmaningar , GUP 35477
- Åke Beckerus; Anders Edström (1995).
Den europeiska rockaden. Svenska företag väljer ny strategi. , GUP 41121
- Peter Dobers; Birgitta Schwartz; Lars Strannegård; Olof Zaring; Rolf Wolff (1995).
Utvärdering av batteriavgift och batterifond, Rapport till Batteriutredningen (M 1995:03), 1995. , GUP 40984
- Sten Jönsson (1995).
Albert tera Vehn - ämnesteoretisk och organisatorisk institutionsbyggare , GUP 38153
- Eva Terrvik (1995).
Svenska Miljöbarometern Företag 1993 - En studie av trender i de svenska börsföretagens miljöbeteende , GUP 35803
- Peter Dobers (1995).
Strategier för miljöreformer - Detaljstyrande lagstiftning och experiment. , GUP 37926
- Eva Terrvik (1995).
Implementering av miljöstrategi genom eget miljövarumärke - Fallet Änglamark , GUP 37902
- Sten Jönsson (1995).
'Effektivitet - med demokrati och decentralisering' , GUP 38499
- Sten Jönsson; Rolf Solli (1995).
Anatomy of Decision - the Engendering Meeting , GUP 38521
- Petra Adolfsson; Ulrika Holmberg; Sten Jönsson (1995).
Short- termism does not seem to effect decisions in Swedish industry on Research & Development - yet. , GUP 38536
- Peter Dobers (1995).
Strategies for environmental reforms. , GUP 37931
- Cecilia Solér (1995).
Ecologically Friendly Buying - theoretical implications of a phenomenological perspective. , GUP 38154
- Sten Jönsson (1995).
Miljöredovisning - Maning till teoretisk forskning? , GUP 38156
- Sten Jönsson; Rolf Solli (1995).
``Ekonomi och effektivitet`` (Finances and effectiveness) and ``Ledning och Organisation`` (Management and Organization, , GUP 38157
- Jan-Erik Rosell (1995).
Modell för bedömning av underhållsorganisationer i förändring , GUP 38551
- Sten Jönsson (1995).
Why not align management accounting research to managerial work? , GUP 38561
- Cecilia Solér (1995).
Ecologically Friendly Buying - theoretical implications of a phenomenological perspective , GUP 38584
- Sten Jönsson (1995).
Management style seen as sedimentation caused by change and stability: the case of Sweden , GUP 38655
- Sten Jönsson (1995).
Accounting and Business Economics. Traditions in Sweden : A Pragmatic View , GUP 38654
- Peter Dobers (1995).
Strategies for environmental reforms , GUP 38747
- Hervé Corvellec (1995).
Translating Management Accounting Terms - The Case of "Performance" ISSN: 0897-3660, GUP 38304
- Stefan Tengblad (1995).
Kvalitetsarbete på svenska ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35658
- Sten Jönsson (1995).
'Management Control and Decentralization in the Welfare State- A Municipial Case Study' ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35655
- Olof Zaring (1995).
Oil and sustainability: a case study of policies and rules used in capital budgeting. , GUP 35529
- Sten Jönsson; L. Jansson; Rolf Solli (1995).
Management Control and decentralization in the Welfare State. - A municipal case study. , GUP 37149
- Rolf Wolff; Olof Zaring (1994).
Organisational Learning: The creation of ecological minds in organisations , GUP 40985
- Petra Adolfsson; Henrikke Baumann; Peter Dobers; Birgitta Schwartz; Torbjörn Svensson; Rolf Wolff (1994).
Miljökompetens i Västsverige , GUP 37507
- Petra Adolfsson; Henrikke Baumann; Peter Dobers; Birgitta Schwartz; Torbjörn Svensson; Rolf Wolff (1994).
Miljöprojekt Göteborg - För ett renare Hisingen - en utvärdering , GUP 46223
- Sten Jönsson; Jan Marton (1994).
The Regulation of Financial Reporting in the Nordic Countries/Sweden , GUP 38152
- Eva Gustavsson (1994).
Organisation av nyckelkundrelationer , GUP 37250
- Norman Macintosh; Sten Jönsson (1994).
Ethnographic Research in Accounting: a Neglected and Marginalised Paradigm. , GUP 37210
- Sten Jönsson; Rolf Solli (1994).
The Professional Dialogue and Finances in a Caring Setting ISSN: 1044-5005, GUP 37209
- Urban Ask; Christian Ax; Sten Jönsson (1994).
Cost Management in Sweden: From Modern to Post-Modern , GUP 38502
- Eva Terrvik; Rolf Wolff (1994).
Svenska miljöbarometern 1993 - en studie av trender i svenska företags miljöbeteende , GUP 46318
- Eva Terrvik (1994).
Svenska Miljöbarometern 1993 'The Business Environmental Barometer' (B.E.B) , GUP 35510
- Rolf Wolff; Torbjörn Svensson (1994).
Miljöprojekt Göteborg - en utvärdering. , GUP 46224
- Olof Zaring; Rolf Wolff (1994).
Business strategy and ecological adaptation: A research and learning challenge , GUP 40987
- Annica Bragd; Ulrika Holmberg; Rolf Wolff (1994).
Handelns utmaningar - en introduktion. En skrift gjord på uppdrag av Arbetslivsfonden. , GUP 40956
- Carl-Johan Andrén (1994).
Om kognitiva metoder och att generera begrepp , GUP 38560
- Eva Terrvik (1994).
Implementering av miljöstrategi via privata detaljhandels-märken - en fallstudie av Änglamark , GUP 39247
- Sten Jönsson (1994).
The Swedish Accounting Council , GUP 37883
- Jan-Erik Rosell (1994).
Underhållets organisation vid SOAB , GUP 38485
- Jan-Erik Rosell (1994).
En litteraturstudie av underhållets organisation , GUP 38486
- Petra Adolfsson; Eivor Langmann; Rolf Wolff (1994).
Arbetsplatsreformer i svensk handel - en kartläggning av Arbetslivsfondens branschsatsningar åren 1990-1994. , GUP 38545
- Sten Jönsson (1994).
Några reflektioner kring begreppet ""harmonisering"" i räkenskapsväsendet. , GUP 38151
- Hans Lian (1994).
Underhållets ekonomi i västra Sveriges verkstadsföretag , GUP 38557
- Sten Jönsson; Rolf Solli (1994).
'Housekeeping? Yes, but which house?' , GUP 38652
- Sten Jönsson (1994).
Decoupling Hierarchy and Accountability , GUP 38653
- Petra Adolfsson; Annica Bragd; Ulrika Holmberg; Rolf Wolff (1994).
Handeln i Göteborg , GUP 37510
- Stefan Tengblad; Rolf Wolff (1994).
Internationalisierung Schwedischer Unternehmen - Ein Vergleich mit Österreich ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35462
- Sten Jönsson; Norman Macintosh (1994).
Ethnographic Research in Accounting. A neglected and marginalized paradigm ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35692
- Sten Jönsson; Rolf Solli (1994).
Stadsdelscheferna och Reformen - Sammanfattning efter fyra år. , GUP 37158
- Ulrika Holmberg (1993).
Svenska konsumenters tillfredsställelse med möbel- & inredningsbutiker , GUP 83115
- Ulrika Holmberg (1993).
Svenska konsumenters tillfredsställelse med klädbutiker. , GUP 83111
- Ulrika Holmberg (1993).
Svenska konsumenters tillfredsställelse med dagligvarubutiker. , GUP 83109
- Sten Jönsson (1993).
Book Review: Sam Walton from a European Perspective... , GUP 37211
- Rolf Wolff (1993).
The role of LCA in Decision Making in Business - A contextual Approach. , GUP 46220
- Sten Jönsson (1993).
Integrating Operational and Strategic Knowledge Bases for Competitive Performance , GUP 37916
- Olof Zaring (1993).
The Greening of Capital Investment Decisions: An Oil Industry Case Study , GUP 39011
- Eva Terrvik (1993).
Service marketing and qualitative research , GUP 39101
- Peter Dobers (1993).
Driving Forces of Environmental Technology. The Development of Waste Incineration Air Pollution Control Technology , GUP 39246
- Sten Jönsson (1993).
Changing accounting regulatory structures in the context of a strong state , GUP 38522
- Rolf Wolff (1993).
The Role of LCA in Decision Making in Business - A Contextual Approach , GUP 38651
- Rolf Wolff; Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges; Kristina Genell (1993).
Constructing Identities in Interorganizational Fields: On Creating New Universities in Old Europe, University of Lund. , GUP 37245
- Anders Källström (1993).
90-talets ekonomistyrning. Det tredje steget ISSN: 1400-4801, GUP 35625
- Dorit Christensen (1992).
Hvordan bliver de store større ? Udfra 11 casestudier af iværksættervirksomheder undersøges det, hvordan iværksættervirksomhederne får øget vækst i antallet af ansatte. , GUP 162674
- Urban Ask; Christian Ax; Lars-Eric Bergevärn; Sten Jönsson (1992).
Calculative Practices and Cost Accounting in Swedish Industry: Evolution During the 20th Century , GUP 42056
- Henrik Hansson; Svante Leijon; Östen Ohlsson; Rolf Wolff (1992).
Reforms as experiments - or experiments without reform? Thirty years of changing work organisation in Sweden without learning , GUP 35672
- Eva Gustavsson; Carl-Johan Andrén; Rolf Wolff (1992).
Service in Industries , GUP 37261
- Eva Gustavsson (1992).
Serviceavtal - En studie av återförsäljarkunder , GUP 37246
- Sten Jönsson (1992).
Accounting for improvement: Action Research for local management support. ISSN: 0959-8022, GUP 37219
- Sten Jönsson (1992).
Global strategy, the technology factor and Improvement. , GUP 37213
- Ulrika Holmberg; G. Nilsson (1992).
Konsumenttillfredsställelse: En förstudie om varför konsumenter är nöjda/missnöjda med dagligvarubutiker , GUP 47686
- Birgitta Schwartz (1992).
The Body Shop, The Environment as a Mission , GUP 35472
- Cecilia Ljunggren (1992).
Green Consumer Behaviour - intentions and actions. A study on Swedish consumers buying green skin- and haircare products and cosmetics , GUP 39031
- Cecilia Ljunggren (1992).
Miljövänlig konsumtion - intention och handling. Förstudie om tvättmedelsval. , GUP 38989
- Sten Jönsson (1992).
Accounting for Improvement: Action Research on Local Management Support , GUP 38512
- Sten Jönsson (1992).
Integrating operational and strategic knowledge bases for competitive performance , GUP 38548
- Sten Jönsson; Rolf Solli (1992).
'Accounting Talk' in a Caring Setting , GUP 38647
- Benny Halldin; Stefan Schiller (1992).
Förslag till ett forskningsprogram inom området 'Underhåll med inriktning mot ekonomisk styrning' , GUP 38648
- Stefan Schiller; Sten Jönsson (1992).
Managing Maintenance in Automated Production , GUP 38751
- Rolf Wolff (1992).
Von Personalentwicklung durch politische Reform zu reformischer Praxis durch PE - Die Zukunft der schwedischen Organisationsentwicklung , GUP 38650
- Sten Jönsson; Rolf Solli (1992).
Stadsdelscheferna i Göteborg och reformen - Erfarenheter 1990-91 , GUP 37159
- Eva Ossiansson; Rita Mårtenson; G. Nilsson; Ulrika Holmberg (1991).
Brand Switching Due to Coupon Use in Food Retailing Among Price and Health Oriented Consumers. , GUP 47765
- Ulrika Holmberg; G. Nilsson; Rita Mårtenson; Eva Ossiansson (1991).
Customers' Perceptions of Service in Retailing. , GUP 47695
- Sten Jönsson (1991).
Accounting Elites and Accounting Theory: A reply to Paul Montagna. ISSN: 0361-3682, GUP 37221
- Sten Jönsson (1991).
Role-making for accounting while the state is watching. ISSN: 0361-3682, GUP 37220
- Sten Jönsson (1991).
Stadsdelschefernas förväntningar , GUP 37226
- Ulrika Holmberg; G. Nilsson (1991).
Customer Satisfaction - A Study of How to Get Satisfied Customers in Retailing. , GUP 47693
- Birgitta Schwartz (1991).
Utvärdering av differentierade taxor för industriavfall vid Tekniska verken i Linköping AB , GUP 35528
- Sten Jönsson; Rolf Solli (1991).
The professional dialogue and finances , GUP 37161