Social exclusion and control
Short description
The Social Exclusion and Control research group conducts studies that take a critical look at the juncture between society and individuals or groups, as well as between welfare organizations and their clients. The research's focus is on actors and practitioners who, through categorisations of clients and/or constructions of their work, support or reproduce social exclusion. This can be in the form of unequal living conditions, suppressed voices, or marginalised positions. The living conditions for different groups in society, who are categorized in terms of social problems, are also studied.
About the research group
The research group consists of about 20 senior and junior researchers. Within the group, there are well-established collaborations with other universities and research groups, as well as with various actors in the practice of social work. Our research includes both doctoral and postdoctoral projects, as well as externally funded research. In terms of topics, the group conducts research in a number of different specific areas related to the broad definition of social exclusion and control (see Research Areas below).
In the research group, we work with formulating ideas and producing applications for research projects. We also have a multifaceted methodological competence, which together creates the conditions for innovative and dynamic research collaborations.
The group’s meetings focus on method issues, e.g. through analysis seminars based on different types of empirical material from ongoing projects, as well discussion of project ideas and other current topics. We read and discuss our own draft articles as well as published texts with theoretical relevance for our research area. We regularly organize research conferences for the field of social work practice and we also invite external researchers for special seminars.
Research areas
- alcohol and drug problems
- poverty and economic inequality
- homelessness and housing
- crime
- migration
- professional conditions in social work
- sexuality
- commercial sex
- support and control in social work
- youth issues
- violence in close relationships
- ageing and older people
disability studies