Atmosphere-Climate-Ecosystems (ACE)
Short description
Atmosphere-Climate-Ecosystems (ACE) embrace research covered by the two strategic research areas of BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate) and MERGE (ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system) at University of Gothenburg.
Atmosphere-Climate-Environment (ACE)
Atmosphere-Climate-Environment (ACE) at University of Gothenburg includes a significant numbers of excellent research environments engaging several departments. Within this area University of Gothenburg contributes to two strategic research areas (SRA):
- BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystems in a Changing Climate)
- MERGE – (Modelling the Regional and Global Earth system)
The SRA covers research at two faculties and four departments and is coordinated by a steering group. In connection to these SRA there are several projects, infrastructures and other related networks that together creates a unique strategic research profile within ACE at University of Gothenburg.
ACE connects researchers within atmospheric science, climatology, eco-physiology and environmental economics with research projects covering disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. A focus area is process understanding that contributes to better modelling capacity of climate and the environment to assess important scientific questions and applications within the societal challenge of environment and climate.
The research has implication for all the global goals of agenda 2030 but with a specific emphasis on goal 13 climate action, 15 life on land, and 3 good health and wellbeing.
The strategic research areas of BECC och MERGE at University of Gothenburg are the main platform for Atmosphere-Climate-Environment (ACE). University of Gothenburg appoints two coordinators as reprentatives in the SRA boards hosted by Lund Univeristy.
At GU the two SRA is administrated by a steering group. In addition, ACE is part of the graduate school ClimBEco with appointed contact persons.
- Coordinator for BECC at GU: Mats Björkman
- Coordinator for MERGE at GU: Mattias Hallquist
- Contact person ClimBEco MERGE: Xiangrui Kong
- Contact person ClimBEco BECC: Christine Bacon
BECC - Biodiversity and Ecosystems in a Changing Climate
BECC brings together scientists from the natural and social sciences to perform research essential in understanding the combined consequences of anthropogenic emissions, climate change and land-use change on biodiversity and ecosystem services on local, regional, national and global scales, to provide a scientific basis for the sustainable management of ecosystems and biodiversity.
In particular, BECC aims to:
assess the combined consequences of anthropogenic emissions, climate and land-use change on biodiversity and ecosystem services and provide a basis for informed societal responses, with a focus on critical changes in forest, agricultural, urban and arctic ecosystems, including interactions between terrestrial and aquatic systems.
support local, national and global policymakers through the scientific evaluations of policy options, including adaptation and mitigation strategies to global change, the conservation of biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems and their services.
create synergies and added value to global change research by developing and bringing together theories and methods from different disciplines such as biology, economics, environmental science, geology, political science and physical geography, and by integrating stakeholder experience in the research process.
BECC is coordinated by Lund university see webpage for more information: www.becc.lu.se
MERGE – Modelling the Regional and Global Earth system
MERGE brings together scientists to improve climate modelling. Reliable modelling of the Regional and Global Earth system is of utmost importance for society. Even though climate science is sufficiently robust to justify action on climate change mitigation and adaptation, the need to narrow down uncertainties that are central to assessing climate change and its impacts persists. Such uncertainties pertain to climate sensitivity, Earth System feedbacks and interactions and to incomplete understanding of key climate forcings and the interplay of physical and biological climate/Earth System components. This can be tackled with research that in turn supports mitigation and adaptation efforts on global, regional and local arenas.
The main aims of MERGE are:
- Strategic research on the terrestrial biosphere as a critical climate-system component, leading to Improved local, regional and global climate models with climate/vegetation interactions.
- Key contributions in national and international arenas, and fostering a new generation of scientists skilled in Earth System science and advanced climate modelling.
- Improve the societal relevance and use of climate model research and results.
MERGE is coordinated by Lund university see webpage for more information: www.merge.lu.se
Strategic research areas
ACE is to large extent built on governmental support of two strategic research areas that was implemented at the University of Gothenburg in 2010. The requirements for the support is research at the highest international level and to have strategic importance to the society.