
Transition towards person-centred care – evaluation of a leadership program

Research project
Active research
Project size
650 000
Project period
2022 - 2023
Project owner
The Institute of Health and Care Sciences, University of Gothenburg

Short description

The purpose of this proposal is to study transition towards PCC by describing and evaluating the design and impact of a leadership program. The program is based on person-centred learning and developed in collaboration between GPCC and the Swedish Association of Health Professionals, and the study design is guided by The Medical Research Council framework. During year 2022-2023 the project will focus on program development and feasibility from different stakeholders’ perspectives. A variety of data sources will be applied and analysed with focus group-, content-analysis and descriptive statistics. Involvement of actors outside academia will be an integral part of the project that will be driven together with representatives from Vårdförbundet - the Swedish Association of Health Professionals, patients and professionals.


Emmelie Barenfeld, researcher/Reg. Occupational Therapist, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg

Eric Carlstöm, Professor, Nurse, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg

Qarin Lood, researcher/Reg. Occupational Therapist, Senior Lecturer, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg

Charlotte Klinga, Researcher, Scientific leader at FOU now/SLSO/Region Stockholm, Karolinska Institutet